Dudes! More specifically, white dudes! Are you interested in “locking down a good White woman” of your very own?
These days, a commenter on Chateau Heartiste explains, you can’t just hypnotize the ladies with your buff bod and masterful pickup artistry. You also need to be racist as hell. Oh, sorry, you need “to reject the anti-White race-propaganda that’s flooding out [sic] society.”
You need White Supremacist Game.
According to a comment from “Corvo” that Heartiste liked so much that he made a post of it,
The culture has become increasingly negrofied, and, whether by nature, nurture, or CultMarx propaganda (seemingly a perfect storm of all three) so many young White men and boys are just unprepared for the reality of the mating game in the current year.
And that’s where the white supremacy comes in:
Without race-awareness, far too many will either end up as wiggers–second-class, embarrassing, pale shadows aping the worst humans on the planet–or schlubby beta borderline incels.
Huh. I’m a little confused here, since I was under the impression that the “worst humans on the planet” were the aspiring pickup artists who read Chateau Heartiste.
It’s not surprising, really, when you’re force fed a diet of CultMarx propaganda that tells White boys they have no culture or history to be proud of (in fact if anything they should feel guilty) and that they should just have some more potato chips and join in the magic negro worship.
So “Cultural Marxism” is basically an exceedingly sneaky plot to sell potato chips? That explains a lot.
For those who don’t believe that racism is the magic ingredient that will allow aspiring pickup artists to score themselves a truly quality woman, Corvo offers a “field report” that attests to his amazing success in attracting the young hotties during, er, a recent trip to a water park with his wife and kids.
Apparently there’s no “game” more powerful than “Racist Dad Game.”
I was out in northeast Pennsylvania for a few days with the wife and kids at this big indoor water park / lodge place in the mountains. Demographically it wasn’t quite what I grew up with, but it was still 80% White.
Well that’s a relief!
There were far too many soft White men lumbering around under too much fat; even worse was seeing young White boys already overweight at age 10. I’d estimate that a majority of the boys were fit and could grow into little shitlords given the right guidance. Most of the girls were fit, although most of the mothers were not (most outweighed my petite woman, who’s 7 months pregnant).
That’s right. Even though his wife is pregnant, she’s no fattie!
I’m no looker; 5’10” and about a buck-fifty; bald (been rocking the skinhead since college) and in my early 40s.
But Corvo knows what to do to make sure the young hotties notice him.
I threw up a flag – put the TRUMP t-shirt on and walked around like I owned the fucking place.
Donald Trump is such an awesome alpha that just wearing a t-shirt with his name on it will make you irresistable to the hot babes!
[O]ver two days I had 4 cute girls, none older than 21, come up to tell me they liked my shirt
That’s right, fellas! SOME HOT BABES LIKED HIS TRUMP T-SHIRT at a rate of TWO HOT BABES PER TRUMP SHIRT PER DAY! Obviously they all wanted to bear his children.
(for the record, I got one positive comment from another father, and one smart-ass remark from a 65+ cat lady hag working at the on-site Starbucks – I told the cunt to make my coffee great).
Wait, there are 65-year-old women working at Starbucks? I’m beginning to wonder if this story isn’t really 100% accurate.
Yeah I gave the cute girls some friendly banter and invoked a little very mild dread game with my wife, but this is the point: there are still good (as good as they come anyway) White girls out there just waiting to be taken and lead.
Er, the past tense of the verb “to lead” is “led.” Also, I’m not 100% sure that when a woman half your age says she likes your t-shirt that this is an indication that she would also like your penis.
The quality ones are the ones with latent race-realism in their naughty little hearts. And any real man is going to want a brood of little sh*tlords one day.
I hate to break it to you, dude, but your kids aren’t going to grow up to be carbon copies of you. They might end up rejecting your foul racism. And possibly dating or even marrying someone who isn’t white.
Oh, we can only hope!
I doubt any one of those girls would have approached me back in my go-along-and-get-along-beta-gentleman days.
So over the course of two days at a water park teeming with people, four young women said they liked his Trump shirt. Dude, that doesn’t make you King Sexy of Supersexy Land. I know this may be hard to believe, dude, but it’s possible that they … just liked your Trump shirt.
Corvo follows this story with a lovely racist rant.
Wherever they go, nogs and third-world ingrates showboat and walk around like they own the place. When the truth is they and their culture have built nothing, accomplished nothing, and know nothing; they are shallow, ignorant, and ultimately dependent on White men.
This from a guy whose idea of a great accomplishment is to wear a Trump shirt to a water park and get a few compliments on it.
I don’t walk around hating anything that doesn’t deserve hatred, but you need race-realism to put things into perspective so that you can go out there and pull the quality girls.
Sure, basic Game will get you plenty of warm holes to stick your dick in for a few minutes, and by all means use it to your advantage. But the cocktail of Game and race-realism mixed and served daily by the worthy men of Le Chateau are the prescription for true abundance in life.
That and a Trump t-shirt, I guess.
I’m glad others had the thought that the Trump shirt compliments might have been sarcasm. That was definitely my interpretation of events. A clique of teenagers noticed a dorky dad in a hideous Trump shirt strutting around and ogling the high school girls. They decided it would be really funny to give him a sarcastic compliment and pretend to flirt. That sounds like something I would’ve done as a teen if I weren’t a bit too shy.
As we discussed in another recent thread, “white culture” isn’t really a thing. But British/Irish/European cultures are. I’m no boy, but as a white person, I can think of lots of things I’ve done related to these cultures that I have never once been shamed for.
– Bastille day celebration
– Halloween celebration
– St Patrick’s day celebration
– Oktoberfest celebration
– Going to the Swedish Institute to look at period Swedish interior design, look at contemporary Scandinavian art, and buy Swedish candies and cookies
– Drink Aquavit
– Go to a British pub for fish and chips
– Go to a German restaurant for spaetzel and cheese casserole and tortes
– Go to a Matisse exhibit
I could obviously go on, but you all get the idea. White people can do plenty of things to enjoy various white cultures. I even only included northern and western Europe and the British Isles specifically because they’re the cultures that have always counted as properly white to the white supremacists. There’s a huge difference between liking the food, art, and culture of your ancestors and celebrating it and being a racist who rants about the existence of brown and black people giving you sad little Nazi fee-fees. Only the latter is generally shamed. So shut the fuck up about white people don’t have any culture left to celebrate. That is so ridiculously untrue!
The whole thing with the early 40’s-something fawning over girls no older than 21 brings to mind how Heartiste/Roissy has expressed pedophilia multiple times in the past:
And here’s two he deleted, but thankfully, archive.org saved them:
https://web.archive.org/web/20090521074409/http://roissy.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/creepy-children (note the very last part)
https://web.archive.org/web/20091214013739/http://roissy.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/newsflash-milf-beats-dilf/ (judging by the comments, the girl was apparently 12 years old)
Note the comments and the sheer number of people who agree with him, express little to no issues with his ideas, or even share their own tales of sleeping with underage girls.
It’s well known that Heartiste/Roissy is a psychotic racist and misogynist, but the fact he’s also a pedophile is something far fewer people seem to be aware of, and something many of his readers don’t seem to care about.
“I’m no looker; 5’10” and about a buck-fifty;”
(sorry, I know how to do quotes here but am still in terror of the blockquote mammoth)
Anyhoo, “about a buck-fifty”??????? This is clearly a method of referring to one’s weight that I’d never heard of, but at first I thought he was estimating his net worth.
“I threw up a flag” – that must have been extremely uncomfortable. And not terribly hygienic.
Definitely, dude.
I know that when I was a teenager in Pennsylvania, nobody could have been more attractive to me than a bald guy in his 40s out for the day with his heavily pregnant wife and kids. Especially if he wore a racist T-shirt and acted like he owned the place!
Cute but shy teenage boys with long hair and band T-shirts? No way!
Like all teenage girls, I wanted the delusional old guy with the family, the one who imagines he’s a Big Shitlord.
Vocabulary question: Since when is a “cunt” not a “warm hole”?
It’s been a while since I went to a water park, let alone stayed there two days. For those who have been to one recently, how common is it for dudes to walk around the entire time with a shirt on?
Everybody knows the REAL alphas are the dudes who still hang out on 4chan porn boards well into their 40s.
I really hope his wife is imaginary, for her sake.
I love how this dude thinks that other people can see his internal feeling of “owning the place”. Nah dude, you just look like yet another creepy stalker in a shitty t-shirt. There are literally millions of you. Speaking as a regular person, we generally like to keep away from you guys.
@ Mish – “a buck fifty” means he weighs about 150 pounds. Our prime example of white alphaness is kind of a tall, skinny drink of water.
This piqued my interest. Does such a place exist? Let’s ask Google Maps.
Dude was literally at Great Wolf Lodge. That’s not where young women gather to discuss white genocide (or for any other purpose). That’s like a very small Disney World. It’s where you take your family vacation. It stops being the cool destination for spring break when you reach your late teens.
Now the question becomes: was he at Great Wolf Lodge as a parent with kids, like he claims? Or was he at Great Wolf Lodge as a sullen teenager with his parents who wishes he could have gone to Florida for spring break?
Oh goody, a $100% true field report from a guy who can’t decide whether he was in the Poconos for a few days or two days. You expect these from awkward 19 year olds trying to one-up each other, but not from a married forty-something. That’s just pathetic.
@PoM I had the exact same thought about the shirt. I take my sons to the local outdoor water park in the summer, and it’s rare to see guys walking around in T-shirts who aren’t staff members. This guy was at an indoor park with no UV rays, clearly thought he was the supremest fittest hottie in the place, and he kept his shirt on the entire time?
Maybe he didn’t want his superior white complexion to blind everyone.
…said the shallow, ignorant, know nothing guy with precisely zero Human Civilization accomplishments to his credit, who
Oh, the staircase wit. At least he didn’t try to claim the entire restaurant stood up and applauded.
(Rule #1 of restaurant etiquette: do not be rude to people who are going to be alone with your food for any length of time.)
That father’s name? Cuckbert Einstein.
And count me in with those who think the girls he referred to were actually snickering in sarcasm at his “nice shirt”, and he was simply too dim to pick up on it. (Or else he did, and it stung, and now he’s licking his wounds by falsifying it to the rest of the dickweeds at Heartiste’s Crappy Condo, playing it as “they were like totally FLIRTING with me, d00dz!!!”)
Careful, I don’t think he understands sarcasm.
@Mish – Thanks, that made me laugh 😛
…And sure, maybe some young women said they liked Racist Dad’s “Trump” shirt un-sarcastically. But saying you like someone’s shirt isn’t automatically flirting.
Okay, David said it better:
Also, this is just wrong AT ALL LEVELS (at least 5):
1) Cocktail = singular noun. Are = plural verb.
2) Prescription cocktails?!?
3) “Prescription for abundance”?!?
4) “Worthy men of Le Chateau” = citation needed.
5) I’ve drunk better mixed metaphors in my life.
Could be a Poe, but take a look at this:
Worst Penthouse letter ever. Is “nice shirt, old dude” even getting your bat on the ball? He can’t even see 1st base from where he ended up.
Make America Regurgitate Again!
I hope she spat in it when he wasn’t looking.
Wigger second class? Beta borderline incel? CultMarx? Dreadgame? And they say feminist vocabulary difficult to parse (I mean, it is, but fuck, dude)
Do pregnant women usually frequent water parks?
Did the person who told you to be ashamed of your nonexistent white culture (assuming it actually happened) do so after and because you were being a racist ass about it?
Corvo means crow, but aren’t they usually black?
How did he know they weren’t older than 21? More importantly, how did a balding, married father ask 4 rather young girls their ages without coming off as a complete creeper?
Too many questions
There’s nothing real about race realism, there’s nothing new about neo reactionaries, there’s nothing alternative about the alt right, and you’re not special in your Trump shirt. Now quit ruining your kids
Ever since I heard of the assholes, I feel like their stupidity is rubbing off on me. Every time I try reading this white supremacist bullshit, I feel like my IQ goes in to the negatives.
“Dread Game” if that’s what I think it is your wife should divorce you on the spot, you emotionally abusive asshole.
I guess there could be some teenaged girls who are turned on by 40 year old racists, but somehow I doubt it’s very many.
I wouldn’t claim to know what teenagers find attractive these days, but Trump doesn’t really sound like a very sexy word anyway. Even if it wasn’t the name of a narcissistic bigot with bad hair the word itself just sounds juvenile and boisterous.
This whole saga sounded like a side-scrolling platform game to me, like Pitfall or something.
Maybe he thinks it’s normal for men to go around ogling 12+ year old girls. Saying they’re under 21 could be minimization.
The “threw up a flag” thing reminds me of this.