You may recall how Christina Hoff Sommers, right-wing think tanker and longtime pseudofeminist, was transformed into the idolized “Based Mom” after she cannily jumped aboard the #GamerGate train and started going to events with noted ethical journalist Milo Yiannopoulos?
Now GamerGaters and Anime Nazis and other elements of the Internet’s Trump-loving sh*tlord army are turning on the woman they thought was one of the cool girls.
Sommers’ crime?
She signed a petition in support of Michelle Fields, the former Breitbarter who lost her job after being manhandled by Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski at a Trump event. Â
Sommers’ fans — well, ex-fans, really — aren’t taking it well.
Those were some of the more polite reactions.
Others were a bit more, er, blunt.
But not everyone has deserted this Jewish agent of Lucifer. Sommers has managed to hold on to the endorsement of at least one influential Tweeter.
It’s almost touching.
I actually think this indicates she might actually believe what she says she does rather than just pandering. She took a stand on principle here. Honestly, good for her on that one.
I say this bc I always thought she was a sort of conwoman. I just think it seems like a really clever way to get attention: parrot sexist talking points, but call it feminism so sexists can feel like sexism… isnt.
I had to look it up on UD myself. so, um guess a cool mom, or down to earth mom?
I also hope it’s a lesson to other women outside the “movement” to never get involved with these bigots. If you’re a woman and get involved with them in any way, you will have to walk on eggshells until one of them breaks and then they will send their pack of attack dogs after you.
Even if she doesn’t learn from this, which is very likely, I hope it’s a lesson to any women thinking about having anything to do with these fiends.
@calmdown Thanks
Holy shit.
Take on step off the narrative and they will tear you apart like piranhas on meth.
OT: Did you guys hear that Milo Yiannopolis farms out his writing to 4channers?
@Katz: Yep, you were ninja’d on that on the previous page.
It’ll take something on the scale of what they do to Zoe, Brianna and Anita to get the ones who still side with GG and her to start questioning the stability of their position in that particular community.
I like to hope when it inevitably happens like it always does with this group the stragglers would start to jump ship and the rest would be the ones who would have to be individually singled out, by which case there wasn’t really any hope of dragging them out before it was too late.
At least I got this to humor me.
Time to head off to the cute animals and vidya parts of the net, the places that keep me from starting to transplant my perceptions online to real life.
Also it’s Atheist day/April Fools/Release date of God’s Not Dead 2:Electric Boogaloo. I almost want to watch to see how much hate I can balance with riff. Then again remembering the original film I have no intention of funding bigots.
Please. Check out her track record. She’s just working to keep herself commercially viable and lining herself up to be the next Camille Paglia. She’s a the worst kind of soulless pseudo-feminist grifter — please don’t give her oxygen by giving her credit.
The enemy of my enemy IS NOT necessarily my friend in any way. shape or form. Ugh.
Sommers is a spokesperson for the American Enterprise Institute. For those unfamiliar with that group, it was a prominent neoconservative think tank during the Bush years which has been increasingly sidelined by the fall of neoconservatism and the rise of first the Tea Party and then the Trumpites.
I very much doubt that Sommers is making a stand on principle here or showing humanity towards her fellow woman. This is about internal Republican party fighting: the neoconservatives are turning on Trump and using whatever ammunition they can find to do so.
This has evidently perplexed her #GG followers who only became aware of her when she tried to recruit them as culture-war footsoldiers, and lack the wider perspective on her activities. Based or not, she’s only a mom in the Futurama sense.
(Also, what’s that picture of Zoe Quinn doing photoshopped into the picture of Sommers alongside the doritos and weed? One of these things is not like the others.)
dang, yea prob. but I dont feel bad for wanting to find good in humans lol
Wait, she isn’t a literal mom, but instead has an army of robots? (Actually, that is not totally impossible). If she’s not a mom then I really don’t understand the name…who are her metaphorical children supposed to be?
If I wasn’t feeling sorry for her before, I am now after OoglyBoggles’ gleeful drum-beating.
I’m of the mentality that doesn’t even really like to make the “she’s a shit, but nobody deserves that” kind of comment. In the context of something really bad happening to someone, mentioning that she’s a shit seems superfluous unless there’s some circumstance under which being a shit does make you deserve it.
Are we sure that OoglyBoggles isn’t Pelagic, Scribbles or some other banned gotcha troll?
I have a worry that if this continues to effect a big figure of this particular sphere of the internet, is going to create a doubling down of FeMra figures to stay within the increasingly narrow margins of what the MRA define as acceptable parameters for their opinions and behaviors.
The “I wouldn’t want this to happen to me” problem getting solved, not by taking the initiative and getting the hell away from them, instead in becoming a focus point for them (feMra) as an example of something they wouldn’t dare step out of line and do.
A sort of “I’m not like that ‘other’ girl”
On-topic: I can’t say I’m surprised, and hopefully this means #GG sealions won’t use the “Not all feminists are radical man-haters! Look at CHS!” talking point/lie anymore, but no, nobody deserves to be harassed. Not even utter arseholes.
I admire your ability to remember the name and behavior of every troll ever. :p
@Social Justice Atheist
Don’t feel bad.
After a couple of years of feeling pretty much alone in my intense hatred of George W. Bush and his policies, other people started siding with me.
Then I started feeling sorry for him.
Sometimes I have to ignore my empathy because it can harm me. I don’t want to feel too sorry for people who created problems for themselves–and sometimes everyone else in the world.
There once was a person named CHS,
Whose actions have caused many great distress,
With a single action,
She alienated a faction
And may face much duress.
I thought a little humor was needed. But if you want I’ll keep those things to myself and I apologize if I came off as someone who’s okay with harassment if it’s my pet issue. I only wished to express my frustration at how many in that group are often those don’t realize what’s going to happen until it’s too late.
Yeah I feel the same way. I’m positive that if this doesn’t make a canary in a cave scenario in their minds, nothing will.
Here’s a facebook with people having fun with baby sharks in the wild for a more positive note.
I envy you, honestly I feel I’d be a much better person if I was capable of having that much empathy for others.
The #GGers call her “mom” because they feel the need to pigeonhole women into neat social roles, and she’s smart enough to play along with that in order to get them to do what she wants. Like Mom in Futurama, she affects a demure, charming public demeanor to this end. Unlike Mom in Futurama, she doesn’t have three lovable stooges to rant to (that I’m aware of.)
@Kat, SJA:
Your empathy speaks extremely well of you. Humans are very good at dehumanising those we hate and Othering those we see harmed by our actions; the fact that you avoid this makes you both excellent people.
> Tulse
“Project Milo”, really ? Why not Venus ? I do not know if it is a huge ego or just narcissism, but i guess the next step is, like Caesar, to speak about himself at the third person…
Writing two books take him too much of his time, at a point where he needs ghostwritters ? I can not wait to read these books which, as it seems to drain all his time and energy (when he is not on tweeter) : they sure are going to be big (in term of pages and in term of hits), at least the size of an encyclopedia !
The way he presents this… He is not even ashamed a bit. I can not really tell, but i think that almost all journalists write their articles themselves, even if they may use other people to check facts for them. But, ha ! It is ethic in journalism, mind you…
Welcome to the future USSA – Where women think it’s a feminine right to strip men of due process and presumption of innocence and to destroy men’s lives based on accusations alone.
Feminists are the most cancerous of idiots on the face of the earth. The fraudulent statistics used to create the bogus “rape culture” hysteria on college campuses are the work of feminists too. Now you have college men being expelled whenever accused of sexual assault – via kangaroo courts made up of N Korea like feminist faculty – regardless of evidence being in the accused favor.
Reminds me of the Ghomeshi trial – where feminists are demanding that the justice system be modified to accommodate women that lie under oath, withhold evidence and collude to destroy men’s lives.
Trump really is King of the Trolls.
Wow, it’s funny that I needed Urban Dictionary and your explanation just to understand some made up #GG internet name for CHS. Either I’m old, or most of what these people say makes no sense(or both). Sometimes it really does seems like just a bunch of random memes and words blended together with mountain dew, anime girls and racism.
To be clear: I’m not saying she isn’t worth our sympathy and empathy because she deserves it or is a shitty person, but because what is happening here just isn’t a big deal at this point.
She doesn’t deserve these kinds of racist, sexist, awful tweets. Nobody deserves this. But “nobody deserves that” in the same sense that “nobody deserves” to come home to a broken water heater, and there is a categorical difference between a broken water heater and a house that is flooded with backed-up sewage for weeks.
I’m not willing to mix the two up. Women are not fragile flowers who swoon when the water heater breaks, and who need the garner the emotional support of all the other women around them when that happens. CHS doesn’t need my pity or support for this kind of thing. She doesn’t deserve this, but she also doesn’t require support in order to deal with it. When and if her sewer backs up and her house is flooded with horror, then my support will be ready and willing. Until then, there are better subjects for my emotional energy.