a near for men a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies gynocracy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny money down the toilet MRA oppressed men paul elam post contains sarcasm self-congratulation

Mission Accomplished! Paul Elam declares victory, quits the Men’s Rights movement

The future's so bright he has to squint
The future’s so bright he has to squint

Big news, everybody: The Men’s Rights Movement HAS WON!

In a video posted earlier today Paul Elam, the biggest ego name in the small world of the Men’s Rights movement, congratulated his troops for a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 

And then he announced that he was quitting the Men’s Rights movement altogether. 

We’ll get to that in a moment. For now, let’s let him savor his GIANT WIN. In the video, he explains that:

for the past seven years, I have put quite a bit of effort into A Voice for Men, a Men’s Rights Activist website. That time has been electrifying, stressful, satisfying, and at times pretty brutal. The mission there, to facilitate the entrance of men’s issues into the public discourse, has been successful. 

(Emphasis mine.)

It’s true. AVFM has gotten the Men’s Rights movement some attention, much in the same way that this small child has drawn attention to his, er, cause.

While Elam acknowledges that “we have light years to go on men’s issues being addressed,” he pats himself and his comrades on the back for “play[ing] a big role in kickstarting the conversation.”

Congratulations, dudes. You pestered people until they noticed you.

For that, I’m quite proud and very grateful to the team of volunteers who played a huge role in making that happen. That team will continue the work into the future, even as I will be less directly involved in the process. 

Elam will now be describing himself as AVFM’s “figurehead and founder.” And a “former MRA.”

I doublechecked, and it’s not April Fool’s day, so apparently Elam’s flounce is real.

But don’t see this as Elam giving up as journalists stop calling him and his once-notorious website slides further into oblivion.

Slip sliding away
Slip sliding away

No! This is something he’s been really “looking forward to,” as he’ll now be able to spend more time yelling about women on YouTube.

Sorry, I mean counseling men for money as part of his exciting new — well, not that new — project “A Near For Men.”

Sorry, “An Ear for Men.”

His slogan: “The Penis In Your Hand.”

Sorry: “The Pen Is In Your Hand.”

Actual screenshot, except for the red marks

For some reason his new counseling service requires that he spend a lot of his time yelling about women in YouTube videos. Recent offerings on his An Ear For Men channel include:

  • Toxic Femininity and Relationship Violence
  • 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women
  • Problem Women
  • Teach a Woman to be Accountable in 5 Steps
  • Talk About Women — Even When it Offends


Elam will be financing this venture by offering $90 an hour “consultations” on Skype. (No, really.) And through his Patreon.


Huh. Seems like his Patreon is off to a bit of a slow start.

I’m sure things will pick up.

Godspeed, Paul. We won’t miss you.

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EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

You’re entirely right, and it’s while thinking about that that it occurred to me that in a way, Trump is the kiss of death to all the petty demagogues of the manosphere. Valizadeh or Elam can’t claim the kind of stature that he can, and as a result they’re left looking utterly usurped. (Or cucked, if you prefer.) No wonder that Elam’s trying to get out.

I wonder what’s going to happen post November, when everyone gets to see what a big loser Trump is after all. Maybe there’ll be room for new demagogues then. Maybe everyone will just go home.

8 years ago

Sorry, Can’t help laughing at the new slogan. I hope he has a lovely trip to pen island.

8 years ago

I can’t think of anything snarky, or flippant to say.

Bye Paul

Mathieu Tremblay
Mathieu Tremblay
8 years ago

Elam’s right, you know. He *has* won. Remember when he said the MRM wasn’t about helping men at all, but really just about whining about women? Well, he really didn’t help any men, and just kept whining about women.


8 years ago

@Snork Maiden

Hmm, I hope this won’t put the kibosh on the
big conference in London this Summer????????

No, no, no! Say it ain’t so! My bags have been packed for a while now. . . .

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Any chance that he’s only officially quitting AVfM so that he can take out a bigger speaker fee for the conference, because of some legal loop hole? 🙂

8 years ago

God forbid Paulie just fucks off and gets a job, right? But I guess his brush with (in)fame(y) was just too delicious, and perhaps when he saw a crowded marketplace of heavy-breathing intellectuals like Thunderf* and TheAngryAnus making mad Patreon bank through their unyielding assault on mild videogame criticisms and fictional misandrists he thought “Me too!”

I look forward to his next effort at scamming unsuspecting or ignorant and possibly vulnerable men, once this one fails due to the fault of misandry or some other phantasm (because of course it will not at all be due to his special combination of colossal incompetence and rank narcissism).

8 years ago

This is great news for John McCain!

8 years ago

Won what, now?

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
8 years ago

Yay! Men have rights now! Congrats you guys!!!! I was rooting for you!!!

8 years ago

I recently discovered a Jane Austen quote that’s appropriate here.

Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree; the pen has been in their hands. I will not allow books to prove anything.

8 years ago

Does he even have a college degree? In a bio floating around the web he says he took psych in college but things didn’t go well. How can he be holding himself out as a counselor? What was his real job title while he was helping addicts for some years? Shouldn’t he have some sort of license? Is this why Tara Palmatier has disappeared? Youth wants to know…

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
8 years ago

I do think the MRM proper is on its last legs. However, I don’t think this is due entirely to people realizing they’re full of poop (though some of it is). What has always been the defining feature of MRAs, and especially the AVFM variety, is that they put a thin gloss of human-rights language over their misogyny. They just wanted to help the poor oppressed menz. It seems mostly like they’ve been made obsolete by people who don’t feel the need to have that thin gloss of “we’re not the bad guys” and are just open and proud of their regressive, fascist hatred of women.

8 years ago

Is he still siphoning welfare off of his sugar momma?

8 years ago

“Teach a woman to be accountable in 5 steps”…or, how to lose her in one: by being caught reading this shit. (BTW, I initially read it as “acceptable”, but this is no less manipulative and obnoxious.)

So long, Paulie. Don’t let the door hit you…or let the pretence of “fighting for rights” get in the way of your drinking.

8 years ago

I only hope Paul is as successful with his Pen Is In His Hand as he was with his Voice for Men.

Oh, nevermind, we don’t need that kind of frustration.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Is there any actual evidence that he will stop putting AVFM donations straight into his own pocket?

8 years ago


Elam says he was in writing and directing capacities when he did addiction work.

Ten bux says he has no credentials to be a counselor.

8 years ago

I think I agree with the notion that something’s gone down in his home life and now his girlfriend isn’t supporting him any more. Now he has to make money on his own.

God forbid he get an actual job though. Employment is for beta chumps!

That said, if she HAD left him or stopped supporting him how come he hasn’t written a rage-filled screed denouncing her as an unfaithful whore that sponged off him (yes I know it’s the opposite that’s the truth, but this is Elam we’re talking about) and has now abandoned him in the name of hypergamous sluttery?

8 years ago

Nice April Fools, Pauly.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I popped over to the “ear for men” website and found this:

Anxiety is one of the most common “mental health” problems worldwide.

Huh. Why the scare quotes?

The causes of anxiety disorders are not known. There are, however, many good reasons to believe that it is a problem rooted in brain chemistry, which is why I put “mental health” in scare quotes. In other words, it is very likely that anxiety disorders are physical ailments which get expressed as a mental or emotional problem.


8 years ago

Wow, I think this is my first time being reverse-April fooled! I was all thinking “haha, nice joke [on David’s part], if a little early” right up until the bit where David said it wasn’t.

My thoughts exactly.

did drug counseling but evidently you can do that without credentials.

One can be a drug counsellor without credentials by claiming personal experience. So either first-hand, or sometimes being a primary support for someone undergoing these challenges.

Which makes me wonder whether that video with the alcohol wasn’t a relapse…?