a woman is always to blame antifeminism entitled babies evil fat fatties grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings transphobia

Liberal democracy is destroying the world with fat chicks, Red Pill philosopher charges

Rebel Wilson, destroying the world
Rebel Wilson, destroying the world

On Return of Kings, the internet’s premier lady-hating garbage site, one of the regular contributors is trying his hand at philosophy again. It’s not going very well.

Max Roscoe, who describes himself as “an aspiring philosopher king,” has decided to take on what he sees as the evils of “modern liberal democracy.”

As he sees it, “the western culture today destroys everything it touches,” creating

weak men, shrill, out of shape, and damaged women, a decrepit culture, and declining values.

His number one complaint? That “western culture” has destroyed Asians. Not through cultural imperialism or anything like that. Roscoe thinks that Asians in Asia are fine. But the Asians he encounters in the west are something else entirely.

Asians are naturally thin, petite, and healthy—IN ASIA. … However, when Asians move to the west and adopt our culture, diet, and lifestyle, they become overweight, slutty, and often mutilate their bodies and experiment with gender fluidity.

That’s right. Western culture is evil because it makes hot Asian babes into genderqueer fatties.

It angers me every time I see a fat Asian, because I know how difficult it is for Asians to work against their biology to become fat.


Don’t worry, western women! Roscoe hates you gals too.

Roscoe makes his case against American women by contrasting a photo of sorority girls from the early 1970s, in which “all are smiling, thin, with long hair, in skirts or dresses with heels,” with a photo of an extremely obese woman wearing a stars-and-stripes bikini, which Roscoe seems to have taken from a YouTube video with the slightly awkward title “BEST FAT People Fail Compilation – Obese People Falling Down Fails.”

To aspiring philosopher-king Roscoe, this is all the evidence he needs to prove “that the quality of women offered today in the West is abysmal.”

Indeed, in Roscoe’s eyes, domestically produced women are made so badly that American men should probably seek out foreign imports.

If you haven’t been abroad within the last year, plan a trip now, if for no other reason than to see what is possible. We do not have to accept the low quality females we are being offered here.

Roscoe does not limit his critique of Western liberal democracy to the Fat Chick Problem. He is also critical of non-fat women who do things to their bodies (and minds)  that Roscoe does not approve of.

[I]t angers me when I see a thin, kind, young woman who has pierced and mutilated her body with graffiti and shrapnel, and has taken up the cause for feminism. Without a strong, patriarchal system to guide her, she becomes an enemy of civilization itself.

Apparently Roosh requires all Return of Kings writers to refer to piercings as “shrapnel.”

But there is more wrong with modern Western culture than its tendency to produce fat chicks and tattooed feminists. Roscoe is also angry that:

  • Westerners dance like Miley Cyrus and/or “Elaine Benice” [sic] from Seinfeld.
  • “American Millennial men” have become “shallow, silly, weak, vapid, directionless, and boring.”
  • The “the profit-at-all-costs fascist system” of modern capitalism makes most jobs pretty sucky.
  • Young couples no longer litter or make out in public because they’re all “play[ing] on their smartphones.”

Ok, I admit I don’t quite get that last point. So let’s back up and try it again.

Complaining that smartphones have led to a world bereft of “physical and emotional intimacy, save for the actual moment of banging your partner,” Roscoe posts two pictures to show what has apparently gone wrong.

In the first, from 1967, young people make out on park benches in New York’s Tompkins Square Park, surrounded by litter.

Paradise lost?
Paradise lost?

In the second photo, meant to represent a “Millennial couple on a typical date, 2016,” a couple sitting on a patch of grass check their phones. No litter is visible. Smartphones bad, litter good!


I guess it’s kind of hard to work up a powerful critique of Western Liberal Democracy if the cornerstone of your philosophy is NO FAT CHICKS.

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8 years ago

Thanks Stempke, the one thunderf00t video that it recommended did look interesting but if I watch that one then I would get recommendations for his other videos including his harassment ones and I just don’t want to even see links to that crap,

8 years ago


I mentioned having this problem myself in another thread. If you have Chrome I highly recommend the add on called “Video Blocker”, it allows you to block any channel from YouTube and you won’t see it anywhere.

Sorry if I sound like a advertisment but it legit changed my online life, and since they are making it for free I applaud them. I tried using YT recommendations but for every time I marked one as not interested 10 more MRA vids would appear. At least that was case about a year ago. Maybe they have improved their algorithms lately?

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Oh I do love misandry in the morning after a night shift!
Same shitty points on a different day. Constructed to make the poster like, totally original you guys! You only need to read the first letter of each point to know exactly what it means. I have a feeling that if we did have sex bots then the mras would be responsible for both the Terminator and the Matrix!

8 years ago

To be perfectly honest if they all did go the hell away and spent all their free time not doing the awful things they do, the sex bots would bring unbounded joy for me. Unfortunately I figure they’d probably go back to their old ways because having literal sex dolls isn’t enough.

Also if it wouldn’t be too much of a bother, could you guys direct me to your recommended readings and studies regarding women inequality? I feel if I had these tools I might be able to convince a few people to stop spreading misinformation.

8 years ago

Unfortunately I figure they’d probably go back to their old ways because having literal sex dolls isn’t enough.

True. Next they’d be complaining that the sexbots weren’t programmed to clean the house, fold the laundry and bring them a sammich while they pontificated online about the evils of women.

8 years ago

Speaking as someone who researches artificial intelligence? I could never, ever build a sexbot for these guys. I could never subject my babies to these monsters!

8 years ago

“The “the profit-at-all-costs fascist system” of modern capitalism makes most jobs pretty sucky.”

hey! we agree on something! cue balloons

8 years ago

They won’t be sentient, just mimic intimacy as a sex bot would. Had it be self aware then you’d just create a sex slave caste.

8 years ago

I am, uh, sort of unsure whether there is a sharp distinction between mimicking a behaviour and experiencing a behaviour :\ I suppose it is dependent on the degree of value of intimacy!

8 years ago

Long hair was popular, I’ll give him that.

Except it was also popular for — gasp — men!

8 years ago

Long hair wasn’t just popular in the 60’s. Behold The Dread Brad Pitt in his 90’s glory!

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

People used to litter a lot more than they do now, I think.

Yep. It may not seem like it always, but we’ve improved on littering by a lot. To put a point on the curve, my understanding is that the slipping on a banana peel joke originated as social commentary because there was so much garbage in the streets that tripping on it was very common.

And speaking of antiquated things, the gist of this idiot’s, I hesitate to use the term, “think piece” seems to be, “Man, I remember back in the good ole days when men could just pick up women literally and shove a tongue down their throat on the street, and a wedding only cost a nickel! Not that I’d get married because women are a horrible drain on the world, but it would only be a nickel if I did do it in the good ole days! Fucking millenials with your boundaries and smartphones and expensive asking people out to prom. Back in the good old days…” And it just never ends.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

@Number Sequence

Interestingly, the “banana peel” thing started its life as a euphemism. Banana peels aren’t actually that slippery, and they weren’t very common in the late 19th / early 20th century anyway. On the other hand, what was common on the streets on big cities was horse manure, which is slippery.

Slipping on a pile of horse manure would have been a common comedic experience for urbanites, but drawing poop was also considered indelicate. Thus, “banana peels” became an accepted visual euphemism. They’ve persisted in our lore even though our streets no longer contain horse manure.

Yes, the West is declining because our cities are no longer covered in horse poop. This man is a genius for spotting that causal link.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Dear Mr Roscoe,

I’m glad that you have ambitions. “Philosopher King” is an unusual one, but if that’s what you want to do then don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. However, there are some prerequisites that you need to achieve first. Specifically, you need to be:

A: A philosopher.
B: A king.

Having read your thoughts, you are no philosopher; and having done a quick Wikipedia check of all the reigning monarchs, you are no king. Considering that all your thought thus far seems to consist of complaining about how your own nation is so bad that it corrupts other nations, I’m not a hundred percent sure that people would even want you as a king.

Best of luck on those! Let me know how it turns out!

– EJ

8 years ago

@abars01 wrote:

Say, David, just curious. Do you ever get bored reading these same points over and over and over and over and over …

Really glad that I found this site. David does indeed do a lot of heavy lifting to expose some of the toxic macho bullshit that’s silting up the inter-web. However, reading the articles and the comments helps reassure me that it’s not just me and that I’m not necessarily going insane. Also get the occasional laugh.

Thanks all! Please don’t stop.

Three Snakes
8 years ago


While I’m not an expert in psychology, I can tell you the reason why they never get bored of it is because it’s the repetition of these things that make them truly believe what is real, even if it’s obviously a piece of garbage.

This is how most cults work; they keep repeating things over and over again, to the point that the repetition becomes forever embedded into the brain and thus it’s all the person thinks about. Imagine if I wanted to convince you, for example that the sky is purple even though it’s clearly blue. I keep repeating how the sky is purple, keep constantly showing you the same things over and over again on how the sky is purple, and repeatedly shoot down anyone who says it’s not purple until you have no choice but to believe the sky is purple… Even though it’s clearly not that at all.

If anyone wants to offer a better explanation for you, they’re free to do so, I’m just a dumb little dragon…

Actually, that’s exactly how they are. You nailed it on the head.

8 years ago


Seriously. Everytime they describe how the world ‘should’ work I’m just like

Fortunately, just like Randroids, their worldview is only capable of sustaining itself inside of their imagination.

8 years ago

You laugh, but western civilisation has never been in more danger than it is now! The Doomsday Clock maintained by the Bulletin of the Boner Scientists stands at three minutes to midnight, and unless something can be done about the scourge of fat tattooed chicks, we’re heading for a Mad Max dystopia where alpha males become warlords and philosopher kings, and command harems of thin compliant women and armies of cowed beta men!

Wait, does Roscoe think this is a bad thing?

8 years ago

[I]t angers me when I see a thin, kind, young woman who has pierced and mutilated her body with graffiti and shrapnel, and has taken up the cause for feminism.

Without a strong, patriarchal system to guide her, she becomes an enemy of civilization itself.

Suicidegirls have smashed the patriarchy then, turns out, it wasn’t so difficult after all.

8 years ago

save for the actual moment of banging your partner

A whole moment, eh? Form an orderly queue, ladies…

8 years ago

I’m starting to wonder if some of these RoK types are actually deep cover trolls, bent on subtlety undermining the site.

Some of Conservapedia’s funniest articles were produced and or influenced by such, and due to their urgings Editor and Owner Andy Schafly ascended to new heights of mouth frothing weirdness.

I say this I really, really do have problems with believing that anyone could actually believe the above nonsense.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Scildfreja

Re: in defence of peeing outside

One thing that astounds me is that, in a world where millions have limited to no access to clean water, we use drinkable water to flush toilets.

I imagine some poor person who’s having to travel miles to obtain what is essentially puddle water saying “You have access to gallons of clean water and you do what with it?”

That’s like aliens having a cure for cancer “Wow, what do you use it for?”, Oh, you know, washing our spaceships”

So I do tend to wee outside whenever possible (subject to finding a spot where contamination issues don’t apply) and when I build my dream ‘off the grid house/donkey sanctuary’ it will have a composting toilet.

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
Dream donkey sanctuary? With a composting toilet?

Kickass! (Not the donkeys. The sanctuary. And the kind of toilet that brings a tear to an environmentalist’s eye.)