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The Curious Case of the Disappearing A Voice for Men Facebook Page

Wanted for questioning
Wanted for questioning

Something weird is going on.

Yesterday, A Voice for Men’s Facebook page was temporarily suspended. I’m not sure how long it was down, but by the time I discovered Paul Elam’s announcement of the suspension late last night, it had been restored.

Elam — who apparently decided to come out of retirement for the occasion — declared that the suspension

appears to be the work of censorious feminist ideologues working in a modern Facebook environment that favors their agenda.

Mike Buchanan — the head of the UK’s ludicrously unsuccessful Justice for Men & Boys party and a longtime AVFM pal — declared in a comment on AVFM and in a post on his site that the censorious feminist ideologue responsible for this dastardly deed was a woman named Rose S Garston, a self-described “thorn in the side of MRAs” who had taken credit for the suspension in a post on her own Facebook page.

As proof, she posted a screenshot of the note she got from Facebook informing her that her complaint had led to AVFM’s suspension. Garston also took credit for getting the Exposing Feminism Facebook page taken down.

So, case closed then, right? Well, not exactly.

Because “Rose S Garston” does not seem to exist.

True, a Google search of the name shows there was a woman of that name born in 1903 in New Haven, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this almost certainly dead person is not the one posting on Facebook.

The rest of the Google results link to “Garston’s” Facebook page, to several comments “she” made elsewhere using “her” Facebook account, and to and assortment of MRA and Alt-Right sites that picked up Buchanan’s post.

“Garston” scrubbed “her” Facebook page of most of its contents sometime last night, but an archived version of the page — linked to in Buchanan’s post — raises even more red flags.

The page portrays “Garston” as a “fat acceptance” activist as well as a feminist. But to my eyes it doesn’t look like the page of a real feminist or fat acceptance activist. It looks like the work of a troll.

For one thing, there’s the matter of the picture purportedly of Garston that sits atop the page — showing a young woman holding a sign explaining why she supports fat acceptance. I don’t doubt that the person in the photo is a real fat acceptance activist; a Google image search shows that the photo was originally posted two years ago on a Tumblr blog devoted to fat acceptance.

But it’s also appeared on a zillion other pages since then, including a number mocking fat acceptance. It’s on Know Your Meme. It was used in a Youtube video called “The Fat Acceptance Movement is Bullshit.” Internet-famous fat-shamer (and fat person) Matt Forney used it in a post on “Fat Acceptance, Cultural Marxism and Identity Politics.”

It’s literally the first image that shows up if you do a Google image search for “fat acceptance” — making it the obvious pick for a lazy troll looking for a picture of a fat activist to pretend to be.

Then there’s the Facebook post from “Garston” in which “she” sets forth “her” views on the subject.

Stop the fat shaming. Fat is beautiful. Fat is healthy. It is the patriarchy that has dictated women must all be skinny as rakes for the viewing pleasure of men. Fuck that. You want that donut? That chicken burger and fries? That 15inch pizza? Then, go for it. Get it down you. Enjoy 🙂

Word of advice though. Being fat wont stop men catcalling you. At my heaviest I was 717lb and men would still catcall me when I was in my mobility scooter buying groceries.

Really? Really? If this was written by anyone other than a troll, I will eat my cats.

Assuming “Garston” is not the honest-to-goodness feminist fat acceptance activist “she” purports to be, then who is behind the account?

Could it be Elam himself or some other AVFMer trying to gin up some attention and sympathy?

I doubt it. Not that Elam wouldn’t stoop this low. He would. But I don’t think that Elam has the imagination to come up with something like this. And I doubt he would risk getting his Facebook page permanently banned in order to stir up a fake controversy.

No, I suspect it’s the work of someone who doesn’t much like feminism, or fat acceptance, or AVFM.

Could it be the work of some longtime fat-shamer like Forney or Roosh? In addition to using the same picture that Forney used for his post dissing fat acceptance, “Garston” also posted a screenshot from a Dr. Oz show about a 700-pound woman. As you may recall, Roosh made a bit of a spectacle of himself during an appearance on Dr. Oz to discuss his own fat-shaming campaign.

So … maybe? Probably not, though.

Regardless of who did it, if the point of this apparent trollery was to cause a headache for AVFM and to stir up animus towards feminists, well, it’s succeeded at both.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddt, the regulars worked themselves into a self-righteous frenzy over what proved to be a very short-lived suspension.

Someone called NixonForBreadsident got 97 net upvotes for a comment decrying what he saw as

a co-ordinated effort to render anything against feminism on Google, Facebook and other social media. As in they’ve literally had meetings to push this agenda.

This is a major fuckup on their side though, the world has been steadily getting pissed off by feminism and the one thing that unites people is when you censor content.

NOTHING is too big to fall. Remember that.

Our old friend ThePigmanAgain declared that

this is very bad news. The hammer is starting to fall all over the place and one has to wonder how long it will be before the PC fascists who run FB start to ban ordinary members who also happen to be MRAs.

r4ks4k was a bit more succinct, saying only

Well then f**k facebook.

The original comment did not contain the asterisks, of course.

I have no idea how this whole thing is going to shake out.

Your move, troll. I guess?

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Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

Man, I never get invited to the meetings.

8 years ago

*Looks up the definition of censorship just to make sure*

Huh, I didn’t know that Facebook was a governmental organization. That’s some interesting news right there.

8 years ago

ROFL. These guys are so dense and ill-informed, and their hatred is so all-encompassing, that they can’t even pretend to be feminists when hatching their harebrained schemes without waving their contempt all over the place.

It’s like watching Wile. E Coyote at work.

8 years ago

Ditto to the Wile E Coyote thought – I was feeling bad for finding comedy in the mutual whining and incompetence here. Quick, somebody place an order for an ACME™ XXL Slingshot, I want to see how this pans out.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Smells like one of #GG’s silly little Metal Gear LARPs “False flag” “Ops” to me. I bet it even has an adorable name like “Operation Wizard Of Oz.”

8 years ago

Talking of censorship, although slightly off topic, excellent news from the Guardian everyone!

They have just completed a mountain of research re online comments on their site and have concluded that to an overwhelming degree the women writers get targeted .

‘As part of a series on the rising global phenomenon of online harassment, the Guardian commissioned research into the 70m comments left on its site since 2006 and discovered that of the 10 most abused writers eight are women, and the two men are black.’

And here you can see the outraged response by some of the men doing it:

I cannot tell you how pleased I am with the Guardian for doing this.
Well done all!

8 years ago

Whoever did this knew exactly the buttons to press to get the misters to go insane. Naturally, they don’t both to do any research about a single purpose account and your findings make it obvious that whoever did it were counting on the MRAs not engaging in any rational thought.

Considering the current debacle over Alison Rapp and Stephen Fry’s high profile comments, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a calculated attempt to start a new hissy fit of anti-feminist bullshittery on the net.

8 years ago

The page was suspended? Damn, they must’ve been up to some pretty bad stuff there. Like, posting “White people are rude and racist” or even pictures of women’s nipples. I have tried to get posts deleted in which people were actually advocating killing people and bringing Nazi Germany back, but apparently that “didn’t violate the community standards” enough. What did AVFM post that made Facebook suspend them?

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

Oh, Jesus, what did Stephen Fry say now?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Nope, nope, nope. They totally got owned by a 113 year old woman who is more social media savvy than they are.

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago


8 years ago

Oops sorry I stuffed up those links…

8 years ago

I saw some people talking about this on Twitter and was really suspicious of it. Facebook is astronomically more likely to take down genuine body posi images than anything AVfM posts.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Re: Stephen Fry

Okay, how many times now has he started randomly defending or apologising for paedophilia in the middle of an unrelated interview?

8 years ago

Is Stephen Fry just Richard Dawkins with more jokes?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

It takes so little to set the MRAs off on a tantrum, and it looks like the minimal effort was made here.

8 years ago

@ Chris. Oh Bugger I just looked up what Stephen Fry had to do with the whole Alison Rapp thing. It’s hard to have someone you admired, destroy your opinion of them so completely & thoroughly with such a thoughtless action. I somehow managed to completely avoid learning what a pompous fool he has become and now I am sad.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

What’s the point of Stephen Fry other than his voice and accent?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

In defence of Wyle E Coyote

There was nothing wrong with his plans. He was just let down by the ACME company. If I were him I’d certainly be considering a call to Trading Standards.

8 years ago

Did Rapp actually do something actually wrong? Typically when GG targets someone I assume its all bullshit & ignore it.

8 years ago

Frys comments are so gross. asking for a TWO WORD warning is not “feeling sorry for yourself” it is a very simple proactive way to deal with mental health. Fuck him & the bullshit he rode in on.

8 years ago

Has there ever been an instance of MRAs not falling for a really obvious chan troll job?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Whoever did this knew exactly the buttons to press to get the misters to go insane. Naturally, they don’t both to do any research about a single purpose account and your findings make it obvious that whoever did it were counting on the MRAs not engaging in any rational thought.

I dunno, maybe they did do the same research David did and they genuinely believe that it’s a feminist’s page. They believe such bizarre shit about feminists, and especially fat acceptance feminists, that their ability to detect even an obvious troll has to be impaired.

8 years ago

Names like that always sound like anagrams to me. Especially with the random initial thrown in. The best I could find was “gross treason,” with “snorer got ass” in a close second.

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