Dudes! More specifically, white dudes! Are you interested in “locking down a good White woman” of your very own?
These days, a commenter on Chateau Heartiste explains, you can’t just hypnotize the ladies with your buff bod and masterful pickup artistry. You also need to be racist as hell. Oh, sorry, you need “to reject the anti-White race-propaganda that’s flooding out [sic] society.”
You need White Supremacist Game.
According to a comment from “Corvo” that Heartiste liked so much that he made a post of it,
The culture has become increasingly negrofied, and, whether by nature, nurture, or CultMarx propaganda (seemingly a perfect storm of all three) so many young White men and boys are just unprepared for the reality of the mating game in the current year.
And that’s where the white supremacy comes in:
Without race-awareness, far too many will either end up as wiggers–second-class, embarrassing, pale shadows aping the worst humans on the planet–or schlubby beta borderline incels.
Huh. I’m a little confused here, since I was under the impression that the “worst humans on the planet” were the aspiring pickup artists who read Chateau Heartiste.
It’s not surprising, really, when you’re force fed a diet of CultMarx propaganda that tells White boys they have no culture or history to be proud of (in fact if anything they should feel guilty) and that they should just have some more potato chips and join in the magic negro worship.
So “Cultural Marxism” is basically an exceedingly sneaky plot to sell potato chips? That explains a lot.
For those who don’t believe that racism is the magic ingredient that will allow aspiring pickup artists to score themselves a truly quality woman, Corvo offers a “field report” that attests to his amazing success in attracting the young hotties during, er, a recent trip to a water park with his wife and kids.
Apparently there’s no “game” more powerful than “Racist Dad Game.”
I was out in northeast Pennsylvania for a few days with the wife and kids at this big indoor water park / lodge place in the mountains. Demographically it wasn’t quite what I grew up with, but it was still 80% White.
Well that’s a relief!
There were far too many soft White men lumbering around under too much fat; even worse was seeing young White boys already overweight at age 10. I’d estimate that a majority of the boys were fit and could grow into little shitlords given the right guidance. Most of the girls were fit, although most of the mothers were not (most outweighed my petite woman, who’s 7 months pregnant).
That’s right. Even though his wife is pregnant, she’s no fattie!
I’m no looker; 5’10” and about a buck-fifty; bald (been rocking the skinhead since college) and in my early 40s.
But Corvo knows what to do to make sure the young hotties notice him.
I threw up a flag – put the TRUMP t-shirt on and walked around like I owned the fucking place.
Donald Trump is such an awesome alpha that just wearing a t-shirt with his name on it will make you irresistable to the hot babes!
[O]ver two days I had 4 cute girls, none older than 21, come up to tell me they liked my shirt
That’s right, fellas! SOME HOT BABES LIKED HIS TRUMP T-SHIRT at a rate of TWO HOT BABES PER TRUMP SHIRT PER DAY! Obviously they all wanted to bear his children.
(for the record, I got one positive comment from another father, and one smart-ass remark from a 65+ cat lady hag working at the on-site Starbucks – I told the cunt to make my coffee great).
Wait, there are 65-year-old women working at Starbucks? I’m beginning to wonder if this story isn’t really 100% accurate.
Yeah I gave the cute girls some friendly banter and invoked a little very mild dread game with my wife, but this is the point: there are still good (as good as they come anyway) White girls out there just waiting to be taken and lead.
Er, the past tense of the verb “to lead” is “led.” Also, I’m not 100% sure that when a woman half your age says she likes your t-shirt that this is an indication that she would also like your penis.
The quality ones are the ones with latent race-realism in their naughty little hearts. And any real man is going to want a brood of little sh*tlords one day.
I hate to break it to you, dude, but your kids aren’t going to grow up to be carbon copies of you. They might end up rejecting your foul racism. And possibly dating or even marrying someone who isn’t white.
Oh, we can only hope!
I doubt any one of those girls would have approached me back in my go-along-and-get-along-beta-gentleman days.
So over the course of two days at a water park teeming with people, four young women said they liked his Trump shirt. Dude, that doesn’t make you King Sexy of Supersexy Land. I know this may be hard to believe, dude, but it’s possible that they … just liked your Trump shirt.
Corvo follows this story with a lovely racist rant.
Wherever they go, nogs and third-world ingrates showboat and walk around like they own the place. When the truth is they and their culture have built nothing, accomplished nothing, and know nothing; they are shallow, ignorant, and ultimately dependent on White men.
This from a guy whose idea of a great accomplishment is to wear a Trump shirt to a water park and get a few compliments on it.
I don’t walk around hating anything that doesn’t deserve hatred, but you need race-realism to put things into perspective so that you can go out there and pull the quality girls.
Sure, basic Game will get you plenty of warm holes to stick your dick in for a few minutes, and by all means use it to your advantage. But the cocktail of Game and race-realism mixed and served daily by the worthy men of Le Chateau are the prescription for true abundance in life.
That and a Trump t-shirt, I guess.
@PI-NCS Reverse the genders in your little rant about me not giving a rat’s ass about women, and it is equally true, if not more so. If I seem hostile at times, it’s because YOU have told me to “fuck off” and called ME names, merely for daring to disagree with you.
Most women have not reacted poorly to my approaches. But if one or two have, I should stop?!?!
Glenn seems to be the “suffering Incel” type PUA who HAS to do whatever creepy strategy he favors because men NEED sex to be happy and he has “poor social skills” (can’t talk to women like humans) the “nobody cares about me/my feelings so fuck you” pity party is something I’ve noticed in them a lot. I also love how he isn’t attracted to women who do singles events or are online. I’m guessing it’s because they 1.) Can easily leave the situation. 2.) Too many feminist fat fatties who like cats. Also, please don’t clarify if you aren’t technically an “incel” (“I have SEX all the time!”) because I don’t care, you are running your mouth the same way. We’ve heard this crap many times before. Women don’t owe men sex. If you continue to think this way, that really will make you unhappy, and I really believe that.
WTF?! I thought that was our “right” if you approach us?? Oh, I see the pity party is really starting now. Women rejected me: MISANDRY!!! COuntdown until rape comparison.
So much irony here – I don’t know where to start.
You can reverse the genders all you like, Glenn, but it still won’t change the context.
Women are still very likely to be attacked by men who approach them. We are conditioned to be fearful of this event. We’re told that if anything happens, it was our fault, not the guy who made it happen, but our fault. Because we said “no”, because we turned them down, because we said something they didn’t want to hear, or did something they didn’t want us to do.
Women are still telling you that they’re afraid of men approaching them at worst, and annoyed at best, and no amount of anecdata on your part is going to change that, because you don’t know if those women who gave you their numbers only did it to make sure you left them alone. You don’t know if those women were secretly panicking because you approached them out of the blue. You don’t know.
But you think you do, and you won’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.
The shitty thing is, you’re refusing to listen to women who offered you perfectly valid alternatives and tried to patiently explain to you why it’s not always a good idea to just randomly approach someone on the street, and your only response is “But online dating is so haaaard for men! And no one cares about my feelings, so why should I care about anyone else’s?!” You’re trying to insist, that, as a man, you have the right to talk to women, regardless of if said women are uncomfortable or unwilling to talk to you.
You said you were an introvert, Glenn. So am I. I still don’t like strange men walking up to me and trying to get me into a conversation. It’s terrifying.
You tried to say that you have the right to approach women, and we told you, no, you do not. What did you do? You got upset. You got hostile. You only proved our point.
And you’re continuing to do so.
This isn’t about your feelings, Glenn. This isn’t about how this makes you feel. This is about women’s safety and right to not have to put up with dudes feeling entitled to them because women happen to be in a public place.
And if you think that means I “don’t care” about your feelings, you’re right.
I don’t care about your feelings if it’s between your feelings and a woman’s safety. And I wouldn’t care about a woman’s feelings if it was between her feelings and a man’s safety.
Your feelings are not more important than anyone’s safety.
By all fucking means, Glenn, sit down and point out to me the “irony” in my post. Please tell me how I’m being a meanie “reverse sexist” because I just told you that you don’t get to ignore women’s comfort and safety because you have “needs” and the “right to talk to women”, despite the fact that several other women in this thread told you the same thing.
I’m all fucking ears.
When I do approaches, I’m trying to talk to women like humans. Have you read any of this thread?
NO NO NO not asking a sympathy, just pointing out a double standard.
No, like I’ve said MANY times, I move on if there’s no interest
Well, yes. I am not allowed to have preferences??
Actually, no I don’t have sex all the time. That’s why I need to force myself to do these approaches.
Please show me where I stated that they do….
I am unhappy without sex. I have admitted this.
It IS your right. But you are saying “fuck off” because you disagree with my forum posts, not because I approached you in person and you feel threatened by my presence.
Glenn, my examples to you were the precise situations women face constantly. You are straining the gnat deliberately to avoid the big picture of where I was going with this.
“I don’t do this” means little to someone who has been hit on repeatedly all night long by men not very different from you.
This was the point, which you missed completely.
Sometimes I wonder how many serial rape cases would be solved if the FBI (and its international equivalents) watched the local trolls.
“I have the right to approach women on the streets and make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe because I have to get laid!”
“No you don’t, because it makes women feel really uncomfortable and unsafe.”
“But what about my feelings?! Are you saying I can’t approach women on the street anymore?! You’re all mean! Bunch of c*nts!”
“You’re being ridiculous, and you’re wrong, fuck off.”
“You can’t be rude to me just because you disagree with me! You don’t feel threatened by my presence!”
Glenn, quit mansplaining to us how we feel about you. I know how I feel about you.
And while you’re at it, quit shifting goalposts. We have the right to tell you to fuck off in any situation where you’re being a tedious asshole.
Poor Glenn can only see that people are disagreeing with him, but not what they are disagreeing about or why that matters. Why are these PUA guys always so emotional and irrational?
That’s not how game works. Have you read any Roosh V? You could be though, so I’ll pretend to give you benefit of the doubt. My point was, you have justified your actions with [reason] (poor social skills) that you “have” to do approaches because “I can’t” be happy w/out sex”. If we say that your approaches are creepy we are oppressing the MALE NEED to desire sex, therefore misandry. If we say we don’t trust your motives we are mean bad feminists who are trying to keep you from the sexytimes you require to live.
Saying you don’t want sympathy/pity is ridiculous. And this demonstrates that you are exactly what I said.
You have basically decided that sex is akin to food and you will die without it. If that’s the case, any women who rejects you technically has that “right” but is implied to be a TERRIBLE PERSON equal to refusing food to a starving man. You don’t think that’s putting a lot of pressure on the women you approach?
Just pointing out the strangeness of needing sex to be happy, but also having extremely specific standards. A starving man doesn’t act this picking does he?
I find this extremely hard to believe.
This is just false.
Oh shit, here comes that stupid Jezebel lingo.
Of course you observed all of these interactions, so you know how the women felt. A few of them were so scared they figured they better meet me for dinner or else.
Thankfully, not all women are like the ones in this thread.
Glenn, why are you here?
@calmdown – I have not implied any of those things. You’re being dishonest or delusional.
I read all your posts, I know what you said. No, i don’t know you personally, but you should be aware you are spouting a lot of MRA rhetoric. You say you didn’t imply anything?
“I love Hitler!”
“What, show me were I said I hated Jews!?!?!”
Mrs. B – I like to see how the other half thinks.
Why are you here?
Glenn sez:
Oh, look, a glimmer of hope: Glenn realizes that generalizing is bad. Well, only for long enough to insult women here by preferring and praising women who give him what he wants.
Hey Glenn, while you’re not in the generalizing mood, do you agree that men under 60 can be happy without sexual relations?
I’m going to wager a guess that you’ll say yes, but then qualify it with your presumption about their true happiness.
@calmdown I did say that, but never that women owed it to me.
So you can reject those thoughts outright, Glenn?
@throwaway – I suppose they can, just not anyone I’ve ever met. Do you believe this group is a sizeable minority?
Mrs B, I have not done that. But it’s interesting to compare and contrast real life women and forum women.
You never answered why you are here.
Gaslighting is a bannable offense.
But hey, thanks for letting us know exactly why you had your little meltdown in this seemingly-random thread.
I’m not delusional, I simply read all of your posts.
Boo hoo!
Glenn, you are whinging constantly about not getting laid enough, then yelling at feminists on the internet who don’t like your methods or approach because we are “creepshaming” you. That’s classic “incel” complaining. Stop acting like not having sex is some kind of deadly affliction and stop pitying yourself. PUA bullshit is a creepy, and a racket, and you are just vomiting by-the-book MRA #notallmen garbage.
You are no different than any other PUA creep.
Because I like this website, Glenn. I like this site and the community.
My answer is important to you…why?
@calmdown – I’m not pitying or “whinging” (whining?). I acknowledged that it can be difficult for me to get laid and I’m trying to fix the problem.
As opposed to your by-the-book Jezebel garbage.