So last night the eminently classy Donald J Trump — the “J” stands for “Jesus H Christ what the hell is wrong with you, dude?” — reposted this lovely meme below contrasting his SUPER HOTTTT wife Melania with Heidi Cruz, wife of Ted, a woman who once committed the terrible crime of making a weird face in public.
"@Don_Vito_08: "A picture is worth a thousand words" @realDonaldTrump #LyingTed #NeverCruz @MELANIATRUMP pic.twitter.com/5bvVEwMVF8"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2016
You might think that Trump — an orange-faced self-tanner with, you know, that hair — would stay away from looks-based insults, but then again Trump actually thinks he looks good — nay, great! And also he’s a giant baby.
The Tweet got mixed reviews, by which I mean that most normal human beings thought Trump was being a giant ass. That is, even more so than he usually is.
But the Donald had his defenders. Here are a few of the more, well, I would say “colorful ones,” but they tend to be a bit monochrome, if you know what I mean, and what I mean is that a lot of them are white supremacists.
MAKEUP ARTIST: So, Heidi, how do you want to look today?
HEIDI CRUZ: Oh, you know, the usual.
MAKEUP ARTIST: That George Soros globalist look?
HEIDI CRUZ: You got it. And make it just a teensy bit ragged.
MAKEUP ARTIST: I always do!
HEIDI CRUZ: You’re the best!
Transphobia turns out to be a major theme in these Tweets, for some reason.
#PureClass indeed.
Some, apparently referring to reports that Heidi Cruz has suffered from depression, decided to denounce her as “crazy” as well as ugly:
A gun to what, Randy? A gun to what!? Finish the sentence, Randy!
And now on to boogers:
By the way, people are still using the #TedCruzAteABooger hashtag. Not very many people, admittedly, but more than zero.
One Donald Trump parody account — run by someone who also seems to be a Trump supporter — jumped aboard the Let’s Call Heidi Cruz Crazy Train.
This fellow was one of Trump’s most, er, outspoken defenders:
Meanwhile, the artist formerly known as DJ Pop A Titty Out had this to say:
You knew we weren’t going to make it through this without that word popping up at least once, right?
Meanwhile, on the other side of this peculiar debate, not all of the anti-Trumpites were above taking potshots at Melania Trump’s looks.
This is definitely the most screwed-up presidential campaign I’ve ever seen.
And they’ll say that like it’s a BAD thing.
There is not enough palm for my unsurgeried, unmade-up, unphotoshopped face.
You rang?
“Heidi wants a NA nation”
Not applicable?
New App?
Not so sure I want to know.
At the risk of stereotyping an apparently large group of people who think this kind of stuff is big and clever, may I ask
WHAT the HELL is WRONG with you?
@leftwingfox & Pie
Less than 24 hours for a Twitter bot to learn how to send death threats to feminists? But but but BOTH SIDES FALSE FLAGS PROFESSIONAL VICTIMS ARGLE BARGLE!!!111one
@WeirwoodTreeHugger Very sad, yet not surprising. Canada slid backwards quite a bit under Mr. Harper. Or made the various -isms glaringly obvious, I’m not sure which. Probably the latter.
I was heartened to see so many men on my FB showing their disgust. Unfortunately it’ll be likely we’ll be ‘seeing’ an upswing in rapes. And by ‘seeing’ I mean that we’ll never hear about them. :/
Oh, and guess who the bot harassed on its own accord.
New Adult. She wants a nation that reads 50 Shades of Gray.
Ugh. That NC bill. It’s so sweeping that I’m hoping it will eventually get struck down in court. I haven’t researched enough to know and IANAL though.
Right wingers are such hypocrites. They claim to be for small government, but they’re perfectly happy to see an entirely constitutional and democratic ordinance struck down by a larger government entity if the result is that it hurts a marginalised group.
And let’s not forget the shit icing on the piss cake that is that NC bill:
Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/03/24/471700323/north-carolina-passes-law-blocking-measures-to-protect-lgbt-people
What a fucking piece of work.
On the up side: had a nice lunch out today and have some ideas for a book design that will also be a test bed for a future book.
I assume the ACLU is contacting Guinness right now to let them know they’ll be setting a new record for fastest law ever overturned in court.
It’s like when we couldn’t nationally legalize gay marriage because of state’s rights, but then when all the states started legalizing it, suddenly we needed a Supreme Court ruling to weigh in.
In other legal news, child molesting footballer Adam Johnson has today been sentenced to six years. That means he’ll serve 3 years inside. His supporters are already naming and shaming his victim (who attempted suicide on the eve of the trial) on the internet.
The comments policy prohibits me from saying anything further.
@ Katz
Surely that’s more in the line of what’s his face Babymilk who calls Trump “daddy”?
cringes so hard the cats woke up
OH! Are we doing law stories here? Because here’s a dandy one for you:
Two black women got kicked out of a Fresno bar. And in other news, those two women are LAWYERS FOR THE ACLU.
The term “white trash” is kind of racist. Why do we need to qualify that the “trash” in question is white? What is the assumption that underlies that need for a race qualifier only when the person is white? There’s some racism baked into that, and the term makes me super-uncomfortable.
Delightfully, it was aimed only at female primary voters in Utah, although other ads in the same … calling it an ad campaign seems to give it more gravitas than it deserves … were aimed at both men and women. That particular one only went to women.
I have not yet seen the ad’s creator explain this to anyone, but I don’t really think it needs to be explained. Let’s just note that Trump is not exactly an outlier in his misogyny.
@policy of madness, thanks. I was probably a bit hesitant in my objection to ‘white trash’. I don’t like calling people out much. But I agree, it’s got racism in it, not to mention heaping helpings of classism.
This isn’t a law story, but while I was reading it I’m pretty sure I saw a pig fly past my window.
The author of the article is Senator John McCain, who ran against Obama in 2008. McCain, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, is a poster boy for the right wing. Maybe he’s trying to differentiate his brand of right wing from the Trump brand? Anyway, he sounds suspiciously reasonable and well read and such in this article.
Fuck them! Fuck them all! I’m sorry but being someone who has lots of friends with different mental disorders and who, herself, suffered from a few anxiety attacks early this year (Involving imaginary choking attacks with food. Bloody mind over matter!) Its ridiculous how people like that are considered crazy! You know what? Instead of being considered a weakness. Maybe consider it more of a strength that these people can cope with it and get on with their lives…. Plus they seem to be a hell of a lot more interesting than most. 😀
(I’m sorry for the use of the word crazy, but you can see from the context.)
So Cruz’s ad was slut shaming and now Trump is wading in to show how he only values hot, young women.
Urgh, why do any women vote Republican? I honestly don’t understand. Their candidates hate women, their policies are anti woman. What is going on?
@Slutty Miss Havisham
People who face their challenges are an inspiration.
Fuck. Fuck fuck damnit fuck.
OT..but not really:
OMG, reading over the twitter-waffles, one thing struck me: They think only Ted Cruz has muliple mistresses, because his wife does nothing for THEIR boners? They forget about Der Drumpf’s own not-exactly-blotless record. Frau Drumpf #2 was his sidepiece while he was still lawfully wedded to #1, and that’s not including all the boorish passes, or the rape attempts. Oh, and he chased Princess Di while she was divorcing and he was still with #2, too.
Pretty sure he’s chasing skirts other than Melania’s, too, even as I type. Once a shitlord, ALWAYS a shitlord.
*actually reads comments*
Ninja’d so much.
Quick note about the phrase “small government”: It’s a shell-game. The term has three different possible meanings; conservatives and libertarians hop between these three without drawing a line separating them, thereby speaking with deliberate ambiguity.
1: Small = Local. So state’s rights, or (in states where the state house is Democrat-controlled) home rule for municipalities. The hypocrisy with which this one is employed is, indeed, legendary.
2: Small = Unintrusive. Specifically called upon when they want to roll back environmental and labor regulations, or protect parents who abuse their kids in the name of Jeebus.
3: Small = Small Budget. Cut taxes, cut spending (especially spending on those horrible undeserving poor people).
Of course, once you look at it like this, it becomes apparent that these three things are most definitely not the same thing, and indeed, often work at cross-purposes. Federal rules, for instance, make it easier for manufacturers to adhere to a single set of guidelines, rather than having to have fifty lawyers on staff, one for each state. Meanwhile, it’s the local government that will be all up in your business about how long your grass is.
FYI, I opened up a thread for discussion of the Ghomeshi verdict.