Fellas! Do you have any female friends? Do you hang out with them without having sex?
Well, apparently you’re doing it all wrong, at least according to the world-class relationship expert and Red Pill Redditor Throwaway244555. In a recent post on the Red Pill subreddit, he explained the fundamental rule of male-female friendships, which is that there should be no male-female friendships.
Woman are friends with woman, and they have sex with men. So if you’re her friend, you’re a vagina.
Remember, fellas, women are for sex, so if one of them wants to Netflix and chill without the chill part, tell her she’ll have to Netflix alone. By the way, “chill” in this context means sex. Like coffee, Netflix and chill means sex. And may not involve Netflix at all.
You ask this girl to be your gf, she rejects you but ask if we can still be friends. That’s a insult, she thinks less of you.
If a woman likes you, Mr. Throwaway244555 contends, she will let you put your penis in her. If she says she likes you yet is not interested in your penis she is insulting you to your very core. And if you actually do become friends with her, you are failing so utterly as a man that you might as well be a vagina.
A male and female aren’t suppose to be friends, they’re suppose to be love intrest. So basically you’re a vagina, because girls are suppose to be friends with girls, and fuck men. Also girls are horrible friends, all they do is leech off you, and cause drama.
So when a girl rejects you, and puts you in the friendzone, it’s a insult. Next time she says let’s just be friends, say no thank you.
Or, I dunno, you could just go ahead and be friends with her, and look elsewhere for sex and/or romance?
I mean, sure, if you’re in love with a woman who isn’t in love with you, you’ll probably do the both of you a favor if you move on instead of taking her friendship as a “consolation prize,” which is really a shitty thing to consider a friendship to be.
Or if you decide to become “friends” with a woman because you hope to eventually manipulate her into having sex with you, well, that’s pretty shitty too. So stop it, and move on.
All this applies as well with the genders reversed, and in same-sex couples, and indeed in any gender variation possible.
But Jesus H. Christ, dudes, you can be friends with a woman if you want to. You can be friends with her if you don’t want to have sex with her. And you can be friends with her even if you sorta do.
I mean, seriously, dudes, you know that gay men are friends with other gay men that they never actually have sex with, right?
That said, if you’re a Red Pill dude, I would strongly suggest you not become friends with any women at all until you cease to be a Red Pill dude.
I tried to look it up and I found something called A Graphic Cosmogony, is that the same thing? It looks gorgeous O_O
Yeah, I typoed, I meant cosmogony x.x IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL the print quality is stunning and the paper stock is top notch, I saw it and was lost. Plus I’m friends with a couple of the illustrators featured and it’s always so cool to see people you like in print. I would super recommend pretty much all of Nobrow’s output, honestly, the quality of work and production is consistently fantastic.
Okay, sure.
My volumes of Yeats are not slim, I have both of the Richard J. Finneran editions of his collected poems (the paperback one put out by Scribner Press, which I use for general reading purposes, as well as the hardback edition published by Macmillan, which I use for special occasions). My volumes are not slim, I could slay a wildebeest with the hardback edition. What makes you think my volumes are slim? They’re not slim.
And no, I don’t care for the work of Ayn Rand; her work is merely an intellectually-bankrupt facsimile of Friedrich Nietzsche’s ethical egoism mixed with her Hebraicized mis-understanding of free-market economics.
You complain about Nietzsche’s work being too difficult for you all to understand (a sure indicator of your poor intellectual development), yet I’ve got the strangest feeling that many of you wouldn’t bat an eye if I quoted something from that long-winded, be-titted Jewish con-woman Judith Butler, or if I made like the lot of you and pretended to have even the faintest inkling of what the hell Derrida was going on about. If any of you have something on your bookshelves (or, if you happen to be a degenerate that reads while on the toilet, your bathrooms) that bears a title similar to “Queering the Boundaries; Transperformative Acts in Hegemaniacal Discourse” or if you have any of Edward Said’s garbage, raise your hand.
Is it just me or did this tip anyone else over from ‘possibly an actual pseudo-intellectual idiot’ to ‘definitely deliberately trolling’? Also I want this on a T-shirt.
By the way, did anyone say they found Nietzsche difficult to understand? I certainly don’t find him hard to understand. I find him wrong. I disagree with almost all his conclusions and I get the impression based on his writing that he was a thoroughly loathsome person, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get him. He thinks it does, apparently, because his main response to his critics as far as I can tell is ‘IT’S NOT MY FAULT YOU’RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND MY GODLY INTELLECT’ but that doesn’t mean it’s actually the case, it means Friedrich Neitzsche was a self-absorbed whiny manchild who couldn’t imagine a world in which anyone had a reasonable reason to disagree with any of his (very disagreeable) opinions.
Literally nobody made that complaint, although you perhaps should. The only thing you’ve revealed so far about philosophy is that you don’t have sufficient knowledge on the topic to have an interesting opinion about it. You have yet to demonstrate even an undergraduate understanding of Nietzsche. All you’ve done is wank about your library and try to impress us with your mastery of the thesaurus function of Word.
And you’ll still be a pompous jackanapes, and moreover, Forever Alone.
And I’ll still be laughing.
I see we’ve reached the vicious anti-Semitism portion of our show.
Do they smell of rich mahogany, though?
Did we?
I’ve actually seen* some very interesting discussions of Judith Butler and accessibility/ableism within feminist communities, but you know, what the fuck do you care, right?
*Haven’t participated, as I’ve never read her work.
Troll fail
May God be praised for woman
That gives up all her mind,
A man may find in no man
A friendship of her kind
That covers all he has brought
As with her flesh and bone,
Nor quarrels with a thought
Because it is not her own.
Though pedantry denies,
It’s plain the Bible means
That Solomon grew wise
While talking with his queens.
– Yeats, endorsing being friends with and learning from women, especially highly-educated women. With bonus snark aimed at misogynists.
I’m sorry. I didn’t understand that poem. I only have a lady brain.
Look, puppy!
A pompous misogynist who loves Nietzsche? Hmm…
“But you think you’re an intellectual, don’t you, ape?”
“Apes don’t read philosophy.”
“Yes they do, Otto. They just don’t understand it.”
I actually find it really hilarious when someone tries to troll by calling us stupid or ignorant. So many of the people here are really well read and very educated. This is about the last community I’d accuse of not being able to understand Nietzsche, or any other subject red pillers are wanking about in order to appear intellectual.
Good trolls will attack you where you’re weak. Chandler is not a good enough troll to figure out anyone’s weakness.
They’re bound in rich Corinthian leather.
“Hebraicized” misunderstanding? As in, Ayn Rand wasn’t just wrong, she was Jewishly wrong?
That is one hell of an awkward, gratuitous anti-Semitic dogwhistle. Chandler’s trying to be an elegant bigot – a classy bigot! – and failing miserably.
The lad doth protest too much, methinks (with all due apologies, of course…no, not to you, Chandler).
He’s also oblivious to backhanded insults. So let’s try another:
Let me bring up Google maps so you show me where on God’s green earth I ever said such a thing. Hold on, let me just go through my previous statements… Ah, here we go!
“ ”
I didn’t say that, full stop.
No need for slippery linguistic claims like “I didn’t say women are bad at science; I said almost all women are bad at science” in this case.
(Yes, yes, I know. It’s called hyperbole. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?)
And we’ve all duly noted the way you avoid responding to anything that requires facts or documentation rather than unverifiable claims.
Look, dude, it takes a certain amount of skill to write overly florid prose without speaking beyond your vocabulary, but that’s all it is: a skill. The only relationship it has with intellect is that people who master it tend to vastly overestimate their own.
People who really know what they’re talking about can usually present things in fairly simple language, and when they do get tripped up, it’s usually because they revert to field-specific jargon. It is literally never because they’re far too impressed with their own hollow erudition.
The thing is, writing like that is a tell, and a pretty basic one at that.
(P.S. There’s this thing called a semicolon. It’s your friend; learn how to use it.)
@WWTH: that last fail gif just makes me wince like crazy. I don’t know why particularly that one but OUCH
That was probably the least painful fail. It looks like that was a tarp pulled really taut or something like that. He wouldn’t have bounced on a hard surface.
weirwoodtreehugger: It was nearly solid ICE! if memory serves. Like, all my ice skating falls happening at one time is what that looks like.
Doubt it. That would require traveling to where wildebeest are. I’m afraid the furthest someone like you would get would be the local zoo. They don’t look too fondly on Yeats-wielding, be-fedora’d, Greco-Roman-rapist-adoring turds slaying anything, let alone wildebeests.
Feminism is a cancer. I hope that you all get beheaded by the refugees that you keep trying to cuckold the men of your own race with; it would serve you right, for trying to destroy the cultures that we have painstakingly built for your benefit. Your ravenous, whorish needs to breed with whatever subhuman creatures make your vaginas tingle will be the undoing of western civilization; only by a return to patriarchy will we be able to place checks and balances on your wanton desires for miscegenation, and in so doing, we shall prevent the downfall of the west. Keep laughing and posting your stupid “brain bleach” gifs; I know which side of history I’m on, and it’s definitely not the losing one. Make the White Race great again!
I think it’s the fact I’m pretty sure he landed on his tailbone. I’m just imagining how much flinging that part of your ass into a solid surface at full tilt with your weight behind it would jar up your spine. eurgh. (but then again I’m awful with clips like that, I’m way too good at imagining pain)
@WWTH: I also cringe pretty hard at ice bum gif, but I love tumbling corgi puppy gif sooo much 🙂
This. I HATE this! You said it much better than I could. This seems to be a favorite argument of MRAs and MRA leaning trolls. “Now, now, you hysterical feminists, I didn’t SAY feemales were ALL terrible whores! How dare you imply that! I just said that %95 of women are born as soul swallowing succubi, because science! Stop MISQUOTING ME!!” It’s similar to the Donald Drumpf “and some, I assume are good people” cop-out. It’s about as disingenuous as you can get.
Bore factor 11.

Awww. It looks like Chandler’s lulz trolling failed to phase us and he had to resort to wishing violent deaths on us.
I’d call him a weak, pathetic, insecure little maggot. But detritivores are actually very ecologically necessary and I don’t think the same can be said for Chandler.
Does Chandler have a checklist of Cliche Things Shitty People On The Internet Say? Because that last comment reads like it came from some manner of trollbot.