On Return of Kings, the internet’s premier lady-hating garbage site, one of the regular contributors is trying his hand at philosophy again. It’s not going very well.
Max Roscoe, who describes himself as “an aspiring philosopher king,” has decided to take on what he sees as the evils of “modern liberal democracy.”
As he sees it, “the western culture today destroys everything it touches,” creating
weak men, shrill, out of shape, and damaged women, a decrepit culture, and declining values.
His number one complaint? That “western culture” has destroyed Asians. Not through cultural imperialism or anything like that. Roscoe thinks that Asians in Asia are fine. But the Asians he encounters in the west are something else entirely.
Asians are naturally thin, petite, and healthy—IN ASIA. … However, when Asians move to the west and adopt our culture, diet, and lifestyle, they become overweight, slutty, and often mutilate their bodies and experiment with gender fluidity.
That’s right. Western culture is evil because it makes hot Asian babes into genderqueer fatties.
It angers me every time I see a fat Asian, because I know how difficult it is for Asians to work against their biology to become fat.
Don’t worry, western women! Roscoe hates you gals too.
Roscoe makes his case against American women by contrasting a photo of sorority girls from the early 1970s, in which “all are smiling, thin, with long hair, in skirts or dresses with heels,” with a photo of an extremely obese woman wearing a stars-and-stripes bikini, which Roscoe seems to have taken from a YouTube video with the slightly awkward title “BEST FAT People Fail Compilation – Obese People Falling Down Fails.”
To aspiring philosopher-king Roscoe, this is all the evidence he needs to prove “that the quality of women offered today in the West is abysmal.”
Indeed, in Roscoe’s eyes, domestically produced women are made so badly that American men should probably seek out foreign imports.
If you haven’t been abroad within the last year, plan a trip now, if for no other reason than to see what is possible. We do not have to accept the low quality females we are being offered here.
Roscoe does not limit his critique of Western liberal democracy to the Fat Chick Problem. He is also critical of non-fat women who do things to their bodies (and minds) that Roscoe does not approve of.
[I]t angers me when I see a thin, kind, young woman who has pierced and mutilated her body with graffiti and shrapnel, and has taken up the cause for feminism. Without a strong, patriarchal system to guide her, she becomes an enemy of civilization itself.
Apparently Roosh requires all Return of Kings writers to refer to piercings as “shrapnel.”
But there is more wrong with modern Western culture than its tendency to produce fat chicks and tattooed feminists. Roscoe is also angry that:
- Westerners dance like Miley Cyrus and/or “Elaine Benice” [sic] from Seinfeld.
- “American Millennial men” have become “shallow, silly, weak, vapid, directionless, and boring.”
- The “the profit-at-all-costs fascist system” of modern capitalism makes most jobs pretty sucky.
- Young couples no longer litter or make out in public because they’re all “play[ing] on their smartphones.”
Ok, I admit I don’t quite get that last point. So let’s back up and try it again.
Complaining that smartphones have led to a world bereft of “physical and emotional intimacy, save for the actual moment of banging your partner,” Roscoe posts two pictures to show what has apparently gone wrong.
In the first, from 1967, young people make out on park benches in New York’s Tompkins Square Park, surrounded by litter.

In the second photo, meant to represent a “Millennial couple on a typical date, 2016,” a couple sitting on a patch of grass check their phones. No litter is visible. Smartphones bad, litter good!
I guess it’s kind of hard to work up a powerful critique of Western Liberal Democracy if the cornerstone of your philosophy is NO FAT CHICKS.
You notice they never draw any sort of logical connection between their sad!boners and the downfall of Western civilization? Like, none at all. Not even a really tenuous or fallacious one. They just go “Sad!boner, therefore, DOWNFALL!” and expect everyone to take their word for it and join them in their moral panic.
I think I can hazard a reasonably accurate guess. To them you would be a beta mangina cuck, eagerly and willingly brainwashed by feminism as a way to get “in” with the ladies. You don’t really find tattoos and piercings attractive, you’ve just been convinced by FEMINISM that you must if you want to have companionship of the female kind.
You probably like fatties, too!
Ta dah! This is easy! Somebody give me another one!
Okay the litter thing is baffling. Is it really *romantic* to drop a discarded Wendy’s cup on the ground? And teens don’t make out anymore? I’m preeeeety sure they 1. DO, and 2. does he want for there to be that awkward couple that just won’t stop making out with each other in public?
@FrickleFrackle I think he would like a woman to be willing to make out with him in public. Or, at least to not be ashamed of being seen with him in public?
I know nothing gets my PDA juices flowing like garbage strewn about *eyeroll*
@FrickleFrackle! You’re doing fine, just keep going!
Papers are anxiety-inducing nightmares sometimes. Just keep writing, even if you think it’s crap. Finish the 1000 words tonight if you can, and go back and edit tomorrow!
(Personally, I have a rule of not hitting the word limit – say what you gotta say and get out. Far better to be concise, punchy, and to the point! But you know your professor best.)
Remember – you are responsible for your own education. They’re just rubber stamping it. You don’t need their validation, write it for you!
I think he’s just mad that nobody wants to drop all their garbage and make out with HIM. That’s the general impression I get.
Sounds ’bout right!
If you mean “full-figured” and “curvaceous” – especially Christina Hendricks – then you’d be right…
OH NOES!!!!!11!!11!1!
Littering is a big turn-off of mine. I even get angry when someone just throws their trash on the ground, than find a proper receptacle for it.
The littering thing is weird. Like, is he complaining about young people caring about where they live? Is it some sort of weirdly-worded anti-environmentalism?
“Back in my day men were men! We peed in the bushes and threw our cigarette butts on the ground, and when we was done with the paper we just dropped it right there! You namby-pamby whippersnappers with your recycling and your composting and your free-trade-venti-mocha-lattes, you wouldn’t last five minutes in the world what I grew up in!”
(said the twenty-something grouch who thinks his life is miserable cause he works at a gas station and girls don’t fawn over him…)
That GIF is so 90’s.
I love it. 😀
@All Thanks for the replies! I don’t know when I’ll have time finish it tomorrow because I’m going out with a friend to fancy restaurant. It’s her birthday! Really excited for it. I’ll figure something out though, because dammit, THERE IS NO WAY I’M MISSING HER BIRTHDAY, COME HELL OR HIGH WATER. I neglected to mention that I have a composition paper, writing about revenge and use A Cask of Amontillado and Killings by Andre Darbus as a lens. That one’s due on Tuesday, just a day after my history paper! But I do have a rough draft finished. I worry that my draft talks too much about the story and has too little analysis, plus it doesn’t cite the stories or quote from them much. But that’s what drafts are for, right?
And for my post on people littering, yeah I thought it was some kind of weird antienvironmentalism. And does this guy really think kids aren’t making out in public anymore?! Try telling that to me, the guy who’s played spin the bottle in front of huge crowds at a fan convention one year. (Is going to anime and game conventions misandry due to all the cosplayers there? I hope so!)
Am Millennial. Can confirm: defs directionless.
Slightly off topic but Thunderf00t videos are starting to show up in my youtube feed as recommended videos. is there any way to let youtube know that I’m not interested in his stuff?
Clear your YouTube history.
You need to look at your viewing history (on the left sidebar) and either clear it entirely, or find that one video of his or one of his buddies that you watched and delete it from your history.
It’s cool that we humans are all so different and diverse. 🙂
Much better than those imaginary MRA fantasy clone people.
Damn that’s some prime cherry picking.
Roscoe, not you obviously.
So here are the points:
1. Going outside of gender norms is entirely unheard of in Asia, which is why Western localizations of anime or video games never take pains to force characters into more acceptable gender molds. Birdo was a cis female the whole time!
2. Asian people can’t naturally get fat. That’s why Americans had to invent sumo wrestling.
3. A photograph of sorority girls, a social group famous for striving to fit the societal beauty ideal, is directly comparable to an image carefully selected to mock the obese.
4. The fact that kids these days publically make out less often than they did during the Summer of Love is lamentable.
Good thing these MRAs are here to shine the light of cool reason on things.
Max Roscoe, the aspiring philosopher-king, is a scream! (I do believe that we’ve heard from him before. As I recall, two months ago I told a certain aspiring philosopher-king that he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about.)
Listen to me carefully, Max. That photo that you sentimentalize was taken in 1967. And in that era, the subjects of the photo would have been exhibit A for people who claimed that Western civilization was collapsing.
The guys have very, very long hair for the time. Most men with jobs had very short hair, even crewcuts, then.
The guy on the left is wearing–gasp!–sandals. What kind of “man” wears sandals? the naysayers would have asked, fulminating. Their answer? He’s not a man–he’s a girl! And they wouldn’t have said it in a queer-affirming, fluid-gender-identify-celebrating kind of way.
Making out in public? Disgusting! according to lots & lots of defenders of Western civilization, circa 1967.
And I’m gonna echo Policy of Madness on this point:
Oh yeah!
Max Roscoe, uncrowned philosopher-king, you do no research, do you? You just type. No woman wants you, so you just sit down and type whatever thoughts happen go cross your mind. Nice work if you can get it! Oh, wait–they’re not paying you to hate women over there at Return of Kings, are they?
And if you stage a crowning ceremony–and a reception afterward!–for yourself, your mommy will still want you to get a job and start contributing to the household expenses.
tl;dr Max Roscoe, aspiring philosopher-king, pulls his “philosophy” out of his ass.
I hate to break it to Socrates here, but I was in college in the 1970s. Leftist political thought was everywhere. So was feminism.
And dress was casual–most young women wore jeans and comfortable shoes. Sorority girls may have dressed up for photos, but hardly anybody dressed up for classes. Long hair was popular, I’ll give him that.
You would have hated the 1970s, Roscoe. Trust me.
Regarding Youtube stuff – you can also click the “…” pulldown next to the video if it’s on your Youtube front page and select “I’m not interested in this” – it will tell the algorithm to stop recommending them to you without clearing your entire history!
PS to Max Roscoe: “Sex and Caste: A Kind of Memo from Casey Hayden and Mary King to a number of other women in the peace and freedom movements” was written by Casey Hayden and Mary King in–wait for it–1965!
PPS to Mammotheers: Note that women in the peace movement are referenced in the title. Some woman-haters come to this website to complain that woman have done nothing, nothing, nothing!!!!!!!!! to end the draft.
Fun fact: Casey Hayden was at the time married to Tom Hayden, who went on to become one of the Chicago Seven and then marry Jane Fonda. They later divorced.
Whoopsies, darling, I think you forgot to drag your vain little eyes away from the mirror when you made that little observation.
If you hover your mouse over the title of the video, you should see a series of 3 vertical dots on the right hand corner. Click those dots. You should then get a pop up that says “Not interested.”
It will remove that video and give you a link that says “tell us why”
When you click Tell Us Why, you’ll get a series of options. One of them is “not interested in this channel.”
That should stop you from getting any more recommendations from that channel.
Well, I can’t say I’m happy to be fat, but the silver lining is knowing that my existence displeases these turdblossoms.
And it’s a very pretty, bright silvery lining, too.