![The Jews did Ashley Graham?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ashg3_phixr.png?resize=580%2C432&ssl=1)
Is plus-sized model Ashley Graham being used, wittingly or unwittingly, by a secret cabal of degenerate Jews trying to brainwash red-blooded white men into finding fat chicks attractive?
That’s what Andrew Anglin, the Trump-loving, Jew-hating editor of the internet Nazi tabloid The Daily Stormer seems to be suggesting in a series of posts on Graham and her diabolical plumpness.
When Graham was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue earlier this year, Anglin warned his readers not to be fooled into thinking that she was actually pretty hot. Because that’s what THE JEWS want you to think.
This is part of a propaganda campaign of the Jews called “fat acceptance.” Instead of looking at fatness as a form of sick degeneracy – not to mention a dangerous health hazard – which should be shamed, fat accepters believe that fatties should love their fatness, and force it on everyone else. They also claim that fat chicks are attractive somehow.
The horror!
As Anglin sees it, “fat acceptance” is part of a slippery slope of terrible “equality” that will somehow also lead people to think that child molesting is super cool. “[T]his embracing of degeneracy,” he warns
is part of the whole equality doctrine of the Marxist Jews.
First they told us women were equal. Then the Blacks. Then they started openly celebrating disease by promoting the homos. They also now claim that Islam is a religion of peace, even though the entire religion is about murdering people.
It is no wonder at all they are now pushing pedophiles as victims, as well as fatties as beautiful.
That is one weird slippery slope.
The evil Ashley is now on the cover of Maxim. While this is terrible in itself, Anglin is even more angered that some “fatties” are charging the magazine with photoshopping away some of the plump model’s plumpness.
Her fat fans are revolting, as they believe she is their ticket to brainwashing men into being attracted to them, and the last thing they need is to have her look less fat.
Graham, for her part, says the magazine didn’t slim her down with photoshop. Not that it matters to Anglin, who thinks she’s a giant gross fatty either way.
And it’s all, somehow, the fault of THE JEWS, who “are encouraging men to masturbate to pictures of fat women, further warping their destroyed psyches.”
In yet another post on the subject yesterday, Anglin again attacked Graham as a tool of the “Jew-SJW agenda to normalize obesity,” warning that “[m]en who buy into this fat acceptance are just buying into another form of sick Jewish degeneracy.”
My only question is what exactly the Jews are hoping to accomplish with this dastardly fat-encouraging conspiracy. I went back and checked the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and I couldn’t find anything about putting fat chicks on the cover of Maxim.
Are the Jews hoping to boost sales of bagels and pastrami sandwiches?
Oh, crap, now I’m hungry. IT’S WORKING, JEWS!
Honestly I’d call that a stretch. Other than her weight (and she’s really not that “plus-sized”) she’s extremely conventionally attractive. She nails all the ‘attractive woman’ markers aside from not being a size 2. It’s frankly ridiculous how much people in general have freaked out about her being prominent, although these guys are obviously worse.
As far as “normalizing obesity” goes, I think being larger than these guys want their women to be is already extremely normal, whether magazines, hollywood, and these idiots want to believe it or not.
I’m really sick of people freaking out about the evil fat people trying to force their fatness on everyone else, especially when the person they’re complaining about isn’t even fat, since they almost never seem to be larger than like a size 12. I’ll also just never understand how existing while fat constitutes trying to convince other people to be fat too.
Ha, ha! Good point!
Violence isn’t a bug of the Nazis–it’s a feature.
There are actually a surprising number of people who basically EXPLODE WITH RAGE at the merest mention of ‘health at every size’. Apparently the concept of focusing on healthy living for its own sake rather than purely as a means to weight loss is the worst thing ever? For some reason?
@Eibhear – don’t get me wrong – I do like some Pastrami, but when it comes to preserved meats of Jewish culinary origin – we got salt beef here in London. I’m good with that.
Mmmm – hot salt beef sandwich – want….
(Dang, I guess this must be a conspiracy to sell delicious cold cuts)
A Space Alpaca,
You don’t even have to have a size in the double digits to get the fat shaming. Just look at how misogynists clutch their pearls over Amy Schumer having the audacity to joke about sex and get a t.v. show while a size 6-8. Oh no!
I don’t think they really think a woman is ugly if she has an ounce of body fat on her. As others already pointed out, everyone has different preferences and surely that includes manospherians and/or white supremacists. What they dislike is when a woman doesn’t starve herself. They dislike when women feel free to eat, drink, fuck, and otherwise do things that make her happy and feel good.
All of the physical traits these guys hate, they hate because they’re indications of female freedom. We’re supposed to be miserable and hungry inside of a girdle. How are we supposed to be subservient if we’re gaining weight or getting a tattoo?
Sometimes I’m glad I’m not skinny, blonde, and pretty. I would hate for these douchenuggets to project their fantasies of their perfect submissive aryan housewife onto me. I think I’d rather be considered unfuckable.
Oh I know they’ll fat shame just about anyone who isn’t a walking photoshop job (so you know, everyone), I just follow/know several women that are truly fat, not just ‘not a model’ fat and they seem really frustrated by people like Amy Schumer making money off the ‘haha I’m a fat girl!’ schtick while not having to deal with the realities that come with being actually fat.
Now that’s not me trying to dismiss the crap that smaller women go through, we just have such a habit of calling objectively skinny women fat that it really skews the board for people who are out of the average weight range.
I suspect there’s a lot of these guys that would find bigger women super attractive, and it’s almost depressing that they’re probably repressing their actual sexual desires for fear of being seen as a ‘cuck’ or ‘beta’ or ‘evil jew’ or whatever the asshole buzzword of the day is.
A lot of the time I’m glad I gained a lot of weight after high school because a LOT of the harassment I used to get stopped after that (unless that’s because I hit the ‘actually an adult’ wall).
I mean I dislike my fat because I know it’s the unhealthy kind, but I certainly don’t miss the unwanted attention.
(sorry if I’m really rambly today, I feel rambly)
Women can’t win (well, you can and you ultimately will, but I mean in the colloquial sense)
I’ve mentioned that I’m involved with a scheme that helps people (especially women and younger girls) who want to get fitter but for various reasons are deterred.
A common thing they tell us about is that they got abuse previously but they still get just as much, if not more, even if they’re out running or doing exercise.
I think it’s similar to how MGTOWs don’t really want to live in a world free of women; then they’d have no one to abuse. These guys may pretend they’re coming from a “it’s all about health” perspective, but ultimately they just want easy targets for abuse.
Also, whether a woman is happy in her own skin or engages in exercise, she’s deciding what to do with her life and her body, and these guys hate the idea a woman should have autonomy over herself.
I’m not going to rag on anyone for using it, but I’m going to put it out there that the term “plus-sized” makes my teeth grind. It calls out normal-sized women as being abnormal, deserving of a special label that alerts everyone that they are not size 0.
The range of “human normal” is extremely wide, but our very language slices that range apart where it comes to women’s (and only women’s) weight, and treats the upper side of normal as something that needs to be specially called out. I’ve never heard of a “plus-size” male model. I really, really hate that term.
That’s all I’ll say about it.
A Space Alpaca,
O, I hear you. I think it’s tough to tell where the line is between not skinny-yet not fat women appropriating fatness and sizism and not skinny-yet not women honestly discussing and/or joking the amount of abuse women of a variety of sizes receive for not fitting into our culture’s ridiculously rigid beauty standards.
I don’t feel particularly equipped to figure that out as someone who is more in the not thin but not all that fat category and has had body image issues since childhood (even though I was a skinny kid) and has had eating disorders. My perceptions are skewed.
I’m not clueless enough to offer my unwanted opinions in the comments of fat acceptance blogs, but I really truly don’t know what my place is in discussing these issues. Idk, I can relate to a lot of Schumer’s humor, but I can see why others would be rolling their eyes at a lot of it. Cause there’s a difference between making misogynist boners sad and being discriminated against at work for your size, getting substandard medical care, having people shout animal noises out of car windows at you, etc.
Sure, and it’s all very well for you, but I’m stuck out in TW10, and I mean in the medieval part ( near Bushy Park), and if I don’t get paid on time (which happens frequently), I amn’t able to go anywhere at all. I amn’t kidding you; this week, I was paid a week late, so I wasn’t able to put any money on my OysterCard.
P.S. Have you been to Tayabs in Whitechapel? Well, I’m sure you have. You know the food is to die for!
WWTH: I’m with you, I’m overweight but I would not consider myself a fat woman*, I’ve just been reading a lot from actually fat women upset about Amy Schumer’s whole being called plus sized in a magazine and calling the magazine out thing that happened recently and I really see where they’re coming from. I can’t really figure out where I fit into the whole equation either, I just feel really weird about calling women who are literally (mainstream) hot enough to be in Maxim and really just average weight fat or plus-sized.
*Since it seems that most of us agree that ‘plus-sized’ is a fairly detestable term, does anyone particularly mind if I use ‘fat’ (in the unironic, not mocking MRAs who called us that kind of way)? I tend to be on the side of reclaiming the word and I mean absolutely no offense when using it.
How those women look is immaterial. Let’s not stoop to their level. The KKK does not set the standard for acceptable behavior.
You may want to look over the commenting policy, especially the part about ableism.
Policy of Madness, as it happens I recently heard this
I like the fact that it draws attention to the fact that these ‘plus sized’ male models are in fact probably average Australian men
@Alan Robertshaw
So, Jackie and I finally saw our movie today (and it was really good, and we had the whole theater to ourselves like wut it was gr8.) and there was a preview for a movie called Green Room, and it looks like a movie about a band who played at some backroads Neo-Nazi place, and they are being held there by the Nazis and are trying to escape because they’ll be killed if they don’t. Jackie commented that it was interesting that they’re portraying Nazis as the murderous bad guys, and pointed out that the entire cast was white people at the same time, which I actually thought kinda made sense, considering.
Here’s the Red Band trailer (Sir Patrick Stewart’s in it! Though he is playing a Neo-Nazi…):
Anyone else notice the Bread Eggs Milk Squick there?
I had a look at Wikipedia’s article on The Daily Stormer:
There’s a photo there of Andrew Anglin, author of the article in question. The guy is unremarkable looking. Not big. Not buff. Looks nervous.
So I’m gonna not go out on a limb here and say that he feels threatened by a woman who might be taller and weigh more than him.
All women must immediately adjust our height and weight to be compatible with Anglin’s preferences! Once we do that, he will choose among us. Super excited!
Fun fact: The Daily Stormer website is registered in the name of his dad, Greg Anglin. He runs a “Christian-inspired” counseling service. (Love your enemies? Turn the other cheek? Treat others as you would have them treat you?)
Another fun fact: Andrew Anglin is one of a very, very few art critics to appreciate Hitler’s art!
You & Pandapool! At the movies!
Glad you had fun.
Much macho. So alpha. Like wow.
Yeah, I think he’s a giant wimp, and that’s why he’s scared of getting horny at the sight of women who might be able to best him in a fight. They don’t have to be especially large, just not bone thin. And woe betide anyone who looks like she might feel comfortable and attractive in her own skin, too. Why, she might even not waste all her brainpower on obsessing over her own weight, and then where would these men get any power over her at all? Horrors!
Re: the “plus size” thing: Size 6-8 is not even remotely large, except maybe in the world of high fashion modeling, where “average” is a size 2-4, if not an outright 0. In reality, 6-8 is small. I was that as a skinny teenager and not even at my full adult height. I’m now a size 14, and have been for two decades. The average woman is a 12-14. That’s not “plus size” either. That’s a solid medium. But in the world of high fashion, and in terms of clothing stores, that’s faaaaaaat. Even when there’s not much actual fat on the person; big bones can make it impossible to go below a double-digit dress size.
I was quite surprised to learn that I have just such bones; it took a hospital dietitian to apprise me of the fact. She measured my wrist, which has no fat on it. I can’t be skinny even if I try, and I don’t want to try. Such a waste of brainpower. Reshaping one’s perceptions is essential, if one isn’t to end up wasting one’s life and ruining one’s health obsessing about things that are totally beyond one’s control. So now I’m reading Healthy at Every Size, and it’s really resonating. How I wish that book had been around when I had that awful boyfriend who kept telling me food was my enemy!
It’s no wonder Amy Schumer took Glamour to task for (however unintentionally) distorting readers’ perceptions about size in general, and hers in particular. They’re working within the rarefied world of high-fashion standards, and out of touch with the real world. How “inspiring” it ain’t.
With each wad of neonazi bullshit that assaults my brain, my fear of global thermonuclear war drops a little.
I apologize.
BTW, here is a gorgeous model flipping the bird at a fool who called her a cow.
You’re welcome.
To these assholes, any woman over 85 lbs is fat. Im 100% sure that Shelley Duvall’s character from the shining is every MRA’s dream girl. Frail, helpless, submissive, underweight, but who still has other physical flaws that they could hold over her head and make her feel like shit about.
Nobody tell this guy that throughout most of recorded human history, being chubby was a sign of wealth and health and was therefore considered sexy.
I like fat. I’m fat. I also like fattie (the ‘ie’ makes it cute) I don’t speak for all fat people, but feel free to call me, fat, fattie, fattie mcfatterson, or even ‘dat booty’
You’re very welcome. We decided it unanimously on last wednesday’s Secret Jew Club meeting. We used to have them on every wednesday (wednesday having two of the letters j e w in it) but it got too difficult to find a venue big enough, so now half of us have the secret meeting on wednesdays in even weeks and the other half on odd weeks and then we compare notes on a special, secret part of Twitter.
Oh no, did I just give all of that away? Damn!