Aaron Clarey, self-proclaimed “economist” and friend to such Manosphere luminaries as Davis Aurini and Matt Forney, is a white dude with many opinions about black people, and how, in his estimation, they are living their lives incorrectly.
He’s shared some of his unsolicited thoughts about black men in a self-published book with this totally not racist cover:
Well, today he decided to share some thoughts on black women, in a post with the lovely title “Black Moms Using Black Boys to Rake in a Payday.”
Here is the entire post:
I’m starting to wonder if these mothers really love their sons or just view them as a vehicle to sue the police when their “dindu nuffin” gangster son (that they failed to raise properly AND without a father) gets in trouble with the cops.
Yeah yeah, remember, we don’t need no STIIIINNNNNKING FATHERS!
If you click on the link in the post, you’ll see that it links to a Washington Post story about a Chicago mother who is suing the city and the two police officers who shot and killed her 16-year-old son, even though, the suit alleges, the boy “presented no threat” to the officers in question.
Here’s a picture of Pierre Loury’s mother, Tambrasha Hudson, taken the day after her son was killed.
Apparently Clarey thinks that she — and other black mothers — send their sons out into the world every day hoping that they get shot and killed by the police so they can cash in with a lawsuit.
Aaron Clarey, WTF is wrong with you?
For an economist, that photo of Clarey bears an unfortunate resemblance to Cletus the slack jawed yokel. Which, of course, would be offensive and insulting to decent slack jawed yokels in general.
I think the more appropriate question might be “What isn’t wrong with Aaron Clarey?”
This = thing of beauty
I’m focusing on that awful cover art too, if only to keep from becoming incoherent with rage. I thought Diddy too, but the other guy may be Lil Wayne (or maybe I’m just thinking that because he’s doing the Samsung ads where he pours high-end champagne on his Galaxy).
The sad thing is if that is Lil’ Wayne on the left then both of the black men on his cover are rich.
Edit: and I doubt he got permission to use either of the two images he inartfully mashed together.
@ Pandapool
No, Billy Corgan is not to be trusted. He went down the conspiracy tubes a while ago; his Twitter is full of Alex Jones shit about lizard people and contrails and mind control.
FWIW, he doesn’t seem malicious, just paranoid. It makes me sad.
Have you noticed that in the last few years, since the Tea Baggers came to notoriety, and now the same thing with Trump, the Alt Right has become the mainstream?
We have the same thing in England , where our biggest selling newspapers are The Sun and the Daily Mail.
The Mail online is very popular in the USA for some reason. It isn’t a newspaper, it’s a troll paper.
Like you, I didn’t bother to read Clarey’s comments. That photo of the mother being comforted by a friend/family member because her son was shot down (regardless of who did the shooting, by the way) is heart breaking enough.
I don’t wish on anyone, including racists like Clarey, the pain of losing a child. But I would hope that we could sympathize with grieving parents since from what I see in the media, White parents also lose their children to violence (see Sandy Hook).
Guess not.
Is anyone else dying to see what kind of grand old condescending “advice” he offers to blacks in his book? Dollars to Donuts it’s a bunch of shit like “stay in school” and “invest wisely”, as if black folks weren’t already doing this stuff and still failing due to systematic racism.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Nothing like a man with no children making judgements on how to raise children.