
I’m taking a couple of days off. In the meantime, vintage sexist ads!

Shortly afterwards, she joined the Redstockings
Shortly afterwards, she joined the Redstockings

I‘m taking a couple of days off from the blog (it’s been a while). As a sort of parting gift, some insufferably patronizing vintage sexist ads. Feel free to discuss, or to just use this as an open thread.

I’ve got a couple of quickie posts scheduled for the next couple of days and will check in from time to time. If some big news story breaks, or there’s a troll run wild, or something else that requires my immediate attention, please email me!





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8 years ago

PI & Jackie?!

I met my boyfriend through a Craigslist “just email friends” listing. Funnily enough, I had seen his relationship ad from long before in our local independent paper but hadn’t felt moved to respond. After we finally met, one thing led to another. . . .

@Social Justice Atheist

Also adding that the internet is an escape for a lot of people. Not everyone has the privilege to have a good life, and may have no way out and no way of expressing their feelings.

You said this so well!

I really appreciated your entire post.

Related to this and to Moocow’s comment is the fact that nowadays it’s a lot easier for authors to self-publish. Not many self-published authors make money. Some are in it for the self-expression or the communication with an audience of whatever size.

8 years ago

Hey, just wanted to share an update I thought y’all might find interesting. I don’t know how many of you caught it, but I posted a comment a while back about male birth control options and how I often have to explain to men who believe they only have condoms and vasectomy at their disposal that all the “female” over-the-counter options that can be used immediately prior to sex are also available to men because they’re intended for vaginal intercourse, not just vaginas.

I just checked into Quora today, had politely answered a question about male contraception options, and even supplied several inexpensive brands by name and common national chain stores where they could be obtained……..

And discovered that my answer had been collapsed due to downvotes.

(Sorry for double posting in the old thread and this one, but this seemed so revealing I had to share.)

8 years ago

@banananana dakry

How does this apply to women drivers? The people Cat hires to drive these monsters are overwhelmingly female. It seems they are far less prone to doing grandstandy stupid and expensive shit like turning donuts with these things than male drivers. How very odd.

That’s a terrific story!

This weekend I was walking home from the grocery store. As I made my way up a side street and was about to cross that street, a guy on a motorcycle roared up to right about where I was and did a wheelie. He was followed by another guy, who did the same. Then came two more. They were followed by about a dozen kids on bicycles and another half dozen guys on motorcycles, who stopped in the middle of the street to confer.

I tried to keep my sense of humor while I waited for them to either stay stopped or move on. Just as I finally decided to cross, they decided to move on.

I see this every holiday weekend in San Francisco. The motorcycle gangs come to town and vroom up and down the streets. I have a feeling they camp out in Golden Gate Park.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


It was a really fascinating piece of information that I got from that tour. A lot of these mining operations are in Third World countries so the women drivers hired end up making damn good money for their region and especially for their gender.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


Not a brony but the husband unit is. Totally for Twilight, he is. Me, I’m a bit more for Fluttershy.

8 years ago

I happened to be staying in a traditional inn (ryokan) in Kyoto on my birthday one year, so I ordered a traditional 14-course meal served in my room. One of the courses basically looked like an aquarium–sea horses, tiny fish, seaweed, and other stuff all set in clear aspic in a sphere about 6″ in diameter. It was amazing–I really hated to eat it. (I thought I’d taken a picture of each course but don’t know whatever happened to them–this was pre-digital camera.)

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

PI and Jackie!!! Congrats! 🙂

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

@PI & Jackie

Hey, congrats! XD

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I enjoyed your video on Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby. I’ve played Pokemon since Gen 1, but Gen 3 was when my real obsession started. It was a huge step up for the series in every aspect. I got a shiny Kyogre, too. 😉

I am currently replaying the Ace Attorney series, since I’ve finally bought Dual Destinies but didn’t want to play it without first refreshing memory of the previous games. I’ll hopefully get to Apollo Justice later this year, and I’ll check out your video on that later.

Too busy with Fire Emblem Fates right now. 🙂

Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
8 years ago

First, yay Paradoxy and Jackie!

Victorious Parasol – Thanks! I’ll check Hulu again. I got about halfway through a huge block of SU season one on You Tube, but lost my place because all of the episodes were back-to-back on one video.

Jamesworkshop – I’ll get around to MLP soon. I find I enjoy modern cartoons more than I expected. They’re a nice escape from well, things.

8 years ago


perhaps this has been mentioned, but the “crazy woman driver” stereotype came about when cars became more affordable and a lot of middle aged women started driving for the first time, around the 60s.


What if this sort of thing is also happening there?

Except in form of ridicule? Because I’ve seen older women adjust to new technology just fine.

8 years ago

PI and Jackie: Yay!

Pretty sure Neuro was trolling there; I saw them make obnoxious comments in another thread, though I can’t recall which atm.

I will probably never watch MLP, because Partner loathes the very idea of a new MLP with a passion, and I basically don’t watch tv alone. He keeps trying to get me to watch Steven Universe, though, and I might give it a go. I was initially resistant, but I can’t offhand recall why. Possibly the impression that it has an excess of whimsy in it, the likes of which makes my curmudgeonly soul recoil.

8 years ago

Neuro was in the armpit thread talking about biological urges dictating what is deemed attractive, even though it varies so much depending on the time period and location.

I mostly lurk but aaawww for whtm connections. <3

8 years ago

Steven Universe:

Also: Rarity is best pony. As a person of elegance and a man tormented by artistic drive, I feel that only Rarity knows my pain.

But seriously though the one where she decides to make dresses for her friends and their feedback drives her to a near-breakdown is one of the very best episodes.

8 years ago

Person who was looking for steven universe:

Person dating other person: congratulations

Persons arguing best pony: rarity is best pony. As evidence I submit the episode where she wanted to make dresses for the others and their feedback drove her to a near-breakdown.

8 years ago

Season 5 Episode ”Rarity Investigates”

Best Rarity episode

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Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago


Oh gosh, I must have missed that! Congrats to you two!

It’s so cool that you met each other on Mammoth.

8 years ago

I can’t pick a single pony i like best because they’re all so goddamn well done as characters, though for the sake of gender roles and progressiveness, Rarity really steals the show. So many other shows have a fashionista characters rooted in a bunch of sexist stereotypes (usually having excessive amounts of vanity, shallowness and materialism).

Meanwhile, Rarity is full of creative passion! She’s an artist, a designer, an active do-er! She’s emotional and sensitive, traits that are way too often portrayed as character flaws. But in the show, these are her strengths. Rarity notices small details faster than anypony else and is probably the most socially savvy of the group.


I remember you mentioned you two were meeting up IRL! That’s so awesome!!

@Imaginary Petal

Thanks! I’m gald you liked my Pokemon videos! I’ll have to cover gens 4-6 sometime though right now I’m up to my neck in ace attorney content since there’s a new game coming out this year and an Ace Attorney anime coming out in April which I am beyond excited for. *grins*

I’d definitely recommend playing all the other games before Dual Destinies since DD has tons of references to the previous installments (Kinda like FFIX for the FF series)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Orion | March 28, 2016 at 3:07 pm
But seriously though the one where she decides to make dresses for her friends and their feedback drives her to a near-breakdown is one of the very best episodes.


Because it is a damn good episode for explaining to people the kind of bullshit you put up with in a professional design setting (mostly people who think that because it’s FOR THEM, they can dictate what goes into it without any consideration for the artist/designer, and they just end up being the client’s living tool to do shoddy design work).

And it’s got a catchy song.

Jamesworkshop | March 28, 2016 at 4:49 pm
Season 5 Episode ”Rarity Investigates”

Best Rarity episode

I loved that so much. My love of film noir and Rarity mashed into one delicious episode? BRILLIANT.

I also love Art of the Dress, A Dog and Pony Show, and pretty much every Rarity-centric episode. Best pony.

Moocow | March 28, 2016 at 5:34 pm
I can’t pick a single pony i like best because they’re all so goddamn well done as characters, though for the sake of gender roles and progressiveness, Rarity really steals the show. So many other shows have a fashionista characters rooted in a bunch of sexist stereotypes (usually having excessive amounts of vanity, shallowness and materialism).

Meanwhile, Rarity is full of creative passion! She’s an artist, a designer, an active do-er! She’s emotional and sensitive, traits that are way too often portrayed as character flaws. But in the show, these are her strengths. Rarity notices small details faster than anypony else and is probably the most socially savvy of the group.

I’m just going to second all of this.
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To everyone who thanked us on our newly-founded datemateship: Thanks! 😀

We haven’t gotten a chance to meet up yet to see Deadpool (We’re trying to arrange that now), but now it’s a date-date instead of a friend-date! 😀
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8 years ago

I’m so glad some other people think Rarity is best pony! I honestly thought I was the only one. : )

8 years ago

I’m not convinced Rarity is the most socially savvy. Applejack and Fluttershy are both as good or better at predicting how other ponies are likely to behave or feel.

One other thing I appreciate about Rarity is that to me, she feels pretty unambiguously like an adult. She apparently owns a home and runs a business (not that you have to do either to be an adult [I don’t]* but if you do that’s a clear sign), and while she’s not perfect, her foibles and emotional challenges feel like ones an adult might have. This both makes her more relatable to me, and frees me from the headaches I get trying to parse the age / stage of development some other ponies are meant to be.

*I should acknowledge that her personal wealth and professional advancement may have as much to do with unicorn privilege as any difference in age or character between her and Pinkie Pie, Applejack, or Rainbow Dash.

8 years ago


dont see why thats an OR. More like an “and”. I didnt say women were actually bad drivers, I just said that afaik anyway, men dominated driving, but it became more affordable so suddenly more women were also driving, hence the “jokes”. Altho I suppose that a middle aged person learning to drive might have some issues at first, just like anything else that is new to you. My grandma was one of these women, actually; she was also one of few working women, in fact her family used to lie and say she was going shopping because they were ashamed (she was a nurse, her husband a cop).

8 years ago


her foibles and emotional challenges feel like ones an adult might have

I didn’t think of this as a reason why I liked her, but now that you mention in I think it is the same for me as well. She has her own business and clearly struggles with work/life balance, and even though I don’t think Sweetie Belle is like a child to her, she is clearly concerned about how a younger person might be influence by her behavior, good or bad. I also agree she does not have the highest charisma but rather tends to overestimate herself in that regard. She can’t always talk her way out of her mistakes (except in Diamond Dogs, that was hilarious and it’s my favorite Rarity episode), and sometimes just has to “deal with it.” I think Applejack also has some of the more “adult” problems especially since she really does have to help run a farm and raise Apple Bloom practically by herself. It’s interesting (and I think intentional) that R and AJ tend to fight a lot, since in a lot of ways they are very similar but neither can see her reflection in the other pony.

8 years ago

Ha ha, I meant Dog and Pony show, not a David Bowie album! 😀

8 years ago

Since this is a thread of free-for-all, how do people feel about these two things?

My opinion… there’s no image that contains enough facepalm to go through this.