Watching the abomination that is Davis Aurini’s version of The Sarkeesian Effect “Immersed in Subversion,” I kept reminding myself that this was a “film” that cost tens of thousands of dollars to make. Virtually none of this money, obviously, found its way onto the screen.
Yesterday, partway through watching the “film,” I tweeted that I’d “seen flat earth videos with better production values.”
As proof, here are 5 low or no budget YouTube videos with better production values than Aurini’s terrible “film.” Including, yes, a flat earth one.
1) Bowling Ball Nut Drop!
Crisp image. Good coverage. There’s inconsistent color between some of the cameras, but I’ll forgive Nasty the Horse and his crew for that, as he just got hit in the nuts with a bowling ball. Twice.
2) DESPICABLE ME 2 – FART BLASTER!!! Unboxing & Review
This video has more than 8 million views. I have no idea why people watch these, but, hey, it’s very well done, and the kid is arguably a better narrator than Davis Aurini.
3) What the cats really get up to when no one is home
A couple attached Go-Pro cameras to each of their cats to see what they did when no one was around. Despite being literally filmed by cats, this video looks better than Aurini’s. The images are generally pretty crisp, and the shots are in many cases better composed than Aurini’s.
While the camerawork is shaky when the cats are in motion, this in many ways works in the cats’ favor, capturing the excitement of such cat activities as running around for no reason, and running around for no reason with a twist-tie in your mouth.
4) A Goldmine of Blackhead & Whitehead Extractions
This video makes clear why Dr. Sandra Lee is the queen of the pimple-poppers. Good lighting, steady camerawork, simple, understated graphics, unobtrusive editing, and lots of solid pops.
5) Top Proof We NEVER Went To The Moon!
No, I didn’t forget about the flat earthers. Jeranism, a flat-earther and moon “truther,” may be completely wrong about pretty much everything, but his videos are a good deal slicker than the work of either Owen or Aurini. He puts out roughly 8 videos a month while taking in less than $400 a month on Patreon.
We (my Otter and I) spend a lot of time analyzing our cats and talking about how amazingly different they all are from one another. They have such unique personalities. We both are quite tired of the stereotype that cats only care about themselves and that they view their humans as food slaves. Our cats love us and want to spend every moment with us. If we both hang out in the kitchen, the cats will hang out in the kitchen with us. They’ll bother us for attention even when their boxes are clean and they have plenty of food and water. They also love strangers and will climb the legs of random people who happen to be in our apartment, such as plumbers, caretakers, neighbors borrowing a cup of sugar, Jehovas Witnesses, etc etc etc. They just love people and want to be social all the time.
I have a dear friend who is an extremely intelligent moon conspiracy theorist. I used to worry about them but they are happy & not hurting anyone so now I just relax and enjoy their delightful ideas. 🙂
Latest from the political trenches, for those who still haven’t heard. Trump is now advocating a ban on abortion and punishments for women who break it (the punishment to be decided by himself, later, it seems).
I’ve heard of robber barons and inquisitors… but it seems Trump wants to be both. He must be trying to leech voters from Cruz.
Just another day in the political world of 2016.
My senior project film cost around $6,000 plus an additional $6,000 worth in equipment rentals (paid off by working for my producer on another film over the summer). Got downvoted to hell by KiwiFarms trolls with a hateboner for me but I think it’s pretty good (plus it has Neil Gaiman talking to a snake puppet). Check it out and give it a thumbs up if you like it (certainly better than The Sarkeesian Effect): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFGHLC1XnH4
he wants to be a damn dictator. At this point I dont feel comparing him to Hitler is hyperbolic at all.
Technically fair use. I’m not claiming they’re used well, or for a good cause, but fairly.
This has been your daily dose of Devil’s Advocacy, brought to you by 4chan!
Woo hoo
I’ve just been watching some of Jeranism flat earth theories. Really trippy. And quite entertaining.
I had to go make me some popcorn.
Roald Dahl did Little Red Riding Hood with a gun over thirty years ago in ‘Revolting Rhymes’:
> Jenora Feuer
Oh, indeed !
Not to forget Baretta… It is no more the fairy tale, but close enough, i guess…
Jenora Fuerer: I remember that!
I also remember her showing up in “The Three Little Pigs”, shooting THAT wolf as well, AND as the pig who lived in the house of bricks to make a pigskin carrying case for her wolf-fur coats.
Probably not the type of character the NRA wants to explicitly associate with.
@Policy of Madness
Yes! My boyfriend and I both laughed all the way through it.
Would watch again.
Another Dr. Lee fan here! She is amazing. My sister and I once stayed up til 2am watching her videos. So, so satisfying.
*rushes off to watch skin tag video*
@occasional reader, I keep trying to reply but it gets ‘eaten’ every time. One more attempt:
I am terribly sorry but I have misinformed you about the Bluebeard re-telling. The mother sweeps in to the rescue, not with an axe, but a revolver :\. It’s been years since I read it, so I went back and checked, and then had to let you know (you seemed to like the axe idea so much).
I guess we can at least claim that feminists have been putting guns into fairy tales years before the NRA thought of it…?
The story itself is called ‘The Bloody Chamber’ and it’s published in a collection also titled, confusingly, The Bloody Chamber. Well worth reading if you can get hold of it. Penguin just released a new edition given that Angela Carter would have been 75 this year (if not for stupid @$#@% cancer).
ETA: it worked! Ahahahahahahahahaha. Yay.