Fellas! Do you have any female friends? Do you hang out with them without having sex?
Well, apparently you’re doing it all wrong, at least according to the world-class relationship expert and Red Pill Redditor Throwaway244555. In a recent post on the Red Pill subreddit, he explained the fundamental rule of male-female friendships, which is that there should be no male-female friendships.
Woman are friends with woman, and they have sex with men. So if you’re her friend, you’re a vagina.
Remember, fellas, women are for sex, so if one of them wants to Netflix and chill without the chill part, tell her she’ll have to Netflix alone. By the way, “chill” in this context means sex. Like coffee, Netflix and chill means sex. And may not involve Netflix at all.
You ask this girl to be your gf, she rejects you but ask if we can still be friends. That’s a insult, she thinks less of you.
If a woman likes you, Mr. Throwaway244555 contends, she will let you put your penis in her. If she says she likes you yet is not interested in your penis she is insulting you to your very core. And if you actually do become friends with her, you are failing so utterly as a man that you might as well be a vagina.
A male and female aren’t suppose to be friends, they’re suppose to be love intrest. So basically you’re a vagina, because girls are suppose to be friends with girls, and fuck men. Also girls are horrible friends, all they do is leech off you, and cause drama.
So when a girl rejects you, and puts you in the friendzone, it’s a insult. Next time she says let’s just be friends, say no thank you.
Or, I dunno, you could just go ahead and be friends with her, and look elsewhere for sex and/or romance?
I mean, sure, if you’re in love with a woman who isn’t in love with you, you’ll probably do the both of you a favor if you move on instead of taking her friendship as a “consolation prize,” which is really a shitty thing to consider a friendship to be.
Or if you decide to become “friends” with a woman because you hope to eventually manipulate her into having sex with you, well, that’s pretty shitty too. So stop it, and move on.
All this applies as well with the genders reversed, and in same-sex couples, and indeed in any gender variation possible.
But Jesus H. Christ, dudes, you can be friends with a woman if you want to. You can be friends with her if you don’t want to have sex with her. And you can be friends with her even if you sorta do.
I mean, seriously, dudes, you know that gay men are friends with other gay men that they never actually have sex with, right?
That said, if you’re a Red Pill dude, I would strongly suggest you not become friends with any women at all until you cease to be a Red Pill dude.
I’m having Admiral Stockdale flashbacks.

My favorite species of bird!
Soo, you think women are better bosses, harder to manipulate?
And can I be a lesbian AND a one bedroom suite dweller?? Cause my apartment is one bedroom…
Try harder, that was all pretty boring.
I didn’t want to respond because I just couldn’t take you seriously. This was vindicated by your second paragraph about your bust avatar and oh so important bookshelf. So, I’m convinced you’re just a parody.
On the off chance you’re 100% serious, people not responding seriously to you doesn’t indicate that you’re just spouting too much truth juice for us to handle. It can also mean you’re not saying anything worth responding to. In your case, you try soooooo hard to sound intellectual. Tone it down a few notches. We’re more than happy to counter actual clearly thought out and communicated arguments. Yours unfortunately were neither. So if you truly want us to respond, go back and rewrite your first post with the pretentious pseudointellectualism dialed back to maybe a 3 or 4 instead of 22.
I’m going to rename Regford to regex. Because everyone fucking hates regex. If you don’t know what regex even is, don’t worry; you hate it, too. Everyone does.
Chandler came back, how terribly exciting.
What arguments? You didn’t make arguments. You made a whole bunch of unoriginal assertions. That said, this comment thread isn’t your very own debate club; if you choose to come back and make some real arguments, we still might not address them. Nobody here is obligated to care about, respond to, or even read what you say. Doesn’t mean we can’t.
These words are so carefully and deliberately arranged into the worst possible phrase in the English language.
Yes, *it* (I thought you leftist schmucks didn’t like using language that “dehumanizes” or “erases” people’s identities?) thinks that Nietzsche is sort of impressive, and so should you. After all, isn’t all the watered down Foucault/deconstructionist/postmodernist claptrap that you critical-theory nincompoops jack off to in your pseudo-intellectual literary criticism circles based off of the totally-unimpressive ideas of this man that you claim to hate so much? I’ve got the strangest feeling that you haven’t even actually engaged with his thought on its own terms, but are merely basing your reactions against it on the fact that you don’t like some of his adherents (of course, the man did say something about people opposing a cause simply because its adherents can’t resist the impulse to be insipid; he predicted feminism!). You probably don’t even understand how Nietzsche’s conception of the “amor fati” differs from that of the Stoics, and your grasp on the “eternal recurrence” can probably be charitably likened to a flipper-baby’s grasp on a vaseline-coated pickle jar. Get back to your comic books.
Nice straw man, but I don’t believe that it’s impossible for a woman to be engaged in some kind of STEM field; it’s just incredibly uncommon, even when the very same factors that men enjoy (plus affirmative action) are presently extended to women. Women and men are simply driven to different walks in life, likely based on innate biological differences.
@ All of you
You people can laugh all you like, it won’t change a damned thing. When the world has gone to chaos, and the governments that you have hijacked to suit your innate biological needs for protection have tanked and left us in a state of anarchy, your sense of humor will be all that you have left. I’ve seen the numbers, I’ve done the math; the lifestyles which you all currently enjoy in all of your collective blissful unawareness is but a mass illusion, unsustainable in the long run. Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.
Oh look, another asshat who wants some sort of apocalypse/societal collapse to happen because he imagines he’s going to be an alpha survivor who will have all the women begging for his protection, chastened and desperate.
That one just gets funnier every time I see it.
As does the always evidence free assertion that women can’t science.
Well shit, you’re onto me.
But, um, I’ve forgotten what we’re doing that Chandler thinks will destroy civilization. Are we still talking about men and women being friends?
“As does the always evidence free assertion that women can’t science.”
Let me bring up Google maps so you show me where on God’s green earth I ever said such a thing. Hold on, let me just go through my previous statements… Ah, here we go!
“Nice straw man, but I don’t believe that it’s impossible for a woman to be engaged in some kind of STEM field…”
I didn’t say that women “can’t science,” just that it’s rare for them to do so. I mean, I know that illocutionary force exists and everything, but are your powers of reading comprehension really so abysmal that you can’t even distinguish between the words “uncommon” and “impossible?”
I think it’s laughing at Nietzsche loving misogynists that is supposed to cause the apocalypse?
*hisses* Liefeld.
Even the cliched wish for society to crumble is sooo damned flowery. He may not ever say anything new, but he sure does say it obnoxiously.
I think he’s veering off into doomsday prepper rhetoric and is referring to “when the shit hits the fan” or the prediction that our consumer based society and industrial agriculture is poised to collapse, and that people living comfortably in the cities will be in deep shit once centralized supply lines are disrupted. The off-grid movement has some very astute observations and understanding of systems with a while lot of preachy stuff from all over the political spectrum mixed in.
Nah, it’s typical “When it’s like mad max, that’ll learn you women.”
Echoing GenJones, Chandler is not entirely off-base when he says that our lifestyles are unsustainable in the long run. He’s also not telling us anything that we haven’t known for a long, long time. After all, the first Earth Day was in 1970. And some of us Mammotheers are actively working to save this planet, our one and only home.
I’m also gonna echo Tessa and say that, like many, many right wingers, he’s all about the fear & smear.
He’s trying to make us afraid. And he’s smearing us for our feminism. Also, he believes that our understanding of the Stoics is incomplete.
That last one hurt.
A lot.
No, really.
You’re giving Chandler too much credit, I’m afraid. His reading list tells me that the total societal collapse he’s predicting is because of the welfare state, rights for marginalized groups, and generally not deferring enough to rich white men, rather than due to any of the actual problems currently facing the world, people like Chandler actually being one of those.
You’re ludicrous.
“I let you know me, see me. I gave you a rare gift, but you didn’t want it.”
But he says he’s done the math! 🙂
Sure, Weininger is a person the major part of the readers here would love a lot…
Evola is such a luminary that i am blinded by his way of thinking…
No wonder that you think their writings and thoughts are interesting, they just go along with your ideas.
And maybe we know what you refer too with all those “End/fall/decline of the western civilization” authors, because many of your think-alike friends brag about it on the internet. It is sad you do not quote them, they are so enlightning.
I am also sad you forgot this man who had took time to write a book while in jail in the twenties. Sorry, i miss his name because, being part of the declining West, i am not smart and bright as you are.
Chandler, you can either claim to care about numbers, or you can take Ludwig von Mises seriously. You get to do one of those two things. Von Mises was an ideological panderer of the lowest order, and empirical data has done to his theories what sunlight did to Dracula. Nobody who takes rigour even slightly seriously can support his work.
If it would help you understand more easily, I can rewrite the above sentences to have worse grammar.
I have chosen to challenge you on your economics, not on the stupid shit you said about gender, the decline of the west, and the rest of it. That stuff is merely you being immature and offensive, saying things that any number of people say every day on the internet. Ironically, every one of them probably fancies themself a courageous free thinker, too.
What I need you to understand is that for all your desire to appear as a rational man who believes in rational things rationally, you are bad at rational thought. You can’t even achieve the one thing you set out to do above all else.
I’d recommend that you find another hobby, because you are badly out of your depth here.
Funny. A conversation about purple prose occurred just a little earlier this past week.
I thought we were talking about the coming of Gozer the Destroyer? After all, the math has been done and, if the EPA shuts down the vagina containment unit, then the liberated vaginas will friendzone men everywhere! Men and women forced to share space and actually empathize with each as human beings? It’ll lead to mass hysteria!
In my circles*, “Anthropology” refers to the study of human and hominid evolution, so I spent a few moments wondering why some dilweed would wank on and on about
bonerfeelsevo psych then deny that evolution exists before realising he probably meant sociocultural anthropology.Figures that he’d use adjectives in front of every word except the ones that actually need them. It just wouldn’t be urple** if it was comprehensible!
*For the benefit of Trolly Dee and Trolly Dum, that would be palaeontological ones.
**Not a typo.
Color me surprised that your “understanding” of Nietzsche is purely surface.