#gamergate antifeminism crackpottery cultural marxism davis aurini entitled babies evil SJWs jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reactionary bullshit sarkeesian!

Davis Aurini’s Totally Not The Sarkeesian Effect: Worse than a dead squirrel in your wall

Not so cute when they're dead
Squirrels: Not so cute when they’re dead

To loosely paraphrase the opening line of Eric Segal’s 1970 bestseller Love Story: What can you say about a film that smells like a squirrel died in your walls about a week ago?

Yesterday, noted experimental film auteur/white nationalist on paper Davis Aurini released an 82-minute-long monstrosity of a YouTube video, a “film” that he insists is not his version of his estranged film partner Jordan Owen’s The Sarkeesian Effect but rather a “separate independent work that should not be considered a ‘version’ of The Sarkeesian Effect or derivative of it,” despite the fact that it clearly is his version of The Sarkeesian Effect and completely derivative of it, to the point of using much of the same footage.

Reader, I watched it.

Like Owen’s totally different and not-at-all related The Sarkeesian Effect, Aurini’s wannabe masterwork is a stinky wet turd of a “film,” if it can even be called that. I went into it with such low expectations that I was struck less by Aurini’s mindboggling ineptitude as a cinematographer, a director, a writer, and a graphics wrangler than I was struck by how thoroughly tedious the whole thing is.

For a “film” ostensibly “separate” and “independent” and “totally super-duper different” from The Sarkeesian Effect, Aurini’s production sure looks a lot like the earlier “film.” It draws heavily from many of the same poorly conducted and poorly filmed interviews, including a number in which Jordan Owen, Aurini’s ex-film partner, appears prominently on the screen.

Or at least a portion of him. Like the original Sarkeesian Effect, Aurini’s masterpiece also includes numerous shots in which Owen’s hands disconcertingly poke their way into frame, twitching and sometimes playing with a pen.

Hi, Jordan Owen's hands!
Hi, Jordan Owen’s hands!

Aurini clams he got permission to use these clips. I guess we’ll see if that’s true.

What else is there to say? The argument, such as it is, largely follows that of the earlier “film.” Starting off with ridiculously nit-picky criticisms of some of Sarkeesian’s specific claims, it ultimately spirals into a bizarrely grandiose attack on Marxism that has virtually no connection to anything other than the communist boogeymen that populate Aurini’s imagination. Aurini’s verbal assault on “cutural marxism” is more that a little but reminiscent of the weird Ayn Randian rant that took up what seemed like the last third of Owen’s film.

While much of that section of the film is a blur to me — it’s nearly impossible to pay close attention to something this tediously wrong about everything — I vaguely recall Aurini blaming “social justice warrior” interest in video games on Leon Trotsky and his strategy of “entryism.” Can anyone else confirm this happened, or was I hallucinating?

Technically, the film is a mess, with sound and picture quality varying dramatically from scene to scene. The graphics are laughable. Even the font choices are a disgrace.

Why, Aurini, whyyyyy?
Why, Aurini, whyyyyy?


The 1980s called: They want their logo back
The 1980s called: They want their logo back

And then there’s that background thing, Aurini, perhaps thinking he’s preparing a Powerpoint presentation rather than a film, pastes graphics and assorted film clips over a weird, undulating CGI backdrop. Sometimes he neglects to post anything over the backdrop, so there are sections of the film that consist of nothing more than Aurini babbling over this:

Davis Aurini thinks this looks super cool
Actual screenshot from Immersed in Subversion. Davis Aurini thinks this looks super cool

There is one sad omission I feel it is my duty to mention: The famous pizza box of Owen’s masterwork did not make it into Aurini’s Totally Different film.

RIP Pizza Box.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Two thumbs poking your eyes out.

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8 years ago

You whats really scary about this? When Owen made his film just from watching clips I thought “there couldn’t be worst documentary” from this description all I can say is “oh god….Owens the talented one.”

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
8 years ago

You forgot to answer the most important question: how many skulls?!

8 years ago

Wait, the CDi is because of essjaydubyoos?

8 years ago

Also worth noting that from the beginning, the Sarkeesian Effect guys were saying that their movie would be a well-crafted, professional-quality documentary film. Like, GGers love to complain about how poorly-made Sarkeesian’s videos are – even though they’re actually quite well made – and the idea was that the Sarkeesian Effect, in addition to exposing Sarkeesian’s lying lyerly ways, would also make her videos look extra-lame in comparison due to its highly-polished awesomeness.

Oh but this isn’t the Sarkeesian Effect, so I guess there was never any promise of okay-ness here.

Miss Andry
8 years ago

I give it one out of five skulls.

Film Runner
8 years ago

Does it answer the question of whether Aurini has multiple skulls or just one he moves between shots?

8 years ago

Well, he’s got at least two: One on a shelf* and one in the original casing.

*To be fair, that one might be rented or borrowed

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Looks like it was indeed a better idea for me to catch up on iZombie instead.

Sounds like a lot of cruelty masquerading as wit, and a lot of visual chaos masquerading as cutting-edge visual presentations.

8 years ago

Pretty much all his “work” is an excuse to start talking about other things he cares more about like cuckolding.

8 years ago

I resent that this guy is giving skulls a bad name.

8 years ago

Even that poor empty skull on his shelf must be facepalming right now.

8 years ago

And the award for Best Mid-90s DVD Menu Screen Used As A Transition In A Documentary goes to ….

8 years ago

I was expecting so much more from someone who knows all the keyboard shortcuts.

8 years ago

So visually it’s kind of like what a documentary made by the creators of Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties would look like. I guess.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

“It looks like an extremely cheap-ass version of what I promised to my backers, and what my former partner already delivered in a slightly less ridiculous form…so let’s say it’s something completely different! Totally not what I promised to deliver! Behold my artistic freedom!”

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

When I was in college, some friends got hold of a videotape (this should give you an idea of how long ago that was) of some Concerned Christian Organization’s expose of how Hollywood is leading your children down the path of Satanism because Harry Potter exists. (Also the Neve Campbell vehicle The Craft. Again, I am old.) We had a good time watching it for mocking purposes.

These screenshots remind me of that tape.

8 years ago

I will always think of Aurini’s and Owen’s “filmmaking” whenever someone tries to claim that there are more male directors because men are clearly just inherently better filmmakers.

One woman directed film I just saw that was really good is The Falling. I’ve been wanting to catch it for a while and it finally came on Netflix streaming. It was written and directed by Carol Morley. For some reason she doesn’t have many credits on IMDB despite how excellent her work was on The Falling. Hopefully she’ll do more feature films soon.

Anyone else want to misander and recommend some films directed by women?

8 years ago

Oh, and We Need to Talk About Kevin is great too. Written and directed by Lynne Ramsay. I recently rewatched that one. It’s a difficult watch, but worth it I think.

On a lighter note, I think Penelope Spheeris did a great job directing Wayne’s World. It’s one of the few times an SNL skit has been successfully turned into a feature film.

8 years ago

Well, if you assume the intended audience for this dreck is “people who already know of and hate Anita Sarkeesian/SJWs/Cultural Marxism” – you could argue that it’s pretty successful.

It doesn’t need to be persuasive, or factual, or even very good. It just needs to reaffirm the audience’s existing views – another layer on the alt-pickup-white-gamer-men-artist-right-gate-rights-activist shit sandwich – and mission accomplished! He got the people that already agree with him to continue agreeing with him (while also financing his new car).

Plus it’s not like anyone in the extended manosphere seems to know what competent design or production or… really anything even remotely looks like, so that’s a freebie.

8 years ago

OT–but it’s pretty cool

My favorite line from author Mary Elizabeth Williams:

Here’s yet another reminder — just because a person is walking around on the planet in corporeal form is not an invitation to snark on his or her appearance.

8 years ago

I was reading parts of David’s post out loud to my boyfriend, and I was laughing so hard I could barely get the words out.

“Reader, I watched it.” Dude! Way to take romance and turn it into horror!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mike | March 29, 2016 at 12:04 pm
Like, GGers love to complain about how poorly-made Sarkeesian’s videos are – even though they’re actually quite well made – and the idea was that the Sarkeesian Effect, in addition to exposing Sarkeesian’s lying lyerly ways, would also make her videos look extra-lame in comparison due to its highly-polished awesomeness.

Yup. In that Mary Sue article someone linked on another thread, there were a number of GGers who were whinging that “I could make a better video series than her! She just sits in front of a green screen and looks pretty!” and one person was even like “I do Let’s Plays, so I totally know her videos are garbage quality!” (I had a very hearty lol at that one.)

Of course, you could challenge them to do so, but then you’d get a bunch of backpedaling and excuses.

8 years ago

This is a heck of a way to return from a blogging break. You have both my gratitude and my deepest sympathies.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

What are we going to do now? Everything went fine since 1934 and then Aurini exposed us! Hopefully he hasn’t also found out that Trotsky conspired to bring Hitler to power and all the defendants at the Moscow show trials were actually guilty.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

And then there’s that background thing, Aurini, perhaps thinking he’s preparing a Powerpoint presentation rather than a film, pastes graphics and assorted film clips over a weird, undulating CGI backdrop.

It’s Photoshop’s default cloud filter run back over itself a few times.

Seriously. I am not joking.

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