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You’ve heard of “Cuckservatives?” Make way for “Cucknadians”

Oh, Cucknada!
Oh, Cucknada!

Language is a living thing. New words are invented every day. Most never make it into the dictionary and fade out once their novelty wears off; a few are embraced by the public and become part of the language. Meanwhile, archaic words drop out of usage and are forgotten by everyone but those who read dictionaries for fun.

Today I ran across one new addition to the language that hasn’t quite achieved liftoff yet. While browsing the A Voice for Men Facebook page — to check if it was still up, and possibly gather some new memes for a future post — I noticed a posting referring to the inhabitants of the Great White North as “Cucknadians.”

Well, that’s a new one. The internet Nazis and assorted other reactionary twerps who have made “cuck” their favorite insult delight in working “cuck” into any word they can. These are the guys, after all, who managed to insinuate “cuckservative” into mainstream political discourse here in the US.

But I hadn’t seen “Cucknadian” before (or at least hadn’t remembered seeing it). A quick Google later, I found out that AVFM was hardly the first to use this invented word. It seems to have originated on Twitter last August, where it has since become an insult of choice for a small but growing coterie of Gamergaters, Internet Nazis, Trump supporters, and other sh*tposters. You know, the usual gang.

“Cuck” is an insult loosely inspired by interracial “cuckold” porn, in which white “hotwives” have sex with black men while their “husbands” watch; the term is meant to suggest that the person so labeled is unmanly and/or insufficiently racist. A “Cucknadian,” naturally, is a “cuck”…  who’s Canadian.

Like “cuck,” “Cucknadian” is a pretty toothless insult; it’s only insulting to people who think that being a woman-hating racist is a good thing. But that hasn’t stopped woman-hating racists from using it.

It’s sometimes used as a handy term of abuse for politicians like Canada’s — sorry, Cucknada’s — progressive Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (the intended target of this Tweet):

And the allegedly “cuckservative” former Canadian citizen Ted Cruz:

But it has wider applications as well:


The term has now gone beyond Twitter, taking hold amongst some of the worst people on the Internet, showing up in dozens of threads on 4chan in the last couple of months — mostly on the legendarily awful /pol/ board — as well as on such lovely sites as The Daily Stormer, the Roosh V forum, and the virulently racist and malware-ridden Sheeky Forums.

And now it’s made its way into the Men’s Rights movement. Who knows what other terrible places it will go next?

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Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

The best part, the very best part of threads like this is that you just know any alt right lurkers reading this are rubbing their hands and thinking ‘look at how they complain about the c-word! How afraid they must be! Let us use it more, muh hah hah!’

And that’s just adorable.

8 years ago

Make way for “Cucknadians”


8 years ago

Nice to see you, BlackBloc.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

Moggie and Kreator:

I laughed until I inhaled my breakfast cereals. Ouch.

8 years ago


That is a thing of beauty!

8 years ago

Add me to the list of people who saw “Clucknada.”

8 years ago

Oh! Cucknada!
Our big-dicked second man;
True racial love
In our spouse’s panel van!

…it’s a work in progress.

8 years ago

@leftwingfox – i spit out my drink lol

8 years ago

MeCUCKn’s rigCUCKhts actCUCKtivists!

Guys! I’m doing it!!! Imagine their shame and humiliation. Just imagine it!!!!!! They’ll probably need weeks to recover from that insult. I had no idea the power of this word.

Wait… what if…


Oh god… what terror have I wrought?

8 years ago

oh fucky!

its cucky!

8 years ago


I wish there was some way I could use this one

Cuck who looks a bit, y’know, potato’ey×592.jpg

8 years ago

VP: I can’t quite convince myself that Trudeau is a real-life prime minister and not a beloved movie character.

(Though such a character would inevitably get assassinated to launch Ethan Hunt or Batman on some kind of mission.)

8 years ago


I really did read dictionaries for fun in my misspent youth.

I also misspent many youthful hours entranced by the atlas and the encyclopedia.

(Of course, I was sort of kid who’d read the labels on the sauce bottle and the cornflakes packet if there was nothing else available.)

8 years ago

I’m shocked -SHOCKED- these fucknuts chose “Cucknadian” over the obvious “Cucknuck”!

The only way to top that would be calling the homeland of the “Cucknucks” “Soviet Cucknuckistan”.

Do we SJWs have to do all the work for them?!

8 years ago

I wonder what’ll be next…

“Cuckspiracy”? “Cuckpromise”? “Cucksternation”? “Cucksor”? “Cuckthulhu”?

8 years ago

Also: I wanna be Justin Trudeau when I grow up. Whenever that might be.

8 years ago


I like this one! But I think a better definition is “the sound you hear when a bunch of cuck-obsessed alt-righters get together.” I’m going to use it in a post as soon as I can come up with an excuse to. (I can give you credit in the post if you want.)

Your definition is indeed better. No credit necessary, btw.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

All this “cuck cuck” make me feel like i am back in the barnyard… And a word repeated over and over finish by losing its meaning and its power. Or is this some kind of incantation ?

8 years ago

Delphi_ote’s comment = perfection

8 years ago

@Victorius Parasol. I’m disappointed that he didn’t pick up the podium and drop it.

8 years ago

Now I’m torn… The alt-right guys called our old Prime Minister Stephen Harper a cuckservative, I always knew that.

The GOP has consulted with him to advise them on how to bring down Donald Trump. Because of that, I was rooting for Donald Trump for a while (a couple days lol) because I would have loved to see him make a fool out of Harper.

Now I’m rooting for Stephen Harper.


8 years ago

Reminds me of how surfs used the word smurf. “I cucked some cuckberry scones this morning with butter and cuckberry cuck.”

8 years ago

Cleverforagirl: You can make that sentence infinitely more wrong by swapping “butter” to “cuckbutter”.