empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill return of kings slut shaming

“Girls who work at call centers are usually epic sluts,” Return of Kings writer warns

Why don't you call me sometime?
Why don’t you call me sometime?

Fellas! I don’t know if you know this, but we men here in the western world are surrounded by secret sluts, undercover dirty girls with “PhDs in “hide my notch count-ology” so if men don’t take a good hard look beneath the surface, they’ll be taken for [a] ride to be sure.”

That, in any case, is the message of a new post by self-proclaimed slut expert Donovan Sharpe at internet garbage site Return of Kings. A few years back, another RoK writer warned men of several dozen “slut tells,” including tattoos, large breasts, divorced parents, past sorority membership, and of course “slut face.”

Sharpe now adds several more “covert slut tells” to the list, advising men to watch out for divorced women with “thousand cock stares” who live alone, work out at “meathead gyms,” make bad art and … work at call centers.

How are any of these things evidence of sluthood? Let’s go through them in turn.


Divorce? More like Div-WHORE-ce amirite fellas high five, you do see what I did there right?

Nothing elicits euphoria in today’s woman like separation and subsequent divorce papers. It is quite literally her golden ticket aboard the Cock Carousel Express and it takes them very little time to hop aboard and enjoy the ride. …

While this is awesome for slut slayers, it’s terrible for men looking to settle down. Any woman who has at least one ex-husband has no doubt been slammed by hordes of men. And as we all know, the more men a woman has been f**ked by, the less faithful she’ll be.

The Thousand Cock Stare:

The mysterious “Thousand Cock Stare,” as I noted in a previous post, is what Red Pillers think women develop after exposure to more than the lifetime recommended allotment of penises. As Sharpe explains, it’s

the look on a woman’s face that reveals spite, apathy, fatigue, and hopelessness all at the same time. This look is a direct result of being drilled and dropped by a shitload of men.

The spite is because she’s pissed off at the world for not having locked down a man because of her slutty ways. The apathy is from being desensitized to sex, an inevitable ramification of taking different cocks for an extended period of time.

Remember, fellas, if a woman has lots of sex with one man, she only suffers one penis-worth of penis-induced sex-desensitivity. The same amount of sex with a variety of penises will turn her into an empty shell of a woman.

The fatigue is her being tired of the constant battle to get and keep male attention and having to resort to sexual favors earlier and earlier as she gets older.

Yeah, that couldn’t possibly be because she enjoys sex and is tired of playing games.

And the hopelessness comes from her knowing deep down she’ll never have a relationship of consequence with a man she loves and respects, who finds her tolerable outside of sex.

No projection here, nope!

Living alone:

Aw, she’s got her own place, like, you know, lots and lots of single people. BEWARE!

[W]omen are heavily influenced by people who shame them …

Living by herself gives her carte blanche to sleep with as many dudes as her little heart desires without the judgmental gaze of her roommates or relatives. …

With male thirst at an all time high, it’s a pretty good bet that a woman who doesn’t share a residence with another human being is likely pushing triple digits in the notch count category, and it seldom takes long to get there.

Bad artist:

If she’s a painter, there’s a good chance she’ll let you STIR HER PAINT, nudge nudge. Maybe she’ll even let you STRETCH HER CANVAS, if you know what I mean, or USE MASKING TAPE TO COVER PART OF THE CANVAS IN ORDER TO GET A CLEAR EDGE BETWEEN PATCHES OF DIFFERENT COLORS wait none of these makes any sense as sexual innuendo never mind.

Just remember: ART means SEX.

I’m not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination, but my guess is that expressing themselves artistically is a way to escape the fact that they can’t keep their legs closed around men. …

So the next time a chick wants to show you her collection of deformed bowls and vases she makes in her pottery classes, keep in mind that you’ve probably got a whore on your hands.

Meathead gym attendance:

Buff women hanging out around buff dudes apparently results in lots of buff sex, though apparently this only makes the women sluts, not the men,

Call centers:

Yep. If she works at a call center, you can be sure she’ll PUT YOU ON HOLD, if you know what I mean, or maybe even INTERRUPT YOUR DINNER WITH A SALES CALL EVEN THOUGH YOU’RE ON THE DO NOT CALL REGISTRY. If you’re really lucky, maybe she’ll let you SPEAK TO HER SUPERVISOR.

Crap, none of those make sense either. Just remember: call centers are slut centers!

Anyone who’s ever worked in a call center knows that commingling between employees is at least twice as rampant as any other workplace out there. Having managed a few myself I can personally attest to the fact that regardless of position, no one is exempt from the temptation of f**king their coworkers in this environment…or at least trying.

Girls who either are or have been employed at a call center are usually epic sluts in and outside of the office. Something about this particular work habitat is like an aphrodisiac for both males and females.

One ringy dingy indeed!

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8 years ago

“I’m not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination”

No kiddin’?

And my experience at a call-center mostly ended in most of the workers hating the job and thus everything that reminded us of the job (such as our coworkers).

8 years ago

she makes in her pottery classes, keep in mind that you’ve probably got a whore on your hands.

I don’t have sex for free, you gotta ‘clay to play’

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Guess what Roosh?! I’m a slut! (I’m using the 1950’s version here meaning messy.) I admit it! I find order in Chaos! Seriously?! Management?! Me thinks thou protests too much! Just because others get paired up instead of you, doesn’t mean women are whores. It means that they find the other men less abhorrent!

(Sorry typo! In my brain RoK equals Roosh! Donovan, I mean!)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

My hobby is fiber arts – knitting, spinning, and now weaving. How big a slut am I?

8 years ago

Of course he “managed” “a few” call centres. He wouldn’t want us to think he was merely employed at one.

No-one is exempt from f*cking their coworkers in this environment… or at least trying

I can believe he “tried” though. Getting his face slapped and sacked for harassment I can believe, too.

8 years ago

Victorious Parasol:

If you like knitting, then you’re either a cat lady whom no man wants, or an ultra-liberal, free-love promoting, super mega slut hipster. /s

8 years ago

Remind me again why these guys who complain about women turning them down also complain about women who they believe are not selective with their sex partners? I mean, wouldn’t those kind of women be more likely to have sex with them?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ littleknown

Oh, gosh, is THAT what these cats are doing here…. /s is for silly and also sarcastic, ‘cos MRAs can’t grasp my life is fantastic

8 years ago

The blindness is strong in that one. I guess he have the same proverbial Wall as the antihero of the Pink Floyd, but I doubt he will ever be able to escape it.

8 years ago

I’m not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination…

You can say that again, jerkwad.

You know, a man who takes these supposed signals seriously and avoids women exhibiting them is missing out on a lot of wonderful women. I find that delightful.

PS: Jamesworkshop: “clay to play” wins. I crochet, so I guess that means I’m a hooker.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

Oh, shit! My dad’s girlfriend works in a call center! I gotta warm him!

I’m also surprised you didn’t decide to include this gem:

The ex-Mrs. Sharpe was into painting when we lived in Florida but she was terrible at it. Of course I told her she was the greatest painter since Leonardo da Vinci (which never got me laid)

“I see women and things they do only in terms of getting my dick wet.”

I crochet, so I guess that means I’m a hooker.

Please find someone to high five you for that on my behalf. That was excellent.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Shorter TRP/PUA:

Sex is all there is to life!

And I’m so scared of it. 🙁

8 years ago

the look on a woman’s face that reveals spite, apathy, fatigue, and hopelessness all at the same time. This look is a direct result of …

…meeting Sharpe?

My face made all those things just reading his stuff. Imagine what he’d be like in person.

8 years ago

I’m not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination, but my guess is

Did he really just admit that he pulled this “fact” directly from his ass?

8 years ago

I’ve lived alone for about 17 years and have not had sex with a single person in that time. I guess I’m doing this wrong.

(What’s the betting this dude worked at a single call center once, hit on a female coworker who turned him down, and is still not over it?)

Flight of the Wombat
Flight of the Wombat
8 years ago

Victorious Parasol
April 5, 2016 at 5:45 pm
My hobby is fiber arts – knitting, spinning, and now weaving. How big a slut am I?

The biggest. Fiber arts don’t even require any real artistic talent* so clearly you’re compensating for something. [/s]

Seriously though, as an artist with artist friends ( some of whom are actually good enough to make a living from their art) I have to say that it’s true that making art can be helpful in dealing with negative emotions and experiences, but why this guy assumes that any such feelings that a woman would want to deal with necessarily have to do with sex or romantic relationships is a mystery to me… Oh wait, I think I figured it out, it’s projection isn’t it?

I’m not a psychologist by any stretch of the imagination

You can say that again buddy!

*actually I think fiber arts are really cool but I don’t have the greatest coordination or fine motor control so they end up being more frustrating than fun for me. I’m always in awe of people who can do them well.

One more thing:

the look on a woman’s face that reveals spite, apathy, fatigue, and hopelessness all at the same time.

That actually does sound like the look I often see on the face of someone who is known for having a lot of sex:

What website did you say this article was on again?

Mathieu Tremblay
Mathieu Tremblay
8 years ago

I’ve worked in a call centre long enough to know Donovan here never made one single shift. There is nothing aphrodisiac about call centres.

OT: If my phone’s autocomplete assumes that by “call”, I necessarily mean “… of Cthulhu”, do I win something?

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago

Wait a moment… *I* work in a call centre! Does that mean I’m a (gulp) “slut”? I’m clearly not keeping up with my call centre cock count since I haven’t fucked any of my colleagues – better get on it right away. Brb!

The Thousand Cock Stare
The Thousand Cock Stare
8 years ago

Hi, everybody! I’ve been lurking here for a while, but never got around to posting til now.

On a related note, I’m surprised to learn what a slut I apparently am. I’ve worked in a call center and occasionally make art. (Allthough, I’m not sure if I’d consider it bad art. More like average.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

These guys can’t decide what they want. Plates? Sluts? Whores? Wives? Criticize it all!

It almost sounds like a Mother Goose rhyme:

Plates, sluts, whores, and wives,
How many are ruining these guys’ lives?

W]omen are heavily influenced by people who shame them …


I have a sudden urge to make pottery depicting divorced call center workers flirting with meatheads at the gym.

Flight of the Wombat
Flight of the Wombat
8 years ago

Looking at my post again I kind of feel like that picture of Roosh needs a content warning, but I guess I missed the edit window, that or my phone browser isn’t showing the option to edit. He is super creepy-looking. Sorry if I disturbed anybody.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ vikki p

Apropos of nothing, around Lancashire “Get weaving!” is a popular expression. It means to get on with something or to hurry up (eg. “If we’re going to get there in time we’d better get weaving“)

I wonder if it’s because of that area’s history in the textile trade?

8 years ago

I also work in a call-center. I have also worked in a not-a-call-center. According to what I’ve seen, the rampancy of hanky-panky is about the same in both.

You put human beings with biological desires in close proximity to each other and a few will feel some sparks. That’s just common fucking sense. It has nothing to do with some mysterious environmental factor available only when you’re being yelled at for something you had no control over.

8 years ago

the look on a woman’s face that reveals spite, apathy, fatigue, and hopelessness all at the same time. This look is a direct result of being drilled and dropped by a shitload of men in the presence of a TRPer.

Fixed that for you.

Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
Slutty Miss Havisham Penguin briefly known as Nady
8 years ago

Does that mean my Grandad was a slut. He taught my mum how to knit. He also made my mum and my aunt sanitary pads during the strikes in England. Rationing equalised a lot of things.

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