Apparently Davis Aurini is capable of sometimes telling the truth.
As you may recall, the bald, semi-Nazi stain on humanity released his version of The Sarkeesian Effect (that was officially not his version of The Sarkeesian Effect) last week to something less than universal acclaim, with one critic describing the “film” as “worse than a dead squirrel in your wall.”
Ok, that was me.
Weirdly, it turns out that Aurini actually agrees with some of my criticisms. While still maintaining that his not-version of The Sarkeesian Effect is a “damn good film,” he admitted on a livestream last night that the section of his film critiquing Anita Sarkeesian’s alleged lies was “crap.”
He then suggested it would have been much better … if he’d actually watched Sarkeesian’s videos.
Yep. He spent a year — and tens of thousands of dollars of other people’s money — ostensibly making a film about Sarkeesian. But somehow he never got around to watching any of her videos.
You can hear the whole segment on “Bechtloff’s Saturday Night Livestream: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour” on Youtube here. (The link should take you to the relevant portion of the livestrean, which starts just short of an hour and twenty minutes in.)
Here are the highlights.
In this first clip, Aurini responds to someone with a question about his attacks on Sarkeesian’s alleged dishonesty.
This clip ends a bit abruptly because Aurini was cut off by Bechtloff before finishing his sentence. Luckily, he went on to elaborate on his point. And threw in in a racial slur while he was at it, because why not?
And here he admits he didn’t bother to watch Sarkeesian’s videos.
It’s about ethics in making an entire film about someone without actually knowing anything about them.
We Hunted the Mammoth has obtained this footage of Davis Aurini as a child.
H/T — Thanks to the alert reader who pointed me to the relevant section of the livestream.
But… but… but… The term ‘free market’ contains the word ‘free’. It has to be perfect!
but then he can’t mansplain which new language learning software is appropriate for your feeble ladybrain! Gosh, you gotta remember, a man’s feelings are precious and must be catered to at all times! /s
Congratulations! Your ability to answer questions is on par with a nevernude Alien simulation program running at minimum capacity:
Logistically, how does this even work?
answer: Yes
Q Are there going to be toll booths at every road?
answer: Yes
Alrighty then, how the fuck is building a toll booth at every road going to be effective?
Who decides where the roads stop and end?
Is there some unit of measurement that a single proprietor is ‘allowed’ to own? Yes
Do these toll booths take credit cards? Yes
Well that’s a relief! And who’s going to make sure that each booth is equipped with a credit card reader?
I could go on, but for the sake of spam I won’t.
Translation: stop questioning my ideas and just accept that they are good! I don’t have any logical retorts so I’m just going to keep deflecting.
Sorry dude, but if you can’t answer these basic questions then your economic system is bad and you should feel bad.
Except public goods such as roads are a market failures.
Ditch the libertarian catchphrases and go look up microeconomics: The free market is incapable of providing public goods because they are market failures.
You say ‘competition will drive prices down’ like there’s enough space for several people to each have their own competing roads that lead to the same place. I’ll bet Atlas Shrugged didn’t come with a detailed map showing the logistics of how this series of competing private roads was all planned out (including the hundreds of thousands of toll booths). And for places such as bridges like I already explained, the barriers to entry are very high: who in the world is going to be able to front the cost and spend time building the second bridge? especially knowing full well that their competitor is sitting RIGHT there. Also, once a second bridge opens up, all I have to do is cut prices until I drive out the competition. Since I’ve already been operating my bridge, I can withstand much greater loss (especially after quadrupling my profits by being an asshole) and effectively drive them out of business.
How is the free market going to stop me from doing that?
Sorry to burst the libertarian bubble, but ‘the free market will figure it out’ is not some magic cureall that automatically solves all economic problems. Especially when we’re talking about market failures, which are given that name precisely because they are scenarios where the free market cannot ‘figure it out’.
Galt, I will glady continue this conversation but first you have some homework to do, read the following:
then explain to me how the free market is going to solve all these problems I’ve described.
You are very clever, both in fora and in other places, too!
Most of my social engagements online have been mixed bags – this place has been one of the better ones. Probably mostly my fault!
Your volatile-talk-handling skills are good! Mirroring is a very useful tactic. I like to do similar, though i will usually add little questions when I encounter something that doesn’t make sense, or something i really don’t agree with. I try to avoid challenging too much.
Well, in real life I avoid talking about it at all if we don’t agree, cause I don’t got time for those kinds of arguments for realsies. I’m all for the baking and inane chatter though!
For good measure, I think he needs to look up deflationary spiral too. Because sudden increases in poverty and joblessness that aren’t stopped with government intervention tend to cause them.
Never said it was pretty. I did say it only works for some people, at the expense of the marginal/disenfranchized. But for those people, it’s brilliant. I see capitalism like hard drugs. The highs are astronomical, the lows are subterranean. Better hope you get a good batch. Or you can do the responsible thing (tho not easy to do, by any stretch), get into rehab, and get it sorted. My whole thing is, cold turkey quitting (what I originally, and falsely, assumed Kale to mean by “dismantle”) often leads to more problems than it solves
There’s this old saying that 2 socialists will have more to argue about than a communist and an objectivist. Not wrong in my experience… 🙂
I-Is he ignoring me? I think he’s ignoring me :c
People literally cannot stop using a road that is right in front of their house.
So there won’t be any money to maintain it, either, so eventually it will cease being a road at all. We’re back to there being no roads in this libertarian paradise.
And now we’re also back to total warfare, too!
I bought the book. Now I’m going back to ignoring you.
You people are no longer worth my time to talk to. It is not in my rational self-interest to continue on and try to teach you all about objectivism when I’m getting nothing in return. Nobody’s paying for this, I don’t half to dispense with my ideas andy longer. I’ve opened the door for you, now you’re all going to have to show some initiative and do your own studying. No handouts.
Atlas Flounced, and was crushed by the sofa overburdened with the enemies of reason.
Man, I can barely afford produce the way it is now, I don’t even want to think of how expensive it would be with privately-owned roads in the rural Midwest, especially since most people don’t even like paying for tiny slivers of the cost via taxes.
I guess you don’t consider the obesity problem to be a problem either.
Axecalibur says:
You’re the one who gave “raises people out of extreme poverty pretty quickly” as “a positive.” The point is, capitalism only “works,” or is “a positive,” in the context of poverty if you’re willing to beg the question that the group you’re elevating is more worthy than the groups you’re exploiting to achieve that elevation.
If you don’t beg that question—if you value all people equally—then it doesn’t “work” and isn’t “a positive” because you’re just redistributing poverty at best. (And creating more poverty while raising fewer and fewer people out of it at worst.)
I can understand the frustration of being challenged by so many people, I was a pro-feminist moderator of a serious discussion board on an image board for over a year, it can be rough. But…
No handouts? Yeah, that’s a great way to spread a philosophy, knowledge or belief. What are we supposed to get out of what you are offering? Good luck with that.
Getting nothing in return? I thought an improved world was part of the point. Perhaps if one knew what you wanted one could figure out if it was possible.
He said for the third or forth time.
Most people would argue that before you could teach anybody anything, you first have to know something to the point where you could teach it, or at least know something worth knowing.
Telling us to “figure it out for ourselves” when we question you because we don’t understand what you’re getting at isn’t “teaching”. It’s just being lazy.
If I was paying for it, I would have asked for a refund a long time ago. You’re a shitty “teacher”.
“I came here to teach you! Now just go do a Google search because I’m too lazy to explain anything to you, but I’ll just hide that fact behind Ayn Rand’s catchphrase and ignore the fact that people can’t get behind my libertarianism if they don’t know what the fuck it’s about.”
“Enemies of Reason” sounds like an awesome band name.
Though, for Galt-Boy, I think it’s defined as “You didn’t agree with me outright and instead questioned me when things didn’t make sense! This isn’t what Ayn would have wanted! She would have wanted you to just accept it and never question it (or me)!”
If you’re really going to flounce, at least do a flip this time instead of just going out with a whimper and with your tail between your legs.
Galt! Come back! We’ve never heard of rationalism before you showed up! *snifflesniffletearyeyed*
Seriously you guys, I’m used to people thinking I’m dim, but it must be frustrating day in and day out for you folks.
@cleverforagirl, nah, it’s just that he, like so very many of his ilk, came in here thinking he could teach us femanarcommunists a thing or two and then found that no, this commentariat already knows all about his shitty ideas and can explain in detail why they won’t work in the real world, and that was too hard on his pwecious widdle manfeels.
Because we never heard of objectivism until now.
Never have I ever seen the tedious rantings of an over privileged naïve Ayn Rand fanboy on the internet.
OK, I’m going to assume you’re pulling our leg because it’s hard to believe anyone can unwittingly descend this much into self-parody.
Why do dudes who wank to Ayn Rand always know so little about their holy figure? She only died in the ’80s! Wiki that shit!
@anti-Semitic anti-feminist #97123918264
Ayn Rand was a Russian Jew and you wouldn’t have even heard of her if it weren’t for feminism pushing for women’s education.
I realize I’m late to this thread and there are a million comments already but when I first discovered Anita Sorkeesian’s tropes vs women series what stood out to me is that her argument is so well constructed (especially in the damsel in distress one where she actually addresses possible counter arguments and explains why they are wrong) and then I saw the counter videos and being young and naive I tried to watch them and it was the biggest mistake in my life because they were literally the dumbest videos I have ever watched in my life because within the first minute (I only made it that far), it was obvious that they had not paid attention to or engaged with what she was actually arguing at all and everything they talked about was either irrelevant to her actual argument or arguments that she already disproved in her original video which is why the “she doesn’t respond to her critics” people piss me off because it’s not worth responding to someone who ignores what you say the first time–if they want people to take them seriously why don’t they try saying something actually intelligent?
Also other people have already said this but it aggravated me, in response to what is man “where’s the sources?”–you don’t need a study to have academic writing, there’s a lot of academic writing, that’s just a text or a group of texts and the only thing cited is that text or texts. Also, the idea that sexism in video games has effects on real world is based off of something called Cultivation Theory which is so widely accepted in Sociology that arguing against it is like arguing that Gravity doesn’t exist which is also why it doesn’t need to be sighted–you don’t have to prove something that’s already been proved by a million other people
Fuck you. You are not cute. You are not interesting. You are not funny. You are not smart you are not wise you’re not even a human fucking being. You’re little more than some catty little pube, that’s what you are. You’re a snot, you Walter Mitty heathen, cantankerous shark, Andrew Jackson helping piece of chicken beak pie, you make more noise than an octopus with a drum set. You don’t even know that brevity is the soul of wit, that’s why you can’t even figure out that when you fucking parody something you should stick to keeping it short, well do it do just to spite me? No? Well, it fucking walked. Slip in a shit pie, fall out of a tree and get wedgied on the way down for what I care. FUCK. YOU.
You’re all a bunch of communists. Keep your dirty, filthy, unwashed, hairy, dumpster-sifting, dirty, possum butt-wiping leftist hands off of my stuff. I fucking work harder than ANYONE around here for my things, and you think you’re entitled to a part of my profit? well, sorry, nope, it doesn’t work that way. The problem with communism is that eventally you run out of other peoples money. Should’ve thought about that.
The wealthy create the wealth, the CREAT THE JIBS. They create things so that know-nothing quack-addicts like yourselves can get jobs and then wine about how you should be given moe. Well, boo hoo cry me a river.
You all suck. You shits.
Not a positive overall, for everybody, no. A positive for those people (and they are numerous), yes. Both can be true simultaneously
It seems I have a rosier view of capitalism (or at least its potential) than you. Not by much, mind, but a little bit
Quite right
I think we’re mostly arguing minutiae in circles, at this point. I’ll keep doing it, you’re a nice sparring partner. Just thought I’d mention it
I gotta admit, I love reading the threads that trolls show up in. Not because of the trolls themselves, they’re tedious little blighters, but because the smackdowns that get laid on them are always a joy to read and I often learn quite a bit by reading those.
I joined at least in part to drag a troll one of these days. I may only be level one and am equipped with only a broken straight sword, but I’ll gather more souls in time, and eventually be strong enough to face trolls in single combat, using carefully aimed barrages of metaphorical soul arrows and simile sword thrusts to defeat my rhetorical opponents.
I assume this means he finally figured out that blathering about free markets won’t make us all jump on his dick.
Let’s please not body shame.
This, from someone with an Atlas Shrugged reference as a handle?
Is that the funniest part of Galt’s meltdown?
Or is this?
I can’t decide.