evil sexy ladies friend zone men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm red pill reddit

Dudes! If you’re friends with a lady, “you’re a vagina,” explains Reddit lady expert


Fellas! Do you have any female friends? Do you hang out with them without having sex?

Well, apparently you’re doing it all wrong, at least according to the world-class relationship expert and Red Pill Redditor Throwaway244555. In a recent post on the Red Pill subreddit, he explained the fundamental rule of male-female friendships, which is that there should be no male-female friendships.

Woman are friends with woman, and they have sex with men. So if you’re her friend, you’re a vagina.

Remember, fellas, women are for sex, so if one of them wants to Netflix and chill without the chill part, tell her she’ll have to Netflix alone. By the way, “chill” in this context means sex. Like coffee, Netflix and chill means sex. And may not involve Netflix at all.

You ask this girl to be your gf, she rejects you but ask if we can still be friends. That’s a insult, she thinks less of you.

If a woman likes you, Mr. Throwaway244555 contends, she will let you put your penis in her. If she says she likes you yet is not interested in your penis she is insulting you to your very core. And if you actually do become friends with her, you are failing so utterly as a man that you might as well be a vagina.

A male and female aren’t suppose to be friends, they’re suppose to be love intrest. So basically you’re a vagina, because girls are suppose to be friends with girls, and fuck men. Also girls are horrible friends, all they do is leech off you, and cause drama.

So when a girl rejects you, and puts you in the friendzone, it’s a insult. Next time she says let’s just be friends, say no thank you.


Or, I dunno, you could just go ahead and be friends with her, and look elsewhere for sex and/or romance?

I mean, sure, if you’re in love with a woman who isn’t in love with you, you’ll probably do the both of you a favor if you move on instead of taking her friendship as a “consolation prize,” which is really a shitty thing to consider a friendship to be.

Or if you decide to become “friends” with a woman because you hope to eventually manipulate her into having sex with you, well, that’s pretty shitty too. So stop it, and move on.

All this applies as well with the genders reversed, and in same-sex couples, and indeed in any gender variation possible.

But Jesus H. Christ, dudes, you can be friends with a woman if you want to. You can be friends with her if you don’t want to have sex with her. And you can be friends with her even if you sorta do.

I mean, seriously, dudes, you know that gay men are friends with other gay men that they never actually have sex with, right?

That said, if you’re a Red Pill dude, I would strongly suggest you not become friends with any women at all until you cease to be a Red Pill dude.

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8 years ago

Just remember that if you were aware in detail about the young lovely’s sexual history, you would not be so nervous in your approach.

Oh sure. Because if she’s had sex with any guy, even just one, she must therefore be open to it with ALL the guys, including YOU?

Your “friend” is full of shit.

8 years ago

Okay, but hear me out…does the existence of parents now mean that adults who have become friends with their parents must change sex depending on which one they are talking to?

Or is the OP a clownfish?

8 years ago

I missed that Regford describes himself both as “too old to perform” and “a lion in winter,” but he is talking about approaching “young lovelies,” because of course.

8 years ago

If she identifies as a feminist, that translates to ‘single’, welcome to modern times jargon.

Pretty much all of my female friends identify as feminist and most of them are either married or in very long-term monogamous relationships.

Just remember that if you were aware in detail about the young lovely’s sexual history, you would not be so nervous in your approach.

“The young lovely”? What are you, 95?

8 years ago

It is pretty astounding what women will do, like suppressing hormonal changes in their sisters so only they can lay workers for the hive. Women produce hundreds of eggs a day, to be laid in a nutrient rich jelly secreted by their sisters. Women who don’t have sex with men only produce male children. Women collect protein stores to raise young in winter. Women have ovipositors that have evolved into stings.

8 years ago

Also, lovely is an adjective
Using it like a noun is similar to calling women females.

That is, it’s dehumanizing.

8 years ago

If you know she is getting good dick on the regular, you better be nervous if you’re a lousy lay. Sombody has it all twisted.

I was a feminist married. I’m still a feminist. Gonna die a feminist.

Meanwhile, do these men not realize they are what make straight ladies reluctant to take a chance on a new lover?

Oh…wait…they do. That’s why they sabotage other men. They want everybody to go without like them.

8 years ago

Also…terrible? Its terrible women are fucking?

But its also sad they aren’t fucking you?

Wake. Up.

8 years ago

Yeah. I do appreciate the vocabulary lesson, Grandpa, but I know feminists who are single, feminists in monogamous relationships, and feminists who aren’t single but who are open to new sexual and/or romantic partners. Some of those feminists are ace, some of them are lesbians, some of them are bi women with very little or no interest in men.

I’d say you have about equal chances with all of them.

8 years ago

Stop being a DICK

everyone else:
Sorry – been binging on old episodes of “The Last Leg”

8 years ago

How dare they besmirch my good name.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
8 years ago


I think it might belong to Wanda Sykes:

Love. it. 😀

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

He also said that is astounding what women will do, but I proffer no specifics.

“The young lovelys are so much looser these days. Some of them like to ankle over to the speakeasy and then pet with college boys in the back of a Hupmobile. Hubba hubba! 23 skidoo!”

8 years ago
Reply to  Lea

Wow, I am impressed with this site’s anti-troll defenses. There are far too many hits for me to reply to, so you should just imagine what I might have said in reply, and be miffed at that.

I apologize for saying feminist just means single. It actually means ‘I want a raise’.

Even if I were young enough to perform, I think I would not bother. God gave us hands that reach to the knees for a reason. With age I have realized that sex (and women) are overrrated, and I don’t want to do anything icky. And all forms of sex are icky. especially that gay stuff, can you imagine??? If I were young again I would never ask a girl for her number, I would only ask for her 1-800 number and keep love commercial, and helping the economy.

Anyway my buddy Brian, if you met him you’d know I’m a liar, not that nice man, can’t be like that…. I met a goodly number of his dates, but I declined to play. He specialized in prosperous Chinese girls in their late 30’s. He summarized it in an empirical theorem that I think is generally true “If you’re not doing it by the third date, what’s the point,”.
Sorry, that’s all the time I have to troll today. So this gives you more time to develop really stinging barbs. I look forward to them. Until then, Jesus and I love you all. Party on.

8 years ago

Meh. Boring trolling. He couldn’t even keep up the pretense of sincerely being an aging nice guy for two whole posts. Weak.

8 years ago

Um, aren’t these the same guys who act disgusted by the notion of having sex with “uggos” and “fatties” even if they had a chance to? Funny how selective their completely arbitrary bullshit reasoning is…

Oh, wait, no it isn’t. They’re shitheads.

8 years ago

I apologize for saying feminist just means single. It actually means ‘I want a raise’.

Ah, finally, something true. I would fucking love a raise. Do anti-feminists not want raises?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Why does he have to say girls instead of women, when he already says men? They either have to dehumanize women with “feeeemales” or infantilize with “girls.” Would it kill them to use words that put them on the same level? Hahaha I’m kidding. Of course it would.

With one exception: If they’re 8-16, then they’re “Women.”

8 years ago

Ugh, @Reg. There seem to be a lot of trolls that post here that don’t really have any point to make other than to try and make us feel bad that they never got laid. Aside from the fact that it just proves how entitled they think they are to get laid, what are they trying to accomplish? Some of them seem like genuine attempts to get attention by “negging” or getting women to talk to them out of pity (I know all readers aren’t women but they assume many will be since it’s a feminist blog) or some other creepy PUA BS? I are they really trying to pick up women HERE? Maybe the entire world/internet is just one giant pickup bar to them? I guess it’s mostly a grab for attention, or to intentionally be super creepy to annoy us? Both? I honestly don’t get it, and I probably never will.

8 years ago

That ‘men’ vs. ‘girls’ dichotomy shows up so often but never has it been so blatant and in the same exact sentence.

girls are suppose to be friends with girls, and fuck men.

And of course, one of the commandments of the red pill is that 'women should be treated like children'.

Fortunately, the red pill is a cesspool of filth with mods who work tirelessly to silence any dissenting opinion, a disclaimer that says "you are not a part of our treehouse, please respect our lack of respect for women by not downvoting" (I may have paraphrased it a little bit) so it's quite cathartic to mock them.

Unfortunately, these attitudes are far too common in our society and they are very toxic:

You ask this girl to be your gf, she rejects you but ask if we can still be friends. That’s a insult, she thinks less of you

What a dangerous cocktail (emphasis on the cock part) of toxic masculinity and victim-blaming.

So according to toxic masculinity, your success as a mayun is determined by your ability to ‘score’ sexual partners. As such, it’s usually ‘if she rejects you, you’ve failed the test of manliness’. There are plenty of varients, but the main message is always the same: If you got a rejection, it’s because you, the man, did something ‘wrong’. Implying that there was some sort of Konami code of that, if you had said it, she totally would have said yes. I’ve seen it, I’ve heard it and I’m determined to convince as many guys as will listen to me that this literal objectification of women is toxic as fuck.

But Throwaway123, like most misogynists, blame women for the effects of toxic masculinity. Thus, if he feels upset or emasculated by getting rejected, it’s her fault. Suddenly the harrowing tales of ‘when women say no’ start to make a scary amount of sense.

A male and female aren’t suppose to be friends, they’re suppose to be love intrest.

But of course, movies and TV don’t influence how people think about women at all! And the fact that most writers are male writing from a male perspective and assuming a male audience totally isn’t biased at all!


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ buttercup

Now I’ve got a craving for some Damon Runyon.

8 years ago

What do these guys do about the female members of their families?????????????????????????????

8 years ago

What do these guys do about the female members of their families?

Unlucky Blackjack
Unlucky Blackjack
8 years ago

I’m confused by his logic. If you’re a friends with a women, but you don’t have sex with her, you’re a vagina. Does that mean if a gay guy is friends with a women, he’s a vagina? What if a gay woman is friends with another woman, but doesn’t have sex with her. What if two gay people, regardless of gender, are friends but are not having sex? Is there a chart or a graph that MRAs have that I can look at, if only to get this straight. Because I can’t seem to wrap my head around their logic. It’s almost as if they don’t have any internal consistency or logic to speak of. But that can’t be it, MRAs are know for being some of the most intelligent, thoughtful, polite people who are not at all racist/sexiest/xenophobic/homophobic/ just terrible.

EDIT: Sara brought up something I didn’t even think of. What about families. It’s like they expect to have sex with anything with a vagina, even if it’s their fami-Oh. I get it now.

Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
8 years ago

He also said that is astounding what women will do, but I proffer no specifics.

Here are some specific astounding things women do.
1. Eat the head of their mate (yummy)
2. Do 90% of the hunting
3. Have 3 vaginas
4. Hunt with spears, altering how scientists see animal behaviour.

Admittedly I may have got muddled up with female animal facts.

Ooohhh, wait. Is Reg talking about sex? Yeah I’m pretty sure most people know that women like sex. This isn’t a 1950s sitcom.