a near for men a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies gynocracy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny money down the toilet MRA oppressed men paul elam post contains sarcasm self-congratulation

Mission Accomplished! Paul Elam declares victory, quits the Men’s Rights movement

The future's so bright he has to squint
The future’s so bright he has to squint

Big news, everybody: The Men’s Rights Movement HAS WON!

In a video posted earlier today Paul Elam, the biggest ego name in the small world of the Men’s Rights movement, congratulated his troops for a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 

And then he announced that he was quitting the Men’s Rights movement altogether. 

We’ll get to that in a moment. For now, let’s let him savor his GIANT WIN. In the video, he explains that:

for the past seven years, I have put quite a bit of effort into A Voice for Men, a Men’s Rights Activist website. That time has been electrifying, stressful, satisfying, and at times pretty brutal. The mission there, to facilitate the entrance of men’s issues into the public discourse, has been successful. 

(Emphasis mine.)

It’s true. AVFM has gotten the Men’s Rights movement some attention, much in the same way that this small child has drawn attention to his, er, cause.

While Elam acknowledges that “we have light years to go on men’s issues being addressed,” he pats himself and his comrades on the back for “play[ing] a big role in kickstarting the conversation.”

Congratulations, dudes. You pestered people until they noticed you.

For that, I’m quite proud and very grateful to the team of volunteers who played a huge role in making that happen. That team will continue the work into the future, even as I will be less directly involved in the process. 

Elam will now be describing himself as AVFM’s “figurehead and founder.” And a “former MRA.”

I doublechecked, and it’s not April Fool’s day, so apparently Elam’s flounce is real.

But don’t see this as Elam giving up as journalists stop calling him and his once-notorious website slides further into oblivion.

Slip sliding away
Slip sliding away

No! This is something he’s been really “looking forward to,” as he’ll now be able to spend more time yelling about women on YouTube.

Sorry, I mean counseling men for money as part of his exciting new — well, not that new — project “A Near For Men.”

Sorry, “An Ear for Men.”

His slogan: “The Penis In Your Hand.”

Sorry: “The Pen Is In Your Hand.”

Actual screenshot, except for the red marks

For some reason his new counseling service requires that he spend a lot of his time yelling about women in YouTube videos. Recent offerings on his An Ear For Men channel include:

  • Toxic Femininity and Relationship Violence
  • 7 Ways to Screen Out Loser Women
  • Problem Women
  • Teach a Woman to be Accountable in 5 Steps
  • Talk About Women — Even When it Offends


Elam will be financing this venture by offering $90 an hour “consultations” on Skype. (No, really.) And through his Patreon.


Huh. Seems like his Patreon is off to a bit of a slow start.

I’m sure things will pick up.

Godspeed, Paul. We won’t miss you.

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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Yeah, I’m not going to give this very long before AVfM either sinks and the rest of them jump ship, or Elam comes back when he realizes that no one wants to pay for his YouTube career.

I mean, AVfM was his biggest source of suckers income.

8 years ago

“Former MRA”? I’m assuming that doesn’t mean he’s rejecting the ideals of “Men’s Rights” so, what, he’s making sure people don’t confuse him for an activist? Because of all the total real activism he used to do??

8 years ago

The writing has been on the wall for a while now.

I can’t help but laugh at the demise of AVfM.

8 years ago

I imagine that now he will finally be able to do what he has always wanted to do: spending the money all those gullible idiots gave him.

8 years ago

I guess this means last call here at the Mammoth. What with history being over and the pale patriarchal penis people having won.

Put the chairs on the tables, sweep up, and last one out turn off the lights.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

So, is Roosh next?

8 years ago

No doubt Mr. Elam feels his personal mission truly has ended – to ride the gravy train of bilking his followers out of their rage-dollars for as long as he could.

8 years ago


The manosphere is so weird

8 years ago

Don’t think of it as quitting. He’s just pivoting to inactivism.

8 years ago

He’s trying to rehabilitate himself. How can somebody hurt so many people for so long and then think he can walk away and tell people to forget it ever happened? This last seven years when he made MRAs into a hate group isn’t going to just disappear. And what will become of his faithful Igor, Suzanne McCarley? I will miss her.

8 years ago

Actual footage from over at AVfM HQ:

I wonder if that will just embed magically..?

rrg darnit… People do this…

8 years ago

So, the MRM is pretty much over. Right? The Spearhead has been gone for awhile. CAFE was about to go mainstream, then they disgraced themselves. Buchanan’s MRA political party has not exactly set the UK ablaze. This seems like the final nail in AVFM’s coffin. I suppose the men’s rights subreddit still exists, but the red pill and Kotaku in action subreddits have a lot more cultural relevance among reactionaries these days. What major MRA group is left? Pretty much just the Honey Badgers. But they’ve had a lot of infighting lately too.

So much for Jamie’s grand proclamations that the MRM is coming for us!

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


How does that differ from what he’s been doing up to this point? :p

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I’m calling it now: Desperate grab for attention, a la “I’m totally quitting this MMO” or “I’m totally deleting my Facebook account,” and he’ll be back to business as usual within the week.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Hah! I was actually also thinking of Jamie just now. Remember how he was talking about “when men’s rights happen!” – saying it would be decades away. And now – what a coincidence – one day later Elam declares that men’s rights have happened! Awesome. 🙂

8 years ago

Next time an MRA /AVFMer tells me “we don’t hate women just feminists!” I’m going to link them to aaaalll those videos of Paulie’s. Not a single one has the word “feminist” in the title.

8 years ago

If the comments section on the average YouTube video amounts to a backed up toilet, I imagine reading the comments on Elam’s videos requires a hazmat suit.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

AVfM and CAFE both (spectacularly) failed to get the mainstream legitimacy they were seeking. Elam spins everything as some type of victory so he can continue getting money from his “regulars.”

8 years ago


You have clearly not seen MGTOW videos. They’re essentially the Lost Ark.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

Probably only a matter of time before he quits Youtube as well. MRAs can never seem to stick with anything they start. Like, ever.

8 years ago
8 years ago

So Paul Elam’s girlfriend gave him an ultimatum? Get a job or else? And he’s trying to placate her with this counseling BS?

Inquiring minds need to know. . . .

8 years ago

Wow, I think this is my first time being reverse-April fooled! I was all thinking “haha, nice joke [on David’s part], if a little early” right up until the bit where David said it wasn’t.

Snork Maiden
8 years ago

Hmm, I hope this won’t put the kibosh on the big conference in London this Summer????????

8 years ago

Snork Maiden,
I doubt that was ever gonna happen.

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