Men’s Rights Activists spend a remarkable amount of their time getting worked up about things that aren’t real.
They rail against having to register for a draft that doesn’t exist. They complain about the injustice of “women and children first” even though that’s not now, and has never been, standard procedure for evacuating ships, planes or anything else that needs evacuating.
And then, of course, there are the faked screenshots, featuring feminists (some real, some imaginary) saying things that have never been said by any feminist ever — the phony Anita Sarkeesian Tweets that have inspired real waves of harassment directed at Sarkeesian, the made-up quotes attributed to famous feminists ranging from Gloria Steinem to Jessica Valenti, the phony entire Jezebel article posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit as a supposed “screenshot.”
To this ever-growing pile, let’s add this obviously fake “screenshot” of a Tumblr conversation that never happened, which drew more than 1100 outraged upvotes when it was recently posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

What are some of the indications that this is faker than fake?
- The comments all read as if they were written by the same person
- The comments from the “bisexual black woman” fit every straw feminist stereotype
- The language used by the “bisexual black woman” is off; what black bisexual feminist refers to “minorities” rather than, say, “women of color?”
- The screenshot is obviously something put together in ten minutes using MS Paint
- The screenshot is obviously something put together in ten minutes using MS Paint
- The screenshot is obviously something put together in ten minutes using MS Paint
In case you are not convinced, here are some actual Tumblr screenshots, courtesy of TheCaptainObvious on Imgur.
In the Men’s Rights subreddit thread devoted to the completely and utterly fake Tumblr conversation, the gullible MRAs piled irony atop irony as they responded to the fakery with credulous sincerity. Only a handful of commenters suggested the screenshot might be fake; most of them were downvoted to zero.
By contrast, someone called Clockw0rk garnered 100 points with a comment declaring the alleged SJW “Victim Narrative” to be “basically a godless religion.”
Belief is the most important part of any religion, as no religion is comprehensive enough to provide philosophical answers to every situation, so the primary creed of The Victim Narrative is to “Listen and Believe”. Claims made from white men are automatically subject to scrutiny and distrust while claims made from women and people of color are automatically more worthwhile.
To quote someone who doesn’t exist, “please send help, irony is too thick to breathe.”
H/T — r/againstmensrights
@ scildfreja
I wear a shemagh a lot of the time. That’s like the blokes’ version. As someone with a shaved head (who wants to avoid melanomas/freezing) I think it’s the singular best item of clothing ever invented.
@WWTH – I feel like Literally Unbelievable is an important resource but I can never spend more than, like, a few seconds looking at it. It’s just too sad. Maybe that sounds condescending but it’s really how that site makes me feel.
Or is that just what Big Pegasus wants you to think…?
More seriously, on the Hebdo discussion….
As a white, Western male, my job is not to decide if I’m “comfortable” with a Muslim woman’s veil; it’s to make sure she’s living in a society where she gets to decide whether or not she truly wants to wear it.
I will say I’ve seen the other side of this. Sharia courts in the West, for instance, which are used to settle civil disputes, have been shown to be virulently sexist in their rulings. A woman can theoretically appeal the rulings to a standard court, but many are not even aware of this, there’s tremendous social pressure to not do so, and judges are often a bit too wary of treading on religious privilege to do a proper review. (Of course, I’m also a critic of corporate arbitration policies, which have many of the same problems.) If anything, there should be a default of having a civil court judge evaluate the rulings of the religious courts (I know there’s also a Jewish equivalent used in some Orthodox communities; it wouldn’t surprise me to learn of Christian variants, as well) as an automatic step to validating the verdict.
These folks always end up railing against completely beneficial abstract concepts, like “listening,” “believing,” “tolerance,” and “justice.”
Oh no, listening to and believing people, clearly this is a slippery slope leading us all to hell. And clearly the architects of this social nightmare mean for there to be a strict hierarchy of people worth listening to and believing, because strict hierarchy and treating literally everything as a zero-sum game regardless of appropriateness is TOTALLY how feminists roll. /s
Oh, the straw! the straw of it all!
Once again conflating “you can’t be bigoted against privileged groups” with “you can’t be bigoted unless you belong to privileged groups”
And who has ever said “stop trying to oppress people” in an internet exchange?
Oh, oh, I get it. Strawpeople.
Yeah, I know I’m pointing out reeeeeally obvious stuff here, but still it gets me every time.
Dudes want to dismantle a whole political and social ideology without taking the trouble of actually learning about it.
So they pretend -or actually believe- that “pwning” someone on Tumblr (or here, or anywhere else in the web for that matter) is the same as taking down every bit of feminism.
They really think internet is how life works. Holy crap.
Hm, I couldn’t get the second gif to embed, and I’m hoping it was because I added it after posting the original text.
Here’s take two of “Luz embeds a gif”
PS. Looks like it was a problem with that gif in particular after all. As you can see, I settled for the non-animated version.
Also, KiA recently upvoted a Daily Mail article saying feminists have turned on Emma Watson for appearing in an ad for skin-lightening cream. This article contained literally no evidence, and I certainly haven’t seen any myself. You would think if this were true, I’d be able to find a single angry tweet directed at her over it, but no.
And the Daily Mail is usually such a reliable source of quality journalism…
there have been plenty of times in my life where being forced to wear a shirt was oppressive, im that it forced me to hide my body despite my own desire and comfort with the threat of arrest or assault if I took my top off even briefly. A truly freely chosen hijab is surely no more oppressive than any other headwear. forcing women to expose any part of their body against their will is surely oppressive too, particularly when it only targets one oppressed racial & religious group.
Do we have to turn on Watson? I like her. Awwww man. The Supreme Council of Feminism gives us such unreasonable orders sometimes.
I’ll get my pitchfork and jackboots and meet you in formation.
@Alan Robertshaw
Yes, yes they did. 🙂 *luffs on book ‘Biological Exuberance’*
Yay, bonobos!
Most MRAs can’t detect or understand irony. Otherwise they’d realize just how stupid their whole movement is.
So, apparently Hillary said on The View that, while she personally is pro-Choice, one can absolutely be pro-Life and still be a feminist.
I know I’m not going to have any practical choice but to vote for her in November (I already did my part to push Bernie’s insurgency as far as I could during my state’s primary), but damn she makes it difficult sometimes.
She sure as fuck does. I’m actually relieved I can’t vote in US elections.
Found some mind boggling stuff at the supermarket today.
Also Fingie has been such a slacker lately.
Imaginary Petal:
The “Women’s Tea” is, of course, just effin’ stupid. The “Negro” cough drops, however, doubtless is an imported product from a Spanish-speaking country. It just means “black”, as in the color (note the dark shade of the lozenges pictured on the packaging). It’s just very jarring when you see it as an American, because of our-so-exceptional history (you know, back when America was ‘great’ *gag*). (I had the same reaction when I started managing our toner cartridges at work.)
Actually I think the candy is from Serbia or some other Balkan country. And yeah, I understand the etymology. Just questioning the decision to import something that says “NEGRO” in giant letters on the bag.
I’m not American btw.
When I first saw the pic, I was, like, “$37 for tea??” but then I saw “kr” thing and looked it up and was, like, ah. (It’s 4.66USD.)
Is the women’s tea, like, a period thing? Or is it tea you drink with your women’s bread?
Imaginary Petal: Noted, on both counts, then.
katz: Words fail me….
To be fair, “women’s tea” sounds like something that could definitely go for $37 in some “health food” store somewhere.
That’s just amazing. Barley and rye. Sorry, guys. You’re having barley and rye again.
Because if it’s just a really, really circumspect way of saying “tea that makes your menstrual cramps go away,” I’m not inclined to be too hard on them. But if it’s tea you’re supposed to drink because you’re a womany woman who’s too delicate for normal tea, that’s different.
I had to look it up but it seems that ginger and chamomile is used for some cramp remedies so maybe?
But I’m looking at several sites and there’s a billion natural things that help cramps apparently so who knows?
The ingredients seem to be ginger, orange peel, chamomille flower and, of course, pink. I don’t know enough about fake/alternative medicine to tell if this is supposed to help with menstrual cramps. Someone google this! 🙂
Hemp bread.
No, brain, that doesn’t mean what you want it to mean.
Of course, if it did, then it would be a sure-fire cramps cure…
Pocky, for the unfamiliar, is a kind of semi-sweet biscuit/cookie stick dipped in chocolate. There are a hundred thousand kinds. Basic pocky is milk chocolate. Men’s pocky is … dark chocolate.
So now you know: dark chocolate is a men’s thing. Sorry, ladies, if you like dark chocolate, you’re doing gender wrong.