alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs judgybitch literal nazis misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism trump women's suffrage

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie: “Men in Sweden will have to hunt down every migrant”

Hey fellas, wait up!

It’s been a while since we last checked up on Andrea Hardie, a.k.a. Janet Bloomfield, a.k.a. JudgyBitch, the Men’s Rights Twitter Activist who’s still activisting it up on Twitter … despite being permabanned from Twitter.

So what’s this uncharacteristically impolite Canadian been up to?

Well, she’s still trying to get her #WhyWomenShouldNotVote hashtag to happen. (It’s not going to happen.)

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Women believe they have a right to men's money and will vote til they take all of it #Truth #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Women are piss poor decision makers. No important choice should be made by a woman #WhyWomenShouldNotVote @huntie_boo @Nero

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Janet Mock Tragically, women are vindictive shrews who lie about rape when men reject them #WhyWomenShouldNotVote #Ghomeshi

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Illimitable Man Women cannot be appeased. What they WANT is boundaries. Enforced by men. aka patriarchy. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Now she apparently thinks that women shouldn’t be educated either, a rather strange opinion for a woman who continually boasts about how many feminist books she allegedly read in grad school.

User Actions Follow Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie It's pointless to educate women. THEY REFUSE TO WORK. They want to be at home with babies. … #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

For a woman who opposes women’s suffrage, Hardie has a lot of very strong opinions about politics.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @MattFromTexas31 2@JustinTrudeau won because a bunch of stupid horny middle aged women want to fuck him. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Hardie, whose Twitter avatar sports a little Trump badge, has especially strong feelings about American politics.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Celebrate #InternationalWomensDay by voting for @realDonaldTrump He will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain for EVERYONE …

anet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @CoyoteDork The tl;dr is that Trump is good for men, and anything good for men is good for EVERYBODY, in the long run.

For a woman convinced that “no important choice should be made by a woman,” she certainly spends a lot of time trying to convince people that her choice for president in a country she doesn’t even live in is the best choice.

But, hey, she’s not like other women.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @JoeCarne Sadly, women like me are vastly outnumbered by irrational women who vote to spend until the state collapses #whywomenshouldnotvote

Hardie also has a lot of opinions about Sweden.


Blackliesmatters ‏@Swedeniscucked 7h7 hours ago @AndreaHardie But keeping women in check and in line is actually a good idea.. But i guess its to late now right? 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More User Actions Follow Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @Swedeniscucked It's late, but it's not too late. Step one: repeal suffrage. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @Swedeniscucked Men in Sweden will have to hunt down each and every migrant. There is no other way. It be bloody work.

Wait WHAT!?

Is she actually suggesting that the only, er, “solution” to the migrant “problem” in Sweden is for Swedish men to literally murder “each and every migrant?”

Given that Hardie has previously threatened to kill any feminists who might show up at her doorstep by shooting them in the face with her crossbow, I’m going to assume she does indeed mean that Swedish men should start systematically murdering all migrants — men, women, and children. A sort of “final solution” to the migrant “problem,” if you will.

Yep. It seems that Hardie, who used to enjoy leveling unfounded charges of racism at all white feminists (including imaginary feminists in cartoons drawn by antifeminists), has now gone all white supremacist on us. Now the only “racism” she’s concerned about is racism against the poor beleaguered white race.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted phenomenal woman White people created the entire culture and society you live in. Your lack of gratitude is what created racism.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Life originated in Africa. Modern life originated in the fertile triangle. Modern culture came from white cultures. @InkedWordsmith

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Winston Booth Because that ended the global slave trade? White people were the first to end the slave trade. #LearnHistory

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Shelley Zalis Wrong. Talent is usually young, white and male. Cry all you want. It's true. #FeminismIsCancer

In addition to giving white folks credit for creating civilization, ending the slave trade, and having most of the talent in the world, Hardie wants to make sure we know that a white person invented the chocolate chip cookie!

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @CassirerSociety @TheOGspig @Ohm_Mega_ It grows there. It took a white lady to figure out to turn into into chips.

Not just a white person but a white LADY. Apparently her whiteness triumphed over her femaleness and she actually had an idea that was good.

In addition to trumpeting the alleged superiority of the white race, Hardie — following in the footsteps of her idol Milo Yiannopoulos — has also started tentitively aligning herself with the Alt-Nazis of the Alt Right. Consider her awful response to this awful meme:


Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Sue! The trouble is, they want those savages. Badly. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote #AltRight #StopIslam

But even as she embraces — sort of — this trendy new label, she doesn’t quite seem to understand exactly what her new friends believe. She’s not quite sold on that whole Holocaust denial thing, for example.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @parasiteburner Bullshit. I can accept the Holocaust and reject white guilt AT THE SAME TIME. You might want to try it. #AltRight

But, hey, cut her some slack! She’s still a bit of a newbie when it comes to the whole white supremacism thing.

OppressedFart ‏@OppressedFart Apr 1 @AndreaHardie @_AltRight_ It's wishful thinking to say the majority of memesters are for the lulz and that the "1488s" are a small part 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More User Actions Follow Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @OppressedFart @_AltRight_ Is it? I'm just learning about #AltRight

Apparently embracing a neo-Nazi movement because all the cool kids are doing it is a bit more complicated than you might think.

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8 years ago


Yeah, “white culture” is such an obvious thumb on the scale that it’s functionally impossible for me to take any sentence containing that phrase seriously. Congratulations, you’ve performed a rhetorical sleight-of-hand that elides together Greco-Roman antiquity, the Italian and Northern Renaissances, the French Enlightenment, and Anglo-Saxon imperialism into a single three thousand-year bonanza! Too bad culture maps to societies (often to communities within societies) and not to race or genealogy, right?

8 years ago

These MRA sorts love to bitch about women refusing to work but women have always been part of the work force. Who does Hardie think figure out which plants were edible when the men were off hunting all those mammoths? Who does she think discovered how to plant and harvest all those tasty plants in the area she calls the “fertile triangle”? Second, “white cultures” didn’t invent “civilization”, “brown cultures” did. White people are relatively new.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

What the hell is “white culture”? Its such a overly homogeneous term it doesn’t make any sense.

“This is good, so we’re going to take credit for creating it.”

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@MexicanHotChocolate Meh, why would they let facts get in the way of their White Civilization Fantasyland?

Thanks for the link! 🙂

8 years ago

Ive heard “white culture” used to describe white supremacist culture in the U.S.
In all my years of public ed, we never learned about non-European cultural history. Even going to the library didnt help much bc few books in English talk about certain cultures, African particularly, in a positive and accurate way. Its not surprising so many people think White folks did everything.

8 years ago

@David Futrelle

I completely lost it at your “suck it up, buttercup” rebuttal on twitter.

Also on that twitterfeed, she announces that she’s not going to vote. At least she’s committed to her bullshit!

@Victorous Parasol & @tekshak

Hey now, leave Papyrus and Sans out of this

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

Then how would she take me, a woman who would rather be out in the world with books and earning money for it (read: working as a librarian) than be at home with babies? Would she tell me I’m going against my nature? That I’ve been fooled into thinking I want to work when I really want to be a stay-at-home mom?
I know any answer she’d give would be untrue and a nonsensical attack on any woman who doesn’t do exactly what she thinks is best, by the way. I’m just curious about what form it would take.

8 years ago

Man I wonder what happened in her life to make her hate other women so much. It saddens me that she has a daughter.

8 years ago

April 12, 2016 at 2:40 pm

Ive heard “white culture” used to describe white supremacist culture in the U.S.
In all my years of public ed, we never learned about non-European cultural history. Even going to the library didnt help much bc few books in English talk about certain cultures, African particularly, in a positive and accurate way. Its not surprising so many people think White folks did everything.

Yeah–my elementary and high school exposure to non-European cultures was pretty much, “This is what happened when white people showed up.” It wasn’t all pro-Manifest Destiny, at least (we got a lot about the harm caused by Western imperialism), but it still reduced PoCs to supporting characters.

Three Snakes
8 years ago

I hate to sound stupid, guys, but sometimes I wonder how many people in the world are actually this reactionary and stupid. I mean, some people will say they are just a very loud minority of the population. But at the same time it seems like there’s so many of them. On the Internet, it seems like they’re EVERYWHERE and for many people campaigning for progressive issues they’re like constant background noise.Then again, like with Gamergate for example, a whole lot of people on Twitter were sock accounts with anime avatars.

So I don’t know. It seems like a minority of people in the real world have mobilized themselves into a kind of Internet army. They have no clear goal, just a desire to sabotage anything they label as progressive or threatening to them.

8 years ago

I’m going to tweet JB on election day to tell her I voted.

I absolutely LOVE that idea!!

8 years ago

White culture doesn’t make sense to me either. I’d say that, for example a Dane living in Copenhagen, an Ashkenazi Jewish living in Russia, and a Scots- Irish American from rural Georgia are living in 3 completely different cultures.

8 years ago

Three Snakes:

By and large, your assessment is correct. The internet, like any other technological advance, has had both ups and downs. One of the ‘downs’ is the ability to filter your information sources so that you are surrounded (in the virtual sense) by only those voices that agree with you.

Once upon a time, extreme reactionaries like these would basically be the village crank, writing angry letters to the local paper that they would only even look at if they didn’t sell enough ads for the local grocer to fill the space. And the crank would be forced to at least acknowledge that his views were way, way out of touch with the rest of the world, because no one he actually spoke to would agree with him. But the internet shifts that. If only one person in a thousand holds a particular odious viewpoint, then at any given time, there’s 300,000 Americans who agree with him.

If one percent of those people decide to Google an appropriate search term, then there will be a solid community of 3,000 people all arriving at the same place–and all of them will be equally horrible human beings. Instead of being the local joke, they’re suddenly surrounded by their like-minded peers, all of whom also think that their views are perfectly reasonable. If we expand that to all people on the internet who speak reasonably fluent English, it goes up considerably.

This safe haven for bigoted expression produces two simultaneous effects. First, the contrast between their online life and their real-world life creates a sense of persecution in the real world. If all these people agree with them, then clearly the barista who gives his come-ons a side-eye, and the teacher who reprimanded him for telling a sexist joke, and that witch down in HR who told him to knock it off with the racist jokes in the lunchroom–well, they’re all clearly some of them Ess-Jay-Dubyas that everyone online has been telling him about.

At the same time, there’s a perfectly normal human inclination towards self-promotion. In a culture where reactionary views are valued, then the most extreme view-holders are going to be the most dominant. So they start trying to one-up one another, slowly at first, but then accelerating. Some, of course, may decide that things have gone too far, but most will tag along, at least, even if they stop competing themselves, because we are herd animals.

So the echo chamber amplifies the awfulness, at the same time as it filters out any contrary views. This is why so many of these wretches stick to purely ‘internet activism’, and that mostly takes the form of drive-by trolling. Trying to spout this stuff in the real world, without caking it in dog-whistles and euphemisms, will get them ostracized, and they know it. Rather than run into that resistance, they choose to stick with behavior that leaves them secure–group harassment, trolling and the like.

This, by the way, is where progressives have an edge. While the echo chamber effect CAN kick in in some cases, leftists ultimately are trying to change some aspect of the world–that’s the essence of progressive thought in the first place. And you can’t do that without actually interacting with the world, without learning to deal with that resistance without just leaving the verbal equivalent of a turd on someone’s doorstep. Leftists who can’t address their opponents directly usually end up burning out rather than retreating back to an internet life.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

takshak | April 12, 2016 at 10:06 am
@Victorious Parasol – maybe Comic Sans will do the trick

Victorious Parasol | April 12, 2016 at 10:52 am
@ takshak

Or maybe Papyrus?

Seconding Moocow: You two leave the Skelebros alone. They didn’t do anything to you.

Papyrus is a cool skeleton who likes spaghetti who is too good and pure for these shitlords, and Sans just wants to save the world from a bloodthirsty, genocidal player character and then go take a break.

Moocow | April 12, 2016 at 2:42 pm
Also on that twitterfeed, she announces that she’s not going to vote. At least she’s committed to her bullshit!

I imagine it’s going to end up like that nazi guy who went to Trump’s rally and didn’t actually vote, and then was shocked when he lost.

8 years ago

@runsinbackground.. the next subsection deals with the limits on it, it’s very narrow, and only one person in the entire country can bring a charge under that section.

There are limits on speech everywhere that has a functional government. The trick is to find a civilized balance.

8 years ago

Huh. I went to three different proms with three different dates.

They just can’t decide if we can’t get dates or if we get all the dates and make beta men sad.

She’s calling for white supremacists to murder families now?She is a rapist of men who wants men to go on murder sprees now? And some guys think she is their ally?

How absurd and disgusting she and her supporters are.

8 years ago

lol didn’t all her pseudonyms get banned from Twitter for harassment?

After the first screenshot I was going to say she doesn’t understand how insurance works, but after the next few I realized she doesn’t understand how anything works. Nothing. And she went to grad school? A legitimate school accepted her? She’s barely coherent.

8 years ago

So women shouldn’t be educated and should never be allowed to make important choices, even for themselves? What’s-her-face really needs to drop the “radical notion that women are adults” and “feminists want big daddy to take care of them” bullshit rhetoric because she is asking to be treated like a child who needs to be coddled and told what to do. Sorry, you can’t have both.

8 years ago

That’s because she’s an idiot, David.
A hateful, twisted idiot.

I clicked through to see her Tweets for the first time (I don’t often go on Twitter because it seems…just awful), and

Her feed’s a constant stream of disgusting, ignorant bile.

I mean, how does someone get that way?
To get to the point of spewing seemingly nothing but hate?

I feel sorry for her.
What an awful way to live.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

FYI: she isn’t going to vote because she’s Canadian and cannot vote in American elections. There’s a lot that’s wrong about her (a lot) but she isn’t wrong to say she won’t be voting.

8 years ago

Does it bother anyone else that she constantly refers to women as “them?” Like… is she not a woman? Is she a trans guy or nonbinary or something? That could put a crimp in her right-wing career.

“She” might be just a collection of keyboard-happy “unpaid interns,” like her hero, Milo.

8 years ago

Men in Sweden will have to hunt down each and every migrant. There is no other way. It be bloody work.

…she probably doesn’t realize that there are “migrants” from all kinds of “white” countries as well in Sweden, because of historical reasons and strong economy and peaceful society. Shit, she’s basically calling for a genocide of 426K Finns alone, not to mention everyone else she doesn’t happen to like which is even greater in numbers and I can’t even.

Just what kind of miserable and vile toerag one has to be to say something shitty like that? Or is she doing it for attention? Is she trying to be a Cool Girl for Nazis? That’s not gonna end well. Admittedly, that’s a fall I really want to see, and there isn’t enough popcorn for watching those fireworks.

8 years ago


There are a lot of white Canadians in the United States, would she want white USians to hunt down and murder them? Probably not! Whenever people go on and on about immigrants being some sort of evil scourge, they conveniently forget how many white immigrants there are.

8 years ago


she constantly refers to women as “them?” Like… is she not a woman?

I’m willing to believe that she feels so alienated and dissociated from women that she might possibly believe that she’s a woman only in the academic sense.