antifeminism memes MRA straw feminists

I say “tomato,” you say “feminism is cancer,” let’s call the whole thing off!

The dictionary definition of "tomato" didn't warn me about this!
The dictionary definition of “tomato” didn’t warn me about this!

Men’s Rights Activists and other antifeminists always hate it when feminists point them to dictionary definitions of feminism as “the advocacy of equal rights for men and women” (or similar) rather than “a seekrit cabal of evil spermjacking sluts that want to genocide all men,” which is what all MRAs apparently think feminism really is.

In the meme below, one anti-feminist tries to prove that dictionary definitions aren’t always right so there, and if the dictionary can get “tomato” wrong then it must have feminism wrong too!


Aw, dude. You tried. But apparently you didn’t bother to check the dictionary definition of “tomato” first. Here’s what you get if you type the words “tomato definition” into Google.

to·ma·to təˈmādō/ noun 1. a glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit that is typically eaten as a vegetable or in salad. 2. the South American plant of the nightshade family that produces this fruit. It is widely grown as a cash crop, and many varieties have been developed.D’oh!



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8 years ago

And like all sealion trolls, JAQoff asserts arguments against straw feminists that don’t exist, pretends no one replied with anything that proved the arguments conclusively wrong, presents no verifiable facts whatsoever, and declares zieself the victor of an argument with the straw feminists in zie’s head. Checkmate, feminists that don’t actually exist!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

JAQoff is a parody. Intentional trolling or sincere fool, doesn’t matter to me. It always amuses me when someone declares unilateral victory because it’s such a 10th-grade move, and even an intentional troll who tries that is failing so hard I can’t help but laugh.

8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Thanks for the nice link to an explanation about affirmative consent. I try to explain to people it has been the legal standard in Canada for almost 20 years now and that it hasn’t resulted in the destruction of men because it is just a mind flip like that, but people don’t listen.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@lightcastle: No problem! I’m glad I could help someone who isn’t here to troll!

8 years ago


Modern western women are also flighty and prone to quitting with very little notice. Sorry but I met the perfect man and we’re moving to LA together! Whoops I got knocked up so I’m quitting. (But give me 9 months paid maternity leave!!)

You do know that maternity leave begins around the time the baby is born, right? And that paternity leave is a thing?

8 years ago

That long ago, eh? And when were MEN ever forcibly sterilized in prison?

In America? The 1940s. Eugenics programs in the 1970s targeted women almost exclusively* but early programs were more mixed. Before a 1942 supreme court case, states could sterilize violent felons without needing to prove disability, which gave them the group of male targets later programs didn’t have.

8 years ago

You forget that the definition in the dictionary literally reads “advocacy for women’s rights”. There’s no room for men in the dictionary or real life version of this hategroup.

8 years ago

Exactly how does “advocacy for women’s rights” not leave room for men??? Can a man, by simple dint of owning a penis, not advocate for the rights of women?

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