"ethics" FAAAAAKE! gross incompetence gullibility irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA reddit

Seems legit: Men’s Rights Redditors outraged by obviously fake Tumblr screenshot

Also seems legit
Also seems legit

Men’s Rights Activists spend a remarkable amount of their time getting worked up about things that aren’t real.

They rail against having to register for a draft that doesn’t exist. They complain about the injustice of “women and children first” even though that’s not now, and has never been, standard procedure for evacuating ships, planes or anything else that needs evacuating.

And then, of course, there are the faked screenshots, featuring feminists (some real, some imaginary) saying things that have never been said by any feminist ever — the phony Anita Sarkeesian Tweets that have inspired real waves of harassment directed at Sarkeesian, the made-up quotes attributed to famous feminists ranging from Gloria Steinem to Jessica Valenti, the phony entire Jezebel article posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit as a supposed “screenshot.”

To this ever-growing pile, let’s add this obviously fake “screenshot” of a Tumblr conversation that never happened, which drew more than 1100 outraged upvotes when it was recently posted to the Men’s Rights subreddit.

Obviously fake screenshot
Obviously fake screenshot

What are some of the indications that this is faker than fake?

  1. The comments all read as if they were written by the same person
  2. The comments from the “bisexual black woman” fit every straw feminist stereotype
  3. The language used by the “bisexual black woman” is off; what black bisexual feminist refers to “minorities” rather than, say, “women of color?”
  4.  The screenshot is obviously something put together in ten minutes using MS Paint
  5.  The screenshot is obviously something put together in ten minutes using MS Paint
  6.  The screenshot is obviously something put together in ten minutes using MS Paint

In case you are not convinced, here are some actual Tumblr screenshots, courtesy of TheCaptainObvious on Imgur.

tubby1 tubby2

In the Men’s Rights subreddit thread devoted to the completely and utterly fake Tumblr conversation, the gullible MRAs piled irony atop irony as they responded to the fakery with credulous sincerity. Only a handful of commenters suggested the screenshot might be fake; most of them were downvoted to zero.

By contrast, someone called Clockw0rk garnered 100 points with a comment declaring the alleged SJW “Victim Narrative” to be “basically a godless religion.”

Belief is the most important part of any religion, as no religion is comprehensive enough to provide philosophical answers to every situation, so the primary creed of The Victim Narrative is to “Listen and Believe”. Claims made from white men are automatically subject to scrutiny and distrust while claims made from women and people of color are automatically more worthwhile. 

To quote someone who doesn’t exist, “please send help, irony is too thick to breathe.”

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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8 years ago

David, you buried the lede.

Dolphins on Mars?!

Just like NASA, I “really like dolphins” too! This discovery is making me reevaluate everything I knew!

I don’t want to complain, David, but burying the lede is shoddy journalism.

But I won’t harp on that ’cause I’m super excited: Dolphins on Mars! Dolphins on Mars! Dolphins on Mars!

PS: I know I’m probably asking for too much, but Did they find unicorns on Mars? Please say yes!

8 years ago

The Tubby Custard Machine dispenses “mechanically separated chicken”, a.k.a. pink goo.

I have officially lost it.

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Silly Kat. The unicorns frolic on Europa.

8 years ago

Wow. Tubby Custard should totally be a thing:

Friend: “How’s the irony over there?
me: “Too thick to breathe. As thick as Tubby Custard!

8 years ago

I’m not surprised by the discovery of dolphins on Mars, they’ve already been found in planets as far away as Vortex.

8 years ago

Forget these MRA twits! I’m more interested in those dolphins on Mars! Unlike MRAs, dolphins are cute and serve an actual purpose on this planet. I love dolphins. =)

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

So that‘s where they went after the Vogons showed up.

8 years ago

Like Kat, I’ve come to express my great joy at the discovery of dolphins on Mars! On some level, I think we’ve always known.

8 years ago

Dolphins on Mars? Yay!!! There’s hope Star Whales really exist!

comment image

8 years ago


The Tubby Custard Machine dispenses “mechanically separated chicken”, a.k.a. pink goo.

I have officially lost it.

Not surprising. What do expect from monsters that worship a baby in the sun?

8 years ago

These guys are in STEM? Really? I want to see their diplomas or something now.

8 years ago

Forget these MRA twits! I’m more interested in those dolphins on Mars! Unlike MRAs, dolphins are cute and serve an actual purpose on this planet. I love dolphins. =)

I hate to break this to you then…

Dolphins be rapists…

*cue outrage*


8 years ago

Whoever made the fake actually put in some decent effort; more than a 10 minute paint job, at least. They put in a solid effort in keeping all the discernible margins/paddings consistent. Except. The 2nd comment (starting with “Okay”) is 16px from the left border, whereas the other comments are 15px. And while it’s technically possible for a real Tumblr comment chain to be styled with that weird specificity, the chances are slim to none that anyone would actually do that.

ETA: While I was measuring out nitpicky spacings, I totally glossed over the fact that the right-hand margins are all fucky. Regardless of how they’re nested, the text in the comments should all wrap at the same spot. Also I’m 90% certain that the “please send help” line was added more recently than the image’s creation, given that it has significantly fewer compression artifacts around it than the rest of the text.

8 years ago

This is inspiring me to peruse Literally Unbelievable. I haven’t done that in awhile.

Wow. A whole lot of people believed that 42 million people died during black Friday stampedes.

42 million.

People believed that number.


And someone blamed it on Marxism.


8 years ago

My family spent part of a holiday Googling dolphin rape one time because my aunt didn’t believe me when I told her that dolphins are rapists.

Ah, togetherness.

8 years ago

I find it bizarre that when people talk about American Indian cultures, and how they used every part of the animal, its portrayed as this wise, responsible thing they did, but when we do it now, using machines to extract meat we ordinarily wouldn’t be able to, its this horrible, disgusting practice. It feels really elitist and hypocritical.

8 years ago

42 million.

People believed that number.


And someone blamed it on Marxism.


we’re fucking doomed, aren’t we?

8 years ago

Did you see this part??

Male ducks are some of the few birds to have penises (so do ratites), which become erect alarmingly fast (20 cm in ~1/3 second for some species).

20cm?? That’s 1/3 of the length of a mallard. Put those proportions on a human and Ron Jeremy would feel woefully inadequate.

8 years ago

I find it bizarre that when people talk about American Indian cultures, and how they used every part of the animal, its portrayed as this wise, responsible thing they did, but when we do it now, using machines to extract meat we ordinarily wouldn’t be able to, its this horrible, disgusting practice. It feels really elitist and hypocritical.

I think the difference is the processes used. American Indians might have very well had a use for most, of not all, parts of a bison, but they weren’t butchering their kills in a meat packing plant where they were under pressure to process as many carcasses as possible in the least amount of time. I remember reading in the book Fast Food Nation that the pressure on workers now days to butcher carcasses as quickly as possible has resulted in up to one out of every five carcasses ending up with salmonella or e. coli on them thanks to feces spills.

When you have to run extracted meat through a bath of ammonia to prevent feces particles carrying bacteria from contaminating your batch of meat, there’s a problem. It’s not the fact we’re using that little bit of extra meat that can be saved, but the fact we have to specially treat it with a chemical normally used for cleaning household surfaces to make it safe that disgusts people.

8 years ago

20cm?? That’s 1/3 of the length of a mallard. Put those proportions on a human and Ron Jeremy would feel woefully inadequate.

Male ducks grow temporary penises during the mating season. In some species, the penis is longer than the duck.

The above is true. Anita Sarkeesian saying, “Everything is sexist,” and a black queer feminist lady going HELL YEAH LET’S CALL NON-SEXIST THINGS SEXIST JUST TO HURT NICE MEN’S FEELINGS? Not true.

Tony! The Queer Shoop
8 years ago

I came for Martian dolphins and all I got was MRA shitwittery. I haz a disappoint.

8 years ago


Did you see this part??

Male ducks are some of the few birds to have penises (so do ratites), which become erect alarmingly fast (20 cm in ~1/3 second for some species).

20cm?? That’s 1/3 of the length of a mallard. Put those proportions on a human and Ron Jeremy would feel woefully inadequate.

They also fall off and regrow the next mating season…
(Wow that Quora article was buttholish.)

Totally ninja’d
The above is true. Anita Sarkeesian saying, “Everything is sexist,”
That quote is based off a real one… but she was talking about being young and naive and learning about feminism and it was like a shiny new toy she wanted to share with everyone. They love using that quote but never posting the whole paragraph it was from.

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