I‘m taking a couple of days off from the blog (it’s been a while). As a sort of parting gift, some insufferably patronizing vintage sexist ads. Feel free to discuss, or to just use this as an open thread.
I’ve got a couple of quickie posts scheduled for the next couple of days and will check in from time to time. If some big news story breaks, or there’s a troll run wild, or something else that requires my immediate attention, please email me!
@Eli: That’s a pity. My dad doesn’t set out to offend with his silly jokes, and if he genuinely upsets someone he apologizes.
But enough of that.
The blog The Mid-Century Menu explores all sorts of weird old recipes, ranging from actually good, to unexpectedly good (apparently Beef Fudge is legit delicious) to gawdawful.
(saw some of the folks from around here in the LG&M thread I ended up in)
Now I want maple syrup fudge with caramelized bacon.
@ Jamesworkshop.
I’m shocked at what you’ve done.
Twilight Sparkle is best pony.
I’m so sorry.
Once, when my dad was old and I was backing the car out of the driveway (which was on a hill), going as s l o w l y as possible and braking every few seconds, my dad yelled at me to slow down!
Ha, ha, ha!
Later, my mother (who had been in the car too) told me that my dad had said, “She thought that she was going to take that hill by storm!”
I explained to her that I couldn’t have gone any slower. She said, “I know.”
Men who seek to diminish women: Can’t live with ’em. Period. Even if you do, in which case you deserve hazard pay!
Oops! Now I see that you wanted to change the subject.
Note to self: Read all comments before commenting.
So sorry!
Sending you my best wishes.
Yeah-HUH. Alicorn princesshood gives Twilight 30 more cool points.
Vintage ads, schmintage ads.
I see loathsome & sexist ads on the Interwebz all the effin’ time!
@ latso
What I’ve read about gender differences in driving in this country is that, on average, women are involved in slightly more accidents than men are, but the ones they have tend on average to be more trivial, less expensive and much less likely to be fatal to anyone – a bump or a scratch, whereas men average more accidents involving a car driven at speed meeting a solid, unmoving object.
So women used to be charged lower premiums, until some folks decided that it was discriminatory and got it changed. Now women are paying out more and getting less. It’s odd because we still have differentiated premiums by age, and that seems discriminatory too, but nobody cares.
@ Opposablethumbs – excellent! Jeremy is my daughter-in-law’s MP and has been a great help to her and the grandsprogs with various problems. We’re big fans, and begining to feel a little tiny bit hopeful.
(Actually, I’ve started a Facebook support group for folk inspired to campaign and canvass for Labour, if you’d be interested – tips and trials).
Oh. My. Goodness.
For years I have been haunted by a recipe that ran in my local newspaper when I was around 12 years old or so, which was for a similar recipe of ground beef in brownies. FOR YEARS I have tried to describe this to people only to be met with skepticism that such a thing actually existed.
And they’re real!
You inspired me to search, and lo & behold I found a similar recipe. As I remembered, the ground beef took the place of walnuts in the brownies. Amazing!
My one grandmother with dementia was awful to everyone in her last years (except at the end when she was heavily sedated, after hitting her nurses) — she’d never exactly been a nice person, and dementia brought out the worst in her. Sounds like eli’s situation.
It nearly killed my grandfather, but he survived her, then he fell in love again. Not too much later his new girlfriend fell into dementia. Despite it, she was sweet to everyone. But it was still tough: my grandfather called her twice a day when he was in “rehab” (which he never got out of). In the afternoon, she’d be sad that he hadn’t called in the morning.
Dementia is just the worst 🙁
I’ve had a super crappy week, so I bought legos today and now I have some empadas baking in the oven. Though I made them with pizza topping style filling, so I’m not sure if they count as empadas really, but they’re delicious meat-filled pastries so I don’t care what you want to call them. 🙂
I made my ‘down home’ meal today. Marinated and fried tofu with mashed potatoes and gravy. Super delicious! I’m sure there are people who will find that as wacky as beef in brownies.
(I’m not even a vegetarian anymore, but I like this better than fried chicken.)
For anyone who hadn’t seen it yet, the DC Eagle Cam is pretty fantastic these days:
It’s a little gruesome when the chicks are fed, but the chicks themselves are so fluffy and adorable!
How very dare you.
Rarity is best pony and I will fight you on this.
Just looked at some of the other comments-I have only had beef tongue in tacos, but it is delicious. I should get one and try it. I understand it takes a long time to cook, but a slow cooker takes care of that.
I had gone to the Asian supermarket in town, and I told my mom about it later. I mentioned they sold fresh pig’s blood and she said “I wouldn’t go there ever again!”
“Mom, they don’t force me to take it home!” “Well still, to see that.”
And she grew up on a farm! They slaughtered a pig every year, go figure.
I feel bad for people who spend all their time vlogging, blogging, reading and commenting on the internet. Especially when it achieves nothing much. There must be a lot of negative emotion that drives that sort of behaviour, and I can’t help but feel some self-improvement, counselling, self-care and wise goal setting wouldn’t be a better course of action.
Honestly the net is so full of such people. They have their own language. They think of the greater world, in made up internet concepts, and of comments as objects rather than people.
It saddens me. We could do so much better.
Pig’s blood is forever associated in my mind with the Stephen King book “Carrie” (let’s just say the prom part in the movie wasn’t nearly as horrible as what went on in the whole lead-up sequence…probably didn’t need to be reading that book at 11-12 years old…)
What the hell sort of hazing/teenage torment was going on in high schools back in the 60’s-80’s?? If the pop culture from those decades is any indication it’s a shock that there weren’t more serial killer-dismemberment-weirdos with Pamela Smart-esque sidekicks…I already have seen what the jock & cheerleaders are like by the 20th reunion (thanks to my brother and his friends).
Happy Bunny (or not) Day E’rybody. Try not to get into too much trouble.
I still haven’t read carried, but I read Cujo at 13. I learned something about myself when I got to the end, even though I didn’t know it at the time. If you’ve read the book, you know the ending is different than the movie. And I was…fine with it. It was rough but I could handle it fine.
Now I know that I can get squicked by horror movies, but when it comes to books, there is no upper limit. Do your worst, writers.
I can’t read King. He bores the crap out of me. I much prefer Octavia Butler or Connie Willis. Of course, they’re both Sci-Fi, not horror, but it’s the writing style more than the genre.
Poor Carrie :(. I read it in 8th grade and again while Lost was airing. I’ve always just felt so bad for her, but it was even worse when I was older. I don’t remember how Cujo ends, but I re-read Pet Semetary recently *why oh why did I do that???*
Kat’s right about the ads these days. Part of what got me talking about my dad was recently seeing a promo for the Tina Fey movie with the woman driver joke. Am I in 2016? or 1976?
It seems like one step forward, twenty steps back sometimes.
My grandmother makes 3-layered Jello. One layer of one flavor, the middle white (almond milk with gelatin), and then another color on top. Usually she uses lime and peach and it looks like the Irish flag. The first time I tried to make it, I poured the final layer too quickly when it was too hot and it ended up breaking into the other layers. But it still tasted good.
Some restaurants and bakeries like Zippy’s have Jello cheesecake.
Rarity is my favorite too.
The woman in that Mini car ad reminds me so much of Goldie Hawn. I don’t know if it’s her, but if it isn’t, she has a twin.
Also, on the subject of vintage foods, Cracked has a series where the writers makes them, and the results are…negligible, to say the least.
I really have no idea what people were thinking when they thought these combinations were a good idea…I know the times were different, but really?!?