alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs judgybitch literal nazis misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism trump women's suffrage

Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie: “Men in Sweden will have to hunt down every migrant”

Hey fellas, wait up!

It’s been a while since we last checked up on Andrea Hardie, a.k.a. Janet Bloomfield, a.k.a. JudgyBitch, the Men’s Rights Twitter Activist who’s still activisting it up on Twitter … despite being permabanned from Twitter.

So what’s this uncharacteristically impolite Canadian been up to?

Well, she’s still trying to get her #WhyWomenShouldNotVote hashtag to happen. (It’s not going to happen.)

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Women believe they have a right to men's money and will vote til they take all of it #Truth #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Women are piss poor decision makers. No important choice should be made by a woman #WhyWomenShouldNotVote @huntie_boo @Nero

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Janet Mock Tragically, women are vindictive shrews who lie about rape when men reject them #WhyWomenShouldNotVote #Ghomeshi

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Illimitable Man Women cannot be appeased. What they WANT is boundaries. Enforced by men. aka patriarchy. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Now she apparently thinks that women shouldn’t be educated either, a rather strange opinion for a woman who continually boasts about how many feminist books she allegedly read in grad school.

User Actions Follow Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie It's pointless to educate women. THEY REFUSE TO WORK. They want to be at home with babies. … #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

For a woman who opposes women’s suffrage, Hardie has a lot of very strong opinions about politics.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @MattFromTexas31 2@JustinTrudeau won because a bunch of stupid horny middle aged women want to fuck him. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Hardie, whose Twitter avatar sports a little Trump badge, has especially strong feelings about American politics.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Celebrate #InternationalWomensDay by voting for @realDonaldTrump He will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain for EVERYONE …

anet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @CoyoteDork The tl;dr is that Trump is good for men, and anything good for men is good for EVERYBODY, in the long run.

For a woman convinced that “no important choice should be made by a woman,” she certainly spends a lot of time trying to convince people that her choice for president in a country she doesn’t even live in is the best choice.

But, hey, she’s not like other women.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @JoeCarne Sadly, women like me are vastly outnumbered by irrational women who vote to spend until the state collapses #whywomenshouldnotvote

Hardie also has a lot of opinions about Sweden.


Blackliesmatters ‏@Swedeniscucked 7h7 hours ago @AndreaHardie But keeping women in check and in line is actually a good idea.. But i guess its to late now right? 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More User Actions Follow Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @Swedeniscucked It's late, but it's not too late. Step one: repeal suffrage. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @Swedeniscucked Men in Sweden will have to hunt down each and every migrant. There is no other way. It be bloody work.

Wait WHAT!?

Is she actually suggesting that the only, er, “solution” to the migrant “problem” in Sweden is for Swedish men to literally murder “each and every migrant?”

Given that Hardie has previously threatened to kill any feminists who might show up at her doorstep by shooting them in the face with her crossbow, I’m going to assume she does indeed mean that Swedish men should start systematically murdering all migrants — men, women, and children. A sort of “final solution” to the migrant “problem,” if you will.

Yep. It seems that Hardie, who used to enjoy leveling unfounded charges of racism at all white feminists (including imaginary feminists in cartoons drawn by antifeminists), has now gone all white supremacist on us. Now the only “racism” she’s concerned about is racism against the poor beleaguered white race.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted phenomenal woman White people created the entire culture and society you live in. Your lack of gratitude is what created racism.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Life originated in Africa. Modern life originated in the fertile triangle. Modern culture came from white cultures. @InkedWordsmith

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Winston Booth Because that ended the global slave trade? White people were the first to end the slave trade. #LearnHistory

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Shelley Zalis Wrong. Talent is usually young, white and male. Cry all you want. It's true. #FeminismIsCancer

In addition to giving white folks credit for creating civilization, ending the slave trade, and having most of the talent in the world, Hardie wants to make sure we know that a white person invented the chocolate chip cookie!

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @CassirerSociety @TheOGspig @Ohm_Mega_ It grows there. It took a white lady to figure out to turn into into chips.

Not just a white person but a white LADY. Apparently her whiteness triumphed over her femaleness and she actually had an idea that was good.

In addition to trumpeting the alleged superiority of the white race, Hardie — following in the footsteps of her idol Milo Yiannopoulos — has also started tentitively aligning herself with the Alt-Nazis of the Alt Right. Consider her awful response to this awful meme:


Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie Janet Bloomfield Retweeted Sue! The trouble is, they want those savages. Badly. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote #AltRight #StopIslam

But even as she embraces — sort of — this trendy new label, she doesn’t quite seem to understand exactly what her new friends believe. She’s not quite sold on that whole Holocaust denial thing, for example.

Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @parasiteburner Bullshit. I can accept the Holocaust and reject white guilt AT THE SAME TIME. You might want to try it. #AltRight

But, hey, cut her some slack! She’s still a bit of a newbie when it comes to the whole white supremacism thing.

OppressedFart ‏@OppressedFart Apr 1 @AndreaHardie @_AltRight_ It's wishful thinking to say the majority of memesters are for the lulz and that the "1488s" are a small part 0 retweets 0 likes Reply Retweet Like More User Actions Follow Janet Bloomfield ‏@AndreaHardie @OppressedFart @_AltRight_ Is it? I'm just learning about #AltRight

Apparently embracing a neo-Nazi movement because all the cool kids are doing it is a bit more complicated than you might think.

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Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

It’s been more fiery (arson-y?) than bloody so far. But it’s probably going to get more bloody, sadly.

8 years ago

The line between MRAs and Nazis grows ever thinner…

8 years ago

Men in Sweden will have to hunt down each and every migrant. There is no other way. It be bloody work.

Is that a woman, telling men what to do?

Omg! I guess ladies always want disposable men to do all the hard work for them, why is it only the men who have to do the bloody work., what a spoilt princess she has become.

8 years ago

Women should take the burden of paying for birth control all on themselves because men have nothing to do with making babies. Birth control prevents parthenogenesis.

8 years ago

“Women make bad decisions” screams woman whose every tweet represents a bad decision.

8 years ago

Crank magnetism is a powerful force.

Snork Maiden
8 years ago

Oh dear,
poor Mrs Hardie. If only she would follow her own advice.

8 years ago

There’s a reason she’s not calling for a Canadian migrant hunt

319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Marginal note: Wilful promotion of hatred

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

That image about thanking white men for feminism pisses me off on so many levels – not just because it’s bullshit, but because it completely ignores slavery in the American continent and the WoC that were raped by white slave owners. Unless that’s supposed to be good in their eyes?! “If you’re a black woman and a white man rapes you it’s more like a blessing” Is this the type of shit they’re trying to get at? Or white men can’t rape because they’re just sooooooooooo awesome?!

Seriously, what’s up with this crap? I remember someone suggested that MRAs and their ilk lived in an alternative universe where their points made sense and somehow our universe overlaped with theirs, but the only thing we got from it were their complaints. It makes a lot more sense to me than this bizarre denial of reality.

8 years ago

What a morally bankrupt guttersnipe.

8 years ago

Hit post too early.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Speaking of refugees, my friend who previously went to “the jungle” at Calais is now in Chios. She’s on her way to delivering food and potato peelers (apparently they’re in short supply) that she’s managed to beg, steal or borrow, to one of the camps.

She’s just posted this

The people’s lives around me living day to day in tents are in tatters; with no idea of what will happen next. And i’m sat feet away eating a freshly cooked cheese and tomato toasty ‪#‎privilege‬ ‪#‎CalstocktoChios‬ ‪#‎notsurewhattosay‬

Two issues:

Firstly, how do compassionate people overcome their guilt when they can’t save everybody (serious question, any ideas will be passed on)

Secondly, how can shitheads want to harm these people any further? Haven’t they been through enough? (And do people really think that they’d go through all this just to steal a job?)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Wait…Is she actually congratulating white people for ending the slave trade?

I have lost my ability to even.

Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

Women are piss poor decision makers.

Now that’s some world-class projection right there.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Nope. Still not persuaded that I should give up my right to vote. Guess she’ll have to find a way to make ALL CAPS even bigger and more obnoxious. That’s sure to persuade me that her rantings are logic, right?

Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Wait…Is she actually congratulating white people for ending the slave trade?

That’s nothing new. Conservatives have been doing that for years now (usually along with “African slaves were rounded up and sold by other Africans!”). Not only that, they use Lincoln being a Republican and the Democratic Party at the time opposing it to show how today’s Democrats are the real racists because the Civil Rights movement and Nixon’s Southern Strategy never happened.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ buttercup

Is she actually congratulating white people for ending the slave

She is part of a group who think women should be grateful to men when they stop hitting them.

8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol – maybe Comic Sans will do the trick

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

To be fair, if you’re already an MRA and you’re trying to get worse, Nazi is the way to go.

princess sunny burn
princess sunny burn
8 years ago

Oh don’t you know, Rosa? White men never rape anyone. White men are always chivalrous and protective of their pure, submissive white women. It’s black women who prey on innocent white men, tempting them with their inherently sexual bodies.

*shudder* I just finished Ar’n’t I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South by Deborah Gray White, and it talks extensively about how white culture excused the absolutely rampant abuse of black women by white men in the antebellum south. It’s just sickening how the exact same stereotypes and excuses are still used today. I think every white person should read that book, hell, it oughta be required reading in every American high school.

8 years ago

I’m going to tweet JB on election day to tell her I voted.

The Thousand Cock Stare
The Thousand Cock Stare
8 years ago

Funny how she thinks all this crap she wants wouldn’t apply to her. By her own rules shouldn’t she shut up and let men do the talking?

8 years ago

Without white men, you’d be hiding from enemy warlords who would [insert things no white man has ever done /s]…

Ah, now that’s refreshing.

Usually, it’s just, “Without men, who would protect you from the rampaging hordes?” while casually ignoring the giant question mark hovering over who they’re supposed to be.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Awwww, diddums. Andrea Hardie thinks she’s relevant.

8 years ago

Ohai Canadian are you enjoying living on stolen land that your ancestors stole from the indigenous population? I’d shut the fuck up about migrants if I were you.

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