I‘m taking a couple of days off from the blog (it’s been a while). As a sort of parting gift, some insufferably patronizing vintage sexist ads. Feel free to discuss, or to just use this as an open thread.
I’ve got a couple of quickie posts scheduled for the next couple of days and will check in from time to time. If some big news story breaks, or there’s a troll run wild, or something else that requires my immediate attention, please email me!
For me, the credit card ad is creepy because of the expressions on each of their faces. I can’t even describe the emotions those expressions convey to me, except for CREEPY. The way he’s hugging her is kind of creepy, too.
Altogether, the ad says to me, “I’m so happy that there is no further danger of my wife being able to buy stuff without my knowledge, because that means she can no longer safely escape me.”
I went to a fancy restaurant that serves tiny portions of weird food once. Most of it was delicious. I ate and enjoyed octopus, duck egg, and pig feet. The only dish I didn’t like was the beef tongue. I figure if I didn’t like beef tongue there, I won’t like it anywhere.
C-can I make a suggestion on who is best pony?
No? Um, oh, sorry.
I am so Pinkie Pie. While I’m a bit too scatterbrained to be the one throwing the parties, I delight in being part of social gatherings and having a wide variety of friends. I’m usually the one to go to my friends and be like “OMG we should do XYZ, it will be super fun”. Even my hair is ridiculously curly and kinda does it’s own thing.
And like Pinkie Pie I share her insecurities, worrying that my friends might not actually like me for completely idiotic reasons because my brain is a jerk sometimes.
Nequam: Thank you! Drat you! *repeat a few dozen times*
I have been absorbed in The Mid-Century Menu blog half the day already. An addictive time-suck, but oh, so awesome!
I wonder if there’s a blog of someone making those (mostly) horrid Weight Watchers recipes from the 70’s? I know there’s a blog (much like Lileks) with the recipe cards, but the author doesn’t actually try to make them.
Also, are you people trying to get me to watch My Little Pony? I’m still trying to find season 1 of Steven Universe. 🙁
Years ago, the Chicago Tribune ran an article about Jello salads in their food section. According to that article, even the Jello people were ahgast at some of those ’70’s concoctions, and were creating new Jello salad recipes that weren’t as bad as some of those.
One thing that strikes me about those ads that mark them as vintage (besides the blatant sexism, that is): the female models are clearly not 21 and made to look supermodel beautiful. They’re showing their true ages, wrinkles and all. If those exact ads were shot today, only the guy model would likely be used, since he’s not required to be ‘hot’ to sell that message. The gals would would all be botoxed up the wazoo to hide their facial “defects”.
(((TW for descriptions of child abuse and suicide here)))
In Stephen King’s nonfiction book Danse Macabe (his examination of the horror genre and why certain tropes developed as they did), he briefly describes the two classmates he based Carrie off of. If what he wrote about them there was accurate to their real lives, they were far from happy, to put it mildly.
One girl’s mother was evidently the stereotype of the crazy Christian Fundamentalist come to life (he based Carrie’s mother in part off of her). The other girl’s parents made her and her brother wear the same clothes to school every day, possibly not even washing them once for months at a time. Poor girl was essensially the school pariah, from what little King says about her in that book. He tells a story about her coming back to high school after Christmas break in new clothes, all hopeful that she’d finally be accepted by the other girls as a friend. King says he watched the light in her eyes die out over the course of that day as the bullies made it plain to her that they didn’t want a thing to do with the school pariah, no matter that she had new clothes to wear. 🙁
It’s been years since I last read Danse Macabe, but I think he said at least one, maybe both, committed suicide as adults.
Poor girls. 🙁
As usual when submitted to research these perjorative putdowns and myths re womens abilities are found to be untrue.
Happy Easter David and All of you – dont eat too many choclate eggs, they fook with your brain – real eggs on the other hand, support clear thinking….;)
Woa that link didnt work…..its the sugar Im telling you…
My father HATED driving. He took the bus to work as often as possible, and after he retired he never drove again. He was entirely comfortable being a passenger when my mother drove. Oddly, perhaps as part of my be-like-Dad psychology, I never learned to drive a car and am sometimes a passenger when my husband (who is a LOT like my mother) drives. Not sure how this looks to our sons – older boy is eighteen going on nineteen and has shown no interest in learning to drive, although it’s possible that the schizophrenia may have something to do with that.
Beef tongue! I was on a school group trip to Washington DC in high school, and went to Sans Souci (French restaurant) for lunch the last day. Excellent tongue, although I haven’t had it since.
You guys are all wrong. This is the best pony.
This is late to the party, but a couple of years ago I went to the Caterpillar museum in Peoria, IL (their world HQ is there). Amongst their displays includes a full scale model of a hugefuckingmongous wheeled mining transport. Think of it as the granddaddy of all dump trucks, the blue whale. The wheels themselves are taller than two grown human beings. It’s so goddamn big that they have to transport the parts to and assemble the thing on site, and the reason they have a model in the museum is that the real thing is so heavy it would break the floor.
How does this apply to women drivers? The people Cat hires to drive these monsters are overwhelmingly female. It seems they are far less prone to doing grandstandy stupid and expensive shit like turning donuts with these things than male drivers. How very odd.
Are you able to subscribe to Hulu? S1 of Steven Universe is there.
I’m not a pony person myself except vicariously (a relative is a big fan) BUT I am hugely enjoying the MLP posts on this thread.
Open thread! says David, so obviously the discussion focuses on MLP, jello creations (shudder) and … driving 🙂
My Little Pony! Weird salads! Sure signs of spring.
When I was a kid, I had an older neighbour who used to make ambrosia salad – a fruit salad with cream, jello, and miniature marshmallows. Not exactly the healthiest thing in the world, but I loved it. I dunno about jellied vegetables, but I have a sporadically-updated page listing some of the weird salads I make here.
The latest is this, which I made last night and quite enjoyed:
-Miniature Shanghai bok choy, cut lengthwise
-Canned pineapple slices (the small kind)
-Chopped cucumber
-Chopped mushrooms
-Halved grapes
-Ground ginger
@Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
I don’t want to #NotAllBloggers here, but as someone who is an aspiring YouTuber and who enjoys reading and blogging on the internet…I’m going to #NotAllBloggers.
The internet is really the only way I like to get out and see things. I like getting my news from the internet, where I can easily fact-check and look shit up. I like being able to type up blog posts because writing makes my hands ache. I like being able to see other people’s blogs from half-way around the world. I can also communicate with people from across the globe, giving me far more insight into a lot of things I would miss out on if I only got my news and feed from people here in the US.
There are also plenty of people who spend their time on the internet because they can’t get out much, either due to disability, social anxiety, or just not having the time, money, or desire to do so.
Not to mention there are plenty of people out there who still do their best on their blogs or what-have-you because it makes them happy, even though they’re “achieving nothing much”. I personally like blogging and such because it’s a great way to keep my hands busy and makes me feel like I’m doing something and it distracts me from my depression. Hell, I just started an online tarot journal blog, and I have another blog dedicated to my study of witchcraft, where I can easily archive lots of spells and information about spellcraft.
I also met my (still kinda new) datemate via a blog we both follow.
Just because it’s not changing the entire fucking world, or you don’t think it’s valuable, doesn’t make it absolutely useless and it certainly doesn’t mean that everyone who does it needs “counseling” or “self-improvement” or that they have “negative behaviors” driving them.
I hate to say I told you so, but…oh who am I kidding?
I thought this was going to be a story about a caterpillar museum with the cute little bugs.
How very dare you get my hopes up.
Oh, that datemate I was referring to is Jackie, and the blog I was referring to was this one, but I wasn’t sure if Jackie was okay as being outed as my new datemate, so I didn’t say it in the last post, but Jackie said they’re cool with it, so now you know.
But yeah, we’ve been dating for a few weeks now.
perhaps this has been mentioned, but the “crazy woman driver” stereotype came about when cars became more affordable and a lot of middle aged women started driving for the first time, around the 60s.
You could make the “spending too much time on the internet not accomplishing anything” argument about any pastime. You spend all your time working out and don’t accomplish anything! You spend all your time playing board games and don’t accomplish anything! You spend all your time doing art projects even though you’re not a professional artist and nobody ever sees them except you and your family!
Frankly, the only pastime I really think is not worthwhile is passing judgment on other people’s lives.
@PI and Katz
Thank you for saying exactly what I was thinking.
Also adding that the internet is an escape for a lot of people. Not everyone has the privilege to have a good life, and may have no way out and no way of expressing their feelings. Some people have no family who will listen, no people at all in real life that they can relate to. Some people are in bad situations that they feel hopeless in, but do not have the means to escape. Not everyone has the opportunity to “self-improve” as you put. (What would you personally define as self-improvement, anyway? Just curious.) Some people do not have the best life or the best situation, and it’s not always their fault. Some people may be dealing with hard shit and mental illness and disability and bullying and trauma and hurt and pain and the internet helps them cope. Talking to others, even all the way across the globe, helps them cope. Just having people who understand and will listen to you for once. Who will treat you kindly and who can be real friends, just as real as in meatspace.
Life is hard. I’ll take all the escapism I can get. If looking at a few kitty videos or watching a few episodes of MLP on Youtube or blogging or tweeting or whatever helps me get through the day or even just smile once when I haven’t in so long, then I don’t see how that can be a bad thing.
P.S. I like Rarity third best! My list is:
1: Rainbow Dash (I love how bold and confident in herself and fun-loving she is and I love her design, she has coolest color scheme of the Mane Six IMO with second being Twilight Sparkle)
2: Applejack
3: Rarity
4: Pinkie Pie
5: Fluttershy
6: Twilight Sparkle (I still like her I promise! Somepony just had to be at the bottom!)
A WHTM lovematch!?
Even if I never make a dime from my youtube endeavor (and HA! I’ve already made 2 pennies from ad revenue), I would never regret it. Making reviews is something I’ve become passionate about.
I’m also fairly confident in my youtube channel since I’m filling a niche. Despite the tsunami of video game related content on youtube, nobody else is really analyzing video games storylines. It’s always easy to dismiss a certain idea on the basis that ‘there’s so much out there’ but until you actually the risk and put yourself out there, you don’t really know. Not to mention that the people who are successful and/or profitable have spent years building their channel (I assume the same would be true for blogging, especially looking back at early Manboobz content). Unless you’re That One Viral Video, success doesn’t happen overnight.