More inspiring news from the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit: One brave man has taken a stand for male freedom by turning down a job because he would have had to report to a woman. With thick-rimmed glasses, to boot.
Iamlikethewindbaby’s comrades in Going Their Own Way know just how he feels!
Women and their vaginas, amirite fellas?
And what about those women who are going their own way? Sorry, I mean, those nasty old spinsters who never married because no man would have them?
And boy, those gals really hate us MGTOWs, huh?
Yeah, that’s right. You’re getting constantly fired because you’re so principled. Not because you’re an arrogant, hostile jerkwad who hates women.
Happen_On_A_Ciggy even agrees with the OP about those evil, scary … glasses!
But leave it to the lovely Ovendice — weren’t we just talking about him the other day? — to show up with a giant wall-o-text that cuts to the heart of the problem of women bosses, or even co-workers.
And that, of course, is the decorating. So, so much decorating.
Oh, and of course all those time-wasting false accusations.
Boy, it sure seems weird that women managers are always out when he gets in touch to set up sales meetings. I mean, what’s with that!?
It’s so weird. Whenever he arrives somewhere, it’s like all the women have just left!
MGTOWs! Although I’m a dude, I think I can speak for all women when I say that they really have no problem whatsoever with you guys going your own way — so long as wherever you go, it’s somewhere where they aren’t.
@Victorious Parasol
That’s what they seemed to do but it seems to me if they were serious, they’d tried to actually get a practicing lawyer. It’s not like they took forever to find one, they couldn’t have exhausted Canada’s lawyer supply in the time it took to find them, could they?
@ Pandapool
That’s an interesting point – just how long did it take for them to pick this guy? Had they chosen him as their legal champion before the Expo or afterwards? Of course, these are the same people who discuss their secret plans on public social media, so they may have been serious but clumsy.
Victorious Parasol:
Well, they need to be excluded from the expo in order to pull their scam of appealing for funds for a lawsuit. Issuing threats beforehand maximises the chance of that. Imagine if they attended, and nobody cared! That would be terrible!
@ Moggie
The horror! They’d be allowed to wander around the Expo without anybody paying attention to them! Their message would fall on deaf ears! Nobody would listen to their incredibly verbose speeches about how men are being oppressed, OPPRESSED, I tell you!
Hey is any one else going to be at the expo on saturday? it might be cool to meet up and maybe hang out for a bit.
Re: the HB choosing a disbarred fly-by-night attorney, IIRC they didn’t have any legal leg to stand on at all, and he was the only attorney-adjacent person shady enough to take the case.
You’ve jogged my memory, dreemr. Weren’t the HB congratulating themselves on selecting him, and defending how much money they were throwing at him? I couldn’t tell if they had been conned and didn’t realize it, or if they were uneasy about it but didn’t want to admit they’d been had.
What actual planet do these people live on? This doesn’t sound like reality in the slightest? Like, I just don’t get it and it blows my mind
@Buttercup Q Skullpants
isn’t there an issue in offices where the women are expected to plan the office parties but the men are not?
That’s the only day we’re not going. Prior commitments.
I have my suspicions that the HBs are now a money laundering front.
I hope they show up and get roundly ignored.
@Jewish Messiah
I’m sorry you went through that but you have to understand that the issues you experienced with not being listened to are not issues that are unique to men that are harassed by women but are issues that are experienced regardless of the gender of the harasser and the gender of the victim and labeling it as people didn’t believe you because your harasser was a woman erases the experiences of people (especially women) who are harassed by men
Oh well. Hope you have fun on the days you are going to be there.