We’re still running a meme surplus in the We Hunted the Mammoth offices, so I’m going to drop a few more on you today. Enjoy the FLAWLESS STEM LOGIC and KEEN GRASP OF REALITY displayed in the following memes, gathered from A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I’ve lightly censored a couple of them.
Ha Ha! Girls are stupid and can’t do math amirite fellas high five!
Damn you gals for keeping men out of this low-paying profession that men could easily enter if they wanted to because it’s not actually a “hiring scheme” that keeps them out!
There is so much poorly thought out stuff here. Beauro of justice statstics is based on police reporting. It’s complete unreliable for men, who it’s established report much less than women.
If we didn’t live in a gynocentric society, women wouldn’t get most of the degrees, get lighter sentencing in jail, control most of the disposable income, get preference in family courts, in education, men wouldn’t do all the low paying jobs, high risks jobs, and men wouldn’t walk around doing silly thing, treating women better than men, by carrying, lifting, protection, offering gifts, and protecting delicate widdle feelings all the time.
It’s very clear that men get treated, individual worse than women. It’s very clear that women have all the priviledge. It’s just invisible to you. That’s the way bigotry works.
As for your small point about doctors versus teachers, well that’s kind of silly. Doctor save your life. Teachers are just one of a bunch of people who teach your kids, and from a societal point of view, if your a bad parent, your kids are probably going to be a drain on society. One teacher, or even a host of teachers ain’t going to change that. And there’s nothing to even enforce that benefit collectors have good children.
In this sense, there is no conditionality to that end of the social contract – no assurance to society that children will be be raised productive. Why would paying teachers more, even be on the agenda, when whether kids are raised criminals, or contributers isn’t an area society allows govt to be involved in, despite it’s impact on society?
Invite society in to be a part of that, I am sure, that teaching would get more attention.
8 years ago
That first response from that dude was so substanceless as not to merit any reply (no argument, no statistics, nothing but assertion and ad homs).
Honestly, I knew you would pounce on me. Because genuinely considering, exploring and allowing for something new to be true, is not something fundamentalists do.
Beauro of justice statstics is based on police reporting. It’s complete unreliable for men, who it’s established report much less than women.
Homicide victims of any gender don’t report. Because they’re you know, all dead and stuff.
8 years ago
What fundamentalist do is they immediate retort and attack something, scramble for justifications as to why its wrong, instead of consider carefully its merits, and look into the facts, like an impartial person would do.
8 years ago
Dead people are kind of more obvious. Your point?
8 years ago
My point was, that any study of merit, one that replied on direct question answering of the participants, anonymously, rather than unreliabe reporting, showed 40-60% of dv was female perpetrated.
And thats consistently, every study of that sort. There are also govt statstics in soem countries that matches those numbers. And so what does that make you think about the feminist touted numbers, that appear to be wildly wrong? And are used to justify man-hating, and male villanization, as well as a lack of sympathy for the many male victims of DV, who don’t get any real support cause noone even takes any more.
Yeah, feminism is looking after men. Not burying them in a ditch in the forest.
8 years ago
*takes them seriously.
Actually you know what, the endemic sexism, not only in society, but in this forum, makes me disturbed enough, that I don’t want to spend much time here.
I mean, would want to spend time in a forum full of fundamentalist sexists?
8 years ago
What fundamentalist do is they immediate retort and attack something, scramble for justifications as to why its wrong, instead of consider carefully its merits, and look into the facts, like an impartial person would do.
Dude… Ummm hate to break it to you but that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’ve said nothing substantial and offer no proof or backup for anything you’ve spewed. Holy Dunning-Kruger Batman.
8 years ago
Men are as likely to be the victims as DV as women, but they won’t be taken seriously.
They are as likely the be the victims of family abuse, but they won’t be taken seriously.
They are more likely to be the victims of violence.
They are more likely to get longer sentences for the same crime.
They are more likely to not get due process in family courts, rape cases.
More likely to have a low paying, high risk, high labour job.
More likely to be in jail
They pay most of the taxes, but recieve the least benefit of it.
They are more likely to lose their money in marriage
They are less likely to have access to their children.
They are more likely to pay child support than women
They are more likely to commit suicide
Less likely to get a degree
Less likely to do well in school
More likely to be homeless
Yeah, that seems like ‘a pretty sweet deal’ to me, lol.
No dude, I am revoking your man card. Your a gender traitor. And an idiot.
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago
Dude. What the fuck are you doing. Stop for a minute and look at yourself.
You’ve absolutely flooded the comment section with nothing but assertions, most of which have already been refuted, and you haven’t provided a single source as far as I can see (granted I don’t have enough time in a week to read through every word you’ve copy-pasted into this thread).
If men were actually oppressed in any way, I’m pretty sure you guys would’ve come up with something better than OMG THE DRAFT and OMG FALSE RAPE ALLEGATIONS and OMG ALIMONY by now.
Shut the fuck up and stop spamming.
8 years ago
All I want is men and women to be treated equally, and for some reason this is a big issue with all of yall. For mens issues to get some time in the light with the public.
And yet, that is some reason to just jump on the defensive and argue with everything I say. Not consider, or research, or explore, or converse – but to try and destroy the voice of the person who is saying ‘hey what about men get some consideration for equality’?
Why the hell is that? What’s wrong with you all that you can’t let men have any voice, and will squash it at any cost, with a zeal that can only be compared to a fundamentalist christian?
That you can’t allow, the existence of thought different from the unified, sanctioned, one thought/belief system that you allow other people to possess?
Can you not see how closed minded, how terribly narrow this sort of perspective is? Like worse than a seventh day adventist in is pure resistance against reality and lack of tolerance for others and their perspective?
Women actually do just as well as men (some variation, but not significantly worse or better) in most STEM field coursework in college and graduate school. Women have steadily been receiving more master’s degrees and PhD’s in STEM fields as it’s become more socially acceptable for women to be scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. That’s mostly thanks to feminists challenging cultural attitudes.
The disparity comes in when you look at stuff like whether someone’s dissertation is considered especially impressive in his or her field or whether someone gets tenure at a “good” school. Men seem to have an advantage in those areas for a few different reasons, not just because women would rather take care of children than have an academic career. There can be a “boys’ club” environment in many departments, professors can unintentionally see more potential in male graduate students, male professors having abusive relationships with graduate students is common, etc.
I think I already posted that article about how women get equality until they get near the top. It really seems like there’s a big swath of the population that’s 100% in favor of equality as long as it’s things like getting more girls interested in math, but then when we’re talking a female department head or something where it can only be one person, then they’ll be like “Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Look at all these qualified men…”
8 years ago
Can any of you allow men to have a voice on mens issues? Can you allow males to sit at the equality table, and have it considered the ways in which men are not equal?
Or is it just ‘get to the back of the line, we were here first’? Is equality, not for everyone? Just for some?
8 years ago
Actually universities have a pretty wildly obvious feminist bias, and educational teaching modalities have shifted to have a female bias. Although I am sure you don’t actually know much about education, the teaching modalities (like visual, practical and so on) recieved a lot of attention some years ago, and teaching was resculpted to suit women better.
As a consequence, and because women are told ‘you can do anything’, and men don’t receive any specific positive feedback or encouragment, men generally do worse in education.
I mean, I guess you can argue than men are naturally stupid, compared to women, and that’s only come out women have a ‘fair playing field’. But that seems a) a total assumption/beleif without a lick of evidence or even reason b) bigotry against men, presuming they are less capable, and that women are superior.
I don’t think any analysis of social policy should begin with one group is the master race 😛
Can any of you allow men to have a voice on mens issues?
We’ve allowed you to drown this thread in verbal diarrhea, haven’t we?
8 years ago
Everything I have said, is filled with logical arguments, and statistical references. It’s not a load of assertion, it’s all quite tangible and verifiable for the most part.
8 years ago
If Feminist hate men so much then why would a Feminist website like the Mary Sue do a artical about a male actors struggle with depression?
Just answer me this – can men have a voice for mens issues?
Can we be at the equality table, when equality handed out?
Can we consider men’s issues, and their equality?
Or is it ‘get to the back of the line, we were here first’?
Is it, silence, lowly man, you don’t get to speak?
8 years ago
That’s the biggest mens rights issue I can think of, actors with depression. lol.
Feminist created the villanisation of men. They created this story, this fiction, this outright lie, where men are always perps, and women always victims.
Of course they ain’t our friend. They are the whole reason why I can’t stand next to a school without being assumed a sexual predator, and why if I go to court, I’ll get more years than a woman, only because I have a penis.
It’s why all men, are feared by women these days. Why men are stupid enough to repeat the rhetoric, and tar their own credibility, trustability, and positive attributes.
8 years ago
It’s very hard to be thankful for group, where their ideology, and their public influence is responsible for a large of your oppression.
I mean, I’d like to charitible with feminism. Plenty of people who are feminists just want to do the right thing, believe in equality, are not hateful and are fair minded.
They just don’t release that the ideas they are spreading are founded in hate, that they are oppressive ideas, fascist and authoratarian ideas – as oppressive as any patriarchy.
Like any passer on of bigoted ideas, or oppression, it’s invisible to the people who are doing it.
So IDK, I do feel some sympathy for those non-hateful, reasonable people, who just haven’t properly analyzed their ideas.
8 years ago
So mens mental heath isn’t something a so called defender of mens rights cares about? Congratulations.you’ve further proved you don’t give two shits about mens rights or issues you’re just pretending to in order to justify attacking feminism
8 years ago
Whilst giving no time to any idea i’ve produced, and using the opportunity to disagree with everything I have said, including ridiculing me/attempting shame me. Which isn’t surprising, because that’s typical of feminism – one way to think for everyone, and no exceptions are tolerated – especially if that can be achieved with personal insults, shaming, or some other tactic. Your bullies. That’s how you maintain your oppression. By bullying everybody who thinks differently, or acts differently. Exactly like the patriarchy did.
8 years ago
Actors mental health. Actors? Thats a tiny group of men. What about prison sentencing? Perspective much? Feminists are the ones responsible for that villanisation of men. They cause and maintain it.
8 years ago
Just be honest – admit to yourselves, whether you are actually fair minded and equality focused enough, to allow men to have their voice too?
Or if you don’t? If you wanna shut it down, like this website, and many internet feminists and pro-feminists are trying to do?
Because that’s what it comes down to. Do we get a turn on the mic, a chance to share our perspective, or are you just trying to silence us?
I mean, for example, you complain about my long typing, and many responses. But it’s quite typical here, for all of you, to gang attack a single person who dares express any view other than the unified, sanctified fundamentalist position. There is no way I could even equalize the power differential in this enviroment that has zero tolerance for outside perspectives, and zero open mindedness to new information.
8 years ago
My point was, that any study of merit, one that replied on direct question answering of the participants, anonymously, rather than unreliabe reporting, showed 40-60% of dv was female perpetrated.
And thats consistently, every study of that sort. There are also govt statstics in soem countries that matches those numbers. And so what does that make you think about the feminist touted numbers, that appear to be wildly wrong?
Well, I’m convinced. Who can argue with “any study of merit” and “every study of that sort”? Jamie’s clearly done extensive research on DV studies or read some MRA blogs. Same thing really.
There is so much poorly thought out stuff here. Beauro of justice statstics is based on police reporting. It’s complete unreliable for men, who it’s established report much less than women.
If we didn’t live in a gynocentric society, women wouldn’t get most of the degrees, get lighter sentencing in jail, control most of the disposable income, get preference in family courts, in education, men wouldn’t do all the low paying jobs, high risks jobs, and men wouldn’t walk around doing silly thing, treating women better than men, by carrying, lifting, protection, offering gifts, and protecting delicate widdle feelings all the time.
It’s very clear that men get treated, individual worse than women. It’s very clear that women have all the priviledge. It’s just invisible to you. That’s the way bigotry works.
As for your small point about doctors versus teachers, well that’s kind of silly. Doctor save your life. Teachers are just one of a bunch of people who teach your kids, and from a societal point of view, if your a bad parent, your kids are probably going to be a drain on society. One teacher, or even a host of teachers ain’t going to change that. And there’s nothing to even enforce that benefit collectors have good children.
In this sense, there is no conditionality to that end of the social contract – no assurance to society that children will be be raised productive. Why would paying teachers more, even be on the agenda, when whether kids are raised criminals, or contributers isn’t an area society allows govt to be involved in, despite it’s impact on society?
Invite society in to be a part of that, I am sure, that teaching would get more attention.
That first response from that dude was so substanceless as not to merit any reply (no argument, no statistics, nothing but assertion and ad homs).
Honestly, I knew you would pounce on me. Because genuinely considering, exploring and allowing for something new to be true, is not something fundamentalists do.
Homicide victims of any gender don’t report. Because they’re you know, all dead and stuff.
What fundamentalist do is they immediate retort and attack something, scramble for justifications as to why its wrong, instead of consider carefully its merits, and look into the facts, like an impartial person would do.
Dead people are kind of more obvious. Your point?
My point was, that any study of merit, one that replied on direct question answering of the participants, anonymously, rather than unreliabe reporting, showed 40-60% of dv was female perpetrated.
And thats consistently, every study of that sort. There are also govt statstics in soem countries that matches those numbers. And so what does that make you think about the feminist touted numbers, that appear to be wildly wrong? And are used to justify man-hating, and male villanization, as well as a lack of sympathy for the many male victims of DV, who don’t get any real support cause noone even takes any more.
Yeah, feminism is looking after men. Not burying them in a ditch in the forest.
*takes them seriously.
Actually you know what, the endemic sexism, not only in society, but in this forum, makes me disturbed enough, that I don’t want to spend much time here.
I mean, would want to spend time in a forum full of fundamentalist sexists?
Dude… Ummm hate to break it to you but that’s exactly what you’re doing. You’ve said nothing substantial and offer no proof or backup for anything you’ve spewed. Holy Dunning-Kruger Batman.
Men are as likely to be the victims as DV as women, but they won’t be taken seriously.
They are as likely the be the victims of family abuse, but they won’t be taken seriously.
They are more likely to be the victims of violence.
They are more likely to get longer sentences for the same crime.
They are more likely to not get due process in family courts, rape cases.
More likely to have a low paying, high risk, high labour job.
More likely to be in jail
They pay most of the taxes, but recieve the least benefit of it.
They are more likely to lose their money in marriage
They are less likely to have access to their children.
They are more likely to pay child support than women
They are more likely to commit suicide
Less likely to get a degree
Less likely to do well in school
More likely to be homeless
Yeah, that seems like ‘a pretty sweet deal’ to me, lol.
No dude, I am revoking your man card. Your a gender traitor. And an idiot.
Dude. What the fuck are you doing. Stop for a minute and look at yourself.
You’ve absolutely flooded the comment section with nothing but assertions, most of which have already been refuted, and you haven’t provided a single source as far as I can see (granted I don’t have enough time in a week to read through every word you’ve copy-pasted into this thread).
If men were actually oppressed in any way, I’m pretty sure you guys would’ve come up with something better than OMG THE DRAFT and OMG FALSE RAPE ALLEGATIONS and OMG ALIMONY by now.
Shut the fuck up and stop spamming.
All I want is men and women to be treated equally, and for some reason this is a big issue with all of yall. For mens issues to get some time in the light with the public.
And yet, that is some reason to just jump on the defensive and argue with everything I say. Not consider, or research, or explore, or converse – but to try and destroy the voice of the person who is saying ‘hey what about men get some consideration for equality’?
Why the hell is that? What’s wrong with you all that you can’t let men have any voice, and will squash it at any cost, with a zeal that can only be compared to a fundamentalist christian?
That you can’t allow, the existence of thought different from the unified, sanctioned, one thought/belief system that you allow other people to possess?
Can you not see how closed minded, how terribly narrow this sort of perspective is? Like worse than a seventh day adventist in is pure resistance against reality and lack of tolerance for others and their perspective?
I think I already posted that article about how women get equality until they get near the top. It really seems like there’s a big swath of the population that’s 100% in favor of equality as long as it’s things like getting more girls interested in math, but then when we’re talking a female department head or something where it can only be one person, then they’ll be like “Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Look at all these qualified men…”
Can any of you allow men to have a voice on mens issues? Can you allow males to sit at the equality table, and have it considered the ways in which men are not equal?
Or is it just ‘get to the back of the line, we were here first’? Is equality, not for everyone? Just for some?
Actually universities have a pretty wildly obvious feminist bias, and educational teaching modalities have shifted to have a female bias. Although I am sure you don’t actually know much about education, the teaching modalities (like visual, practical and so on) recieved a lot of attention some years ago, and teaching was resculpted to suit women better.
As a consequence, and because women are told ‘you can do anything’, and men don’t receive any specific positive feedback or encouragment, men generally do worse in education.
I mean, I guess you can argue than men are naturally stupid, compared to women, and that’s only come out women have a ‘fair playing field’. But that seems a) a total assumption/beleif without a lick of evidence or even reason b) bigotry against men, presuming they are less capable, and that women are superior.
I don’t think any analysis of social policy should begin with one group is the master race 😛
We’ve allowed you to drown this thread in verbal diarrhea, haven’t we?
Everything I have said, is filled with logical arguments, and statistical references. It’s not a load of assertion, it’s all quite tangible and verifiable for the most part.
If Feminist hate men so much then why would a Feminist website like the Mary Sue do a artical about a male actors struggle with depression?
Just answer me this – can men have a voice for mens issues?
Can we be at the equality table, when equality handed out?
Can we consider men’s issues, and their equality?
Or is it ‘get to the back of the line, we were here first’?
Is it, silence, lowly man, you don’t get to speak?
That’s the biggest mens rights issue I can think of, actors with depression. lol.
Feminist created the villanisation of men. They created this story, this fiction, this outright lie, where men are always perps, and women always victims.
Of course they ain’t our friend. They are the whole reason why I can’t stand next to a school without being assumed a sexual predator, and why if I go to court, I’ll get more years than a woman, only because I have a penis.
It’s why all men, are feared by women these days. Why men are stupid enough to repeat the rhetoric, and tar their own credibility, trustability, and positive attributes.
It’s very hard to be thankful for group, where their ideology, and their public influence is responsible for a large of your oppression.
I mean, I’d like to charitible with feminism. Plenty of people who are feminists just want to do the right thing, believe in equality, are not hateful and are fair minded.
They just don’t release that the ideas they are spreading are founded in hate, that they are oppressive ideas, fascist and authoratarian ideas – as oppressive as any patriarchy.
Like any passer on of bigoted ideas, or oppression, it’s invisible to the people who are doing it.
So IDK, I do feel some sympathy for those non-hateful, reasonable people, who just haven’t properly analyzed their ideas.
So mens mental heath isn’t something a so called defender of mens rights cares about? Congratulations.you’ve further proved you don’t give two shits about mens rights or issues you’re just pretending to in order to justify attacking feminism
Whilst giving no time to any idea i’ve produced, and using the opportunity to disagree with everything I have said, including ridiculing me/attempting shame me. Which isn’t surprising, because that’s typical of feminism – one way to think for everyone, and no exceptions are tolerated – especially if that can be achieved with personal insults, shaming, or some other tactic. Your bullies. That’s how you maintain your oppression. By bullying everybody who thinks differently, or acts differently. Exactly like the patriarchy did.
Actors mental health. Actors? Thats a tiny group of men. What about prison sentencing? Perspective much? Feminists are the ones responsible for that villanisation of men. They cause and maintain it.
Just be honest – admit to yourselves, whether you are actually fair minded and equality focused enough, to allow men to have their voice too?
Or if you don’t? If you wanna shut it down, like this website, and many internet feminists and pro-feminists are trying to do?
Because that’s what it comes down to. Do we get a turn on the mic, a chance to share our perspective, or are you just trying to silence us?
I mean, for example, you complain about my long typing, and many responses. But it’s quite typical here, for all of you, to gang attack a single person who dares express any view other than the unified, sanctified fundamentalist position. There is no way I could even equalize the power differential in this enviroment that has zero tolerance for outside perspectives, and zero open mindedness to new information.
Well, I’m convinced. Who can argue with “any study of merit” and “every study of that sort”? Jamie’s clearly done extensive research on DV studies or read some MRA blogs. Same thing really.