It’s too bad the US Treasury threw a big wet blanket on Trump fans’ celebrations of the Great Orange Hope’s big New York Primary victory yesterday.
Did I say “too bad?” I meant “ah hahaha ha ha ha.”
Anyway, on Twitter the people you would imagine would be most upset by the Harriet Tubman $20 bill are, well, the most upset.
id understand if they put MLK on money but tubman was a fucking criminal. what she did was illegal.
— William Lawrence QB2. (@jakeechristiee) April 20, 2016
Apparently libertys sees “freeing slaves” as some sort of crime against humanity. But sees actual crimes against humanity as something worth celebrating.
Harriet Tubman on 20$ bill 😲 affirmative action currency… Soon transgender gets on dime… Or will the dime identify as a quarter?
— Chuck Lindbergh (@rexgoodboy) April 20, 2016
Harriet Tubman was an early
American Terrorist assisting
Runaway Slaves using Underground Railroad They were not doing
Anything goodForUSA— Mark Hunter. @[email protected] (@mtjordanhunter) April 20, 2016
And then there were those who pulled out the n-word. No, not that n-word. This one:
Don’t worry. There were plenty of people who used the regular n-word as well.
If after all this you want to be reminded just how completely badass Tubman really was, here’s her story, as recounted by a very drunk person.
Maybe they’ll put you on the $10 bill, David.
God, how blind do you have to be to make a statement like that?
Harriet Tubman was a terrorist? I wonder what these guys think of genocidal war criminals, such as Andrew Jackson.
Never mind, I should stop wondering.
I wondered what their reaction was going to be. And of course, they didn’t disappoint.
It does perk me up a bit to think they’ll have to see Harriet Tubman constantly whenever they use a $20.
Also: celebrations of womens’ suffrage and of another woman of color (singer) on other bill denominations! It’s a good day!
Unironically calling slaves “property.” I really can’t think of anything to add to that.
I did the happy dance today when I saw that Tubman is going to go on the $20.
The racists can keep whining. Their tears are delicious.
I look forward to this individual and all the other racists boycotting the $20 bill starting mid-2020s when the Jackson bills become an endangered species.
Words cannot fucking express how awful, willfully ignorant, and absolutely fucking shitty these people are.
Like, they make me feel bad for literal feces for comparing these people to them. Poop is just a natural part of life. These repugnant views are not, nor should they be.
“All against God”, but shitty spelling and poor comprehension of the concept A-okay!
Everything you “know” is wrong. That “property” was human, and she rescued them from slavery.
You mean he forced them to move so that white people could steal their land. And many of them died along the way.
But I guess crimes against humans of other colors don’t count with you, eh?
Bad laws were made to be broken. And freeing enslaved people is a thing to be proud of, not sorry for.
Wow, look who slept through high school history. And just think, this is a typical representative of the Master Race.
Wow. Nobody show this moron the plantations, he’ll never believe that they were built on the backs of slaves!
This poem
sucks royally
No one wants a mangy old orangutan on their $20, either.
Geez, who knew there were this many descendants of the Confederacy.
It’s almost amusing that these pissants are complaining more about Harriet Tubman’s opposition to human beings being owned than about human beings being owned.
They can rest somewhat easy though, since Jackson will be on the back of the bill. So the pro-genocide, racist shitpiston will still be on the $20.
…. I don’t think that word means what you think it means, honey-cheeks.
Expect a bunch of defaced $20s in the future.
Th… whah…
The Trail of Tears was “giving the Indians a new home”?
I – is this the state of history education in the Southern US? Or is this just blind racism?
Goodness. That one hit me a lot harder than I was expecting. That … I have no words for that.
Never heard of Tubman and broadcasting the fact. Go look her up, you ignorant fool.
Drew Leonard never heard of Tubman? I learned about her in elementary school.
Jesus wept.
@ Bina
I’d be entertained to see the Librarian on the $20 but since he’s neither dead nor an American, I shall have to live in disappointment.
(Okay, yes, he’s also fictional. I’m grasping at ways to regain my faith in humanity here, and Pratchett does that for me.)
@scildfreya, as a bona-fide Southern person, I can tell you the state of history is is bad. But I do remember her being mentioned. (I was also taught that the Civil War was about ‘economics’, rather than slavery, but they managed not to pretend it was a good thing.)
As for the unhappy Twitter humans, I never say that I’ve seen it all. But a few of those…whoa.
First time I get one of these new $20s, I’m putting it on my wall. It’ll be my racist shitbag litmus test for anyone who visits me.
Well, they can all feel free to send me their unwanted twenties. I will very happily take them off their hands! They will never have to look at another ten or twenty dollar bill again…
Oh, that’s right, they probably haven’t seen them anyway, as its difficult to believe anyone would employ them.
I’m framing my first one, too. Just because!
Of course these scum, who fantasize about not paying their taxes and about taking up arms to fight a race war, suddenly develop an immense and ineluctable respect for the letter of the law whenever a person of color breaks it. It doesn’t matter if the law is as unjust as one treating human beings as objects to be bought, sold, worked, and killed: the law’s the law… for non-whites and non-cismen.
How often will we use cash by the time the new twenty is out?
Every time they go to the ATM: Harriet Tubman! Harriet Tubman! Harriet Tubman!
The Trail of Tears was about “giving Indians a new home” in the same way that Hiroshima was about urban renewal. These people. I can’t.