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You’ve heard of “Cuckservatives?” Make way for “Cucknadians”

Oh, Cucknada!
Oh, Cucknada!

Language is a living thing. New words are invented every day. Most never make it into the dictionary and fade out once their novelty wears off; a few are embraced by the public and become part of the language. Meanwhile, archaic words drop out of usage and are forgotten by everyone but those who read dictionaries for fun.

Today I ran across one new addition to the language that hasn’t quite achieved liftoff yet. While browsing the A Voice for Men Facebook page — to check if it was still up, and possibly gather some new memes for a future post — I noticed a posting referring to the inhabitants of the Great White North as “Cucknadians.”

Well, that’s a new one. The internet Nazis and assorted other reactionary twerps who have made “cuck” their favorite insult delight in working “cuck” into any word they can. These are the guys, after all, who managed to insinuate “cuckservative” into mainstream political discourse here in the US.

But I hadn’t seen “Cucknadian” before (or at least hadn’t remembered seeing it). A quick Google later, I found out that AVFM was hardly the first to use this invented word. It seems to have originated on Twitter last August, where it has since become an insult of choice for a small but growing coterie of Gamergaters, Internet Nazis, Trump supporters, and other sh*tposters. You know, the usual gang.

“Cuck” is an insult loosely inspired by interracial “cuckold” porn, in which white “hotwives” have sex with black men while their “husbands” watch; the term is meant to suggest that the person so labeled is unmanly and/or insufficiently racist. A “Cucknadian,” naturally, is a “cuck”…  who’s Canadian.

Like “cuck,” “Cucknadian” is a pretty toothless insult; it’s only insulting to people who think that being a woman-hating racist is a good thing. But that hasn’t stopped woman-hating racists from using it.

It’s sometimes used as a handy term of abuse for politicians like Canada’s — sorry, Cucknada’s — progressive Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (the intended target of this Tweet):

And the allegedly “cuckservative” former Canadian citizen Ted Cruz:

But it has wider applications as well:


The term has now gone beyond Twitter, taking hold amongst some of the worst people on the Internet, showing up in dozens of threads on 4chan in the last couple of months — mostly on the legendarily awful /pol/ board — as well as on such lovely sites as The Daily Stormer, the Roosh V forum, and the virulently racist and malware-ridden Sheeky Forums.

And now it’s made its way into the Men’s Rights movement. Who knows what other terrible places it will go next?

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8 years ago


I’d like to add cuckty cat and cuckpy dogs in place of kitty cat and puppy dog. It’s for when a woman would rather be a spinster cat/dog lady than be with a Nazi or MRA. It could also be for when a woman refuses to get rid of a pet for their red pill boyfriend and instead dumps him.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I would love to see Justin Trudeau laugh at these tweets, but he’s got better things to do, like continue to clean up after Harper.

8 years ago

So that we’re clear, they’re calling this guy insufficiently manly?

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol He’s made a good start in many things, but I wish he’d include in that clean-up getting rid of the Saudi arms deal, TPP, C-51, getting back the Wheat Board (if that’s even possible

8 years ago

@VP, he already replied. Here it is:

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Scildfeja Do you have a link? I think certain graphics are being blocked on my work computer.

8 years ago


Cucknadians are cucks from Canada. Cuckadians are cucks are Arcadia.

8 years ago

Fishy Goat, it’s at i DOTgiphy DOT com/ 26tPbhSNif8cW5vcA.gif

(it keeps breaking! D: you gon have to fix it on your end. It is not a very funny joke either D:)

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Ah, well. 🙂 Thanks!

Edit: Yup, work is blocking it. I’ll check it out at home.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

Alt Righter 1: We don’t seem to be making a lot of inroads outside the shitposter set.

Alt Righter 2: How about… nah.

AR1: What?

AR2: No you’ll think it’s stupid.

AR1: No go on, tell me.

AR2: Well maybe…

AR1: Yes?

AR2: Maybe if we sounded like bad tempered chickens? Do you think that might help?

AR1: That is…

AR2: I know. It’s stupid, right?

AR1: Genius. That is genius!

AR2: Really?

AR1: I mean it. Bad tempered chickens? Why didn’t we think of that before! Well be running the Western world inside of a year!

AR2: Sweet!

8 years ago

Handy guide to your Trudeau’s, for GamerGaters.

Pierre Trudeau legalized homosexuality and used the War Measure Act in Quebec to repress the Left and unions under the guise of anti-terrorism. He was avant-garde on the whole “security theater” thing. He is also very dead.

Justin Trudeau is a mildly attractive man whose entire qualifications for being Prime Minister consists of:

a) having a popular dad (outside of Quebec at least)
b) not being Harper (that is actually a pretty serious plus)
c) having more charisma than the sorry excuse of a party leader the NDP had at the time

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

I can’t wait until this makes it’s way to two of my favorite Internet personalities. It was great when it made it to the last one.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Does anyone else think that edit makes it look like “Clucknada?”

Oh, and obligitory:

8 years ago

It could also say Cluck nada

Like cluck no.

Everyone knows the bigots all died out by several cycles of systemic omnicide by the hands of old out of touch men who destroyed the world when it didn’t fit their image of perfection.

Oh god the elders are exactly boomer style conservatives.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ Scildfreja

Don’t forget about the charity boxing match he won.

8 years ago

“ugh ok guys we get it you want to watch each other have sex you dont have to keep going on and on about your cuck fetish its fine”

8 years ago

There has to be something with “cuck” and “canuck”.

I’m picturing a war propaganda style poster: “DO YOUR PART – Cuck a Canuck” It’s kind of nonsense but “cuck a canuck” is super fun to say.

8 years ago

*Resisting fantasies of being cuddled in those arms and being told about policies that go towards improving the lives of the common man.

8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

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Against that guy.

8 years ago

How is Canada a real country?

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This thread is now trudeau gifs

8 years ago

@Alan – thank you for that nostalgia laugh!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Cuck is starting to sound like one of those language games, like Ubbi Dubbi or Double Dutch or Pig Latin, where you substitute a nonsense syllable to keep grownups from overhearing your conversation.

Focuckor cuckxacuckample, yocucku micuckight sucuckond licuckie thicuckis icuckif yocucku wecuckre acucka whicuckite sucuckuprecuckemacuckist cuckon Twicuckittecucker.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

I literally don’t even understand cuck as an insult. Who would be insulted by being called a “cuck”, if they even knew what that meant in the first place?

I can’t imagine anyone ever being called that and responding with anything but uncontrollable laughter. But that’s just me.

8 years ago

OK, let’s get this over with:

Cuckghanistan, Cuckbania, Cuckgeria, Cuckdorra, Cuckgola, Cucktigua and Barcuckda, Cuckentina, Cuckmenia, Cuckstralia, Cuckstria, Cuckerbaijan, The Cuckhamas, Cuckhrain, Cuckladesh, Barcuckdos, Belacuck, Belcuckm, Cucklize, Cucknin, Cucktan, Cucklivia, Cucknia and Herzegocuckna, Cuckswana, Cuckzil, Cucknei, Cuckgaria, Cuckina Faso, Cuckundi, Cuckbodia, Cuckeroon, Cucknada, Cuck Verde, Central African Recucklic, Cuckhad, Cuckile, Cuckhina, Cucklombia, Cuckmoros, Recucklic of the Cuckgo, Democratic Recucklic of the Cuckgo, Cuck Islands, Cuckta Rica, Cuckoatia, Cuckba, Cuckprus, Cuckech Recucklic, Cuckmark, Djicucki, Dominicuck, Dominicuckan Recucklic, East Cuckmor, Ecuckdor, Cuckypt, El Cuckador, Ecucktorial Guinea, Cuckitrea, Cucktonia, Cuckhiopia, Federated States of Cuckonesia, Cuckiji, Fincuckland, Francucke, Cuckbon, The Cuckbia, Cuckorgia, Gercucky, Cuckhana, Cuckeece, Grecuckda, Cuckemala, Cucknea, Cucknea-Cuckssau, Cuckyana, Cuckhaiti, Cuckduras, Cuckgary, Icecuckand, Cuckindia, Cuckdonesia, Cuckiran, Cuckraq, Cuckreland, Cuckrael, Cucktaly, Cuckvory Coast, Jacuckia, Cuckpan, Cuckordan, Cuckzakhstan, Cuckenya, Cuckiribati, North Cuckea, South Cuckea, Cucksovo, Cuckwait, Cuckyrgyzstan, Cucklaos, Cucklatvia, Lecucknon, Cuckotho, Cuckberia, Cuckbya, Liecuckstein, Cuckthuania, Cuckembourg, Macuckdonia, Madacuckgar, Cucklawi, Cucklaysia, Maldivcucks, Cuckmali, Cuckmalta, Marshcuck Islands, Maucucktania, Maucucktius, Mexicuck, Molcuckva, Monacuck, Moncucklia, Cucktenegro, Moroccuck, Mozambicuck, Cuckyanmar, Nacuckno-Cuckarabakh, Nacuckbia, Naucuckru, Cuckepal, The Cuckherlands, New Cuckaland, Nicuckragua, Cuckiger, Cuckgeria, Nicuckge, Northern Cuckprus, Cuckorway, Cuckoman, Pacuckstan, Cuckalau, Cucklestine, Pacuckma, Papua New Cucknea, Pacuckguay, Percuck, Philicucknes, Cuckoland, Porcuckgal, Qucktar, Cuckomania, Cuckssia, Cuckwanda, Saint Cuckks and Nevis, Saint Cuckia, Saint Vincuck and the Cucknadines, Cuckamoa, Cuck Marino, São Cucké and Príncicuck, Saudi Cuckrabia, Cucknegal, Cuckerbia, Seycucklles, Sierra Cuckone, Sincuckore, Slocuckia, Cucklomon Islands, Cuckomalia, South Africuck, South Scuckdan, Cuckpain, Sri Lancuck, Scuckdan, Cuckiname, Cuckwaziland, Cuckweden, Cucktzerland, Cuckyria, Cuckaiwan, Tajicuckstan, Tancucknia, Cuckhailand, Cuckogo, Cuckonga, Cucknidad and Tobagcuck, Cucknisia, Turcuckey, Cuckmenistan, Cuckvalu, Cuckganda, Cuckraine, Cucknited Arab Cuckmirates, Cucknited Cuckdom, Cucknited States of Cuckmerica, Cuckruguay, Cuckbekistan, Vanuacuck, Vaticuck City, Cucknezuela, Cucknam, Cuckemen, Cuckambia, Cuckbabwe.

8 years ago

CuckNadian #PierreTrudeau will learn that #GamerGate is ETERNAL.

He’s dead. And even were he living, he would not give a fuddle-duddle. Just as he didn’t when ‘wingers were giving him shit back in the day.