It’s been a while since we last checked up on Andrea Hardie, a.k.a. Janet Bloomfield, a.k.a. JudgyBitch, the Men’s Rights Twitter Activist who’s still activisting it up on Twitter … despite being permabanned from Twitter.
So what’s this uncharacteristically impolite Canadian been up to?
Well, she’s still trying to get her #WhyWomenShouldNotVote hashtag to happen. (It’s not going to happen.)
Now she apparently thinks that women shouldn’t be educated either, a rather strange opinion for a woman who continually boasts about how many feminist books she allegedly read in grad school.
For a woman who opposes women’s suffrage, Hardie has a lot of very strong opinions about politics.
Hardie, whose Twitter avatar sports a little Trump badge, has especially strong feelings about American politics.
For a woman convinced that “no important choice should be made by a woman,” she certainly spends a lot of time trying to convince people that her choice for president in a country she doesn’t even live in is the best choice.
But, hey, she’s not like other women.
Hardie also has a lot of opinions about Sweden.
Wait WHAT!?
Is she actually suggesting that the only, er, “solution” to the migrant “problem” in Sweden is for Swedish men to literally murder “each and every migrant?”
Given that Hardie has previously threatened to kill any feminists who might show up at her doorstep by shooting them in the face with her crossbow, I’m going to assume she does indeed mean that Swedish men should start systematically murdering all migrants — men, women, and children. A sort of “final solution” to the migrant “problem,” if you will.
Yep. It seems that Hardie, who used to enjoy leveling unfounded charges of racism at all white feminists (including imaginary feminists in cartoons drawn by antifeminists), has now gone all white supremacist on us. Now the only “racism” she’s concerned about is racism against the poor beleaguered white race.
In addition to giving white folks credit for creating civilization, ending the slave trade, and having most of the talent in the world, Hardie wants to make sure we know that a white person invented the chocolate chip cookie!
Not just a white person but a white LADY. Apparently her whiteness triumphed over her femaleness and she actually had an idea that was good.
In addition to trumpeting the alleged superiority of the white race, Hardie — following in the footsteps of her idol Milo Yiannopoulos — has also started tentitively aligning herself with the Alt-Nazis of the Alt Right. Consider her awful response to this awful meme:
But even as she embraces — sort of — this trendy new label, she doesn’t quite seem to understand exactly what her new friends believe. She’s not quite sold on that whole Holocaust denial thing, for example.
But, hey, cut her some slack! She’s still a bit of a newbie when it comes to the whole white supremacism thing.
Apparently embracing a neo-Nazi movement because all the cool kids are doing it is a bit more complicated than you might think.
You’re right.
I shouldn’t have called her an idiot.
She’s a moron (since an alternative definition of moron is “a person lacking in good judgement”.
I think she considers herself a “rational woman,” and perhaps the only woman in the world capable of logical thought. She refers to other women as “them” because she thinks they’re all irrational and overemotional, and therefore they are lesser beings in comparison to her.
At least, that’s how I understand her particular brand of “us vs. them” mindset. It’s hard work, though, seeing as she can’t seem to stay on one train of thought for any given period of time.
Another thing Andrea Hardie is bad at: insults. “You point out how douchey I am?! I’m gonna call you fat! On Twitter!!”
@Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
That, or the “you are in denial about what you REALLY want (babies),you are just pretending to like those things because FEMINISM.”
I guess those are all forms of the same argument: women are too irrational and emotional therefore cannot be trusted to know our own desires or what we really want. Therefore we need a strong patriarchy to tell us what to do. Our desires are irrelevant.
Yeah, I figured as much. And they are basically all the same argument in different outfits, sort of like all of Count Olaf’s horrible disguises in A Series of Unfortunate Events.
You know in the responses* to Hardie’s tweet about this post, she says that she’s not voting. Some guy tells her that she should vote, even though she’s an icky girl, since she supports Trump, the correct candidate, and votes for him are even more important than women staying home in the kitchen. The dude proposes that she use the loophole of asking her husband for who to vote for/his permission to vote for Trump.
(Of course she clarifies that she’s not voting because she’s not American, but she would vote for Trump if she could. No mention of whether she would do so with or without “permission”.)
*I don’t speak twitter
She means brown people when she says “immigrants”.
Ew. I just registered an ImaginaryPetal twitter account yesterday, and it’s suggesting I follow Andrea Hardie.
Imaginary Petal: Go to settings, find the checkbox for “Do Not Track” and tell Twitter not to track. That should help a notch.
Is there a female equivalent for “mangina”? Because she would fit the definition perfectly.