evil old ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Sally Field and the MGTOW Reality Distortion Field

Sally Field protests
Sally Field protests

People used to say that Steve Jobs had a sort of “reality distortion field” that surrounded him like an aura, that his charisma and enthusiasm were so off the charts that he was able to convince those in his presence (and, quite often, himself) of almost anything.

The people I tend to write about on this blog also seem to live within reality distortion fields of their own making, but instead of seeing the world through Apple-colored glasses they come to believe a lot of stupid and terrible things about women. And in the process, some have become incapable of seeing what is right there before their eyes.

Take, for example, the surreal discussion of the new Sally Field comedy Hello, My Name is Doris that I ran across recently on the MGTOW forums on

The film tells the story of a comically frumpy and awkward older woman (Field) who gets the hots for a charming, handsome and much younger co-worker (Max Greenfield). I haven’t seen the movie, so I have no idea if the two end up together. Or if the movie is any good.

The fellows on haven’t seen the movie either, but they have some pretty strong feelings about it regardless, notably the feeling “eeeeeeeeww!” They’re not only offended and disgusted by the idea of the two getting together; they’re angry that any old lady could even think she could bag a much younger man.

“Well i like older women but this garbage glory hole piece of garbage grand parent slut i wouldnt be able to puncture,” one commenter declares.

“[I]ts not a rom com its a fucking crime against nature, a freakish out growth that exists only after years of gynocidal feminist garbage has poisoned us all,” adds another.

So far this is all pretty standard MGTOW stuff. After all, these are guys who, like so many others in the manosphere, think women “hit the wall” by the age of thirty, if not earlier.

What’s interesting to me is how old they think Sally Field is.

In the post that opens the thread, titled “New fantasy for post-wall women,” a commenter who calls himself Nuggets describes the film thusly:

Romantic comedy with 50-ish woman seducing the 20 something new hire guy at her job. I always find shit like this hilarious. Probably the beginning of a new trend for movies. Bleh

In a followup comment, he adds:

It’s like they’re in total denial that she’s old. They’re trying so hard to present her as an “omg so awkward” 23 year old woman, even though the actress who plays her is 54. That’s exactly how women think though, especially the target demographic for this movie. Picture some grannies going to see this, gives me the creeps mang.

Sally Field is 69 years old, not 54. She played “The Flying Nun” in the 1960s, for god’s sake.

Not only that, but in the film she’s done up in a way that makes her look even older — as you can see from the film’s trailer, which Nuggets helpfully posted to the thread:


Here she is at the film’s premiere, with somewhat better styling:

Sally Field: Not actually a “garbage glory hole piece of garbage grand parent slut.”

For purposes of comparison, here’s another 69-year-old who’s been in the news a lot lately:

Donald Trump: Aging like fine wine?
Donald Trump: Aging like fine wine?

Now, I should point out that several commenters on piped up to set Nuggets straight on Field’s actual age. And, for what it’s worth, Nugget is also off on the age of Sally Field’s movie crush. The actor playing her co-worker isn’t “20 something.” He’s 35.

But Nuggets’ confusion about Field’s age is telling.

Does he think that when women ‘hit the wall,” at whatever arbitrary age he thinks this happens, that they immediately start shrinking down and drying up, transforming from “hot babes” into an army of bitter old crones?

Is he so convinced that “women age like milk,” as misogynists often say, that he simply can’t see all the women who don’t?

Newsflash, MGTOW dudes: lots of men find older women attractive.

In the real world, to be sure, it’s pretty rare for 35-year-old men to date 69-year-old women. But the inverse is also true, and there are plenty of men who are interested in the older women that MGTOWs profess to be so disgusted by, even if they lack the age-defying powers of a Helen Mirren. Indeed, one recent study by AARP found that a third of 40-something women who were dating were dating younger men.

Physical attraction doesn’t abide by the rules that people like MGTOWs try to impose upon it. Contrary to the assertions of manosphere “wall theory,” not all men are forever obsessed with 18-year-old supermodel virgins.

One of the weirder aspects of straight male sexuality is that men are often afraid to admit when they find themselves attracted to women who don’t measure up to some arbitrary standard of conventional attractiveness.

That’s why you see so many teenage boys and young men online loudly proclaiming that they “would not bang” this or that celebrity woman due to some weird and imaginary flaws (“pointy elbows”); their proclamations are often so obviously and ridiculously untrue they’ve inspired a popular meme, here applied to a perfectly lovely cat:


MGTOWs are men who’ve never outgrown this phase; indeed, they’ve turned their cries of “would not bang” into a life philosophy of sorts. Some of them must realize that they’re protesting too much.

But others, like Nuggets, have become so enmeshed in their own nonsense they can’t ever see straight. Bad ideas can be a strangely powerful thing.


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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

“Well i like older women but this garbage glory hole piece of garbage grand parent slut i wouldnt be able to puncture,” one commenter declares.

comment image

Can we just talk about the disgusting language they use to refer to her here?

“Well, I fetishize older women, but this woman who I can only imagine as being used by my dick where I can’t see her face (who also has a bunch of sex, that I imagine, that I don’t approve of) is so gross I don’t want to have sex with her”.

But the thing that really gets me is that he refers to sex as ‘puncturing’

What the actual fuckery fuckity fuck?

8 years ago

Uhhm, someone needs to tell the MGTOWS, that if they play hard to get, they won’t get got. So “would not bang” is a philosophy with which they would not get banged.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Obligatory reference to Harold and Maude

8 years ago

“Well i like older women but this garbage glory hole piece of garbage grand parent slut i wouldnt be able to puncture,”

Well, I like younger men, but not ones stupid enough to think that sex = PUNCTURING, you fucking moron. Stay the hell away from me. Go your own way, preferably to a desert island inhabited only by scorpions.

8 years ago

I’m 27 going on 28 and I got the number of a 24 year old guy today. I also wasn’t particularly interested in him, just thought I’d give him a chance (I’ll text him tomorrow afternoon, see where it goes from there). Since a) I am obviously a dishevelled post-wall feeeeeemale yet here I am willing to grab a coffee with this guy and b) despite being such a hag I didn’t fall head over heels for him as soon as he asked – am I committing grave misandry in the eyes of these turdwaffles? Please say yes.

8 years ago

Yes. And please continue 🙂

I think puncture-man has been doing sex wrong his entire life – something that doesn’t surprise me whatsoever.

8 years ago

My mind also can’t help but equate “puncture” with “blow up dolls.” I wonder if he was once just a leeeeetle too enthusiastic with his inflatable toy but hasn’t yet learned not to have sex with a real woman like he did with that doll, even in his vocabulary. I pity any poor lady whose had the misfortune of knocking boots with him.

8 years ago

How many Hollywood movies feature 20-something women paired with 35-and-up men, but MGTOWs pitch a fit over one (ONE) movie with an older woman/younger man… and we don’t even know if the woman gets the man? Jesus Roosevelt Christ.

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WAAAAAH, Hollywood only panders to me 99% of the time, WAAAAAAAH!

8 years ago

Burt Reynolds, 79, recently revealed that his former girlfriend Sally Field, 69, was the “love of his life,” and that he completely regrets their bitter breakup in the early 1980’s. . . . [A]fter all these years, he admits he still misses her terribly. Sally just found out about the news via the media, and gave a shocked yet classy response.

“I didn’t hear that yet,” a surprised Sally told People magazine when she heard about Burt’s declaration of love. “I have no response, really, and any response I would have would belong to him.” . . .

Burt opened up about her in an upcoming Vanity Fair article where he admitted “I miss her terribly.” He adds, “Even now, it’s hard on me. I don’t know why I was so stupid. Men are like that, you know. You find the perfect person, and then you do everything you can to screw it up.”

Of course, there’s no way she’s getting back together with him. He hit the man wall shortly before she, uh, threw him to the man curb.

Ouch! Painful mixed metaphors!

8 years ago

Because there are no movies with male romantic leads who are far older than the female romantic leads. I’d post a picture of Woody Allen, but no one needs to see that!

I would totally pet that cat. I would also snuggle him and kiss his floofy cheeks. I’m just guessing it’s a he because orange tabbies usually are.

8 years ago

But I wounder how Burt feels about his break up with Mallory Archer?

8 years ago

Sally Fields is great, but Helen Mirren is (and has always been) amazingly awesome.

And speaking of awesome women, a few decades back Susan Sarandon appeared in a film with a similar premise, playing an “older woman” to James Spaders “younger man” in White Palace. What was interesting about that film was not only that the dramatic conflict was not just about their difference in age, but also class — she was a waitress, and he was an ad executive. (The movie wasn’t great, unfortunately.)

years of gynocidal feminist garbage

Are they saying that feminist garbage kills women? They do know that “gynocidal” means that women are the victims, right?

8 years ago

I haven’t seen the movie, so I have no idea if the two end up together. Or if the movie is any good.

Haven’t seen it either, but it does hold a 7.6 on IMDB.

8 years ago

I have to admit that “puncture” gave me pause. It’s a pretty scary image.

And I have to wonder, Is this guy a virgin?

I’m going with yes.

And he’ll stay a virgin until he learns that women are sentient beings who deserve at least as much respect as he does.

May it be so!

8 years ago

Seconding and thirding (?) the above comments on ‘puncturing’. Tyres get punctures. Not women.
And it’s hilarious that this lovely chap thinks the most important thing to highlight about this movie is that he, personally, would not have sex with the female lead.
Also, did one of the other commenters refer to “gynocidal feminist garbage”?? Feminism is gynocidal? Wut.

ETA: ninja’d by Tulse re gynocidal 😀

8 years ago

How many Hollywood movies feature 20-something women paired with 35-and-up men, but MGTOWs pitch a fit over one (ONE) movie with an older woman/younger man

You ninja’d me. But I’ll also add now that they also pitch a fit if a middle aged woman is cast as a love interest for a middle aged men. Remember that post we had a while back about them having a mantrum over Monica Bellucci being a Bond girl. Even though she’s around the same age as Daniel Craig. It’s just precious.

And if it is catering to the older female gaze/wish fulfillment? So what? Adult women have money and they spend some of it on movie tickets. I thought manospherians love capitalism. Does it not make good business sense to put out a movie that a large segment of the population might want to pay money to see? It’s not like anyone is forcing them to see it.

8 years ago


I saw the preview. It looked cute. I made a mental note to go see it. Often I misplace my mental notes.

But now that you don’t like it, I’ll be sure to spend my money on it.

I might go see it twice.

And then rent it.

I might throw “Doris”-themed parties.


Also, “women age like milk”? Have you men-pretending-to-go-your-own-way-because-you-can’t-find-a-woman-who’ll-tolerate-your-BS never heard of delicious yogurt, which is, you know, aged milk?!

8 years ago

I thought manospherians love capitalism. Does it not make good business sense to put out a movie that a large segment of the population might want to pay money to see?

Manospherian fee fees > sensible business practices. Duh. Most of the film writers and directors ‘n’ stuff were/are MEN, and you want them to cater to WOMEN just to get a hold of money that they probably got from their husbands anyway because something something beta bucks and hypergamy? Men hunted the movie scripts to entertain you!

8 years ago

I thought about apologizing to babies for comparing MGTOWs to them, but then I remembered that babies can’t read.

8 years ago

Also, “women age like milk”? Have you men-pretending-to-go-your-own-way-because-you-can’t-find-a-woman-who’ll-tolerate-your-BS never heard of delicious yogurt, which is, you know, aged milk?!

Which is also a lot healthier for you than milk, by the way. Oh, and on the “men age like wine” thing – old wine isn’t necessarily good wine. In fact most wine is made to be drunk fairly quickly, few age well, and it takes care, effort and patience to properly mature a wine (that’s already high quality, usually. Cheap wines turn to ick over the years). Care. Effort. Patience. Qualities that manospherians tend to lack when it comes to developing themselves in any way shape or form.

So pop goes that analogy, huh MRAs.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Have you men-pretending-to-go-your-own-way-because-you-can’t-find-a-woman-who’ll-tolerate-your-BS never heard of delicious yogurt, which is, you know, aged milk?!

Or cheese, which is also aged milk?

8 years ago

Old milk, huh?
Why yes, I am like Butter!
Sometimes I’m a sharp cheddar, though.

I wouldn’t even wish that particular fate on the scorpions. I like scorpions, and wouldn’t want them to be stressed.

Puncturing, huh?
Uhmm, if you are making holes in a person … uh, yeah, that’s called stabbing, aka. murder. (Sometimes it’s called surgery but I don’t think that guy is bright enough for that.)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

It’s not really aged milk as much as it is milk that has had drastic transformative surgery.

No different from wine, there.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

If we’re on a ‘101 uses for aged milk’ vibe:

Viking longships utilised aged milk as part of the glue between planks.

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