antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

“A short ugly hambeast gamed him and got him,” and other tales of MGTOW woe

Is this how the world ends?
Is this how the world ends?

Men Going Their Own Way have a keen eye when it comes to spotting subtle injustices that the rest of us often miss.

Like, for example, the terrible injustice that is … fat chicks dating dudes who aren’t themselves fat.

One Reddit MGTOW recently reminded his comrades just how pervasive this terrible injustice has become in the contemporary world.

Walked round a crowded shopping mall yesterday. (self.MGTOW) submitted 1 day ago by bombow I kept seeing handsome, pleasant naive looking young guys hand in hand with stern angry fat women. NO NO NO

Preach it, brother!

Others in the MGTOW subreddit reported their own findings.

DforDeadpool 4 points 20 hours ago We had a guy when we were in high school. He was tall, athletic, handsome. He was the silent type. A short ugly hambeast gamed him and got him. They dated for 3 years (didn't see them after HS). He thought he was pretty happy.

He THOUGHT he was happy. Just as the German citizens under Hitler THOUGHT they were free!

Little did he know that his life could have been snuffed out in a moment had his girlfriend — *shudder* — decided to sit on him. We have lost too many men, cut down in their prime by hambeast girlfriends who thought it might be “funny” to pretend that their boyfriends were chairs.

Another MGTOW Redditor applied some powerful STEM logic to the problem:

lauranium 1 point 18 hours ago It's about a 3 point difference right now...8 level men get level 5 women...yup it's rough out there....most men are morons in terms of value

Can society long survive with the attractiveness ratio so far out of whack? What kind of world is it when dudes who are EIGHTS are saddled with level 5 plain janes? Or when men who are average joes find themselves trapped in completely voluntary relationships with level 2 hambeasts, some of whom are quite angry and/or stern.

It is the thoughtful ovendice — we’ve met him before — who brings real clarity and wisdom to this difficult issue.

Ovendice 5 points 16 hours ago They don't have to stay thin because there are so many desperate men, Feminism tells them staying attractive and thin is 'oppressive' and most women are pigs anyway. Seriously, Feminists call men pigs, but there TRULY is a night and day difference, most women are completely self absorbed and beyond greedy and entitled. It's hard for men to even BE pigs even if they tried because we literally have to work for everything. Women just get a free ride and everything for free.

I can’t argue with that! Mainly because I have no idea what he’s talking about. How does working hard prevent men from being pigs?

Here’s a song I don’t think MGTOWs are going to like very much.

NOTE: This post contains


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8 years ago

Ugh, should be YOP.

But then again, I don’t believe he’s really Russian, so.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

And don’t let the door hit your sorry fake-Russian ass on the way out.

I was going to say, I work with Russians and Ukrainians, and none of them even remotely write like this. Or talk like this.

I mean, the guy’s vocabulary includes words like “heifer”, “Godforsaken”, “psychotically”, and “malady” (all perfectly spelled) but hasn’t developed to the point where he can use articles? Sure, whatevs.

He’s trying to channel Yakov Smirnov, but the ushanka slipped and his fedora is showing. Fuck off back to 4chan, khoroshiy paren’.

8 years ago

It’s kind of funny. These guys’ values have no place in my life. I mean that literally – there’s no one in my life who openly expresses anything even remotely like that. And based on peoples’ general behavior, I seriously doubt anyone’s hiding anything. So it’s easy to laugh and write it off as a delusional fantasy, even knowing that they’re often doing serious harm to themselves and others.

I know a lot of men who are happy. They have female friends whom they aren’t interested in having sex with. They’re not obsessed with looks or weight. If they have lovers or spouses, it’s all about sexual and social compatibility. If they have exes, then they’re often still friends with those exes. As far as I know, none of them care all that much about adding to one’s notch count. Total beta mangina cuckity-cuck-cuck losers who only think they’re happy, amirite?

My boyfriend is not very attractive or wealthy, is one of the cuckediest betas of them all, and he gets three girlfriends. Well, me mostly, but when I can’t be with him or he really wants to see one of the other two I just say “have fun” and really mean it. It would be pretty funny to see one of those manospherian types try to explain that one, provided that it didn’t result in a complete mental breakdown (I wouldn’t wish that even on awful people).

jy3, Social Justice Beguiler
jy3, Social Justice Beguiler
8 years ago

I’ve seen a bit of FemPUA. It’s mostly sold as “how to marry the man of your dreams” rather than “how to bang a different hottie every night”. Since I don’t feel like supporting sexist jackasses regardless of their intended market, I have no idea whether their methods and ideas are more or less objectionable.

8 years ago

@Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur

So I stayed home after high school in order to take care of a crumbling family and ride through a nasty divorce that my mother and step-father were going through. . . .

Well, when the divorce went sour and my half-siblings were taken away (and I feel like on some days, I was more of their father than their real father was), I went on to live in California with my aunt. She lost her house, her job, and sometimes I think she lost her will to live on some days. If it wasn’t for me going to school and keeping the house clean for her, she would probably die and rot in her own filth.

Whoa! Listen, you deserve a medal. And someday some young woman will be very happy to have found you (if that’s what you want, of course).

8 years ago

I’ve been told that I shouldn’t criticize Atlas Shrugged because I haven’t read it. However, the reason I haven’t read it (and don’t foresee myself doing so) is because of its reputation for obnoxious political fanboys. Also, my Grandpa doesn’t agree with Ayn Rand and in spite of the many bad things he’s done (mostly before my time), I usually respect him and his opinions quite a bit. Also, if anyone wants to hear a bit about my Grandpa, I’d be happy to tell some stories.

8 years ago

Share some stories plz. ^_^

8 years ago

Okay then.

My Grandpa was, I think, born in the 1940s (I forget his exact age but he grew up during McCarthyism). He knew how to drive before he was 10 and he and his friends would load shotguns with birdshot and pelt one another in the back. Been a tobacco smoker as long as he can remember. Always got told not to let the cahmunists win but was never told who they were. I guess he’s pretty dang American, huh?

Unfortunately, mental healthcare was extremely poor, and later in life he was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Grandpa believed in having his first million by age 30, but he’s been homeless for God knows how long. Hell, he stays intermittently at me and my parent’s house, and is downstairs as I write this.

My Papa is my stepgrandfather, after Grandpa divorced my Grandma Florence. She left because he was always out having affairs, gambling (a habit that persists to this day, he’s got a Choctaw shirt on as I write this), and other such dubious actions. I guess he just can’t sit still, he’s the rolling stone.

In spite of all this, he and my Dad have largely made up and I guess they did so either before my birth, or around the time of my birth. He’s been taking medication the past few years and that’s probably helped, and he’s been cutting back on his cigarette use. Unfortunately, I hear he pisses blood and he has coughing fits from time to time, so he’s probably already got cancer and he’s decided not to get treatment in any case.

I think Grandpa is really a good person at heart, and I support this by citing his actions against his half son. His half son is not only a literal bastard, but a figuritive one too. Neither he nor his wife cares about taking care of their adorable infant daughter, and they care so little for their older son (he’s around 10) that he wore diapers until age 6. My grandpa tried (with no avail) to get his half son to surrender custody of their daughter to my immediate family. Other than that, there have been times where I’ve just sat there…talking to him. About nothing much. He also taught me to drive and helped me to gain confidence in doing so. I guess this post can be considered a sort of tribute to him.

Apologies if this went on too long, but I struggled to find the right words and the right place to use them. Now, if only I could find the motivation that I used writing this to write my Gaiman paper.

8 years ago

I don’t want to be that person, but my kid was still in pullups at age 6 and it doesn’t mean I don’t take care of him. He’s just autistic and potty training is hard. He could explain black holes to you at that age, but he couldn’t tell when he needed to pee.

a POIsonous snack
a POIsonous snack
8 years ago


Sure, and I’ll bet you use the same logic with books like:

The Bible

The Koran/Quran

Mein Kampf

The Communist Manifesto

The State and Revolution

The Catcher in the Rye

anything by Bukowski or Cormac McCarthy

William Shakespeare, because Harold Bloom.

You’re not excused from studying the book itself just because you don’t like the fans of it. I rather think that you just don’t like the idea that you might find that you like Rand, or agree with some of the things that she says, so you refuse to read it.

8 years ago

In his case though, it was probably neglect. I mean this couple neglects an *infant*, and I think even gives drowsiness-inducing OTC drugs to her to put her to sleep

8 years ago

Leaving left to catch moose and squirrel.

8 years ago

What is an “equality tattoo” and where can I get one?

As someone who owns socks older than some of these trolls, I’m always fascinated by how long ago they think feminism started. This guy apparently believes it was the 1980s. I ran into a kid on Reddit who thought women started getting out of hand within the last ten years. I should make a chart.

8 years ago

The neglect and/possible drugging of an infant is absolutely horrible. I can only hope that good things even from…problematic for her parents…events occur so the happy for her will soon begin.

It has to be hard for your gramps to watch and hard for you as well. But you can deal with the things you have control in, spend time with the family, and you never know when an opportunity to be part of a “heroic action” for a small persons sake might come along.

8 years ago


I don’t want to be that person, but my kid was still in pullups at age 6 and it doesn’t mean I don’t take care of him. He’s just autistic and potty training is hard. He could explain black holes to you at that age, but he couldn’t tell when he needed to pee.

That was kind of like me at the age of six. I sadly gave my parents some anxiety and frustration because of it. A therapist thought I had Aspergers and I am in the autistic spectrum, at least in online tests so I don’t know how reliable they are.

8 years ago

My brother is autistic and I remember him being really slow to potty train too. He also wet the bed a lot.

8 years ago


What is an “equality tattoo”

Two short parallel lines, sometimes rainbow coloured. May include (or consist entirely of) the word equality.

and where can I get one?

Pretty much anywhere; wrists, forearms, and shoulders are the most popular locations, but it’s your skin, you can put it wherever.

8 years ago

thanks for the feedback everyone.


“Why is it good thing when healthy genetically desirable attractive man with good DNA date, marry and reproduce with unhealthy, undesirable, unattractive women?”

– dating =\= babies
– fat =\= unhealthy
– skinny =\= healthy
attractive = subjective
attractive =\= healthy
unattractive =\= unhealthy
– DNA isnt “good” or “bad”.
– There is no one single gene for things like conventionally attractive. Geneticists havent even worked out all the was genes work
– science is not a subjective imagination game

I was gonna burn the whole comment, but tbh that first part is so ignorant why bother. skip to the end:

“because world is not equal.”

the concept of equality has nothing to do with every human having the same exact body including the same brain. It just means everyone gets the same human rights, regardless.

a POIsonous snack
a POIsonous snack
8 years ago


Stop it, just… Stop. No, your dollars are not 70% of ours, even most feminists are willing to admit that this supposed wage gape of which you all speak is at least .90 – .95 cents for everyman’s dollar. The majority* of the wage gap is the result of women’s choices – don’t you support women’s choices, or do you intend to make women “equal” to men by forcing them into the same professions as them, and basically just make them over as men?

*I am uncertain as to whether or not the remaining 5 – 10 cents is truly the result of sexism, but I don’t think it terribly productive to assert that it is; that is almost a sort of “god of the gaps” argument for feminists.

a POIsonous snack
a POIsonous snack
8 years ago


I know you meant that comment as an attack on men’s rights, but the sad thing is that that’s the truth of the matter. Every word of that comment, I mean. It’s sad that at times like this you almost come close to realizing the truth, of getting to the heart of things, but it’s like something is stopping you from finally making that last connection. Of course, I’m assuming that you’re a woman, in which case, most of this is already known to you (albeit on a deep, subconscious, primal level that might be unbeknownst to you), but this speaks, I think, to your ability to delude yourselves into thinking that you’re not like this. This is just human biology.

8 years ago

Atlas Shrugged is a shitty book written by a shitty human being.
Save yourself from straining your eyeballs rolling them over and over again by skipping it. It is not a great work comprable to Shakespeare or the Quran. It is drek.

a POIsonous snack
a POIsonous snack
8 years ago


If you’re going to criticize Rand and refuse to read her because of the fanboys, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t apply that logic to other works.

I find it funny that someone on an ostensibly feminist site thinks that the Quran is a “great work,” considering that the kind of people who hold views similar to those espoused in it are frequently the subject of criticism and a source of comedy to the people of this site. Why do feminists tolerate the sexism of Islam, but complain about western (mostly white) men who “man spread?”

8 years ago

“Also, Yup tuvoye mat’.”

Argh, I really hope you wrote it while not understanding the meaning. It means “f*ck your mother”. One of the most awful Russian swearing, IMO.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ virgin mary

You might be interested to know that Barbra Streisand was pressured by her management to have a nose job. She refused. Primarily that was because she was concerned that the procedure might affect her singing voice; but she also regarded her natural look as a big part of her identity.

(The irony is of course that Barbra is gorgeous by any objective standard anyway)

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

My in-law family thought of me as “large” when I was 5’9″ and weighed….110 pounds!

I’m around 5’8” and weigh 128 pounds.I assume, cause I used a converter for kg to pounds and cm to feet, soo I’m around 176 in height and weigh around 58 kg. But still, according to your in-laws, I can pass for a hambeast.

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