Apparently Davis Aurini is capable of sometimes telling the truth.
As you may recall, the bald, semi-Nazi stain on humanity released his version of The Sarkeesian Effect (that was officially not his version of The Sarkeesian Effect) last week to something less than universal acclaim, with one critic describing the “film” as “worse than a dead squirrel in your wall.”
Ok, that was me.
Weirdly, it turns out that Aurini actually agrees with some of my criticisms. While still maintaining that his not-version of The Sarkeesian Effect is a “damn good film,” he admitted on a livestream last night that the section of his film critiquing Anita Sarkeesian’s alleged lies was “crap.”
He then suggested it would have been much better … if he’d actually watched Sarkeesian’s videos.
Yep. He spent a year — and tens of thousands of dollars of other people’s money — ostensibly making a film about Sarkeesian. But somehow he never got around to watching any of her videos.
You can hear the whole segment on “Bechtloff’s Saturday Night Livestream: Secret Crisis of the Infinity Hour” on Youtube here. (The link should take you to the relevant portion of the livestrean, which starts just short of an hour and twenty minutes in.)
Here are the highlights.
In this first clip, Aurini responds to someone with a question about his attacks on Sarkeesian’s alleged dishonesty.
This clip ends a bit abruptly because Aurini was cut off by Bechtloff before finishing his sentence. Luckily, he went on to elaborate on his point. And threw in in a racial slur while he was at it, because why not?
And here he admits he didn’t bother to watch Sarkeesian’s videos.
It’s about ethics in making an entire film about someone without actually knowing anything about them.
We Hunted the Mammoth has obtained this footage of Davis Aurini as a child.
H/T — Thanks to the alert reader who pointed me to the relevant section of the livestream.
He’s for the time being still entertaining me. The outright misogyny is kind of refreshing compared to the sealions who pretend to be neutral or allies. At least he’s honest about being an anti-feminist!
I’d like to hear more about how feminism is an evil conspiracy to make men kill themselves. He probably won’t achieve NWOslave levels of silliness, but we’ll never no if we don’t let him try and be great.
But if he’s bothering others, ban away. I have a higher troll tolerance than others.
Oooohhh a troll!
Sadly I have to go to bed, even though I was actually around to get involved with this one if I’d wanted to. Yet I’m missing it and am now too tired to bother engaging.
I don’t mind if comments continue to be let through as long as they’re still up for me to read tomorrow. 🙂
I know I just “yelled” at him to fuck off, but I’m still okay with keeping him around for now.
“So, you’re against government programs that help people? I suppose you’re okay with veteran’s benefits, but how about programs to help homeless people? Funding for prostate cancer research? AIDS research? Does my autistic brother not deserve his disability? Oh yes, you’re sure continuing to demonstrate that you care about men.”
Government programs that force citizens to pay taxes at guns point are inherently immoral. If you really care about the poor and the disadvantaged, help them yourself; don’t forced everyone else to tend to your problems. If people want to donate money, that’s fine; but don’t use the state to extort money from people that they themselves earn.
“Nice try on the hysteria thing, but I’m actually perfectly calm. I called you a piece of shit because you are one. I’m not upset at all. I’m just relaxing in my pajamas watching the NCAA men’s basketball final. Don’t flatter yourself into thinking you’ve got me all riled up. Like I said, all you are to me is a mildly entertaining chew toy. You’re starting to get a little used up though. I think you’ve about hit the wall. Your troll market value (TMV) is getting used up. But for now you may still dance for me.”
Lol, “chew toy?” That might make sense if any of you actually had some teeth on you, but you all have about as much bite as your garden-variety gold fish. Don’t flatter yourself, dear.
Yeah, you’re not riled up or anything, you’re just posting big-ass novels about me while somehow still finding time to watch basketball. You’ve got me on the brain – I know it. I’m in there, and all the points I’ve made are moving about in your brain like billiards after having been knocked askew by the cue ball of reason.
“It’s so funny how you all claim that the wage gap is a myth when it’s convenient to you. Until it comes to a discussion of government funded programs. Then you all of a sudden have all the money and that’s why you pay all the taxes. How is society stacked against men if you have most of the money? That makes no sense.”
Completely misunderstanding what I’m saying, though I predicted that you’d do as much in one of my earlier comments. The so-called ‘wage gap’ exists because men work for longer than women, negotiate salaries, and often entertain senior positions, while taking fewer breaks and leaves than women. I was also talking about higher-paying jobs in general, that men tend to work (doctors, surgeons, engineers, etc.) as opposed to lower-wage and lower-skill jobs that women tend to work. The men will be the ones who are taxed to pay for your politics.
Whatever, talking to leftists is useless. I’m going away for a while.
You’re right, it’s very much a high school mentality – I’d only differ in that the mentality for many come from the perspective of the put-upon nerd, not the bully.
Also: teenagers can be incredibly egocentric and act as if they suffer more than anyone else (they don’t), are more perceptive than anyone else (they aren’t), or right all the time and misunderstood by everyone else (not at all).
So, yeah, I’d say a good number of GGers never grew out of that phase.
As far as I’m concerned, those who love something are also willing to tear it apart – because they care for it that much. Wouldn’t bother putting that much energy into something if they didn’t, right? Someone who admonishes and silences all criticism yet claims to love something more than anyone else is either a liar or ignorant.
It’s funny you mention minstrel shows, because that reminds me of an anecdote about Groucho Marx.
Basically, Marx and others were trying to move vaudeville-style comedy away from racial carictures – blackface being a prime example of such – and were met with opposition. One opponent claimed that, since the Scottish and Swedish were made fun of yet made no complaints, Groucho and company were making too much of fuss.
Marx, rightfully, responded: “The Sandy McPhersons and Yonny Yohnsons were not a minority being subjected to oppression, restriction, segregation or persecution.”
ancient woman: I am a good fighter too guys, need a hand?
ancient men: sweet! welcome aboard!
patriarchy times woman: I want to serve my country as a soldier
man: no girls!
woman: *dresses up as a man & serves valianty incognito*
*serve as nurses, trainers, etc*
woman: can women serve now?
man: ugh fine but no combat!
woman: *fights in combat anyway bc its kinda hard to avoid*
woman: can women be recognized & properly trained in combat
man: no girls!
woman: seriously please?
man: …ugh fine!
modern man: only men ever fight in wars! because of eeevil women! misandry! oppression!
btw Im a feminist and I volunteered working w homeless vets, some of whom are female, & my feminist sis also volunteers. What has John Galt done for vets, tell em to pull themselves up by their bootstraps? mock rape victims & psych issues? pretend female vets dont exist?
@ galt
Just out of curiosity, what are your views on defence spending?
David, I find reading the words of abusive, hateful, ignorant, self- deluded trolls to be a waste of my time at best. but Im perfectly capable of simply disengaging if others want to engage in sisifisian(sp? guy who rolls rock uphill…) self-torture or whatever lol. Not that I never engage, I just tend to have a short fuse.
@ galt
If we’re going down the route of weird metaphors I’d just like to suggest that if objectivism is a forest, you’re a squirrel and WWTH is a chainsaw.
“Government programs that force citizens to pay taxes at guns point are inherently immoral”
I think forcing a man who is rich because he stole from his workers to pay a small amount to starving kids is more moral than letting kids starve.
Im not so crazy about forcing us to pay taxes to maintain unjust jails & unjust wars, which is far and away the most expensive shit we fund, yet somehow few libertarians (& I used to consider becoming one b4 I went full commie, AMA) seem to give a shit about beig forced to pay for truly evil shit when they can complain about a pittance for starving people. THAT IS AVAILABLE TO THEM WHEN THEY NEED IT. LIKE OH AYN FUCKING RAND WHO WAS ON WELFARE LOLOL
even his name is gross and stupid.
“Once you stop caring about anyone other than yourself, you won’t go wrong!”
I can’t deal with him anymore. I won’t ask for him to be banned, but, buh, I’m glad he decided that ‘leftists’ aren’t worth talking to. It’s not that we don’t have anything of value, Galto; it’s that your words aren’t good enough currency.
@Alan R.
I’ll break, but after this, I’m off.
People should voluntarily pay for defense spending; people should not pay for wars that they don’t want to support and if there are less people paying for these kinds of wars, there will be less men coming home with PTSD. Also, plenty of the wars my country (USA) has been fighting I think lack justification. The Iraq war has further destabilized the region, and led to radical islam becoming an even bigger threat due to the lack of infrastructure in the region. This is also a threat, because the violence has led to the non-radical muslims in the region seeking refuge in other countries, and naturally, some of the people coming over with them will be terrorists. I don’t feel like taking in a bunch of people, so I don’t like wars which give them reason to come over. Unfortunately, I think the US probably has a duty to take some of them in, because we did kind of mess up their countries, what with all the support the state has been giving to terrorists over the years, and the wars we’ve been fighting there. The state cannot be trusted with your tax dollars; don’t give it any money that it might abuse.
Also, that wasn’t a weird metaphor, it was a simile.
You say feminists want men to all be disadvantaged and kill themselves. Yet, you think that my bother, who needs help from others to live, should just go die on the streets if my parents and I were to die and nobody was around to help him? You clearly don’t care about any man but yourself. I’m not even personally on any government programs. I have been on unemployment before, but I’m working now and I earned those unemployment benefits by working and paying into the system before I got laid off.
I do earn enough money to support myself. I don’t earn enough on my own to care for everyone who is homeless, disabled, or otherwise in need. Only a tiny percentage of the population has enough money to make a significant dent in these problems through charity. Plus, charitable donations tend to go down during recessions because people are struggling themselves and can’t donate. Government can pool together resources and can run at a deficit during hard times, so it’s more effective and reliable than charity. Off course, a UBI would be better than social safety nets because then there wouldn’t be huge bureaucracies like there are with means tested benefits.
Being a citizen of a democracy comes with a price tag. You are free to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and buy an island to go Galt on. As long as you’re using the infrastructure and services provided by the government, you’re being a hypocrite whining about having to pay taxes. It’s one thing to debate the level of taxation vs. what level of services/benefits we should have. It’s quite another to think you should get to live in a modern society and not to have pay into at all. Nobody is more of an entitled mooch than a Randroid.
Hey, that’s my line!
You’ve forgotten one thing, sweetcheeks. We didn’t go to you, you came to us. Oh, and it’s not that hard to type and watch TV at the same time. North Carolina is down by three as I type this. Yay!
Yes, because women are the ones expected to take time off of work for kids while men get to have families and carry on as normal. Also, when women negotiate salaries, they are more likely to be viewed negatively by their employers. Because thanks to patriarchy, female assertiveness is frowned upon. You’re doing it yourself by condescendingly telling me to calm down because I called you a name. It’s almost like you’re proving my point here. Society is not structured to disadvantage men, it’s structured to disadvantage women.
And the flounce. But will he stick to it?
Great minds think
alikeof David Tennant!http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0eswxiEo71qdx89b.gif
“only differ in that the mentality for many come from the perspective of the put-upon nerd”
with respect, I disagree. I was bullied as a kid. I didnt turn into someone who hurts people, quite the opposite. Maybe some of these guys, like some bullies, had crappy home lifes or even were bullied, but their current actions are absolutely bullying. I have no respect for bullies who try to pretend that their actions are justified because something nerds. Black , Latino, Native, Indian, Arab, Muslim, Asian & other PoC nerds, female nerds, queer nerds *and even cool kids of these groups* have it harder in the big picture than even picked on, even abused or neglected, white cishet boy nerds could even imagine. White boy nerds often grow up to be CEOs, to be in charge, and to make it harder for everyone else to gain entry into, say, STEM careers. On an individual basis, I hate any form of abuse for any reason, but ai just sick of white & male & cishet feels being priority even when theyre abusive while the rest of us are ignored or put down even more. Sorry but I gotta keep it real. Aside from that, I found your comment quite pleasant and agreeable. ETA & please dont take my rant personally, it really isnt about you personally. its society.
They do indeed.
Aren’t you supposed to be going to bed?
“higher-paying jobs in general, that men tend to work (doctors, surgeons, engineers, etc.) as opposed to lower-wage and lower-skill jobs that women tend to work.”
Gee, its almost as if women are opprssed, or something. Were women ever forbidden from working those jobs…? …. Wait, yes they were, amd holy cow, in some places they still are! Amazing what you can learn if you stop pretending not to already know it. Reason!
eta: with apologies for intrrupting the glorious flow of tennetry
And… here comes the fucking ‘taxation is theft’ rigamarole. Can this idea just die, please?
People are taxed on property (yes, money is property in itself). Property isn’t real. It’s a set of rules society (the people as represented by the state) thought up to make our lives more ordered. If you procure a thing in accordance with the rules, society allows you exclusive right to its use, in accordance with further rules. Exclusive right means, among other things, that if someone violates your exclusive right, burly agents of the state will beat the thief with sticks and get your property back
Now, your exclusive right is an imposition on society. You having a thing means we can’t have it. In return, you are expected to periodically give a portion of the things value to society. It’s right there in the aforementioned rules. It’s not a 0sum game, so we don’t require 100% tax, just some
Whether 8% state sales tax, or 39.6% federal income tax is too high or too low, is a whole different thing. Still not theft, tho
Least, that’s the way it’s been explained to me…
…Yes. And I’ve said that I was going to about four times now over various threads.
Good night all!
btw, majoriry of my vets were black draftees who didnt even have /barely had basic rights like voting at the time. Just sayin.
And soon as women start gaining greater representation in a field, it becomes less prestigious.
I remember growing up, everyone agreed that lawyer was one of the best, coolest, most prestigious jobs ever. The last couple of decades, the field has become less male dominated. One of my work’s biggest clients is a legal research firm, so I talk to attorneys all the time. Any medium or large firm has many female partners these days. Now, all of a sudden I don’t hear sexist dudes talking about how great it is anymore. Now it’s all about the Silicon Valley tech companies.