antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

“A short ugly hambeast gamed him and got him,” and other tales of MGTOW woe

Is this how the world ends?
Is this how the world ends?

Men Going Their Own Way have a keen eye when it comes to spotting subtle injustices that the rest of us often miss.

Like, for example, the terrible injustice that is … fat chicks dating dudes who aren’t themselves fat.

One Reddit MGTOW recently reminded his comrades just how pervasive this terrible injustice has become in the contemporary world.

Walked round a crowded shopping mall yesterday. (self.MGTOW) submitted 1 day ago by bombow I kept seeing handsome, pleasant naive looking young guys hand in hand with stern angry fat women. NO NO NO

Preach it, brother!

Others in the MGTOW subreddit reported their own findings.

DforDeadpool 4 points 20 hours ago We had a guy when we were in high school. He was tall, athletic, handsome. He was the silent type. A short ugly hambeast gamed him and got him. They dated for 3 years (didn't see them after HS). He thought he was pretty happy.

He THOUGHT he was happy. Just as the German citizens under Hitler THOUGHT they were free!

Little did he know that his life could have been snuffed out in a moment had his girlfriend — *shudder* — decided to sit on him. We have lost too many men, cut down in their prime by hambeast girlfriends who thought it might be “funny” to pretend that their boyfriends were chairs.

Another MGTOW Redditor applied some powerful STEM logic to the problem:

lauranium 1 point 18 hours ago It's about a 3 point difference right now...8 level men get level 5 women...yup it's rough out there....most men are morons in terms of value

Can society long survive with the attractiveness ratio so far out of whack? What kind of world is it when dudes who are EIGHTS are saddled with level 5 plain janes? Or when men who are average joes find themselves trapped in completely voluntary relationships with level 2 hambeasts, some of whom are quite angry and/or stern.

It is the thoughtful ovendice — we’ve met him before — who brings real clarity and wisdom to this difficult issue.

Ovendice 5 points 16 hours ago They don't have to stay thin because there are so many desperate men, Feminism tells them staying attractive and thin is 'oppressive' and most women are pigs anyway. Seriously, Feminists call men pigs, but there TRULY is a night and day difference, most women are completely self absorbed and beyond greedy and entitled. It's hard for men to even BE pigs even if they tried because we literally have to work for everything. Women just get a free ride and everything for free.

I can’t argue with that! Mainly because I have no idea what he’s talking about. How does working hard prevent men from being pigs?

Here’s a song I don’t think MGTOWs are going to like very much.

NOTE: This post contains


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Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


You don’t sound at all like the kind of person I’m talking about. 🙂

I’m not big on eye contact myself, and I totally get that it might seem as if people aren’t listening, even when they are. These people I’m talking about can’t possibly hear what I’m saying, since they won’t let me complete a sentence. :p

8 years ago

If they interrupt you, I suggest something along the lines of, “That’s a great [question/observation]. Let’s get back to that in a moment; I want to make sure we go over the basics first, then we can discuss it further.” If they look like they’re not paying attention, it’s not rude to ask them to repeat what you said to make sure they got it, since you’re training them. “Could you repeat that back to me? I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.” Or even tell them at the start you’re going to quiz them, and anything they don’t seem to pay attention to can be a quiz question at the end.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@IP Can you present the information in a different way that discourages interruptions and derailing? Are you sitting face to face, or are you taking them around on a tour? Can you have a third person sit in on the session whose job it is to steer the conversation back on track?

In my earlier post, I didn’t mean to literally require them to repeat what you say. However, sometimes people are more likely to retain important stuff when they have the opportunity to replay the instructions themselves (for example, watching you log in, then trying it themselves; or trying to teach someone else how to do it). That probably works better for procedures than for rules, but it has the benefit of keeping people engaged and not running at the mouth.

8 years ago

Forgive me for this, but I only JUST now realized:

“a short ugly hambeast gamed him and got him”

(emphasis mine)

It never occurred to me that they would believe women could also game men. Where are all the women PUA sites and advice? What kind of “game” would a woman run? Or do they consider the lack of such advice sites to be “proof” that women have no need of game as they indeed run the world (or at least the sexual marketplace)?

Thinking about it, I assume they believe a woman’s game would be something like spermjacking, or faking a pregnancy?

Strange that I never even considered that side of things.

A.C. Doyle
A.C. Doyle
8 years ago

@Freemage — I think you hit the nail on the head with #5. No men are bald or poor or obnoxious or sexist or racist either. Those are merely misconceptions on the part of SJWs who aren’t real Gamers and have castration-scissors tucked into their size-8 fat-pockets. Jayzus Effing Nailholes, I know so many unemployed guys with tremendous paunches and comb-overs and living at their Mom’s and driving K-cars and wearing baracutas who are convinced that every woman in their little suburban tract is a great big fattie out to steal their 13-inch wide 1989 television and make them pay the tab at Applebee’s — so why bother?

MGTOW is the greatest gift they could offer the real world.

8 years ago

Are you under the impression that made a lick of sense? Because, no. It was argle gargle.

Still, you tried. Good for you. You tried so hard.

Run along now. We wouldn’t want you squandering anymore of that…um… your glorious…err…wisdom on us.

8 years ago

My very short term memory is horrendous. I’m shy generally (until I have this idea that I think is brilliant but rarely is, and I just have to shout it. Ironic?). My eyes’ll meet yours and then fly off literally anywhere else. I memorize greetings (‘how are you?’ ‘I’m good.’ ‘Hello.’ ‘I’m good. fuck!‘). This gets more pronounced in groups. This is all to say that, for me, asking me to repeat things works. Really well. You get to know I was paying attention (and I always am, honest), and I get to show off a little, proving to myself that I did remember the whole grocery list, thank you very much. YMMV with other people, but anecdotally, it wouldn’t necessarily be the worst way to go

On Topic: Value, huh?
Economically speaking, the value of human capital is determined by their capacity to do productive labor, that is to increase the value of other capital. In the case of erotoromantic relationships, that translates to the ability to enrich the life, happiness, a/o wellbeing of one’s partner(s). Being an MRA shitstain, for example, is an automatic negative, and judging by the droves of you who are single despite your ‘foolproof game, brah’, it seems imperically clear that you’re value can’t be very high. If the guy dating a ‘landwhale’ seems happy, chances are it’s cos he’s a normally happy person. And now he’s found someone, who’s fun/interesting/caring/dynamite in the sack/all of the above and more. She’s not a 5, she’s his 10. Assmunch

8 years ago

@Space Alpaca:

Haven’t posted here in a while, but if anyone was wondering about my friend/coworker’s situation with Captain Creepbag harassing her at work, there’s been a bit of an update. She did indeed get fed up and go to our boss again, coming specifically from the ‘he’s wasting our time’ angle. She talked to our boss on Thursday or Friday the week before last.
Creepbag has not been in to work in 7 work days now. I have no idea if this is related or not but I mean hey, he’s not around, and whether it’s temporary or not, it’s nice to be free of him for now.
She is also leaning farther and farther in the direction of taking the other job she’s been offered every day (there’s no deadline on it right now). So overall it looks like we’re not quite there, but we’re heading for a happy ending.

I am SO glad to hear this. Let’s hope Creepbag is out of there permanently…and if he isn’t, good speed to your friend with that other job. May it prove the best thing she’s ever done, careerwise.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago


Why is it good thing when healthy genetically desirable attractive man with good DNA date, marry and reproduce with unhealthy, undesirable, unattractive women?

First of all, attractive =/= healthy. Plenty of gorgeous people harbor chronic diseases, or are infertile, or carry recessive genes like PKU. Plenty of overweight people are otherwise healthy, strong, and fit.

Second of all, what is “good DNA” and who gets to define it? It’s a slippery slope. Some people consider black skin to be inferior. What about nearsighted and bald people? Allergies? The list is endless. Where do you draw the line? What’s acceptable and what’s not?

If left up to everyone to decide, then no one qualifies to have kids. That includes you, and all your warts and imperfections. Nobody appointed you the lifeguard of the gene pool.

Third of all, genetic diversity. Look what happens to dog breeds when humans try to control for a narrow set of characteristics.

Fourthly, there’s regression to the mean. Attractive man + attractive woman does not guarantee an equally attractive healthy child, and same for “undesirable” men and women. Ever seen a supermodel’s parents?

Fifthly, you sound like a

Yes. Is very good thing if you are heifer with equality tattoo on forearm

major tool.

8 years ago

Being confined does NOT equal lazy, guys!

It’s surprising how this applies to a whole load of other things too.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

And sixthly, not everyone wants kids. Dating isn’t always about reproducing.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Lemme get out my bingo card.

Why is it good thing when healthy genetically desirable attractive man with good DNA date, marry and reproduce with unhealthy, undesirable, unattractive women?

Changing the topic to “health”: check.

This result of politically correct American society with artificial culture. This not good thing. This trend prove how weak white men in this country have become after 30+ years non-stop cultural brainwashing. Weak. Clueless. No “game”. No confidence. Relegated.

Racism: check.
“Game”: check.
“Culture”: check.

Yes. Is very good thing if you are heifer with equality tattoo on forearm. Other than this.. why is it good thing??? It flout nature. You flinch to look at it. I talk with American guys like this. Probe. Ask questions. These men do not even have courage to put me in my place! This reinforce my original position they are weak and insecure in present situation.

Naturalistic fallacy: check.
Insufficient information about nature to properly use the naturalistic fallacy: check.
Conflict-dependent masculinity: check.

I find study of humanity in your country to be a paradox of hypocrisy and bullshit.

The Internet is a country: check.

Hold up, earlier it was “this” country, now it’s “your” country. Whose country is the Internet, anyway?

If anyone on this website or in this world had conscious choice of being born into this Godforsaken world not one single person would choose unattractive parents. That just fact. Nobody would choose undesirable traits or genetic malady. Yet you cheer and celebrate this when it suits your pleasure?

‘Splaining to strangers: check.

Is normal to have occasional “chubby chaser”, poor alcoholic, or psychotically insecure man who encourage wife to gain 300 pounds fearing to lose her.

Word salad: check.

But as percentage this type of man, specifically white man, have grown exponentially in you country.

The Internet is again a country: check.

The underlying reasons are serious cause for study. Yet you never find any study on this outside internet because is not “politically correct”. So universities or think tanks will not dare to touch.

Conspiracy theory: check.

America is slowly, slowly becoming different version of old USSR. First you cheer. Then you cry in pain. You cannot have equality in this world because world is not equal.

Oh, now the Internet is America! Glad we cleared that up.

I think I blacked out my bingo card. Thanks for playing!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Hold up, earlier it was “this” country, now it’s “your” country.

I have a sneaking suspicion that he’s pretending to be Russian, complete with a racist impersonation of how 4Chan thinks Russians talk, but slipped up and gave the game away by calling America both his and not-his. Presumably as a setup for that “YOU’RE ALL AS BAD AS THE COMMIES!!!” bit at the end.

A Space Alpaca
A Space Alpaca
8 years ago

I cannot stop laughing at how that whole rant boiled down to “COMMUNISM!”

8 years ago


Would you?

Also, lol.

8 years ago

And seventh…ly(?), even those who do intend to reproduce aren’t necessarily concerned about whether their children will be conventionally attractive and supermodel-thin. Relationships are meant to be an end in themselves, not a means to produce the next Swedish volleyball team.

8 years ago

Is it always better to have attractive parents? Because, if given the choice between parents who are loving and involved but not conventionally attractive or abusive, neglectful parents who look like underwear models, I choose the first option. I think it’s kind of weird to be so concerned with your parents hotness though.

Also, people’s looks change over time. My mom was skinny in her teens and twenties, overweight in her thirties and fourties, and now skinny again. Is she a good or bad parent? I’m confused.

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
8 years ago


I find it quite hilarious that you think guys like me are “weak” and “feeble”, yet if you even had to spend an hour in the day of my life, you’d probably go batshit crazy with all the things you’d be sacrificing just to insure that the family you love doesn’t implode on itself.

I “get it”, some of us guys didn’t join the armed services to go kill people the US of A didn’t like or worshiped a different imaginary friend than we do. If I went into the service, I would have gone into the army of engineers as my grandfather did, but I have no desire to build and maintain weapons that can kill hundreds of people, even myself. So I stayed home after high school in order to take care of a crumbling family and ride through a nasty divorce that my mother and step-father were going through. That man was the biggest asshole I’ve ever dealt with, and he reeks of the usual insecurities and privileged as most white trash of his kind does… Including the fact that he got away with child abuse and yet still expected me to call him “dad”.

Well, when the divorce went sour and my half-siblings were taken away (and I feel like on some days, I was more of their father than their real father was), I went on to live in California with my aunt. She lost her house, her job, and sometimes I think she lost her will to live on some days. If it wasn’t for me going to school and keeping the house clean for her, she would probably die and rot in her own filth. My and aunt I don’t always agree on everything, but she’s much better off with me providing for her… After all, she’s a baby-boomer, and she does NOT want to be spending the rest of her days in a retirement home.

But I forgot, I must kill someone in order to make a “sacrifice” or to “prove my strength”, not stick around and end up being the only family member that gives a crap about my elderly aunt, making sure there’s a warm meal on the table and that the lights stay on, or to actually realize how big of an impact I had on my siblings when we were younger.

8 years ago

It’s funny how good genes can only be hotness genes. Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey are both obscenely wealthy, they’re successful business people, it’s safe to say they’re highly intelligent. Neither are conventionally hot. Do they have good or bad genes?

Or if good and bad genes really are only about looks, what if a large and muscular professional basketball player who is looks wise, very much and alpha male has a daughter who looks more like him than his supermodel mom. That is, she’s large and athletic and not as feminine looking as beauty standards require. Were the genes good when they belonged to dad but morphed into bad genes when passed on to daughter. The reverse can be true as well. What if a mom who is tiny and waifish like the MGTOW demands has a son who is short and skinny, therefore a nerd who doesn’t even lift? Do those genes go from good to bad too?

Misogynistic evopsych fans always assume daughters look like mothers and sons look like fathers. That’s not how DNA works.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I have a sneaking suspicion that he’s pretending to be Russian, complete with a racist impersonation of how 4Chan thinks Russians talk, but slipped up and gave the game away by calling America both his and not-his. Presumably as a setup for that “YOU’RE ALL AS BAD AS THE COMMIES!!!” bit at the end.

I have no idea how many men in Russia know enough about American “cultural brainwashing” to put a number of years on how long it has allegedly been happening, or give even the first shit about something so pettily domestic, but my guess is that the number is quite low!

8 years ago


Also, why do these philosopher-kings and shitlords think that pigs are lazy? They need to look up the phrase “root hog or die” which refers to an old farming practice of turning pigs loose to fend for themselves instead of feeding them.

Once again, they are ignorant of the reality about not only women, but pigs, which are kept in confinements (which are nasty and don’t allow for excessive movement). Being confined does NOT equal lazy, guys!

It’s almost like these “philosopher kings” created a School of Antiknowledge where every falsity is turned into dogma. Perhaps they’re desperately running away from the truth.

A Space Alpaca
A Space Alpaca
8 years ago

@WWTH Bill Gates isn’t conventionally attractive?! C’mon tell me you wouldn’t make waggly eyebrows at this guy:

Thinking of that picture in a ‘sexy’ context always makes me laugh because if you’re trying to look sexy the words ‘micro’ and ‘soft’ probably aren’t the ones you want them to be thinking. Teehee.

Sorry I let my totes unnatural attraction to skinny nerds show for a second there.

8 years ago


It’s funny how good genes can only be hotness genes. Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey are both obscenely wealthy, they’re successful business people, it’s safe to say they’re highly intelligent. Neither are conventionally hot. Do they have good or bad genes?
Misogynistic evopsych fans always assume daughters look like mothers and sons look like fathers. That’s not how DNA works.

That’s because misogynistic evopsych fans live in the world of Atlas Shrugged, where all of humanity is devided into “alphas”, “betas”, and “omegas”. Naturally, all “alphas” are Dagny Taggart and John Galt, the heights of physical of intellectual perfection and it is impossible to think otherwise.

8 years ago


Please do. And don’t let the door hit your sorry fake-Russian ass on the way out.

Also, Yup tuvoye mat’.

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
8 years ago


That’s because misogynistic evopsych fans live in the world of Atlas Shrugged, where all of humanity is devided into “alphas”, “betas”, and “omegas”. Naturally, all “alphas” are Dagny Taggart and John Galt, the heights of physical of intellectual perfection and it is impossible to think otherwise.

Why is that whenever I hear/see Atlas Shrugged, I get angry that it’s a crappy book dedicated to a failed philosophy, rather than a book that’s about a deconstruction of the super-hero and how the villains always get away, people aren’t satisfied with the work of supers, and overall that nobody takes superheroes seriously? Maybe because it has the word “Atlas” in it?