evil working women evo psych fairy tales gender policing heartiste hypocrisy manginas mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA red pill that's completely wrong

Ladies! Stop working and concentrate on what you’re good at: Being young and fertile!

Seriously, you gals can't even sit on chairs properly!
Seriously, you gals can’t even sit on chairs properly!

Ladies! Stop doing stuff! Doing stuff is for dudes. So quit it with all the doing and concentrate on the be-ing Because that’s all you gals are good at, really.

That, at least, is the thesis of some dude who calls himself Otis, who did a thing over in the comments for a New York Times article. Our old friend Heartiste liked that thing he did so much that he went and did a thing with it on his blog. By which I mean he quoted it.

Otis started off like he was giving a lecture at Birmingham School of Business School:

Peter Drucker, in his famous essay Managing Oneself, advised strongly the need to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and observed that you can never win by improving your weaknesses, only by improving your strengths.

Then on to that doing and being stuff.

In broader socio-economic terms, we have given women the opportunity to build on their weaknesses (ability to compete against men) and discouraged them from capitalizing on their strengths (youth and fertility).

That’s right, gals! Stop working! Stop doing research and practicing medicine and starting businesses and caring for old people and cleaning hotel rooms and writing books and running for president and, well, pretty much everything you gals do.

Well, not absolutely everything. You should be taking every fertility drug you can get your hands on, and popping out new batches of babies, three or six or ten at a time, like puppies.

Oh, and you should be moving backwards in time. Work yourself back into your teen years, if possible, because that’s what the PUAs assure us is the height of female hotness.

Otis isn’t quite done yet:

They compete through artifices of fairness and inclusion that are borne on the backs of an ever-dwindling pool of male supporters.

That’s right, gals. You’re terrible at what you do. Dudes have just been humoring you the whole time, and cleaning up all the messes you make.

We have weakened society as a whole by building on women’s weaknesses in attempts to make them the equal of men, rather than encouraging them in their natural strengths.

Seriously, gals, QUIT WORK and GET YOUNG before you destroy Western Civilization or something.

And while this charade is going on, men are encouraged to adopt feminine attitudes and lifestyles at the expense of their own natural strengths, now deemed unnecessary in the new gender-neutral economy.

Dudes, butch yourself the hell up!

Don’t be like this guy.

 Just a modern guy
Just a modern guy

Seriously, women can’t do anything that a contemporary Red Pill dude could ever respect. I mean, look at the movies they make.


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Megan Rivera
8 years ago

But of course, if we quit work to get married and have kids, we’re “lazy bitches that expect men to pay for everything” that “trap men with kids they don’t want”.

*sips tea*

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Dear James “Heartiste” Weidmann,

Please stop thinking that you’re speaking on behalf of western civilisation, or indeed any form of civilisation at all. We don’t want you. You’re a blogger overlooked by everyone worthy in the world and listened to only by those more pathetic than yourself, and the reason for this is that you have nothing meaningful to say or to offer anyone. Like Valizadeh, the moment you achieve any fame greater than that is the moment that your precious western civilisation will recoil from you, aghast. You are the philosophical equivalent of the cockroaches under the sink, and you only manage to delude yourself otherwise because you seek out the company of the vulnerable, the immature and the easily persuaded.

If you could go and fuck yourself, that would be great.

Hugs and kisses,
– EJ

8 years ago

The “youth is a fundamental aspect of women” thing makes more sense when you remember that these guys define “women” as “women I would like to have sex with.”

In other news, I’m not well these days and I would love to quit my job and spend 6 months recovering, except we can’t afford to live on Boyfriend’s salary alone. So… I should… what? Leave him for a rich dude? But isn’t that hypergamy, the classic evil female behaviour?

Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
Friendly Neighborhood Dragon Arthur
8 years ago

It’s not my fault that women get the job done right the first time, where as your average “dudebro” keeps fucking it up over and over again, causing delays in productivity.

A gender neutral society is a society that gets stuff done, where as a male-dominated society can’t advance past the stone age… And I’m not even sure if most patriarchal societies are able to handle the stone age that well at all, seeing that everyone dies in droves in such groups.

8 years ago

I always have a problem when evil people are compared to nice animals. In this case, cockroaches. They are very gentle creatures who are very good at survival.

I do agree with the rest of what you say.

8 years ago

women can’t do anything that a contemporary Red Pill dude could ever respect. I mean, look at the movies they make

It does seem a supreme irony that the very films from which the term “Red Pill” was drawn were directed by people who now publicly identify as women. Unfortunately, the Red Pillers seems immune to irony.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ petrovna

You seen “Joe’s Apartment”? Best cockroach movie ever.

8 years ago

you can never win by improving your weaknesses, only by improving your strengths.

What if my biggest strength is improving my weaknesses?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Hmmm. You make a good point. Cockroaches deserve to live and to be happy, as long as they stay away from humans.

Mind you, the same could be said for Weidmann.

8 years ago

Behavioural adjustment based on maximising (real or imagined) difference makes perfect sense!

Fair eyes are more sensitive to light than dark eyes, so all the people with fair eyes should ditch the “occasionally wear sunglasses” routine and instead move to sunless places.

A positive association between homosexuality and left-handedness has been observed, so all homosexual people should just write with their left hands. Much simpler.

Adult dogs tend to be bigger than adult cats, so all dogs below a certain size shall now be referred to as cats.


8 years ago

I wonder what workplaces these men are in, exactly, where women are so drastically failing to measure up. My work history in the US has spanned from safety net healthcare providers on up to fortune 500 companies and I have always found that the most talented and competent people in every workplace are a mix of male and female.

On the other hand, I’m now living in South Sudan and attempting to hire a staff of mostly women (the nature of the work requires it). It’s been really challenging because in every stack of resumes the most qualified, well-educated, and well-spoken are men. This is entirely a product of the fact that women have been systematically intellectually neglected here. People often don’t educate their daughters or encourage (or allow) women to work.

I’ll tell you what: this society is very demonstrably NOT better off because women have been so successfully relegated to the domestic realm.

8 years ago



8 years ago

@dlouwe <3

8 years ago

I have truthscanned, and of all that he said, managed to quotemine this:

…at the expense of their own natural strengths, now deemed unnecessary

yup. the “natural strengths” of fuckwits like that really are deemed no longer necessary. Or even wanted.

the only nugget of truth I could mine out of that shitpile.

…now if you’ll excuse me, I need to shower.

Three Snakes
8 years ago


The “youth is a fundamental aspect of women” thing makes more sense when you remember that these guys define “women” as “women I would like to have sex with.”

In other news, I’m not well these days and I would love to quit my job and spend 6 months recovering, except we can’t afford to live on Boyfriend’s salary alone. So… I should… what? Leave him for a rich dude? But isn’t that hypergamy, the classic evil female behaviour?

If a woman behaves in a “nonfeminine” way to these people, they blame her for being “unnatural”. If she does behave in a “naturally feminine” way they condemn her for being who she is. The only acceptable place for a woman to them is a position beneath them where they can conveniently kick her down whenever they want to. This is how an abusive spouse wants things to be.

Three Snakes
8 years ago

…and the mentality of every other kind of bigot is pretty close to the abusive spouse mentality I described above.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

In broader socio-economic terms, we have given women the opportunity…

Who’s the “we” in this sentence? And why didn’t women have opportunities before this “we” gave it to them? And how about men? Do we have opportunities naturally or do we need to be given them, too?

Guys like this never fail to make men appear natural and women an unnatural other that needs to be micromanaged by men.

Any guesses on how many of these guys masturbate to Tom Cruise’s monologue in Magnolia (tw: gender slurs) without watching the entire movie?

8 years ago

Well, not absolutely everything. You should be taking every fertility drug you can get your hands on, and popping out new batches of babies, three or six or ten at a time, like puppies.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some Redpillers thought Fertility was a matter of willpower.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Another round of trying to infantilize women, mixed with blaming women for being so much less than men, and so forth.

When will they go their own way already?

8 years ago

I always wonder that too. I’ve never noticed competence or hard work to be gendered traits anyplace I’ve worked either.

I think they’re just so biased that they don’t notice when a female coworker is good, but they do notice when she performs poorly and then attribute it to her gender. When male coworkers screw up, it’s either attributed to the individual rather than gender, or someone else is blamed.

The alternative hypothesis is that a little of these men are upper class college students and have never actually worked.

I tend to think the majority of the manosphere is economically privileged and that’s why they think women can’t do anything but sit around and eat bonbons. Poor women tend to work very hard and historically always have. They’re also completely invisible to these guys.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Iggy ROCKS!!

8 years ago

I’ve been sitting here concentrating really hard but I’m still old (by their standards) and still have an autoimmune disorder that messes with my reproductive system. I guess those must be my strengths, since I’m really good at them, so maybe I’m about to implode in a paradox.

Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

I don’t know who Peter Drucker is, but his premise sounds dumb.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if some Redpillers thought Fertility was a matter of willpower.

Well some of them, including Doosh, do think that fertility is linked to hair length.

8 years ago

March 21, 2016 at 2:44 pm

Well, not absolutely everything. You should be taking every fertility drug you can get your hands on, and popping out new batches of babies, three or six or ten at a time, like puppies.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some Redpillers thought Fertility was a matter of willpower.

Well, it’s just the flipside to Todd Akin’s infamous, “If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.” If women can will themselves sterile, it follows they must also be able to will themselves into having a baby, which is also totally why men should be able to have paper abortions, because obviously the woman wanted a baby without the guy’s consent. See? Logic!

There are days when I really curse whatever dark gods gave me the superpower of understanding how really horrible people think.

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