a voice for men MRA

A Voice for Men’s “buzzing” traffic sounds more like a death rattle

I told you we should't have gone this way
I told you we shouldn’t have gone this way

If for some perverse reason you head over to A Voice for Men, the former vanguard of the failed Men’s Rights revolution, you will find this sitting at the top of the site’s list of latest articles, as it has been for nearly two years:

Welcome to AVFM Traffic to AVFM has been buzzing for quite a while now. Paul Elam takes a moment to welcome to new readers, and to explain to them why they are here.

Apparently AVFM has a rather expansive definition of “buzzing,” as this is what is actually going on with the site’s traffic these days, according to Alexa.


Yep, things at AVFM are so buzzy that their traffic has buzzed itself off the bottom of the Alexa charts.

Apparently “buzz” is the sound Men’s Rights Activists make when they fall off a cliff.

Here’s a song about buzzing.

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8 years ago

Nice to have you back! Your analysis was spot-on.

I’m sorry to hear about your foot. I hope you can bust out of there soon.

Take good care!

8 years ago

And now I wait to see if Elam throws another tantrum about Web hits…

8 years ago

I can’t help but wonder if some of the loss in numbers for AVFM is a result of noxious assholes finding other, comfier nesting spots to hole up in, instead. After all, Trump supporters and the like now have the courage to let their racist, sexist, all-round horrible person flag fly.

8 years ago


Someone should take their flags and smack them on the rear with them. 😛 Then it’s a walk upon ALL the legos.


So my crossing ALL the things is working? Even on the ones I wasn’t thinking of while doing so? *does the snoopy dance*

8 years ago

Content Note: Nazis
Also, Off-Topic

Today, someone asked “Ask The Red Pill” “How do I learn to think?”

And by “someone,” I mean, “a user named AlfredHitlerSiegHeil.”

Dude. . . it’s good that you’re finally asking the right questions. But you’re very much asking the wrong people.

8 years ago

There are quite a few on Equestria Daily as well.

Awwww that saddens me to hear Virgin Mary, it was such an uncharacteristically nice place when I used to hang out there a couple years back.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
8 years ago

Orion, that is comedy gold (or pyrites, considering where you found it). 🙂

8 years ago

@ newbie:

I did some insomnia-induced reading, and Owens seems to be pretty clueless in general. Like, completely lacking in perspective and self-awareness.

8 years ago

Elam might be losing favor and fans. Hell, even the “MRA” label might be falling out of favor. But let’s not kid ourselves. Terrible online misogyny isn’t going away anytime soon.

8 years ago

Maybe they mean “buzz” as in “The fridge has been emitting a weird buzz…I think it’s on its last legs…”

Also, *waves* hi GOM !
Glad to hear that you’re on the mend.

8 years ago

re: MRA-dom’s status: I dunno.
They seem to brigade just about every comments section that touches on anything even tangential to their interests.

My bet is that they’ve just migrated to and merged with other anti-social-justice types.

8 years ago

Will Elam even bother responding? Didn’t he declare victory and “retire” from AVfM a month or so ago?

When is that MRA “documentary” film supposed to come out? The director may have missed her window of relevance.

While MRAs might be fading away, I agree that it is probably due to being absorbed into more of the blatantly racist/sexist/awful “alt-right”. (Sorry I can’t credit whomever made that observation first but thank you).

Read that article about Social Autopsy and Candace Owen – wow, did she ever get it wrong. I’m not sure how you can propose a web application and yet still be so incredibly naive about how the web works? I don’t consider myself any sort of high-level user and I’ve been aware of how women are harassed online for at least 6-7 years. To work in the anti-harassment field and NOT be aware of GG/4chan/Anonymous/etc. seems almost beyond belief to me.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

David, here is an interesting and bizarre story for you:

I think the author of that article missed the Occam’s Razor staring them in the face: The whole thing’s clearly been set up from the start to scam cash out of the #Gits, a group that’s well-known for being the personification of “A fool and his money.”

Seriously, all the incongruencies make perfect sense through that lens.
8 years ago


I see a scam too, but not the same one. This woman spent two months reinventing the wheel of doxxing, and no one actually said the word ‘dox’ to her?

It looks to me like some random programmer is willing to be hired to write a worthless platform and let his employer take all the heat.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Stormfront and its associated Nazi newspaper the Daily Stormer are still going strong. Maybe your right, they have been given the courage by Heir Drumpf to be the loony fascist zealots they are in public.

8 years ago

If we give Owens the benefit of the doubt, she’s clearly out of her depth.

She was focused entirely on what the article calls “old-school” cyberbullying, where standard schoolyard tactics are just moved online, but it’s generally a small group of people, most of whom aren’t particularly obsessive about it.

She had probably heard about ‘online harassment’, but just associated that with what she already knew.

Unfortunately, she just doesn’t get how Large Numbers come into play, here. I sometimes point out that if 1 person in a thousand holds an odious view, then that means that there’s 300K people in the U.S. alone who agree (and far more if you include the rest of the English-speaking internet).

If ten percent of them are in a group, that’s 30K in a ‘community’ dedicated to hate of some flavor. If they then perceive a threat to their activities, and one percent of them participate in the reaction–that’s 300 people. If they send 1-2 messages a day (and brigading is usually more along the lines of one to two messages an hour), that’s 450-500 messages–around 20 every hour, one every 3 minutes or so. This level of activity doesn’t have to go on for very long to completely besiege the target.

8 years ago

David, here is an interesting and bizarre story for you:

WOW,looks like they swallowed the whole Gamergate line Hook,line,sinker,rod ,reel and copy of Angling monthly

8 years ago

I don’t recall if this link has been mentioned yet, but it is relevant to this particular topic:

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago


Yea, the Nazi bronies seem like a contradiction in terms, but like I said these trolls are inserting themselves everywhere. It’s the main reason I don’t go on David Icke forum anymore. The first time I actually got banned by entering into an argument with a user called Tunes666 who accused me of saying that male children under three should be raped to prevent them from being homophobic!!! Which is not something I would ever say. I think there are some Alt Right wing nuts who have actually become mods now, so anyone they consider ‘liberal’ is fair game. Lots of folk got barred who expressed leftist viewpoints. It’s a great pity, because I have a lot of respect for Icke’s work, it’s a shame to see it hijacked and derailed. He should IMO disown his own forum, because being associated with the Alt Right will do him no good whatsoever. There are still people who think his ‘lizards’ are code for Jews, lots of threads on Cultural Marxism and misandry over there too. Pity, I used to enjoy that forum.

8 years ago

I’m not sure we can give her the benefit of the doubt.
To wit:
-She accused the writer of the article to be the third person in a harassment-conspiracy against her on twitter.

-The next interview she gave was to “The Ralph Retort”.

-She linked to a piece on “Heat Street” to justify her accusations.
“Heat Street” of course is a rightwing bullshitspinmachine owned by Bullshitspinner in Chief, Rupert Murdoch.

Gamerghazi has a useful thread on this trainwreck here

It contains all relevant links for my points above.

8 years ago

Wow, of course I was suspicious that someone could be *that* unaware of GG and all the rest of trolldom, but if she’s a GG plant, what’s the goal? Or is it like all troll goals, just for the lulz?

8 years ago

Maybe it’s a more elaborate plot along the lines of “Not your shield”?

The Gators already started spamming the comments under the NYMag article with “See how this poor woman was bullied by Quinn and Harper? They’re the real bad guys!”
On the other hand they’re already salivating like dogs over the prospect of using SA to doxx people.

It’s all about ethics in deception tactics.

Dark Statistic
Dark Statistic
8 years ago

I go back and forth on whether Owens is for real. Is she a malicious troll and tool of the gators, or just an entitled, naive young person who doesn’t understand that it’s not all about ego — that doubling-down isn’t always a sign of strength? Either way, I’m both infuriated and sad.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

LinuxLea | April 19, 2016 at 12:21 pm
-The next interview she gave was to “The Ralph Retort”.

I read through the Reddit link, and they mentioned that she went on “The Ralph Retort” because her boyfriend (who she says is right-wing) said that it was a “fair” journalistic endeavor.


8 years ago

She claims to have researched the situation for Months, and never came across “doxxing”?
She claims her boyfriend is “far right” (congratulations on that, by the way /sarcasm), and he seems to be aware of “The Ralph Retort”, so it stands to reason he -at least- knows about doxxing and GG.
If she isn’t a full-fledged Gator herself, she at least is an entitled little shit that is their very willing tool.

Sorry for the language, but she is just so unbelievably stupid and vile.