You may recall how Christina Hoff Sommers, right-wing think tanker and longtime pseudofeminist, was transformed into the idolized “Based Mom” after she cannily jumped aboard the #GamerGate train and started going to events with noted ethical journalist Milo Yiannopoulos?
Now GamerGaters and Anime Nazis and other elements of the Internet’s Trump-loving sh*tlord army are turning on the woman they thought was one of the cool girls.
Sommers’ crime?
She signed a petition in support of Michelle Fields, the former Breitbarter who lost her job after being manhandled by Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski at a Trump event.
Sommers’ fans — well, ex-fans, really — aren’t taking it well.
Those were some of the more polite reactions.
Others were a bit more, er, blunt.
But not everyone has deserted this Jewish agent of Lucifer. Sommers has managed to hold on to the endorsement of at least one influential Tweeter.
It’s almost touching.
News at 11: Crab who dedicated herself to pulling other crabs back into the bucket discovers she’s still going to be boiled.
I hope she learns from this. I truly do.
There is video of the assault and these fuckwits still claim the woman is lying?
Of course.
Why is anyone surprised that a culture of ignorance begets people who herd together like sheep yet tear each other apart like a pack of wolves?
I’m shocked — SHOCKED — that Trump supporters would resort to sexist and antisemitic attacks on Sommers just for breaking out of goose step — uh, I mean LOCKstep — with the shitlord army. Sad!
I hope others learn from this. I don’t care about her.
She claimed false rape accusations were a bigger threat in the United States, despite the fact than men are more likely to be raped than falsely accused of rape.
@Beroli your analogy is flawless. Since she’s on the AEI’s payroll, I can’t wait to see how she tries to backpedal.
Despite her taking pleasure in seeing other women get harassed and abused, I wish she didn’t have to put up with harassment and abuse. Having said that… ow my tongue
Yeah because trump didn’t just friggin speak in front of AIPAC the other day about how much he supports the damned likudniks
How are the mighty fallen, Lucifer, son of the morning.
(With apologies to the Prophet Isaiah.)
If there are any feMRAs or #notyourshields reading this, please repeat the above over and over again. That is the fate of nearly every “cool girl” who stands with misogyny. This is how you get repaid for all your efforts to be not like all those other women.
Misogynists are always, always waiting for an excuse to consider you no longer a lady. They are eager to turn on you. Throwing your fellow women under the bus does not ensure your safety.
How many more times does something like this have to happen before you get it?
What’s that? A woman who sided with misogynists was turned on by said misogynists when she stood up for a woman who was obviously assaulted by the misogynists’ based Flavor-of-the-Week (and there’s proof to show they did)?
Say it ain’t so. [/sarcasm]
She doesn’t deserve harassment and abuse, even though she’s still a repugnant person.
Though, no amount of “I told you so”s would be enough to sway other women from siding with these guys. Just look at some of the tweets.
These assholes don’t give a shit about you. They just like having you around as their shield. “I don’t hate women/LGBT people/PoC!” they proclaim as they trot you out like a show pony. “Look, a woman/LGBT person/PoC who agrees with us! Obviously we’re not misogynists/homophobes/racists, because this woman/LGBT person/PoC has decided to join us!”
“That won’t happen to me! I’m with friends who respect me and want to hear what I have to say!” You might say.
But here’s the facts: If “based mom” isn’t safe, none of you are. If you step out of their lines, even once, you’ll be chewed up and spit out. They do not give a fuck about you unless you stroke their egos and never disagree with them like some kind of sentient prop for their justification.
And before you insist that they’re really not racist/homophobic/sexist/what-have-you: You might not think so, but maybe you should give a listen to people who think they are to hear why they think so instead of just dismissing them out of hand.
So based mommy and anime daddy trump are in conflict.
Funny that she is losing compared to a man with almost zero connection to any MRA topical figures, that trump most likely doesn’t even pay any attention to.
With all that massaging of entitled, patriarchal, menzer’s over the years, has it all been worth it?
So, Trump kisses the butt of every other country?
1. Can anyone fill me in on the provenance of the header image? I’ve seen it before and find it kinda fascinating, but I don’t know why it exists.
2. The whole Trump phenomenon really has given us some delightful schadenfreude in the form of jerky conservatives turning against each other; it’ll be a whole lot less delightful if he actually wins the presidency, though.
He deserves it. I don’t care how in my head she supposedly shouldn’t have to deal with the abuse of GG. This is as poetic a punishment as she deserves. Throw her to the wolves, let her lie in the mess she made. Sympathy towards her is like salt to a thirsty man. I sincerely hope the rest of the women GG’ers learn from her, that this is what happens when you express any form of dissent. Or better yet let GG eat them too, it’d make a better example and take out more of those “but really I’m only in it for ethics in gaem journalism”, “I’m totally not that bad”, “she was not really one of us”.
Oh, come on, you know feMRAs only do it because they have a bad case of Stockholm syndrome. They do it because they want male attention – from abusive assholes.
I take a zero tolerance policy on abuse and harassment. The target doesn’t matter. No amount of poetry justifies that kind of behavior.
When the freedom feminist goes full “SJW” on your campaign, you can probably take it as a sign that you’re losing the female voting demographic entirely.
Also… Cernovich… he such a cartoon character… even his voice sounds like Mel Blanc parodying the manosphere!
This is an interesting chart:
I think she was overly naive and didn’t know what she was getting herself into in siding with GamerGate and Milo. GGers are not like the “normal” annoying fringe right-wingers you have to pander to as part of your job at AEI.
Wow, that “VolleyballGod” dude has taken one too many balls to the head. Now he’s seeing devils where none are. And Der Drumpf as Jesus. A serial adulterer who assaulted his first wife when their marriage was breaking down. I can’t even.
It is the more moral position to take and certainly the better position to be against harassment period. I just feel like this is the only way to get these sorts to fully understand who they’re grouping up with, since literally anything else is met with more denial and lies than a Breitbart article.
I guess she figured she’s sold as many books to gators as she could. I’m sure there’s a new, fresh pasture somewhere. Perhaps embattled or mistreated conservative women? She and Megyn Kelly could go on tour together now that she’s done with Milo. It would beef up her feminist cred without sacrificing too much of her conservative cred, if she plays it right. I mean, that’s probably the next big thing — the “reasonable” conservative woman, in opposition to Trump. It might be the only chance the GOP has to redeem itself.
And this is what happens when you pander to bigots in hopes that they’ll overlook the fact that you’re a target of their bigotry. Disagree with them once, and they’ll turn on you in an instant.
@Leftwingfox: good choice.