There’s a civil war raging within the American right. On one side, we find a trio of more-or-less mainstream conservatives: Republican strategist Rick Wilson; Daily Caller writer Matt Lewis, and the National Review’s Jamie Kirchick. On the other, Alexander Hart, a regular contributor to the white supremacist site VDare.com.
At issue: whether or not Alt Right dudes are a bunch of loser weirdos who can’t get laid.
Wilson started this conflict by declaring, in a now infamous appearance on MSNBC this January, that Donald Trump’s fans in the Alt-Right were basically a bunch of “childless single men who masturbate to anime,” not the sort of people “who matter in the overall course of humanity.”
Kirchick reignited the controversy by declaring, in a recent episode of Lewis’ podcast, that he didn’t know just “how successful these guys are with women,” adding that, as far as he could tell, none of the budding white supremacists who attended the genteel racist shindig that was the National Policy Institute’s conference last month “had any women attached to them.”
He noted that these guys were quick to resort to “homophobic insults,” which — wink wink nudge nudge — “is usually a manifestation of someone who has a problem with their own sexual identity.”
Lewis said that it sounded as though Alt-Right dudes were the kind of person who can pass for normal online but “when you meet them face to face you can tell that they’re weird.”
In other words, they were a bunch of losers. Possibly even a bunch of la-hoo-sa-hers.
On VDare, Hart is having none of it.
After quoting the terrible accusations of loserhood leveled at Alt-Right dudes by Kirchick and Lewis, Hart replies with a vehement nuh-uh.
“When I first attended an Alt Right meet up,” Hart writes,
I would not have been surprised to find a bunch of socially awkward program-coders. But while there were quite a few people who worked in IT (though they weren’t socially awkward), most worked in politics, law, finance and other high status professions, many with degrees from elite institutions.
Totally not a bunch of losers and weirdos!
Also they are very handsome fellows. And the ladies love them!
On average, they were better looking and in much better physical shape than the stereotypically fat and/or weak conservative functionaries … Their age ranged from the early 20s to late 30s, and the majority of those over 30 were married … .
MARRIED. To WOMEN, presumably. So obviously they totally CAN get laid.
Not only that, but Hart recently had dinner with a guy he knew in high school, and who now considers himself Alt-Right. Turns out the guy works at a top law firm and has “an attractive wife and three kids.”
Hart doesn’t spell it out but the existence of these three kids means that his friend has actually had sex with his attractive wife three times or more.
Unless she had triplets or something. But even then he at least had sex with her once!
Alas, Hart does not provide any photographic evidence to prove the existence of handsome Alt-Righters and their hot wives. But the reason he can’t isn’t that they aren’t handsome. It’s that if you come out as a nasty little racist who spends most of his free time posting Holocaust jokes on 4chan, your neighbors, and co-workers, and perhaps your employer as well, are likely to think a bit less of you.
Or, as Hart puts it:
The Alt Right is not anonymous because we’re “losers”—but because we (and our families) have so much to lose.
Of course, there are downsides of an anonymous movement. It’s easy for people like Rick Wilson and Matt Lewis to claim we are all “weirdos” when few can show their faces to defend themselves. They could easily claim I’m just another anonymous loser who is creating a false persona for myself and fellow basement dwellers.
Dude, here’s the thing. I don’t actually care if you and your comrades on the far right are super handsome ladies men or a bunch of grotesque trolls literally living in mom’s basement. Because what makes you guys ugly losers isn’t the way you look. It’s the horrible things you believe.
Last time I had cards made up, I desperately wanted the job title to be
“Professional Herder of Cats.”
apparently it couldn’t be done.
You seem somehow to have missed the point that it’s conservatives, not leftists, who are implying that the “alt-right guys” are losers. But then, you have to be pretty good at missing the point to think “alt-right” means anything other than “Nazi without the guts to admit it”.
What is the New Left?
Oh, hey, @Marley snuck in there half way up the last page. Sneaky thing!
I was writing a slightly sassy comment to reply to you, but my heart just isn’t in it. I’d rather not start the day grumpy!
David + us: look at these conservatives and Nazi-flavoured conservatives sniping at each other over whether they’re cool or not, as if that mattered in the fucking slightest.
Marley: Oh yeah? Well I think YOU’RE the real losers!
My business cards already say Ninja Facilitator. Which is what happens when you have one foot in an engineering firm and the other in the film industry.
As for pointing out homophobic people’s insecure sexual identity, that’s not the same as saying that they are necessarily closeted gays. In most cases it means that they are not comfortable with even the ordinary expression of appreciation for the same sex, because of the fear that someone might use it to question their orientation. It’s like they are needlessly and obsessively afraid of being thought of as gay or being even a little bit personally aware that they might consider someone of the same sex attractive, BECAUSE OH MY GAWD THAT MUST MEAN SOMETHING BAD. They’re not gay. They’re afraid of the gay. And they interpret ordinary human sympathies or antipathies as “gayness!” and in their minds gayness is anathema.
Properly, the term was used in the latter half of the 20th century to refer to left-wing activists who had no nostalgia for the Soviet Union and were not tied to traditional communist or trade unionist groups.
In this context, it’s a dog whistle meaning “cultural Marxist JOOOOOOOO!”
“Not for nothing, but calling alt-right guys “losers” when the New Left is made up of a group of mentally ill drug addicts, degenerates, and people who can’t even figure out their own gender, and need safe spaces, trigger warnings, and government handouts is pretty rich. Just sayin’…”
Just sayin eh?
Yea, I dont call people “losers” bc its a shitty term. It implies that value is based on competitive “winning” which always makes the majority of people “losers” because status & wealth are always a minority in Capitalist, bigotry-fueled societies such as ours. I dont think being oppressed or unlucky or whatever makes you a lesser person. Im sure you will take a moment to chuckle angrily to yourself at that, even tho you yourself have your feels easily hurt by the term. The article you are commenting on repeatedly the Right is calling each other losers.
If you hate people, why seek them out rather than avoid them? You clearly didnt come here to read a damn thing, which is clearly not a habit of yours generally. Maybe if you did READ more you wouldnt believe a series of nonsensical things. I cant imagine being full of irrational hate is terribly enjoyable or healthy, so youd probably be happier too.
A few research suggestions. For accurate results, use reputable sources rather than hate forums :
– the definition of mental illness. Hint: it is not “thoughts bigots dislike, such as the concept of equality”
– mental illness demographics
– ditto addiction. I mean, GW Bush was a cokehead for example. Rush Limbaugh was an addict as well.
– the APA statement on transgender (hint: just because you dont like or understand gender diversity doesnt mean others are “confused” about our gender
– basic logic, zooology, anthropology, psychology, & biology bc Im not sure how you dont understand the fact that humans like to be safe?
– demographics of people who receive govt $ & the govt budget in general. (hint: Tea Party heroes like Baachman have gotten govt $, orgs like the BSA, Wall Street Bankers, etc & our highest expenses are not the exploited & oppressed poor but rather the largest military & most prisons in the world, which Im sure pleases you immensely)
– Can one research compassion? Maybe ethics & morals rather?
Happy Learning!
WWTH: Basically, he’s complaining about hippies. In 2016.
Marley, Eric Cartman is not supposed to be your role model.
You’re breaking the comments policy. Perhaps you were too arrogant to look at the links in the header or think they could apply to you, too incompetent to read it, or too stupid to comprehend it.
Here, I’ll quote the relevant part. Short, sweet, and easy.
Oh Mish, I missed your comment! Please play the game!!
My job involves, in part, designing infrastructure to make water flow where I want it to go. I would like to apply for my job title to now be ‘water bender’, plzthx.
Technically, it only means the attractive wife has had sex with *somebody* at least three times. Maybe there’s a reason the alt-right is so obsessed with cuckolding…
@Space Apaca
the job were I’m at now I was kind of just hired and never had like a real job title and now the job I’m trying to move into has a ridiculously long title that very few people recognize or understand and I can give like a two word description of the job that pretty much anyone understands
RE: beauty and “goodness”
the idea that beautiful people are good and ugly people are evil comes from the Victorian era and they had a fancy word for it which I forget but it’s a pretty messed up idea, that people are better or worse based on something they can’t control
@ sparkalipoo
Discredited idea (like the similar phrenology) but did give us the fantastic “fizzog” as a slang term for ‘face’.