![Rebel Wilson, destroying the world](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/rebeldance_phixr.png?resize=580%2C440&ssl=1)
On Return of Kings, the internet’s premier lady-hating garbage site, one of the regular contributors is trying his hand at philosophy again. It’s not going very well.
Max Roscoe, who describes himself as “an aspiring philosopher king,” has decided to take on what he sees as the evils of “modern liberal democracy.”
As he sees it, “the western culture today destroys everything it touches,” creating
weak men, shrill, out of shape, and damaged women, a decrepit culture, and declining values.
His number one complaint? That “western culture” has destroyed Asians. Not through cultural imperialism or anything like that. Roscoe thinks that Asians in Asia are fine. But the Asians he encounters in the west are something else entirely.
Asians are naturally thin, petite, and healthy—IN ASIA. … However, when Asians move to the west and adopt our culture, diet, and lifestyle, they become overweight, slutty, and often mutilate their bodies and experiment with gender fluidity.
That’s right. Western culture is evil because it makes hot Asian babes into genderqueer fatties.
It angers me every time I see a fat Asian, because I know how difficult it is for Asians to work against their biology to become fat.
Don’t worry, western women! Roscoe hates you gals too.
Roscoe makes his case against American women by contrasting a photo of sorority girls from the early 1970s, in which “all are smiling, thin, with long hair, in skirts or dresses with heels,” with a photo of an extremely obese woman wearing a stars-and-stripes bikini, which Roscoe seems to have taken from a YouTube video with the slightly awkward title “BEST FAT People Fail Compilation – Obese People Falling Down Fails.”
To aspiring philosopher-king Roscoe, this is all the evidence he needs to prove “that the quality of women offered today in the West is abysmal.”
Indeed, in Roscoe’s eyes, domestically produced women are made so badly that American men should probably seek out foreign imports.
If you haven’t been abroad within the last year, plan a trip now, if for no other reason than to see what is possible. We do not have to accept the low quality females we are being offered here.
Roscoe does not limit his critique of Western liberal democracy to the Fat Chick Problem. He is also critical of non-fat women who do things to their bodies (and minds) that Roscoe does not approve of.
[I]t angers me when I see a thin, kind, young woman who has pierced and mutilated her body with graffiti and shrapnel, and has taken up the cause for feminism. Without a strong, patriarchal system to guide her, she becomes an enemy of civilization itself.
Apparently Roosh requires all Return of Kings writers to refer to piercings as “shrapnel.”
But there is more wrong with modern Western culture than its tendency to produce fat chicks and tattooed feminists. Roscoe is also angry that:
- Westerners dance like Miley Cyrus and/or “Elaine Benice” [sic] from Seinfeld.
- “American Millennial men” have become “shallow, silly, weak, vapid, directionless, and boring.”
- The “the profit-at-all-costs fascist system” of modern capitalism makes most jobs pretty sucky.
- Young couples no longer litter or make out in public because they’re all “play[ing] on their smartphones.”
Ok, I admit I don’t quite get that last point. So let’s back up and try it again.
Complaining that smartphones have led to a world bereft of “physical and emotional intimacy, save for the actual moment of banging your partner,” Roscoe posts two pictures to show what has apparently gone wrong.
In the first, from 1967, young people make out on park benches in New York’s Tompkins Square Park, surrounded by litter.
![Paradise lost?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Tomplins.jpg?resize=574%2C390&ssl=1)
In the second photo, meant to represent a “Millennial couple on a typical date, 2016,” a couple sitting on a patch of grass check their phones. No litter is visible. Smartphones bad, litter good!
I guess it’s kind of hard to work up a powerful critique of Western Liberal Democracy if the cornerstone of your philosophy is NO FAT CHICKS.
Yes! I’m destroying civilization as we know it with my nipple piercings!
The door’s that way, MRAs. If you’re not enjoying life here in the West, I’m sure you’d be very happy in Russia with its “hot, submissive babes” and distinct lack of democracy. Bon voyage!
How’s western society ruining everything?
I am not a “weak and shallow” man. I just don’t have a beard and massive pecs because beards are not my style and every smart weightlifter knows that a strong core and low back is the key to having more power.
There’s nothing wrong with fat women either. I prefer hanging out with them over the “skinny and pretty” ones because let’s be frank; nobody is perfect and fat women seem to have more fun than the skinny ones.
As for smartphones, well, that’s technology. Smart phones just cause everyone to be less social, but the irony here is that there’s probably more people complaining about smart phones being used than people who treat the smart phone as a vital organ.
Maybe its the manuresphere that’s failing at everything.
Anybody believe this guy is getting any offers at all?
He is talking about MRAs here, right?
He has a point here, but who wants to take bets that he’s informed entirely by his personal experience and that his point would be verrrrrrry different if he were, personally, able to get a decent job?
It makes me super-happy that this guy is seething with anger so regularly! He deserves to be unhappy, and I’m glad he’s making that happen.
Apparently, he does not want domestically produced women. I’m not sure but I think he’s advocating that all western women be made in China, not quite seeming to understand that maybe Chinese people can’t make western white women, nor do they want to.
WTF, is this obsession with women having piercings and tattoos? I may be silly to ask this, but do they not realize those bodies don’t belong to them, and that the owner of that body can do with it whatever the hell she damn well pleases, and they don’t get a say?
Oh, never mind. I can guess the answer to that one.
My wild guess, in their tiny little brains, is that it “destroys the innocence and purity” of the body, given that most MRAs are right-wing Christian types.
Me, it’s your body, your choice. Who am I to judge how you present it?
This guy sounds like a Ferengi decrying the fact that hoo-mans let their females wear clothing and own…gasp…property. Next he’ll be demanding that his dates chew his food for him.
Well, he’s not wrong about work and outsourcing. “A broken clock,” etc.
This guy just wants everything served up on a platter. If he bothered to look, he’d find there is a vibrant traditional/folk, ballroom, and swing dance culture in the US.
Sounds like Western civilization is doing just fine.
It’s weird how these folks swing between Western civilization being so superior a form of society that imperialism is just natural and nothing to worry about, and the idea that Western civilization is so fragile that women can destroy it by getting tattoos. Which is it? Is it a juggernaut of natural selection in social form, or a delicate eggshell of mores that cannot bear even the slightest touch?
If Western civilization is so weak it can fall because I peiced body parts & am not a size 6 then maybe it deserves to fall. If what is actually happening here is that women don’t care what you think about how they look & are doing what they want because they like it then I suspect Western Civilization will be just fine.
I think the main problem this guy has with the Western women on offer is not one of them is offering him anything.
Say, David, just curious. Do you ever get bored reading these same points over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? I know that I sure do – if I have to read the word ‘cuck’ one more time, I’m going to strangle a chicken. I’m baffled, frankly, that these dudes somehow manage to never get bored writing it.
East Asian people (not just women) are shorter and thinner than the rest of the world on average. That’s an average. That doesn’t mean that nobody there is big. There are fat Asians just as there are skinny Europeans and Africans. It would crack me up if he went to Shanghai on vacation and spotted a few fat women there. He’d have a quality meltdown, I’m sure.
Does anyone else find it amusing that the manosphere doesn’t fetishize East Africans for their thinness the way they do East Asians. Because a lot of East African are tall, skinny, and have fabulous cheekbones. But their racial stereotypes are so set in stone. Black women are hideous welfare queens, Asian women are submissive fetish objects. And that’s that.
Not that I want them to fetishize Ethiopian or Somali women or anything. I just find it funny that they claim East Asian women are superior for their thinness but ignore other regions where thinness is common.
What dictionary are the MRAs using? They seem to have confused “my MRA-approved preferences” with “Western civilization.”
And thanks to the influence for Quark and Roms Mom (a.k.a Moogie) on the grand Negus even the Ferengi changed and start letting their Females wear clothing and earn profit. So congratulations MRAs, a fictitious race of Aliens are more progressive then you !
Whenever I read these things I always find myself considering getting my eyebrow pierced or getting my cartilage piercings redone just to have signs that will make them avoid me when my tattoos aren’t visible.
Hey Roscoe, this is coming from a first generation Chinese/Vietnamese immigrant. Fuck you, and fuck the neo 50’s bullshit you rode in on.
Holy fucking shit I thought I’d never have to see this bullshit cause I figured, they consider asians to be honorary white, and tend to be considered invisible in politics, it would not be on RoK’s radar. Nope. Fucking hell they even write this like it’s their animus. It’s literally like they ripped this from a harem anime and said “yes, the ~exotic~ asian women are like this, exactly what I look for in a person”.
While I’m not an expert in psychology, I can tell you the reason why they never get bored of it is because it’s the repetition of these things that make them truly believe what is real, even if it’s obviously a piece of garbage.
This is how most cults work; they keep repeating things over and over again, to the point that the repetition becomes forever embedded into the brain and thus it’s all the person thinks about. Imagine if I wanted to convince you, for example that the sky is purple even though it’s clearly blue. I keep repeating how the sky is purple, keep constantly showing you the same things over and over again on how the sky is purple, and repeatedly shoot down anyone who says it’s not purple until you have no choice but to believe the sky is purple… Even though it’s clearly not that at all.
If anyone wants to offer a better explanation for you, they’re free to do so, I’m just a dumb little dragon…
He reads like the softcore “Gor” book series of the 1970s. It was an alternative world where women were utter property. Earth women would be kidnapped, trained and turned into jolly sex slaves. ‘Cause Gor men do sex better than Earth guys.
‘Priest-kings of Gor’. Pretty hard core anti-female as human.
So these guys are not even original.
And I ain’t offering myself to him, even though I only have my ears pierced — once — and no tattoos or anything else. Even though I’m probably too old and probably too fat for his liking, I wouldn’t even consider offering myself to the likes of him. Girl’s gotta have some standards, after all…
Hey, if he’s not happy here in the West, by all means please do leave Mr. Roscoe. You will not be missed by any ladies present, I promise you.
I just only hope that no real, living, breathing Asian woman has to put up with his shit. Or at the very least, she has a way to get away from him.
I have a bit over 3 out of 5 pages written, and a bit over 1000 words but I don’t even know if they’re any good and guuuuuuuuh its due on Monday. I’m writing about my philosophy of history, and am talking about how the neolithic revolution is the defining event (well, defining events) for humanity and OH MAN IM FREAKING OUT. If this is too much a derail I apologize.
“This generation of western women is so narcissistic, and entitled!!”
“Men deserve asian women under 95 lbs!!!!”
“Men deserve a say on women’s clothes!!!!
“Men dont want women with tattoos and piercings!!!”
“All women are naturally 95 lbs and if theyre bigger than that its because theyre TRYING to be fatties!!!!!”
“What?! Youre saying that most women are naturally heavier than 95 lbs and if they’re thinner than that it’s likely because they’re dieting to the point of starvation?!?!?! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!”
Makes me wonder what they think of men, like myself, who actually like women with piercings and tattoos? I don’t have either (plan on getting a Blade Runner-related tattoo when I can afford it…) but I think plenty of women who have them look fantastic, perhaps even better than without them.
I bet it’s that we’re “damaged” or something – ’cause apparently not being obsessed with women being skinny and submissive is a personality flaw to them.
Not to mention how, well, racist it is to assume that all Asians look alike.
You have to wonder if these guys even watch films produced from Asian countries like India, China, South Korea, or Japan – because plenty of them have overweight actors and actresses nor is that treated as particularly odd. Which, y’know, tells me it’s actually quite normal over there.