Apparently Davis Aurini is capable of sometimes telling the truth.
As you may recall, the bald, semi-Nazi stain on humanity released his version of The Sarkeesian Effect (that was officially not his version of The Sarkeesian Effect) last week to something less than universal acclaim, with one critic describing the “film” as “worse than a dead squirrel in your wall.”
Ok, that was me.
Weirdly, it turns out that Aurini actually agrees with some of my criticisms. While still maintaining that his not-version of The Sarkeesian Effect is a “damn good film,” he admitted on a livestream last night that the section of his film critiquing Anita Sarkeesian’s alleged lies was “crap.”
He then suggested it would have been much better … if he’d actually watched Sarkeesian’s videos.
Yep. He spent a year — and tens of thousands of dollars of other people’s money — ostensibly making a film about Sarkeesian. But somehow he never got around to watching any of her videos.
You can hear the whole segment on “Bechtloff’s Saturday Night Livestream: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour” on Youtube here. (The link should take you to the relevant portion of the livestrean, which starts just short of an hour and twenty minutes in.)
Here are the highlights.
In this first clip, Aurini responds to someone with a question about his attacks on Sarkeesian’s alleged dishonesty.
This clip ends a bit abruptly because Aurini was cut off by Bechtloff before finishing his sentence. Luckily, he went on to elaborate on his point. And threw in in a racial slur while he was at it, because why not?
And here he admits he didn’t bother to watch Sarkeesian’s videos.
It’s about ethics in making an entire film about someone without actually knowing anything about them.
We Hunted the Mammoth has obtained this footage of Davis Aurini as a child.
H/T — Thanks to the alert reader who pointed me to the relevant section of the livestream.
Here is a hint, if you can’t pull up where the correlation and connection is that fictional depictions perpetuate real world harm, which is part of her primary thesis and argument within her videos, you might just not have any ground to stand on.
And if I have to read an entire book before you will even acknowledge my question of where is the real world correlation it kind of shows that much like Anita, you have no argument.
At least #GamerGate will give you a the part of a video that has the relevant information to your question, you can’t even get me a damn page.
Hell I’d probably have to buy these books as well.
Again, Sexism is perpetuated in real life by video games. Citation needed. Because frankly all the evidence suggests the reverse.
But those pesky stats are only useful when you can cherry pick them.
What is a Man – want correlation? Consider that when Anita says, “Hey, maybe we can portray women better,” the response is a flood of death threats, insults, attacks, etc. Does that count?
“Here is a hint, if you can’t pull up where the correlation and connection is that fictional depictions perpetuate real world harm, which is part of her primary thesis and argument within her videos, you might just not have any ground to stand on.”
I mean, if you want to know about that, go watch her videos.
Did you ever consider that maybe not everyone, hell maybe even *NOT ANYONE* here is interested in argueing with you? Like, if you have questions, go do some research. but somehow, I dont think you give a shit about, like, reality.
ETA is that you, Davis? /s
What is a man has missed out on a robust centuries-old tradition of cultural criticism. How sad for him.
Remember folks, cultural criticism is only allowed if there is causation!
Lol, you mean like Valeri Solanas? Yeah, she was definitely just one of the bad ones; she wasn’t a more honest adherent of your warped ideology or anything. The fact is, is that you people are hardly any different from other established hate-groups when you get down to it, think about it; the KKK thinks that black people are oppressing them, they talk about black crime rates and everything else, why does feminism get off scot-free when they all talk about how men are the cause of everything bad in the world, and talk about rates of rape and violent crimes amongst men?
And then you try to play the whole “we care about men too” card, bu t when men try to discuss their issues, you show up in real-time and do shit like pull fire alarms, then have the nerve to whine about “sea lions” and shit.
It’s all so convenient; you insist that anti-feminists are all terrible people and use the worst of us as examples (and then do everything in your power to make the best of us look like bigots, by taking everything we say out of context), but whenever someone does it to you, you’re all “NO that person is nut a feminist!”
I’ve never watched a Davis Aurini video, it’s true.
But I’ve also never been paid thousands of dollars to make a documentary about Davis Aurini. If I had, I think it’d be fair to expect me to watch at least one all the way through.
“Where are the citations?!”
*is given citations*
“You expect me to read?!”
1. Video games are media which are things real people consume. I sofar as media exist, sexism in media perpetuates sexism.
2. Go do your own damn research in the future.
I secretly suspected many of these GGers never watched the videos. I almost dated a woman before she was very anti Sarkeesian but had never attempted to watch a video. “I play video game not watch videos about them.” This after talking about how she hated people for being mad about the lack of women to choose as characters.
Oh. Also, sexism in media promoting sexism in the real world isn’t a central point of her videos. Her belief in it is a motivating factor, but she’s just talking about sexist tropes in video games.
Oh, sweetie. I’m afraid it’s not as simple as that!
You see, you asked for citations. That implies that you have to do some reading! Because this
is a citation. Not very descriptive, hm? But it helps you find information! That’s how science works – chains of inference, with citations linking the inferences together in a semantic network.
That citation there is to a book that talks all about how fictional representations have devastating real-world consequences. Worth reading!
Oh, did you want me to just give you the answer?
Well, I’m not in the field of gender studies – I’m an information scientist. Statistical methods and gobbledygook like that. So I tend to heed the experts in the field instead of following my “gut”, or whatever some random knob on the internet thinks. That’s the benefit of science – teamwork and division of labour!
But, hey, okay, I can try. Here’s a nice paper that’s recent, does an n=301 study, has a lot of links to other papers and provides a good summary.
And it’s only 15 pages, with two of those being nifty citations you can follow! Here’s the punchline from the paper:
The paper’s findings aren’t at all conclusive or universal – such is the case with a new area of study after all! – but there are all sorts of juicy links to previous work. Fun, and good reading!
Surely you have time to read fifteen pages?
Davis: But guys, watching videos that don’t agree with my POV is haaaaaaard!
I thought it was pretty rich for Aurini to complain about some else being toxic, pedantic and full of shit, but then again he is one of the world’s leading experts on being a toxic pedantic piece of shit.
It’s really cute how What is a Man’s is distracting from PUA Lavey’s shitty research skills by basically just saying “nuh-uh, you are!”
He’s just using elementary school level taunting. I think my responses to him are henceforth going to be “I know you are, but what am I?”
What is a Man, your logic is bad and you should feel bad because you’re a total douchecanoe who can’t back up a single one of his claims and when you’re given exactly what you ask for you whine that you were given exactly what you asked for. There’s a word for that: spoiled. There’s several other words for that: entitled manbaby who can’t think for himself. Yet more words for that: troll who wants to come here and deal us feminists THE MOST DEVASTATING BLOW but can’t deliver beyond a baby’s wee little whimper of protest. You’re out of your league here, little manbaby. There are actual experts in residence in the commentariat, who can back up their claims with more than just whiny entitled shitposting.
@What is a man
The massive butthurt overreaction to her videos by fans of the games she critiques is sexism in real life perpetuated by those games. You are your own source, dumbass.
Oh, fun.
A troll who asks for citations and replies, “Der, readin’! I ain’t readin’!” when given citations.
Enjoy your chew toy, all!
“the damsel in the refrigerator” trope is actually sexist.”
Legendary comic writer Gail Simone, of titles including Red Sonja & Wonder Woman, as sited in the relevant “LW2” vid, is the person who coined the term “women in refrigerators” & here’s the link: http://lby3.com/wir/index.html
Aurini’s fans got PWNed by his hoax ‘documentary’ project.
Chances any of them will learn anything from that experience?
I’m thinking not many – it was never about anything in real life, so real life probably will have little impact.
A) Feminism does not make any such claim. Feminism recognizes that this is a societal problem and that women also contribute to it. B) Is there some kind of problem with talking about facts around violent crimes?
When has this happened, exactly?
Galt: troll challenge, if I may – name another feminist (preferably one who was active more recently than 40 fucking years ago) who proposed violence against men as a reasonable response to patriarchy, or STFU. Meanwhile, almost every blog or website in the manosphere has at least one post suggesting that the way to deal with ‘misandry’ is to beat the living shit out of women – with mostly the entire comment section of these posts in thunderous agreement with this proposal.
say, What IS a Mayun?
Oh, my first response from someone outside this blog, how interesting.
Feminism does not make the claim that men are the root of evil, and what is wrong with addressing violent crimes with facts? Your kkk comparison is the equivalent of using the atheism is hitler’s religion, a presumptuous statement that needs no further comment. When has your example of the “fire alarm” happen? Can you define it or is it like the jewish/african american/muslim/vietnamese/chinese/japanese/russian/regressive cultural marxists defiling the “purity” of the american culture with vague menace?
Not just entire books. It’s an entire field of study. Cultivation Theory, which is a theory in the same way evolution is a theory.
That’s ironic, because you remind me of creationists who have never taken a biology course in their lifetime, but demand others provide proof that evolution is real.
However, I’m feeling generous…
Uh, you could say the same of any group concerned about oppression. Like, seriously – you can say that any group is “like the KKK” if your bar for comparison is “talks about things that they think affect them negatively.” You’ve got one of those pesky universally-applying tests, there, Mr Galt! That means it’s useless in the real world.
Can I suggest a better test? Howabout we say that a civil-rights group is valid if it is concerned with elevating the oppressed party and not murdering, enslaving or oppressing the party in power? And it is valid if backed up with statistics and numbers that are verifiable by a third party?
Does that sound reasonable? ‘Cause that’s feminism. I refer you to the literature for evidence! No doubt you’ll get right to it, since you seem to be a little contentious on the matter!
Oh yes, zombie Solanas strikes again!
Care to provide a more recent example of one of the bad evil feminists? One who hasn’t been dead for 30 years?
Which prominent anti-feminist is not a bigot? Name just one.