
Davis Aurini’s not-version of Not The Sarkeesian Effect is out!

Woah! I wasn’t expecting this, but here it is. I have not yet watched it. But I imagine I will have some further thoughts when I do, because, holy crap, it’s Davis Aurini’s version of the Sarkeesian Effect!

Sorry, I mean, his version of a, no, wait, it’s not a version of anything, it’s his “separate independent work that should not be considered a ‘version’ of The Sarkeesian Effect or derivative of it,” as a title card in the “film” explains,

Even though it’s, you know, about Anita Sarkeesian and her “effect,” and even though it uses “footage originally filmed for use in The Sarkeesian Effect.”

That’s Aurini’s story and he’s sticking with it.

Anyway, I’m opening up a bag of popcorn and watching it. Join me, will you?

EDIT: Ok, I’m thirty seconds in and already tacky as hell graphics and badly recorded voiceover! This is gong to be good. By which I mean terrible.

EDIT 2: Ok, it’s not quite 4 minutes in and I’m getting bored. Damn. That’s what happened with that other totally unrelated film too.


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8 years ago

Game developers make a lot of decisions when creating and localizing games to ensure they don’t overstep any laws and/or cultural rules. They also make decisions around the way the content will affect the ESRB rating. It’s not because they’re being censored by SJWs it’s because they want to sell more copies of the game. I doubt having characters take a drug called meth would have made for good sales in the US, either. It was a good call to give them fake names, because it means they can sell more copies of the game.

8 years ago

oh & its also compete crap to call it “breaking the game” or “unintended” or whatever to do things the game allows you to do.

In F3 you can enslave kids but if I remember correctly you cant kill them (not sure I ever tried, cuz I have standards). By the same token, you can kill most characters, but not, like, give them a hug. Some slaves esp in NV cant be freed. you dont fet a dialog option to say that its Ok for the lesbian to like sex nor to oppose the Legion’s rape in any way besides murder. The game isnt designed to allow you to take down the mob that enslaves sex workers. It simply is not an option. but unlike F3, you can be gay. Its so … disingenuous?… to say devs dont control the messages the games send, & GG makes it pretty clear that bigoted messages fuel bigotry.

eta: & I say this as someone who enjoys playing as evil.

*extreme frustration emojii*

8 years ago


*Kale likes your comment*

8 years ago

Linked to Fallout : GamerGate did once again ridiculize itself by not accepting that Blizzard is sometime able to have ideas that they don’t agree with.

Here, it’s changing the sexiest pose of a female char who is mostly goofy.

8 years ago

I’d be a lot more sympathetic to manospherian freeze peach arguments if they were a bit more consistent. If they think artists shouldn’t be pressured to change their work to satisfy a particular demographic, why did they go after Mad Max: Fury Road? The plotline and the character Furiosa were both the free choice of the creator of the franchise.

Why are they only angry when the pressure to change a piece of media comes from those who want media to be more inclusive? Where were the ggers when the Red Dawn remake had to reshoot things and change their villains from Chinese to North Korean in order to avoid a ban by the Chinese government, which would have cost them a lot of revenue? Why aren’t they upset that the US military lets their equipment and property be used for cheap or free for movie filming. If those movies are completely glowing about the US military. Why doesn’t it bug them that their manly action movies are sometimes being used for military propaganda for the state? Why doesn’t it bug them that a foreign government is dictating their manly action movies?

Could it be that they don’t care about free speech or artistic integrity? Could it be that they just want to shut up women, LGBT, and POC voices? Could it be that they just want to be pandered to?

Nah. Couldn’t be!

8 years ago

I made it to 12 minutes before I ran out of patience with the bullshit. Anita is a liar because she didn’t think games on some console I’d never heard of were important and then she went and referenced a game from that console in another video in some unspecified way.

Of course he wasn’t clear how the second game was referenced, so it’s impossible to tell whether she was defining it as important, or just one of many examples of a particular trope or something. So way to go using the devices he was condemning Anita for using to “prove” she was using them.

Oh man, I know this has been discussed before (this argument is in the other SE movie too), but I just have to point out how stupid this part is.

So, in Sarkeesian’s video, she makes it clear that while there are some games out there that allow you to play as Zelda herself, none of the games in the core Legend of Zelda series let you do so (outside of a handful of relatively short scenes). So, not only are those CD-i Legend of Zelda games not part of the core series – that is, the thing that Sarkeesian is actually talking about in that clip – but they’re not even really Legend of Zelda games at all. Those games (and the Mario one that Aurini mentions) were all the result of a business arrangement that allowed for Philips to produce games with Nintendo characters; the games were made with virtually no input from Nintendo, and aren’t considered part of their respective canons (Zelda and Mario). Also, incidentally, those CD-i Zelda games are known for being totally awful.

Basically, the CD-i Zelda games are like fanfiction, or homebrew games (albeit legally licensed and professionally produced homebrew). Honestly, I have no doubt that if Sarkeesian actually had mentioned them in her video, she would’ve gotten dozens of irate gamerbros being all like “How dare she mention the CD-i games! Doesn’t she know they’re not canon?” etc. etc.

Oh and as for that CD-i Mario game: she doesn’t discuss it critically at all – she just uses footage from it as a funny thing to play during the credits (all of these games are kinda famous for their super-cheesy cutscenes, and people have been making absurdist remixes of them since the early days of internet video).

So, even if someone still wanted to argue that she should’ve mentioned those (bad, non-canonical) Zelda games, the idea that her ignoring them amounts to some sort of massive lie-by-omission is just completely silly.

8 years ago

Oh, thats not even the most ludicrous accusation thats been thrown at her. I once watched a Thunderf00t video where he ‘critiqued’ her damsels in distress video by saying, “what, so you wouldn’t rescue a loved one if they were in distress? You think there’s something morally wrong with saving people?” He then got hysterical and called her “inhuman” for her callous refusal to save the people she loved.

Um, Thunderf00t knows that video game people aren’t real people, right?

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Phil “Thunderf00t” Mason knows perfectly well that video game people are real people. It’s real-life women and people of colour who aren’t real people to him.

8 years ago

yea I was just about to say, drug names are fictional in all versions of the game.

If AU actually censors games like that, not cool.

The original name for Med-X in Fallout 3 was “morphine” (the reports are unclear, but there may have been other real-world drug references) – which resulted in the OFLC refusing it classification in Australia. The game was modified in response, and to keep the release consistent the changes were made to all versions (except apparently Japanese and Czech). IIRC Australia in general has much stricter media censors than in the US or UK.

8 years ago

Could it be that they don’t care about free speech or artistic integrity? Could it be that they just want to shut up women, LGBT, and POC voices? Could it be that they just want to be pandered to?


Gamergaters don’t give a damn about free speech or artistic integrity. they just want everything to carter to their tastes. For good example check out some of the threads for the game ‘Bombshell’ on the steam forum

“Devs! Will you make lady Bombshell more attractive ?”


“Needs a male hero. Females just don’t cut it.”

8 years ago

I know that in Fallout 1 and 2, the children were valid targets and could be killed. They were also all accomplished pickpockets.

In the European version of one of those, I want to say FO2, the localizers took the children out because violence against children was undesirable, if not illegal. What they did just had the effect of making the children disappear from the game world.

But they could still pickpocket the Chosen One.

(Hey all — I’ve fallen down a hole shaped like FO4 lately, sorry I haven’t been around.)

8 years ago

@Falconer – Killer robot pics or it didn’t happen

re: real drug names in FO vs fake: If @dlouwe’s right, then I’m actually glad that the names got changed.
It adds to the universe to have things be just a liiittle bit off.

re: The Legion in NV: I’ve never had more fun wiping out a faction.
I waited until my female character leveled up a bit, walked in for a briefing, and massacred the lot of them.

Between my relatively limited time / not wanting to invest in a new character and feeling that all of the factions in FO4 have at least some redeeming qualities (or at least characters), I’ve dragged out this playthrough to ridiculous lengths.

I’m pretty much an explosive assault rifle laden demigod traipsing through the Commonwealth. It’s barely even worth it to sneak.

“Is that a Deathclaw Matriarch? Imma kill it with a sword.”

Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
8 years ago

Taking a break; done in from mowing the front lawn. *swoons* This is page one for me, so here goes:


Anyone want to place bets on how long it’ll take Jordan Owen to throw a fit and call Aurini a shit filmmaker again?

I think this is what a lot of us are popping corn for. I know it isn’t because *I’m *going to watch the thing. I’m totally with the little girl in the “no thank you” video!

Okay! Back to work. Next break, page two (something to look forward to!)

8 years ago

Oh, thats not even the most ludicrous accusation thats been thrown at her. I once watched a Thunderf00t video where he ‘critiqued’ her damsels in distress video by saying, “what, so you wouldn’t rescue a loved one if they were in distress? You think there’s something morally wrong with saving people?”

@Ktoryx – Heh yeah I’ve actually seen that one. I’ve watched a handful of these anti-Sarkeesian videos and it’s always really interesting to see how strained and broken the logical arguments get. One example comes to mind re: the video where Sarkeesian discusses the trope of games where male protagonists must do battle with their wives/girlfriends/female significant others (often because the women have been possessed, turned to monsters, driven insane, etc.). So, this guy claimed that Sarkeesian was clearly lying because, among her various examples, she included a few seconds of footage from a game where you don’t fight your girlfriend. No, you see, you’re fighting a demon that has wrapped itself completely AROUND your girlfriend like an exoskeleton, and she’s right there encased in it the whole time you’re fighting, but you’re not actually fighting HER. Boom, take that SJWs!

8 years ago

@mockingbird: I’m rocking the lawyer of silent death, myself. When it all works right, I strike and nobody sees it coming. I tend to use the Deliverer pistol and a suppressed sniper rifle. I took out every raider in a big hospital without taking any damage … and then the deathclaw in the basement got a couple of whacks in before I put it down.

The Deliverer fires fast, even outside of VATS.

I was aiming at using her to support the Railroad and work with the Minutemen, then maybe kick the Brotherhood out.

Next, I’m going full-auto, power-armor-modding, ex-soldier-grasping-at-the-only-order-he-sees, sneaking-is-for-the-weak Brotherhood.

8 years ago

It adds to the universe to have things be just a little bit off.

Exactly this. That’s why I personally wouldn’t want the chem names changed to real world drug names.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Thank you, I am sure hoping so!

And I went back last night and watched the rest of the video. Forgot to update. It just got worse from there. Ugh. Was this entire video filmed and edited by a fifth grader? Nah, couldn’t have been. Too poorly done.

8 years ago

So how did the Australian Board react to the ability in FO4 to mix your chems, resulting in hybrids like Psychojet, Bufftats and the oh-so-tasty Dirty Wastelander ?

8 years ago

A little OT, but one of my pet peeves in Fallout fanfiction (don’t make fun of me) is when the characters to jet to unwind when it’s supposed to be speed, they’d be up all night grinding their teeth.

8 years ago

I fell asleep about 25 minutes in and picked up where I left off. Now I’m about an hour and two minutes in (where Clarey talks shit about teachers…what a fucking asshole! Pardon the language).
TEACHING JOBS ARE NOT EASY!!!!!! Excuse me for a second *runs into the other room and screams like Bobcat Goldthwait*

8 years ago

Very much doubt Owen or Aurini have played have games all that much in the last 5-10 years. If they did they would be aware that some of the industry’s largest AAA franchises accommodate changing consumer demographics in as much as allowing the player to choose their character’s gender, love-interest options, while being generally gender neutral in the application of violence (female enemy combatants and companions etc.)

Of course, notable exceptions. Witcher 3 was a high production value fantasy spoiled by an protagonist tailored for teenage boys; liked the game overall, but couldn’t stand Geralt.

8 years ago

I really agree with people pointing out how many GG proponents seem to lack experience in gaming, even though they have no problem calling “fake geek girl” on many of the women they harass online. In fact, some seem to be quite blatant about it. I’m not usually a fan of comparing levels of geekitude to ridicule people, but in their case it just seems to support the possibility that for many it’s just an excuse to complain about evil feeemales and “cultural marxism” ruining society. I even wonder if playing more of them might actually make them more outraged at “SJWs”. (Of course, anything they didn’t like would be blamed on the evil esjaydubs ruining freeze peach by pressuring devs to cater to their PC agenda, and anything they thought was great would prove that all Games are great and should never be changed or it will destroy all our childhoods!)

8 years ago


I’m rocking the lawyer of silent death, myself. When it all works right, I strike and nobody sees it coming. I tend to use the Deliverer pistol and a suppressed sniper rifle. I took out every raider in a big hospital without taking any damage … and then the deathclaw in the basement got a couple of whacks in before I put it down.

The Deliverer fires fast, even outside of VATS.

I was aiming at using her to support the Railroad and work with the Minutemen, then maybe kick the Brotherhood out.

Next, I’m going full-auto, power-armor-modding, ex-soldier-grasping-at-the-only-order-he-sees, sneaking-is-for-the-weak Brotherhood.

I was super sneaky at first (and may have slightly abused McCready’s broken perk…so many head shots…) with my modded-out Gauss pulled out for extreme long shots, but now

I’m like a level 74.
I really just need to wrap it up.

And I’m with you – I’ve played as a super nice ex-lawyer. The Railroad just makes sense. (Besides, how could I side with anyone who doesn’t like Nick?)


Given the ex-soldier status of male player characters, my husband was torn for a bit between BoS (for the military order aspect – and look…someone swept up all the fallen leaves!) and the Institute (because they do, at least, seem to want to rebuild society). He seems to be leaning towards his character going with the Institute because he reasons that his character would be sentimental and side with his son.

*scrunches up face*

I mean, I haven’t finished the game, but I know how things will have to go down and (keeping things vague for the sake of anyone who’s still worried about spoilers and breezed past the warning) I’m disappointed that Bethesda didn’t allow for more nuance in endings. Personally, I’d prefer to have the ability for a more brokered option open to those with high Charisma or perhaps something with a bit of trickery for those with high Intelligence.

Oh, and if anyone out there from Bethesda*’s reading:
New songs.
How about Travis finds a cache of new songs?
That’d be a great addition to any DLC.

*Or modders. I’m on PS4, though, so – alas – no mods for me yet.
For a bit, my workaround was to tune my Pip Boy to a station usually out of range, find an upbeat oldies playlist on Spotify, and roll around the Commonwealth with that playing at a low volume. My Discover Weekly’s still not quite recovered from all of the 1950s Chistmas songs I played back in December, though.

Editing to add: Oh, and if you haven’t yet done the mission that helps Travis out, don’t.

He’s ruined now.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

I haven’t listened to the radio much, probably out of some twisted loyalty to Three Dog.