Apparently Davis Aurini is capable of sometimes telling the truth.
As you may recall, the bald, semi-Nazi stain on humanity released his version of The Sarkeesian Effect (that was officially not his version of The Sarkeesian Effect) last week to something less than universal acclaim, with one critic describing the “film” as “worse than a dead squirrel in your wall.”
Ok, that was me.
Weirdly, it turns out that Aurini actually agrees with some of my criticisms. While still maintaining that his not-version of The Sarkeesian Effect is a “damn good film,” he admitted on a livestream last night that the section of his film critiquing Anita Sarkeesian’s alleged lies was “crap.”
He then suggested it would have been much better … if he’d actually watched Sarkeesian’s videos.
Yep. He spent a year — and tens of thousands of dollars of other people’s money — ostensibly making a film about Sarkeesian. But somehow he never got around to watching any of her videos.
You can hear the whole segment on “Bechtloff’s Saturday Night Livestream: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour” on Youtube here. (The link should take you to the relevant portion of the livestrean, which starts just short of an hour and twenty minutes in.)
Here are the highlights.
In this first clip, Aurini responds to someone with a question about his attacks on Sarkeesian’s alleged dishonesty.
This clip ends a bit abruptly because Aurini was cut off by Bechtloff before finishing his sentence. Luckily, he went on to elaborate on his point. And threw in in a racial slur while he was at it, because why not?
And here he admits he didn’t bother to watch Sarkeesian’s videos.
It’s about ethics in making an entire film about someone without actually knowing anything about them.
We Hunted the Mammoth has obtained this footage of Davis Aurini as a child.
H/T — Thanks to the alert reader who pointed me to the relevant section of the livestream.
I used to babysit for a female lawyer who worked herself miserable at what must have been,I wish I was kidding, over 100 hours a week billing about 90. the sexism-at-work stories she had were pretty gnarly.
I wish Better Call Saul were a more women-driven show bc Kim would be a great character through whom to explore that issue *IN A TASTEFUL FEMINIST WAY*
Right, but that happens when you are an emotionally healthy individual – problem is, given human psychology, there’s plenty who never move past it and eventually project that bitterness onto others.
True, and part of the reason for that is due to adolescent egocentrism – but also the fact society enables white and male privilege as well.
That’s kind of what I mean: plenty of white, male nerds – when they do gain some kind of influence or power – might abuse others even though they may’ve been bullied and should be avoidant of such behavior. Sometimes, it is because they still see themselves as the put-upon nerd and think everyone else – even the well-intentioned and non-hostile – as bullies.
None take, and I get that.
cool cool. yea a lot of hate group members, as who is troll galt ironically mentioned himself actually, obsess over the fear that the people they oppress will rise up and defeat them with the same retalitory cruel oppression.
Man you sound a bit upset, using threats like that makes you seem unable to argue and instead sounds like lashing out. You’re probably not planning to date anyone here so I don’t see how good time is meant for anythibg useful for you.
So apparently perpetuating suicide and death threats is not contributing to the normalization of abuse and the patriarchal structure that you find awful.
Cite your source, you’re sounding like my prediction. Where are the people who want thag power structure?
So you’re against people having mental care to they can have happy lives, which translates into healthier economies becuase people can actually do things at their best without their mental illness hindering their hopes and dreams. Wow.
So basically if you’re a doctor or a professor or anything blue collar running society or someone one makes people happy through comedy or art, please just die because you aren’t my parasite of need.
This is not a way to think your life. You want people with dementia to say “no vet, no help”. Are you even listening to yourself? Honestly listen, you’re advocating for people with mental illness to work hard, while suffering from a mental illness that’ll prevent them from working hard, and then punish them for not working hard enough.
EDIT: Oh dearie this libertarian spiel of “this will totally work guis.” Well then, see you never Galt, I will completely forget this as this experience is as interchangable as the last.
@ Axecaliber – to the libertarian mindset, taxes are forced upon you because if you refuse to pay them, there is no opt-out, you will be sent to jail and if you resist arrest you can be killed. & I seriously dont think they’re 100% wrong on that. but whats the practical solution?
Maybe we should let people, idk, have a post-apocalyptic chaos zone wherein they dont pay taxes, but only in fiction bc in real life thats typically a white power group stealing shit & threatening to kill people and maybe inspiring a bombing or shooting spree.
Or maybe we could do things like
demilitarize the police state
& dismantle capitalism…?
So many times, when I’ve listened to a racist speak, their viewpoint can be summed up as “What if brown people treated us the way we treat them? We can’t allow that!”
I’m far from emotionally healthy and have not quite moved on from the bullying and abuse I received as a child, yet I still manage to treat others well and not bully. Some people bully even though they weren’t bullied, too. It’s a poor rationalization for the behavior.
Being bullied=/=becoming a bully. If anything, I’d hope you would have greater empathy, and realize that making others feel like you did when you were bullied accomplishes nothing good.
just in case anyone needs to know this:
mental illness =\= immoral decisions, opinions, actions. Not all irrational thoughts or behaviors mean there is an illness.
It CAN be an influence like a four legged creature can be a platypus. but actually mentally ill people are far more likely to be victims of abuse than perpatrators.
people can also do immoral without evidence of abuse or bullying in their history, and without presenting with symptoms of mental illness.
this has been an eeeevil SJW Feminasti PSA
Oh, I’m very well aware of the mindset, unfortunately. Of course, they’re not 100% wrong. 90% wrong, perhaps? 85% on the low end 😉
Furrealz tho, the solution to police brutality is to address police brutality. AnCap utopia daydreams don’t help anyone
And (addressing those people) no, you can’t opt out. When I can opt out of breathing your car exhaust, giving me cancer 30 years down the line, you can opt out of paying taxes for my Medicare, thx much
There are no rules in the Thunderdome 🙂
I tend not to be comfortable with ‘dismantle capitalism’ talk. And this is coming from a socialist myself. It’s just, cutting off the heads of the bourgeoise oppressors (figuratively in your case, I’m sure), has historically not ended well…
Okay, that was worth keeping him around for. Not quite the horse of Aryan reason, but quality.
It’s a metaphor, dumbass. Similes use “like” or “as.”
Arguing with Objectivist or deontological Libertarians is pointless. They would oppose some welfare spending program even if you could prove with certitude that it will produce the best possible outcome for everyone (and probably refuse to accept the proof anyway). If they’re willing to talk empiricism and outcomes then maybe you can get somewhere, but probably not.
Fair point, perhaps I wasn’t using the right phrasing.
What I mean is someone who, when experiencing such, learns from it and uses it in positive or beneficial ways – as opposed to someone who does not and instead cause misery, in order to feel better about themselves about it and not realize the hypocrisy of such actions.
I used “emotionally healthy” and “moved on” because it does not have one stewing in bitterness over the experience, but being able to overcome the bitterness (to some degree or another) and lead to self-improvement.
Um, okay – never denied that nor would I if that were brought up. Wasn’t part of my original point either, which had to do with why many GGers self-victimize despite being bullies themselves.
Not trying to rationalize anything, I just wanted to point out that people who bully can use self-victimizing – even if they have been bullied themselves and should know better. They’re bullies, but a good deal obviously don’t see it that way and thus downplay it or perhaps try justifying it as otherwise.
Never said that. Not once. Here’s what I said:
“You’re right, it’s very much a high school mentality – I’d only differ in that the mentality for many [GGers] come from the perspective of the put-upon nerd, not the bully.”
“[P]lenty of white, male nerds – when they do gain some kind of influence or power – might abuse others even though they may’ve been bullied and should be avoidant of such behavior. Sometimes, it is because they still see themselves as the put-upon nerd and think everyone else – even the well-intentioned and non-hostile – as bullies.”
Basically: it is possible for some of those who have been bullied, perhaps remaining bitter over the experience and not learning from it, to become bullies themselves.
Hope I don’t need to repeat that.
Um, yeah, which I also said (in fact I quoted it above)…and you apparently didn’t see…
Be nice if that were always the case – but, unfortunately, it’s not. Some people do not learn from their experiences and make lives harder for others, whatever reason they choose to excuse their inexcusable behavior. Humans are mostly irrational beings and, as such, hypocritical behavior occurs.
To clarify, just in case: I am not equating irrationality with emotion or rational with pure dispassion – that’s nonsense. Emotions are, in fact, a component within logic and without it there would be no point in discussing ethics. When I say humans are irrational, it is to also say we do not function like a computer or mechanical tool nor should we.
I’m kind of glad I missed the Randian on this thread. I have many less-than-savoury things to say about people who think an admirable person is someone who “was born without the ability to consider others”.
Re: bullies
I personally know at least one dude who was bullied as a kid and who then turned into a misogynistic, hateful bully himself. Every time someone calls him out on his behavior, it will ultimately devolve into a sob fest for how difficult his life was and how his self-esteem was damaged and blah blah. As someone who was severely bullied myself throughout my childhood and teen years and ultimately hopefully learned a degree of empathy for people in disadvantaged positions (not to mention a hypersensitivity to signs of bullying), that person is amongst my least favorite people in the world.
Yes, it is possible for someone who has been bullied to become an asshole later in life. They really only need to absorb the morals their bullies taught them, that pushing others around in order to get what you want works. The bullies born of a disadvantaged position are both the saddest and most despicable examples of their kind. That’s part of why society taking a stance against bullying is so imperative: Not just on behalf of the bullied person, but also to prevent these attitudes from flourishing and creating more bullies.
Aside from that, these kind of bullies are probably in the minority. #GamerGate, as most meninist “movements”, likely mostly consisted of traditional, run-of-the-mill white cishet male bullies who like to shit on people lower on the social ladder. If they weren’t, they would not have chosen primarily women and minorities as their targets.
Sorry, but I might have missed the part where kale used “dismantling the capitalist system” as short-hand for “cutting off the heads of the bourgeoise oppressors”, figuratively or no. Not attempting to antagonize or anything, I quite agree with your sentiment regarding a violent overthrow* versus a radical, but non-violent change of system, but I don’t see “dismantling the capitalist system” as a bad thing in and of itself. The only actual drawback in dismantling capitalism would come to capitalists who can no longer use other people as a means to their Randian end. Active anger towards an unfair system who benefits a few at the expense of the many =/= murderous hate towards privileged individuals**.
*Particularly since those who subscribe to violent retribution as part of their ideology likely have some leftover patriarchal and imperialist attitudes in them, and such people will generally not be trustworthy in being part of establishing a new system free of outdated belief systems.
**Though I can certainly understand people who occasionally express the latter as well, in all areas of oppression. Privileged people (like me) can be so block-headed, you just want to smack them upside the head sometimes.
PLEASE call in to the Majority Report and debate libertarianism with Sam Seder. He has a way of making you weirdos say the most amazing things. Walter Block once called into the show and ended up saying that under libertarianism people would go to war every time someone steals a wallet. Sounds like fucking paradise to me. 🙂
@wwth –
@Axecalibur –
But…but…aren’t we all our own personal kingdoms?
*looks at moat*
*looks at drawbridge*
*looks at various instruments of siege warfare*
Ohhh….wait, wait, wait – that’s right – even kingdoms need subjects and not everyone can be royalty.
@Various Randroids – Like it or not, you’re part of a society.
Being a part of a society – any society – requires adhering to rules, caring (or at least pretending to care) about other members of that society.
Or, to put it in terms that you might understand, it’s basic enlightened self interest to work to ensure that you’re not surrounded by uneducated, hungry, angry people.
Or, you know, you could always give this another go.
Societies consisting solely of little fiefdoms have a history of turning out just peachy!
Oh, and @Various Randroids – If you’re young (and the overwhelming majority of you that I’ve met have been just so, so fucking young and entitled) and unattached please, please advertise as loudly as possible (again, not usually a problem for you!) that your favorite book is Atlas Shrugged or whatthefuckever.
It helps other people on the dating scene steer clear of you.
Only you can prevent awful, tedious-ass dinners!
@ axecalibur
“Two men enter; one man leaves”, and unlike Fight Club you’re allowed to talk about it.
He, I’ve just realised the irony that that film depicts the ideal society that objectivists crave and it’s run by a black lady.
It never fails to amaze me when a troll comes swaggering in, convinced that the arguments that sounded so cool in their echo chamber make us yawn. Don’t we know we’re supposed to have our minds COMPLETELY BLOWN by the Logic(tm) and Reason(tm) they’re laying down? How dare we flick away the Logic(tm) and Reason(tm) with things like facts and personal experiences? Not to mention the rather tidy analyses provided by some of the regulars. Hmph. It’s almost as if they are working with a different version of reality that bears little resemblance to our actual reality.
I was talking about MY simile, not his. He was talking about metaphors, but the line he quoted was MINE, and it was distinctly a simile.
@Imaginary Petal
I am not going to go talk to some liberal, smart-ass, self-loathing, incorrigible, New York roach. Sam Seder is a sophist, and if he’d argue in good faith and stick to one line of reasoning, he’d get his ass kicked.
Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is NOT my favorite book, but it has exerted its indelible effects upon me and my political development. I’m not interested in relationships with western women anyway, but I’m pretty sure that at least a few of the women in this comment section want me. They like the challenge I pose to them and their leftist-echo chamber.
Cw rape and spousal abuse and violence
This was on the previous page, but
It’s both inappropriate and nonsensical to compare feminists that you don’t like to Lorena Bobbitt. Bobbitt didn’t castrate her husband in a fit of anti-male pique. She was reacting to years of spousal abuse and rape. If you want to accuse your ideological opponents of being such terrible misandrists that we will inevitably be violent towards men, choose a different person to compare us to.
Please use some sort of facts/evidence/sources to back up your claims because all you are saying is anecdotal.
Yeah, the challenge of playing with a chew toy and discarding it when it’s all used up is so irresistible you guyz!
Anyone else read this and thought of PUAs who read rejection and hostile behavior from women as “they totally want me”?
Edit to add: I’ve been enjoying the chewfest, but I also noticed the troll dropped all pretension of arguments and is getting into “ewwww” territory.
Anyone want to bet on the approaching meltdown?
Sam Seder is from Boston. How dare you call him a New York roach. :p
Seriously though, that’s a really bad excuse. You refuse to debate your ideas with someone, just because they don’t already agree with you. I’m sure you’d “kick his ass” if you just used the same awesome arguments you’ve presented here.
Oh wait, you haven’t presented any arguments. You’ve just thrown a mantrum. My bad. :/
Just to make sure you’re being consistent though – you definitely definitely haven’t ever used a road, right?