
Davis Aurini’s not-version of Not The Sarkeesian Effect is out!

Woah! I wasn’t expecting this, but here it is. I have not yet watched it. But I imagine I will have some further thoughts when I do, because, holy crap, it’s Davis Aurini’s version of the Sarkeesian Effect!

Sorry, I mean, his version of a, no, wait, it’s not a version of anything, it’s his “separate independent work that should not be considered a ‘version’ of The Sarkeesian Effect or derivative of it,” as a title card in the “film” explains,

Even though it’s, you know, about Anita Sarkeesian and her “effect,” and even though it uses “footage originally filmed for use in The Sarkeesian Effect.”

That’s Aurini’s story and he’s sticking with it.

Anyway, I’m opening up a bag of popcorn and watching it. Join me, will you?

EDIT: Ok, I’m thirty seconds in and already tacky as hell graphics and badly recorded voiceover! This is gong to be good. By which I mean terrible.

EDIT 2: Ok, it’s not quite 4 minutes in and I’m getting bored. Damn. That’s what happened with that other totally unrelated film too.


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Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

Well, I made it 13 minutes in. It’s late, and I nearly fell asleep watching that bore-fest. Just droning on and on and on while saying nothing, really. And how is Anita a “radical” feminist? I don’t think that word means what they think it means.

Also, they claim that “forcing equality” into video games is ruining them for the players and the developers. Um, how? How would fucking equality ruin anything for anybody, unless you just want things to be unequal for your straight white cis male power fantasy.

Lastly, claiming men are objectified in games the same way women are…no. Just no. And also, some women LIKE being objectified, don’tcha know? It’s in all those woman-y fashion magazines and stuff! That’s proof women secretly like it! URRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHNDHLNCXUDCNXJIDIMABOUTTOFUCKING
RAGE Is Davis really that fucking lacking in self-awareness?

…I’m going to bed now. Before I eye-roll myself to death.

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Oh, hi! I can do that too actually, it’s kinda fun but it hurts after a while. I was pretty much doing that through the whole video, cause it calls for it.

I am doing better. I have been going to a therapist and just started CBT actually. It seems to be helping, which is a huge sigh of relief. I am learning new ways to cope and to modify my behavior so I am able to turn my attention to other things instead. I have learned a lot of wonderful techniques so far. I am only getting started with CBT from general talk therapy though, so we will see how that goes. I still have a very long way to go but have hope for the future. I haven’t seen a nutritionist yet but have been told I will be assigned one soon.

Thank you for asking. 🙂

8 years ago

I got up to about seven minutes before – oh my fucking god clearly has not played Fallout New Vegas. He is a fake gamer. That game doesnt simply rewrd good behavior, & being seen as “good natured” for randomly killing a woman is objectively ridiculous. I fucking love Fallout. Its my favorite game. Ive spent more time playing 3 & NV than is at all healthy. I compromised things like grades & sleep & hygeine for these games.
Fallout NV has sexism issues. There’s a lesbian rape survivor who becomes hypersexual, in a really uncomfortable wierd way… There’s the legion being rapey too, …Boone (spoiler!) ….kills his wife,…. enslaved sex workers… some of it is debateable, ie you could say that this is a world where bad ppl do bad things yada yada, but – its also not easy to exonerate it.
Which is why harassing Anita is so enfuriating to me. I mean besides harassment being awful anyway… I want to call it stupid but not sure if that is ableist or what a non-ableist alternative is… ignorant? …anyway, people are going to have different opinions on things and all she has done is express hers. Its… again, whats a nonableist word to use… irrational? but extremely so…
The video is bad. If you didnt already know Anita you wouldnt even be able to follow it. He shows video of her smiling as if he presumes the viewer will feel hate just seeing her, but instead she just looks like a kinda cute, happy, charismatic, well dressed woman. He doesnt even introduce her work properly. Its soooo cheap.
I donated to Anita and a lot of ppl have told me it was a scam, but I got exactly what I paid for and was happy with it. The money that went into this crap – what did they spend it on, skull replicas?

8 years ago

Also, how the fuck did making some videos saying she thinks some games are kinda sexist hurt the freeze peach? Is this shit video illegal now? Was Fallout 4 censored by the guberment? (I havent played it yet, I have no console right now, Im very sad about it).

8 years ago


Yeah I was playing through NV again recently and though I still love the game the whole quest with the rape survivor was really kinda icky for me. Fallout 2 I feel shared alot of these problems too. I love the series to death with 3 helping me get through some tough times but I feel that nearly every one has some uncomfortable stuff in it even up until now.

8 years ago

Aurini and the long-hair what’s-his-name have basically turned their entire lives into the playground equivalent of pulling a girl’s hair and running away.

Which is to say, they could both really use lives.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

All my best wishes for the therapy, SJA. CBT really helped me a lot and I hope it helps you.

I’m going to try the video tonight. There’s no more Blorgstreams to watch so I may as well.

8 years ago

I love how his fans in the youtube comment section think he’s done a decent job with this. Sure, they’re still staying positive, but remember what they were saying a year ago? It’ll be the most influential movie ever! It’ll be the end of SJWs! Leftism will die! The Sarkeesian Effect will be on THE SILVER SCREEN!

Now they’re suddenly satisfied with a slightly longer (or slightly shorter?) regular Aurini youtube rant, with a couple thousand views online.

EDIT: It’s quite telling that the most upvoted comment so far is this:

Davis Aurini is better at making movies than Jordan Owen.

Kinda shows what’s really important to the average Aurini fanboy.

8 years ago

@Kale: Fallout is censored by the government here in Australia, they force them to change the names of the drugs you can take to make them fictional. The law here regards the depiction of real world illicit/controlled drugs as having any positive “buff” effect in a video game to be promotion of a crime (consuming illicit drugs).

If there weren’t downsides to addiction in Fallout the games would probably not be sold here.

Those damn SJW police forces and their concern about crimes.

8 years ago

@hugseverycat: There’s a joke to be made about MRAs thinking sheer length will make up for a lack of skill and technique…

Mysterious creature
Mysterious creature
8 years ago

I made it to 12 minutes before I ran out of patience with the bullshit. Anita is a liar because she didn’t think games on some console I’d never heard of were important and then she went and referenced a game from that console in another video in some unspecified way.

Of course he wasn’t clear how the second game was referenced, so it’s impossible to tell whether she was defining it as important, or just one of many examples of a particular trope or something. So way to go using the devices he was condemning Anita for using to “prove” she was using them.

8 years ago

Why is the NotYourShield guy talking about ethics in macadamia.

8 years ago

Aurini says about Paul Elam:

Passionate about his beliefs, but moderate in his views. […] He advocates for equality between the sexes. […] To any sensible person, he might be mistaken for a feminist.

First of all, obviously nobody has ever mistaken Elam for a feminist. But more interestingly, Aurini is calling feminists views “moderate”, and admitting that feminism is about “equality between the sexes”. Oops.

8 years ago

Iiiiiit waaas an
Itsy bitsy
Teeny weeny
Yellow polka-dot

8 years ago


they force them to change the names of the drugs

Excuse my ignorance if this is a troll or this was /s and I didn’t get it, but you do know they are called by fictional names in every single Fallout game in every country, everywhere, all the time, on purpose? It’s a fictional alternate universe where things have different names. Jet is still Jet in Fallout games released in America, it’s not called “Future Meth” or something( ???) I just…I’m so confused by this comment.

8 years ago

Blaming feminists for acid attacks on women is probably the lowest part of this “documentary” so far.

8 years ago


It confused me as well. But I think it must be a non-serious comment.

Jon Milne
Jon Milne
8 years ago

Okay, having zero desire to watch this (the few minutes of skimming this crap aside), and having already watched Kevin Logan’s brilliant takedown of Jordan Owens’ version as well as the equally excellent livetweets by Dan Olson on Owens’ version, is there actually any arguments made by Aurini in this version of TSE that weren’t already made by Owens in his version?

8 years ago

Can’t believe he read a fucking poem at the end of that thing.

I made it through the whole thing! What time is it? Oh god it’s 2pm.

8 years ago

Will Kevin Logan do a version of this not-Sarkeesian Effect? I hope so!

8 years ago

@Cyberwulf I hope so, and I hope I find out about it. Though alas it won’t have Logan’s literally unforgettable acapella version of the theme tune….

8 years ago

Logan’s literally unforgettable acapella version of the theme tune

Oh, I know! I go around singing it to myself sometimes!

Father Goose
Father Goose
8 years ago

There was actually talk from Bethesda about having morphine in fallout 3 but it was changed back to Med-X. I recall several Aussie friends being irritated over it.

But Fallout 3 came out…8 years ago?

8 years ago

yea I was just about to say, drug names are fictional in all versions of the game.

If AU actually censors games like that, not cool.

Some countries do censor media of vourse but thats typically dictatorships like NK.

I have never once heard AS call for govt involvement.

we dont have minstrel shows anymore bc of free choice. Not illegal. Thats what ppl like AS & well, me, hope for in gaming.

which is obvs eeeeeeviiiiiil

8 years ago

So I did end up watching more of this than I’d like to admit… I have thoughts…

– parts of it are useful in a “know your enemy” kinda way.
When I first encountered Feminists IRL, they were SWERF & TERF. I felt a lot like the sex worker in the vid. I wasnt even aware of trans ppl, I had long hair & tried to conform to my assigned gender, yet they picked up on my transness (AFAIK thats what it was? similar looks of disgust and stuff) & were really uncool to me, a kid who just really wanted to be involved in gender equality at the time. They came off as man-hating as well. So I thought feminists were assholes too. & now I identify as one, but that happened After Internet when I learned of intersectionality & sex positivity & stuff. I also really dislike people like Gail Dines, who believes in banning porn. Altho generally when I dislike someone like her I leave her alone and dont think of her, dont make my advocacy for SW about how I feel about an individual anti-SW person.

I also understand how the NotYourShield guy feels. A lot of leftists do kinda speak FOR PoC & sometimes you ONLY hear the voices of white leftists. & it is fucking horrible & shameful that leftists engage in harassment. Altho its hard to sympathize with ppl like the HBs who also say harassment is NBD when it happens to others & how dare they have polce protection.

Jack T is a real asshole. Throwing a harassment victim under the bus just cuz he wants to look better. but hes all about the children!

Wow, those racist comments about Ferguson were racist. & conspiracy theory fueled. Why are CT believers so often racist too?

AS is not interesting but she iS all we talk about.

We dont call ourselves SJWs, YOU call us that. We just dont really see how we should feel insulted by it.

Its not reall a doc, more like propaganda.