
I’m taking a couple of days off. In the meantime, vintage sexist ads!

Shortly afterwards, she joined the Redstockings
Shortly afterwards, she joined the Redstockings

I‘m taking a couple of days off from the blog (it’s been a while). As a sort of parting gift, some insufferably patronizing vintage sexist ads. Feel free to discuss, or to just use this as an open thread.

I’ve got a couple of quickie posts scheduled for the next couple of days and will check in from time to time. If some big news story breaks, or there’s a troll run wild, or something else that requires my immediate attention, please email me!





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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago


@ Buttercup Q Skullpants. 7 miles? who’s designing it, refugees from Lucas?**

Dunno, but Boeing 747s have 150 miles of wire.

Re: gelatin desserts, my mom used to make…er, coagulate junket. Mm, rennet.

8 years ago

My mom makes some tasty congealed salads (the Southern term for jello salads). I like the ones with cottage cheese and fruit in them, even though they aren’t exactly healthy.

My sister once made a Coca-Cola salad. Cherry jello, cherries, pecans, cream cheese, pineapple bits, and Coca Cola. It is…a thing that exists.

Better than a Coca-Cola cake, though.

8 years ago

I made bread once with birch beer in it. Regular old yeast bread. Rose up quite high, probably ’cause the soda wasn’t completely flat. Not bad either– not a dessert bread, but a bit sweeter than your usual bread-flour bread.

8 years ago

My mom was known for her food from the health food store. Wheatena. Wheat germ. Soy grits. Soy flour. Blackstrap molasses. Buckwheat groats. I was a picky eater but I actually loved that stuff. Buckwheat groats cereal smelled amazingly good in the morning.

When I was a teenager, she used to bake what I called her hippie cookies, made of whole wheat flour, eggs, raisins, and nuts. Just a little honey.
At the time, I would’ve preferred chocolate chip cookies.

8 years ago

Victorious Parasol | March 26, 2016 at 8:00 pm
@ Jamesworkshop.

I’m shocked at what you’ve done.

Twilight Sparkle is best pony.

@Paradoxical Intention
How very dare you.

Rarity is best pony and I will fight you on this.

1 Pinkie Pie
2 Rarity
3 Applejack
4 Twilight Sparkle
5 Rainbow Dash
6 Fluttershy

Order of the bestest ponies.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I thought weed brownies were hippie cookies. :p

8 years ago



8 years ago

:-))))) it was a real pleasure to be able to say thank you; I honestly think that no matter how things go over the next few years, the fact that he and above all what he stands for have been a focal point of such a renewal of interest is very positive in itself.
A politician of integrity, devoid of self-aggrandisement, who knew eh?!?!?
I’m not on the/don’t have a book of face myself, but I check out Momentum and my local labour party every so often. I’m going leafleting for them in the next couple of days, in fact.


Am I in 2016? or 1976?

“Am I mad? In a coma? Or back in time?” 🙂

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

I like Applejack and Rainbow Dash best.

8 years ago

I think Applejack is the pony most like me, but I prefer Fluttershy. I like how she’s sweet and endearing until she gets pissed off, then ooooh boy take cover.

8 years ago

Rainbow Dash 4 ever. 😀

8 years ago


Here in Britlandia we got one day of sunshine and are now set to spend the rest of the long weekend being rained on and galed at in traditional fashion.

You forgot to mention hail, which is coming down in London right now. Spring is sprung!

8 years ago
Reply to  Moggie

Bright sunshine up North, unexpectedly.

8 years ago

How old are folks here? I see a lot of internet jargon, and of course my little ponies, are most of y’all millenials or younger? (Maybe you just live on reddit, IDK).

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Hm. That credit card ad is creepy. Something about “we want you to have what you want” seems to imply “Go ahead and make those illicit purchases you’ve been wanting to make. Hey, it’s your money.”

New boat? Gambling habit? Mistress? No need to keep wifey in the loop financially. Just give her fifty bucks for groceries every now and then.

8 years ago

I couldn’t eat any jello that had bits in it. Not even fruit. So, all those congealed salads were out for me. And I grew up in the South in the 70s. It’s amazing I got any nutrients at all!

Beef tongue. Gross. And I know it’s me, I wish I didn’t think it was gross. I wish I could be, hmmm- you know I’ve never tried that, but I’ll give it a go.

@Eli that really sucks. I’m glad you’ve saved Policy of Madness’s advice, because it’s good. Just keep re-reading it. Just because you had to accept abuse when you were a kid, doesn’t mean you have to accept it (quietly) anymore.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago


Oh, I did say that. And I still believe Twilight Sparkle is best pony. Princess of Friendship. She has her own castle and official princess bling.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


comment image

(This thread is silly as hell and I love it.)

Social Justice Atheist
Social Justice Atheist
8 years ago

Rainbow Dash is probably my very favorite!

8 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

comment image


Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

8 years ago

Well, I jinxed it. Scratch what I said about it being sunny in the North. Hail now.

8 years ago

Rarity is best pony. We settled this at PonyCon a few years back…