Dudes! More specifically, white dudes! Are you interested in “locking down a good White woman” of your very own?
These days, a commenter on Chateau Heartiste explains, you can’t just hypnotize the ladies with your buff bod and masterful pickup artistry. You also need to be racist as hell. Oh, sorry, you need “to reject the anti-White race-propaganda that’s flooding out [sic] society.”
You need White Supremacist Game.
According to a comment from “Corvo” that Heartiste liked so much that he made a post of it,
The culture has become increasingly negrofied, and, whether by nature, nurture, or CultMarx propaganda (seemingly a perfect storm of all three) so many young White men and boys are just unprepared for the reality of the mating game in the current year.
And that’s where the white supremacy comes in:
Without race-awareness, far too many will either end up as wiggers–second-class, embarrassing, pale shadows aping the worst humans on the planet–or schlubby beta borderline incels.
Huh. I’m a little confused here, since I was under the impression that the “worst humans on the planet” were the aspiring pickup artists who read Chateau Heartiste.
It’s not surprising, really, when you’re force fed a diet of CultMarx propaganda that tells White boys they have no culture or history to be proud of (in fact if anything they should feel guilty) and that they should just have some more potato chips and join in the magic negro worship.
So “Cultural Marxism” is basically an exceedingly sneaky plot to sell potato chips? That explains a lot.
For those who don’t believe that racism is the magic ingredient that will allow aspiring pickup artists to score themselves a truly quality woman, Corvo offers a “field report” that attests to his amazing success in attracting the young hotties during, er, a recent trip to a water park with his wife and kids.
Apparently there’s no “game” more powerful than “Racist Dad Game.”
I was out in northeast Pennsylvania for a few days with the wife and kids at this big indoor water park / lodge place in the mountains. Demographically it wasn’t quite what I grew up with, but it was still 80% White.
Well that’s a relief!
There were far too many soft White men lumbering around under too much fat; even worse was seeing young White boys already overweight at age 10. I’d estimate that a majority of the boys were fit and could grow into little shitlords given the right guidance. Most of the girls were fit, although most of the mothers were not (most outweighed my petite woman, who’s 7 months pregnant).
That’s right. Even though his wife is pregnant, she’s no fattie!
I’m no looker; 5’10” and about a buck-fifty; bald (been rocking the skinhead since college) and in my early 40s.
But Corvo knows what to do to make sure the young hotties notice him.
I threw up a flag – put the TRUMP t-shirt on and walked around like I owned the fucking place.
Donald Trump is such an awesome alpha that just wearing a t-shirt with his name on it will make you irresistable to the hot babes!
[O]ver two days I had 4 cute girls, none older than 21, come up to tell me they liked my shirt
That’s right, fellas! SOME HOT BABES LIKED HIS TRUMP T-SHIRT at a rate of TWO HOT BABES PER TRUMP SHIRT PER DAY! Obviously they all wanted to bear his children.
(for the record, I got one positive comment from another father, and one smart-ass remark from a 65+ cat lady hag working at the on-site Starbucks – I told the cunt to make my coffee great).
Wait, there are 65-year-old women working at Starbucks? I’m beginning to wonder if this story isn’t really 100% accurate.
Yeah I gave the cute girls some friendly banter and invoked a little very mild dread game with my wife, but this is the point: there are still good (as good as they come anyway) White girls out there just waiting to be taken and lead.
Er, the past tense of the verb “to lead” is “led.” Also, I’m not 100% sure that when a woman half your age says she likes your t-shirt that this is an indication that she would also like your penis.
The quality ones are the ones with latent race-realism in their naughty little hearts. And any real man is going to want a brood of little sh*tlords one day.
I hate to break it to you, dude, but your kids aren’t going to grow up to be carbon copies of you. They might end up rejecting your foul racism. And possibly dating or even marrying someone who isn’t white.
Oh, we can only hope!
I doubt any one of those girls would have approached me back in my go-along-and-get-along-beta-gentleman days.
So over the course of two days at a water park teeming with people, four young women said they liked his Trump shirt. Dude, that doesn’t make you King Sexy of Supersexy Land. I know this may be hard to believe, dude, but it’s possible that they … just liked your Trump shirt.
Corvo follows this story with a lovely racist rant.
Wherever they go, nogs and third-world ingrates showboat and walk around like they own the place. When the truth is they and their culture have built nothing, accomplished nothing, and know nothing; they are shallow, ignorant, and ultimately dependent on White men.
This from a guy whose idea of a great accomplishment is to wear a Trump shirt to a water park and get a few compliments on it.
I don’t walk around hating anything that doesn’t deserve hatred, but you need race-realism to put things into perspective so that you can go out there and pull the quality girls.
Sure, basic Game will get you plenty of warm holes to stick your dick in for a few minutes, and by all means use it to your advantage. But the cocktail of Game and race-realism mixed and served daily by the worthy men of Le Chateau are the prescription for true abundance in life.
That and a Trump t-shirt, I guess.
There are plenty of commenters on this site who aren’t women. Also, the owner of the blog is a heterosexual man.
You, at a minimum, bothered them in the first place. Women, and people who present as women, do not exist for your pleasure and are not public property. At a minimum, you are approaching interactions as though said interactions are an opt-out process for the women, in which you presume that it’s okay to take up their time unless they explicitly opt out. Once a woman opts out, you respect that, but you force her to interact with you first in order to make that opt out explicit.
“But I only take a few minutes of their time, at most” is the perennial excuse for this inexcusably rude behavior. You, yourself, take only a few minutes at most, but you, yourself, are not the only man to make these assumptions and require women to individually opt out of interactions. When one takes your few minutes and adds it into the few minutes that thousands of other men also feel entitled to take, this becomes onerous for the target of these unsolicited, unwanted interactions.
I want you to think about how much time you spend bothering women when you are running game. Yes, you are splitting that time amongst many, but so are other men. In aggregate that time adds up and becomes a major time suck. Time that has, as I said before, a cash value, so you might as well be picking her pocket when you take up time that she didn’t offer to you.
If you think you’re running such a non-standard “game,” then describe to me the last time you noticed that a woman you were thinking of approaching has boundaries and were careful not to cross them.
If you aren’t actually violating boundaries, then this should be easy for you.
Okay, if I concede that some women may treat men like game for hunting, can you concede that I have made my own observations and seen happy men under 60 who are not sexually active?
@isidore – If she turns away or rolls her eyes at me, then I move on. I won’t immediately buy her a drink, though I might if she talks to me for more than five minutes or so. Even so, I won’t cuss her out if she refuses to go home with me.
@Policy – Apparently you believe men should never interact at all with women they don’t know. Sad.
Are you actually Lindy West?
A true hero to the people, folks. He doesn’t actually cuss women out if they won’t sleep with him!
The bar has become a tripwire.
I believe that you don’t know how to recognize boundaries, and that you might not believe that women even have them. You can prove me wrong, though! I am willing to be wrong. Describe to me the last time you recognized a boundary and did not cross it.
@isidore – I believe that you think they’re happy, but it would surprise me if they actually are.
@Glenn – I only skimmed this, so forgive me if this is repeating something already said:
I actually agree with you.
Game does work (with the definition being “dude succeeds in getting his dick wet”) some of the time – if it didn’t, no one would do it.
It primarily works (with that working definition in mind) on young women who are desperately insecure, have massive issues surrounding being accepted by men, or both.
Most women who’re prone to being swayed by game grow past that by about their mid/late-20s.
The target group stays the same age, you’ll keep getting older. Eventually, you’ll be that creepy old dude trying to take home women who were in diapers when he was in high school.
You might try to settle down, but you’ll be hyper-vigilant and wary of the experiences and motivations of we very woman that you meet, because (in your experience – with, admittedly, a very particular demographic) women are easily controlled by the right words at the right time…and you’ll know that you’re not the only one with practice.
You may find that you won’t be able to bring yourself to trust, love, or respect any woman who would sleep with you.
I’m not going to point out what you might be doing to the women you game. I mean, you kind of don’t care, right?
But you’re probably setting yourself up for a really shitty future.
I probably won’t reply.
Finally catching Deadpool.
@Glenn – wow. So asexual men don’t exist and Catholic priests who stick with their vows are deeply unhappy?
Why do you think you can speak to everyone else’s desires and needs? Why do you think what you want/need is what every man wants and needs? This is why it’s obvious to everyone here that you use PUA exactly as written – manipulative and rapey. Because as far as you’re concerned, everyone wants what you want – or they are clockwork people who don’t have feelings at all – or they are so invisible to you that they don’t exist.
@Policy – I just described a couple, I never persist with women who walk away or roll their eyes at me. Really don’t know what you’re looking for.
I knew this was coming.
Glenn wants everyone to take him at his word that what he does is not rapey.
But he won’t take an actual man’s word that he’s happy and living a fulfilling life without prioritizing or even participating in sexual acts.
It is ultimately pointless to argue because Glenn perceives his judgment to be absolutely flawless and pristine, whereas, those of us who experience our lives directly are simply delusional.
Remain unconvinced, Glenn, it matters not one tittle.
Actually, I don’t see anything too terrible here. You’re not one of those assholes negging your way through the place and you’re not being stalk or overly pushy.(Right? Handsy only when invited, no repeat attempts, etc?) As long as you’re not leading these women on, you’re kind of just doing the bar thing.
If they’re there and they respond to you, they’re probably there for the exact same reason.
It’s not my scene, but, hey – it’s a big world. Plenty of room for lots of types and inclinations.
Sorry for typos, but not sorry enough to edit.
We’ve witnessed the problems with Catholic priests and young boys. Really don’t need to go there.
As for asexual men – I’ve never knowingly spoken with one. Probably are a few, but I would guess they are a tiny fraction of the population (i.e. less than 1 in 1000).
Nothing stopping these women from walking away from me. Not sure why this is difficult to understand.
She’s walking away and/or rolling her eyes at you because you just violated one of her boundaries and she’s not pleased with it.
The test was recognizing one before you cross it, and avoiding that violation. You haven’t succeeded yet.
If you want to claim that taking up women’s time is fine and there’s nothing wrong with it, you have to either demonstrate that women’s time is worth nothing (you’ll have a long row to hoe with me with that one), or that you taking up their time is something that they invariably welcome, because you assure beforehand that you are not crossing a boundary before you approach.
Yeah, putting the onus onto someone else to escape you, and assuming that they are fine with what you’re doing if they don’t actively try to run away from you, is something that rapists do. There are many reasons why someone might not actively try to evade you; the most common is probably just not being able to think of a way to do it in the moment. By crossing a boundary and talking to her when she has done nothing to indicate that she wants to talk to you, you’ve already demonstrated that you don’t respect boundaries. Experience quickly teaches female-presenting people that men who don’t respect boundaries have a non-trivial probability of reacting in a scary way when rejected. A young woman doesn’t necessarily know how to reject you in a way that you will accept gracefully if you are one of these scary men, so she might sometimes shut down and go along with it while wishing hard that you would just leave her alone.
Which is why I am harping on this. You have not yet shown that you know how to not cross boundaries, only that you recognize the crudest of signals that you’ve already crossed one.
Did you miss where I said the ones who keep to their vows? Most priests actually don’t abuse young boys.
@Policy – Like I said, you think that simply speaking to a woman is crossing a boundary
There’s that magic word again.
She did nothing to indicate she DIDN’T want to talk to me, until she rolled her eyes.
Blah, blah, blah, scary, rapey men, blah, blah, blah.
I’ve tried to be civil here, but you just keeping flinging horseshit at me. You know what – here’s a boundary I am going to cross:
And by the way, even if you’re right about the number of asexual men in the world? That still works out to about 3 million individuals, which is pretty fucking significant.
You haven’t shown that you know the difference between a woman who wants to talk to you (or is at least willing to talk to you) and one who doesn’t. If anything, you’ve shown that you don’t, because some women resort to the crudest possible language to tell you that you’ve done something they don’t like. It’s the only language you seem to understand.
Yes, and for a reason. I haven’t said that you are one – I don’t think you are one – but when you act like a rapist, you give rapists cover. You try to make everyone believe that this behavior is normal and acceptable, when it is neither.
So if I meet you on the street, it’s fine for me to punch you straight in the face? You’ve given me no indication that you don’t want that, and until you opt out explicitly with me, it’s safe for me to assume that you enjoy being challenged on your martial arts skills without warning. Right?
You are existing in public, after all. And you haven’t told me that this isn’t something you’re into.
The default setting for all interactions is NO. No, I don’t want to talk to you. No, I don’t want you to punch me in the face. No, I don’t want you to take my money out of my pocket. No, I don’t want to interact with you in any way. That is the default assumption. You certainly assume that this default will be applied to you when you go out into public – you would be shocked as hell if some stranger just punched you out of nowhere, and rightfully angry – and yet you are not extending it to the people in your view who present as women.
People will opt in to interactions with you if they are open to that. You don’t wait for that opt-in, and in fact you’ve shown that you don’t grasp the basics of boundary-recognition and so you violate boundaries on a regular or semi-regular basis.
You should just stop talking to people and start observing them until you learn how to be a decent human being.
There’s nothing civil about trying to make me believe that behavior that decreases the net happiness of the world for your selfish, selfish benefit is fine. That’s not civil behavior, and trying to justify it is not civil either, regardless of the words or tone you use.
You’re the one who’s chosen to be just a walking cock, not me.
You just equated speaking to someone with punching them in the face. You’re either a fucking idiot or a troll, if not both.
Punching people in the face is perfectly acceptable and normal behavior in some contexts.
And you’ve chosen to be just a walking cunt, so I guess we’re even.
Actually I’m pretty sure PoM equated whatever your “flirtatious” opener is with being punched in the face. Which seems… reasonable, actually.