Dudes! More specifically, white dudes! Are you interested in “locking down a good White woman” of your very own?
These days, a commenter on Chateau Heartiste explains, you can’t just hypnotize the ladies with your buff bod and masterful pickup artistry. You also need to be racist as hell. Oh, sorry, you need “to reject the anti-White race-propaganda that’s flooding out [sic] society.”
You need White Supremacist Game.
According to a comment from “Corvo” that Heartiste liked so much that he made a post of it,
The culture has become increasingly negrofied, and, whether by nature, nurture, or CultMarx propaganda (seemingly a perfect storm of all three) so many young White men and boys are just unprepared for the reality of the mating game in the current year.
And that’s where the white supremacy comes in:
Without race-awareness, far too many will either end up as wiggers–second-class, embarrassing, pale shadows aping the worst humans on the planet–or schlubby beta borderline incels.
Huh. I’m a little confused here, since I was under the impression that the “worst humans on the planet” were the aspiring pickup artists who read Chateau Heartiste.
It’s not surprising, really, when you’re force fed a diet of CultMarx propaganda that tells White boys they have no culture or history to be proud of (in fact if anything they should feel guilty) and that they should just have some more potato chips and join in the magic negro worship.
So “Cultural Marxism” is basically an exceedingly sneaky plot to sell potato chips? That explains a lot.
For those who don’t believe that racism is the magic ingredient that will allow aspiring pickup artists to score themselves a truly quality woman, Corvo offers a “field report” that attests to his amazing success in attracting the young hotties during, er, a recent trip to a water park with his wife and kids.
Apparently there’s no “game” more powerful than “Racist Dad Game.”
I was out in northeast Pennsylvania for a few days with the wife and kids at this big indoor water park / lodge place in the mountains. Demographically it wasn’t quite what I grew up with, but it was still 80% White.
Well that’s a relief!
There were far too many soft White men lumbering around under too much fat; even worse was seeing young White boys already overweight at age 10. I’d estimate that a majority of the boys were fit and could grow into little shitlords given the right guidance. Most of the girls were fit, although most of the mothers were not (most outweighed my petite woman, who’s 7 months pregnant).
That’s right. Even though his wife is pregnant, she’s no fattie!
I’m no looker; 5’10” and about a buck-fifty; bald (been rocking the skinhead since college) and in my early 40s.
But Corvo knows what to do to make sure the young hotties notice him.
I threw up a flag – put the TRUMP t-shirt on and walked around like I owned the fucking place.
Donald Trump is such an awesome alpha that just wearing a t-shirt with his name on it will make you irresistable to the hot babes!
[O]ver two days I had 4 cute girls, none older than 21, come up to tell me they liked my shirt
That’s right, fellas! SOME HOT BABES LIKED HIS TRUMP T-SHIRT at a rate of TWO HOT BABES PER TRUMP SHIRT PER DAY! Obviously they all wanted to bear his children.
(for the record, I got one positive comment from another father, and one smart-ass remark from a 65+ cat lady hag working at the on-site Starbucks – I told the cunt to make my coffee great).
Wait, there are 65-year-old women working at Starbucks? I’m beginning to wonder if this story isn’t really 100% accurate.
Yeah I gave the cute girls some friendly banter and invoked a little very mild dread game with my wife, but this is the point: there are still good (as good as they come anyway) White girls out there just waiting to be taken and lead.
Er, the past tense of the verb “to lead” is “led.” Also, I’m not 100% sure that when a woman half your age says she likes your t-shirt that this is an indication that she would also like your penis.
The quality ones are the ones with latent race-realism in their naughty little hearts. And any real man is going to want a brood of little sh*tlords one day.
I hate to break it to you, dude, but your kids aren’t going to grow up to be carbon copies of you. They might end up rejecting your foul racism. And possibly dating or even marrying someone who isn’t white.
Oh, we can only hope!
I doubt any one of those girls would have approached me back in my go-along-and-get-along-beta-gentleman days.
So over the course of two days at a water park teeming with people, four young women said they liked his Trump shirt. Dude, that doesn’t make you King Sexy of Supersexy Land. I know this may be hard to believe, dude, but it’s possible that they … just liked your Trump shirt.
Corvo follows this story with a lovely racist rant.
Wherever they go, nogs and third-world ingrates showboat and walk around like they own the place. When the truth is they and their culture have built nothing, accomplished nothing, and know nothing; they are shallow, ignorant, and ultimately dependent on White men.
This from a guy whose idea of a great accomplishment is to wear a Trump shirt to a water park and get a few compliments on it.
I don’t walk around hating anything that doesn’t deserve hatred, but you need race-realism to put things into perspective so that you can go out there and pull the quality girls.
Sure, basic Game will get you plenty of warm holes to stick your dick in for a few minutes, and by all means use it to your advantage. But the cocktail of Game and race-realism mixed and served daily by the worthy men of Le Chateau are the prescription for true abundance in life.
That and a Trump t-shirt, I guess.
So this guy is a racist, sexist creep who wears a political shirt to a recreational centre, judges his pregnant wife by how fat/thin she is, and assumes that any woman who pays him the most basic and sterile of compliments must be secretly craving his genitals.
I’d say that rates a good 8.1 on the Douche-o-Meter.
I dunno why these guys complain about Big Government. It seems like the jackbooted stormtroopers of the Totalitarian State would be the ultimate Alpha Males.
What makes people think his wife -assuming she exists- isn’t racist? Either he does a good job of hiding it, or she’s at least ‘okay’ with it.
“I was out in northeast Pennsylvania for a few days with the wife and kids at this big indoor water park / lodge place in the mountains. Demographically it wasn’t quite what I grew up with, but it was still 80% White.”
My mind went instantly to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1UEDulwWkY
There are too many minorities at my water paaaarrrrrk
This was our land, our dream
And they’ve taken it all away
They just keep coming and coming
I tried to go and tell the police
But even the authorities are minorities
At my water paaaarrrrrk…
I don’t doubt that if she exists, his wife is racist. Unless he keeps his misogyny and racism a secret and even then, I don’t think he could abide a woman who didn’t hate at least almost as much as he does.
It’s like “She Don’t Know She’s Beautiful” for capitalists. Get ’em young so they don’t know what they’re worth! Bonus points if they are autistic because those guys are all walking stereotypes! Keep one old dude around to point them in the right direction, make the women into Den Mothers. Next step, feed them gruel through a slit in the door. They’re too wrapped up in their work to care. Hey, maybe you can charge 10 shillings at the door to watch them at their antics…
I just read “An Open Letter to Rey.” I call this a Poe; it’s so over the top in placesi can’t tell if it might be a very extended satire. Has anybody else checked the whole site to see? I would, but I’m scared I might throw my phone if I read any more.
Is that aka “lord-of-shi**ing-your-pants”? Sounds accurate.
I see what you did there.
-racist misogynist dude says that he has “game”
-goes to a stuffed water park with PREGNANT WIFE AND KIDS to attempt “game”
-wears T-Shirt of the Great Walking Cheeto
-only four women notice
-claims success because… reasons
-insults a woman in her 60s with a gendered slur for good measure… also because… reasons
Given how the working conditions are in the games industry, I feel like most developers probably follow that guy’s advice, sadly.
First thing that came to mind was..

Sooo, how many of those four women who talked to him were imaginary?
1) As far as I know, white men have no problem getting girlfriends. It’s only a problem for Heartiste and his cronies, and it isn’t because they’re white.
2) It shocks me how shallow racist PUAs are. Their ideal “alpha male” is somewhere between the buff PUA from the Jersey shore who drives a red sports car and has one night stands every weekend and the Aryan Nordic superman of Nazi ideology. *barfs*
And Trump… yeah, he’s truly the ideal of physical and intellectual perfection. Good luck with the race-realism, PUAs. I’m sure it makes women love you and not disgusted at you. Seriously, what bizarre parallel universe do these people live in.
@ Rosie – LOL! Great minds think alike!
“It’s a fourty-minute wait to go down one slide,
And the instructions are in SPANISH on the zip line rideeeeeeeeeeee!”
Now I’m imagining Cartman saying Heartiste’s entire post aloud. 😛
I’m always on the credulous side but I think his story is real. It’s just too pathetic to be made up. If you were going to invent a story, surely it would be something like “I was wearing my new suit at the craps table in a casino in Monaco when I dropped a comment to the beautiful redhead next to me about how all Mexicans are rapists. Next thing I knew she invited me up to her penthouse, where I had a three-way with her and her best friend.”
Maybe he’s lacking in creativity and literary taste. Or else he’s copying the writing style you find in most Internet erotica, so the post is “art.”
I think the most amazing part of this story is that, in their bubble, the way to impress young women is by wearing a t-shirt for a presidential campaign that young women hate. Once again proving that the only women they actually interact with are imaginary/anime women.
Corvo ? Corvus ? A crow ? That is not really white for you…
Or maybe Dick Ravencuck ? So that the raven could call the crow white ?
Does he have supertrained eyes to immediatly spot the whole population of a specific zone or does he just throw Pareto like he throws up flag ?
So, T Shirt is the first step. Next is the UV tan and the fantabulous hair cut (you already have the foul mouth and mind, no need to change that). If this does not bring you more compliments from HB10 (is this the word ?), try harder ! But not too harder, or the tan risks to make your skin look brown (or worse, black !).
I do not get the point of the “Recruiting Giant” stuff. Is this a serious recruitment ad ? A parody ? It looks like those old powerpoints you receive in some kind of chain mails.
Have a nice day.
It’s a serious guy who gave that presentation as advice for recruiters in the gaming industry.
The gaming industry have a loads of very serious problem, including but not limited to misogyny.
I’m sure he’s been to Great Wolf Lodge, and maybe was even there for spring break. It’s the rest of his story that I view with skepticism.
But it’s pretty funny to take it at face value, isn’t it? A forty-something dude in a Trump T-shirt swaggering around a crowd of thousands of people, being ignored by everyone but a couple of tweeners and a service worker who had to acknowledge him.
I’m sure there are ways to act that are more pathetic than that, but I can’t think of any offhand.
> Ohlmann
You mean an official presentation ? In front of HR and tech recruiters ? If someone paid for such a ludicrous presentation, i hope they have asked for a refund…
Or maybe it is just something to provide, you know, more “ethics” in videogames, ha !
Anyway, someone getting “The Saint” as an alias, bible verses and some kind of hebrew sentence on his site main page, but still writing a full of filthy and degrading clichés presentation raises a big “Mistrust” flag in my head.
He “invoked a little very mild dread game” with his pregnant wife? I know this has been previously highlighted but it deserves repeating: what a gigantic tool.
Also: “little very mild”? I’m no grammar expert but I’m pretty sure there is something wrong there.
Also also: what an entire douchecanoe.