antifeminism entitled babies memes

Men Oppressed by Sleeves: A Memeday Special Report

Dress code requires everyone to wear skirts, dude! Go home and change.

Never underestimate the ability of Men’s Rights Activists to get worked up over the most ridiculous nonsense.

I found the meme above on the Men’s Rights Australia Facebook page, accompanied by this explanation:

Women are allowed to wear whatever they like to work, including sleeveless tops, short skirts, and even thongs. Yet if a man were to wear sleeveless tops, shorts, or thongs you can be sure he’d be sent home from work or even fired. In summer men have to suffer in the heat wearing trousers, long sleeve shirts, and tie. Feminists claim they also care about inequalities facing men so why aren’t they fighting against this? -ms


Note: I should point out that the “thongs” being referenced aren’t the ones that ride up your butt, but rather are the ones you wear on your feet and that are also called flip flops, at least here in the US.

BONUS MEME: This isn’t a Men’s Rights meme, obviously, but it literally made me laugh out loud.


Apparently the best way to fight communism is to do nothing while the oceans rise. I guess the Communists have their secret bases on the Marshall Islands?

I’m reminded of this legendary toilet paper ad.


A spectre is haunting the bathroom — the spectre of really really scratchy toilet paper.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

To me, the whole point about gifts is that you pick them yourself. If it just boils down to giving someone something they say they want then it’s just about economics.

When you give, or receive, a present that is just so you; it’s like a sign that the giver knows you, or appreciates what you like or at least has gone to the effort of figuring out what you might like. It’s a wonderful demonstration that somebody cares enough about you as a person with all your likes, interests and quirks.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

When you give, or receive, a present that is just so you; it’s like a sign that the giver knows you, or appreciates what you like or at least has gone to the effort of figuring out what you might like. It’s a wonderful demonstration that somebody cares enough about you as a person with all your likes, interests and quirks.

But what about when you give someone a present and you thought it would be something they would really appreciate, but it turns out that you missed the mark wide? That communicates just as clearly that you don’t actually know that person at all and you have no clue about their likes, interests and quirks.

This message can be conveyed by accident really easily, and it requires a shitload of emotional labor to analyze another person so closely that multiple gifts can be given over time that all hit the mark exactly. So I am not in any way against just asking what someone wants and giving it to them. I know this goes against the Miss Manners-approved gift-giving schema, but maybe I don’t have the time and emotional energy to make that kind of analysis year after year for 30 people.

8 years ago

Re: warning – I am very sorry. If it means anything at all, it was a genuine (but misguided) attempt to make it easier for people to avoid content they might find upsetting.

“Male privilege will always provide a weapon for men to use against women; regardless of any other socio-economic factors at play.”

It’s a biological rather than social problem?

“Are you telling us that your solution is to forbid all people with social power from holding economic power over those that have less social power?”

Yes. I think that a income guarantee, job guarantees, shared ownership of means of production etc. etc. would go a long way to solving problems of harassment.

“The problem with this is that some outside person has to be the judge of whether a complaint is legitimate.”
Not really – if I’m working with Bob and he uses language I find offensive, I can tell him. Hopefully he will change his behavior. If not I’ll go and work with someone else. Why can’t the workplace be more like our social life?

“women also grow old and yet somehow manage not to sexually harass their colleagues ”
Is it possible for women to sexually harass men?

8 years ago

Re: warning – I am very sorry. If it means anything at all, it was a genuine (but misguided) attempt to make it easier for people to avoid content they might find upsetting.

You actually think that there’s an equivalence between content that might trigger a rape or trauma survivor (therefore suggesting the content have a trigger warning) and content that has disagreement? Trigger warnings aren’t to protect precious fee-fees from dissenting opinion, they’re to provide compassion to trauma survivors.

You really do think that the dreaded “SJWs” are on a crusade against anything they disagree with and not actually trying to accomplish positive change, huh?

Yes. I think that a income guarantee, job guarantees, shared ownership of means of production etc. etc. would go a long way to solving problems of harassment.

So, anarcho-communism, then? No, that wouldn’t have any guarantees. Sounds very much like a Dictatorship of the Proletariat thing to me.

So when’s the revolution? And can we do anything in the meantime, or shall we wait for the menfolk to do it? I guess there’s needlepoint, and the washing up needs doing while we wait for you to fix everything.

(Yes, I’m mocking you. Your ‘solution’ is a daydream, and you’re getting in the way of people who are actually working on this in the here-and-now. Step aside, Poindexter, there’s actual work to do.)

8 years ago

I see we’ve reached the JAQing off portion of the troll life cycle.

8 years ago

I think he’s gonna pupate soon!

8 years ago

“You really do think that the dreaded “SJWs” are on a crusade against anything they disagree with”

Scildfreja, meet kupo –

Kupo – “We will not agree that you don’t have to accept our solutions.”

“and not actually trying to accomplish positive change, huh?”
I’m sure that they think they are going to achieve positive change, but it’s an open question as to whether they actually will.

“So, anarcho-communism, then? No, that wouldn’t have any guarantees. Sounds very much like a Dictatorship of the Proletariat thing to me.”

Not at all – just common or garden social democracy. The fact that you think a basic income guarantee, or a job guarantee are pure fantasy speaks volumes about how far the modern left has been distracted by trifles, and has simply accepted the (financiers) liberal narrative.
The paucity of ambition is breathtaking. At the risk of psychologising a movement, it seems like a form of learned helplessness.

8 years ago

I’m upgrading Ruprect in my mind from “clueless half-wit” to “disingenuous troll.”

And although I don’t think he’s eloli, he’s showing exactly the same level of refusal-to-listen when women tell their side of the story and opinions on what can be done about it.

Sooooo many problems could be fixed much faster if people like Ruprect and eloli would just LISTEN TO WOMEN WHEN THEY TALK.


8 years ago

Sooooo many problems could be fixed much faster if people like Ruprect and eloli would just LISTEN TO WOMEN WHEN THEY TALK.

No, that’s not possible. The problems that misogyny causes women are clearly just trifles. They aren’t important like Ruprect’s problems are. I mean, someone told him he did a good job once. :O I think we can all agree he’s one who has won the oppression Olympics and we ladies with our feeble lady brains and silly lady problems can just pack it up and go home.

the modern left has been distracted by trifles, and has simply accepted the (financiers) liberal narrative.

Is this an anti-Semitic dogwhistle?

8 years ago

lol – I don’t know if weirwoodtreehugger is being serious, but that is, in a nutshell, *exactly* what is wrong with identity politics.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

lol – I don’t know if weirwoodtreehugger is being serious, but that is, in a nutshell, *exactly* what is wrong with identity politics.

Because being “male” is not an identity, folks. It’s just the default. Like being white and cis are not identities. White, male, and cis politics are not identity politics, but just politics. Identity politics are silly and frivolous, but white male cis politics are real politics.

Just like Ruprect’s problems are the only real problems in the world. He had a crappy job once, y’all! And his supervisor mistook him for someone who cares about doing a good job! That’s a serious-business problem that we need a revolution to solve! But women being frozen out of economic self-sufficiency by misogyny is fluffy nonsense. Yep.

8 years ago

I will happily listen to women when they talk about their personal experience – I just think that it’s quite extraordinary that not accepting policy proposals made by women (or in this case, not agreeing enthusiastically enough) is automatically considered a form of misogyny.

8 years ago

“identity politics”
you mean people who are oppressed based on things like gender asking for equality under the law? o yea, how terrible for you.

Could it be any more obvious that this ass is an MRA troll? Come on, classic antisemetic phraseology, paranoia about “The Left”, insulting rape victims when he isnt ignoring them. bruh, you arent fooling anyone. If you need attention, go make friends, & yea that does require you being nice to people. but hey, lotsa racist sexists out there will put up w you. Can someone maybe email David to take out the trash? Im on break at work and cant be bothered.

8 years ago

The paucity of ambition is breathtaking. At the risk of psychologising a movement, it seems like a form of learned helplessness.

Ruprect is describing himself and his lack of ambition. Can’t be bothered to learn about the sexual harassment policy at his job because it’s all so byzantine & such. Certainly can’t take said policy seriously! Why can’t I just give the object of my boner a “compliment”? Would it be so hard for her to just sit there and take it?!

I’m gonna repeat myself here for the third time because Ruprect fails to address this issue:

A true revolutionary listens to what the people he (gendered pronoun used deliberately) would like to lead want. He helps them achieve that goal.

What he doesn’t do? Ever? Tell them that their goal is no good, that they can’t have what they want until the entire system is revamped. And even then, not so much. You’ll have to leave your job if you don’t like how you’re treated. And oh, by the way, you people I’m “leading”–you’re looking hot, hot, hot today!

Revolutionary motto from a revolutionary button that I saw one time: If You’re Dissing [Disrespecting] the Women, You’re Not Fighting the Power!

8 years ago

Rape victims and other people suffering PTSD.

I usually wonder why people hate soldiers and rape/other crime victims so much when they mock trigger warnings, but it’s not just for them either. I knew a woman who’d seen a horrific fireworks accident and Independence Day was basically nightmarish for her–fireworks were her “trigger,” so to speak.

That said, I kinda like “content warnings” better, as they sound more empowering, and doesn’t put a person in the position of being an object (a gun).

I mean, we already put content warnings on TV and movies and video games, it’s not like it’s really hurting anyone. I don’t know why people whine about trigger/content warnings so much.

8 years ago

PS you know the only reason women talk to
asshats like you is because we hope we can convince you to stop treating us like shit. Something we shouldnt havta beg for

8 years ago

Ruprect, just curious – do you think racism exists? Or is it just a trifling, essentially illusory, offshoot of the only real axis of oppression which is the economic axis?

I think the word you may be missing is orthogonal. Maybe you could give a little thought to the notion that misogyny, racism and economic oppression operate along axes that are orthogonal to one another.

8 years ago

I’m reading some very sad narratives. My heart goes out to you.

I’m also reading some amazing, well-thought-out, very nicely stated, on-target takedowns of a troll! Thanks for the education, Mammotheers!

8 years ago

lol – I don’t know if weirwoodtreehugger is being serious, but that is, in a nutshell, *exactly* what is wrong with identity politics.

What is the problem? The women, POC and LGBT people won’t sit down, shut up and let cishet white men run left/liberal politics like we’re supposed to?

It must be very hard for you to hear that not everything is about you all the time. I’m so, so sorry we don’t know our place.

Poor baby.

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8 years ago

except that he already let it slip that hes actually alt right. who knows maybe even the butthurt mememaker lol

8 years ago

“You really do think that the dreaded “SJWs” are on a crusade against anything they disagree with”

Scildfreja, meet kupo –

Kupo – “We will not agree that you don’t have to accept our solutions.”

Yep, I knew you would try and twist that. What I’m saying is that you are coming in here and demanding that we agree that you’re allowed to have this opinion. It’s not enough for you to simply have your opinion; we have to do the emotional labor for you and make you feel better about having it by agreeing with you that you’re allowed to have it. And if we won’t do that for you, we’re on some kind of crusade against you. Nice.

8 years ago

We’re so abrasive.

Or are we strident this time? I haven’t heard that one for a while.

8 years ago

I just think that it’s quite extraordinary that not accepting policy proposals made by women (or in this case, not agreeing enthusiastically enough) is automatically considered a form of misogyny.

a) nobody actually said anything of the sort. Nice try. b) It’s not even that you’re “not accepting policy proposals.” It’s that when any woman here tells you why they think your ideas wouldn’t work because this is how things are according to their experience and knowledge, you just repeat yourself like nothing was said at all.

You’re not even trying to listen, let alone “accept policy proposals.” THAT’S the problem here, sunshine.

8 years ago

Huh. Ruprect seems to think that male privilege is biological in origin. And then this:

Is it possible for women to sexually harass men?

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8 years ago

Men always enjoy sexual attention from women, didn’t you know?

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