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Gamergaters claim credit for Hulk Hogan’s victory over Gawker, recommend suicide to Gawkerites

Hulk Hogan (Gamergate not pictured)
Hulk Hogan (Gamergate not pictured)

Gawker Media has long been one of Gamergate’s favorite villains, and so it’s hardly surprising to see Gamergaters celebrating Gawker’s legal defeat at the hands of former wrestler and very large human Hulk Hogan.

It was a doozy of a defeat, with Gawker Media ordered to pay $115 million to Hogan for posting a sex tape featuring the ex-wrestler and the wife of a friend whose legal name is Bubba the Love Sponge.

On Twitter, Gamergaters cackled like the cartoon villains they are, posting schadenfreude-laden photoshops, ridiculous gifs, rape jokes, and the occasional request that Gawker employees die.

One Tweeter brought back this familiar face.

Remember me?

While the celebration comes as no shock, what is a little surprising is how many Gamergaters have leapt up to claim some kind of credit for a legal victory they had absolutely nothing to do with.

One Gamergate critic summed up the situation with a handy pic:

There were, to be sure, some Gamergaters who were willing to share credit with Hogan, seeing Gamergate as part of a some sort of Media Ethics tag-team.

Demonstrating the keen sense of ethics she has evidently learned from Gamergate, Minou took a moment off from her celebration to suggest to one games journalist and longtime Gamergate target that he kill himself.

One Gamergater and taco enthusiast offered a rather different take on the relationship between Hogan and the heroes of Gamergate.

Obviously, there are numerous Gamergaters who are sufficiently connected with reality that they can see that, no, they had nothing whatsoever to do with Hogan’s lawsuit, or the verdict, or the massive judgement. But the victory-claimers had retorts ready for these unbelievers.

But wherever they stood on the issue of just who was responsible for this glorious victory, Gamergaters seemed to agree on one thing: Gawker employees deserve to suffer for the poor decisions of their bosses.

Other Gamergate ethicists suggested that Gawkerites just go ahead and kill themselves.

It’s about ethics in telling journalists to kill themselves.

I hardly need to point out some of the blatant hypocrisies here. Gamergate wants Gawker Media destroyed over a sex tape. Meanwhile, Gamergaters posted nude photos of Zoe Quinn all across the internet; they also sent them directly to Quinn’s relatives. Gamergate did much of its early organizing on 4chan, before moving on to 8chan; both sites have reputations as havens for the trading of child porn.

Reddit, which hosts gamergate hub Kotaku in Action, has also been used to distribute child porn and stolen celebrity nudes; the site’s admins were glacially slow in taking action against both problems. Yes, Gawker’s posting of Hulk Hogan’s sex tape was sleazy and wrong and damaging. But 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit have done far more damage to a much larger group of victims. If Gamergate were as concerned as they pretend to be about “revenge porn” — or any kind of porn that is made and/or distributed without the consent of those in it — why are they not trying to shut down — or radically reform — Reddit or 8chan?

That is of course a rhetorical question.

Let me leave you with the creepiest tweet I ran across while writing this post. Once again, here’s Milo:

EDIT: I removed several tweets that turned out to be from a troll account.

EDIT 2: And one more.

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8 years ago

I’ll echo a few others to say that Gawker’s use of HH’s sex tapes was the height of ick…and that would be true for anyone’s sex tapes / pics / revenge porn.
I don’t know enough about the particulars of the case to say for sure if they “deserved” this judgement (re: the aggrieved being “made whole” vs purely punitive retribution), but hopefully it’ll set a good precedent.

And these guys (GGers)…they’re the worst.

If any of you guys are reading: It’s not cool to be OK with revenge porn for one person / group of people but rage against another’s.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention
Ugh, I’m sorry (especially if I brought back any bad memories). I hope you’re doing well right now.
It’s just that I really don’t get how some people seem so happy about people they don’t like suffering so much. I get a bit of schadenfreude, but feeling positively giddy about people who work for a company you dislike because of whatever they said about your “movement” (I don’t care about GG enough to know who everyone who ever bothered them is/did) killing themselves is just something I have no words for.

8 years ago

I’m pretty sure there’s a corollary to Rule 34 in that if there’s anything that exists there’s someone who wants there to be porn of it. That being said, I want to call this slash pairing Hogrump.

Actual hogs’ rumps are offended by this comparison. I’m also sure that they smell much better than these two.

I’m still 100% convinced we’ll all be reading about Milo going to jail for major fraud in a few years, based on what I keep reading about his business acumen. I don’t think I’ve seen such a blatantly sleazy, transparently shifty figure in ages.

I’m only surprised it hasn’t happened yet. He really is the poor man’s Drumpf. A wannabe from start to finish, and a never-was the whole time.

8 years ago

Also, I watched the video in question. About the only thing I can imagine Terry Bollea (such a masculine name!) suing Gawker for is the accurate depiction of him as painfully mediocre in bed.

And this is who they’re worshipping now. It is to laugh…and will be even more so when Gawker gets this quashed on appeal.

8 years ago

These guys practice the worst form of journalism

They aren’t a newspaper, they’re a blog. Nobody, whether they agree with the political leanings of Gawker or not, should be viewing them as a newspaper. People these days really don’t seem to know the difference between news and opinion content.

I should also point out that there’s a lot of turnaround at Gawker media. I don’t think any of the writers that are there now were even around for the Hulk Hogan thing. So it’s especially contemptible that they’re being harassed and told to kill themselves over something they didn’t even have anything to do with.

8 years ago

people who work for a company you dislike because of whatever they said about your “movement” (I don’t care about GG enough to know who everyone who ever bothered them is/did)

Anyone who has ever said something that wasn’t 100% supportive of them or literally parroted from whatever little handout they somehow all manage to copy-paste their arguments from, has bothered them.

And that’s one of the biggest reasons it’s so pointless to try and actually discuss anything with them; they’re perpetually offended at the idea of anyone else being offended by anything, and they’re too intellectually dishonest to actually admit it.

Robert Kelly
8 years ago

Most of the people I’ve been around when it comes to this are actually happy about this. Maybe not that Hogan won, but that Gawker lost. I wasn’t happy, mostly because it’s goddamned Hulk Hogan again.

I swear, if Trump nukes the Earth, it’ll be cockroaches, Brett Michaels and Hulk Hogan left alive, I tell ya.

8 years ago


while also saying that “SJWs” should just go make their own games, and then getting incredibly angry whenever they do because holy fuck, why isn’t this game catering to my straight white maleness)

You are forgetting the unspoken part of that request: the SJW game cannot have any interesting or cool elements in it for it to be a true SJW game. The MC can be nothing more than a word (for example, the word ‘trans’) written in a boring font, and doing nothing more exciting than running about being something other than a cis white male in a Mickey D’s drive-thru. Anything else, like a cool character design or a fantastical setting, is escapism, which is the sole domain of the straight white male, and therefore belongs to him alone. The game with a trans peep running around doing cool things while being trans is theft, and must be stamped out.

Or so it seems to me, anyway.

8 years ago


while also saying that “SJWs” should just go make their own games, and then getting incredibly angry whenever they do because holy fuck, why isn’t this game catering to my straight white maleness)

You are forgetting the unspoken part of that request: the SJW game cannot have any interesting or cool elements in it for it to be a true SJW game. The MC can be nothing more than a word (for example, the word ‘trans’) written in a boring font, and doing nothing more exciting than running about being something other than a cis white male in a Mickey D’s drive-thru. Anything else, like a cool character design or a fantastical setting, is escapism, which is the sole domain of the straight white male, and therefore belongs to him alone. The game with a trans peep running around doing cool things while being trans is theft, and must be stamped out.

Or so it seems to me, anyway. Ymmv.

snork maiden
8 years ago

I’ll chime in with the ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ sentiment.

Hogan may a risible old git but that doesn’t make it okay to humiliate him in such a way. Revenge porn is wrong in all its forms.

This morning I started reading Gawker’s response, but couldn’t finish it, they way it went on about Freeze Peach made me start thinking of the manosphere. They’re refusing to take down the video, and they’re going to fight it.

I do feel bad for any staff who lose their jobs though.

And as for the question of who Milo doesn’t refer to as ‘Daddy’, I’m fairly certain he doesn’t call his actual father that.

Miss Andry
8 years ago

Can’t say I share in the Gamergators’ jubilation at this verdict. This could have negative implications on the rights of journalists. It’s akin to how I felt about a jury awarding the father of a slain soldier millions of dollars over emotional distress and intrusion upon seclusion when the Westboro Baptist Church picketed the deceased Marine’s funeral. The Supreme Court rightfully protected their free speech rights, and I would hope the same thing happens here. I’m with Gawker on this. I don’t think Gamergators understand the repercussions here.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

At this point they caught sight of thirty or forty crappy clickbait bloggers which were posting on the Internet there, and no sooner had Don #GamerGate laid eyes upon them than he turned to his squire and said, “Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we could have wished; for you see there before you, friends 4Chan and Reddit, some thirty or more censorious SJWs which whom I mean to do battle. I shall deprive them of their advertising, and with the spoils from this encounter we shall begin to masturbate, for this is righteous cultural warfare, and it is a great service to God-Emperor Trump to remove so accursed a breed from the face of the Earth.”

(With apologies to Cervantes.)

8 years ago

Can someone explain to me why it is possible to sue Gawker for posting the sex tape, but it is not possible to sue Reddit and 4Chan for sharing hacked nudes and child porn?

Just because Reddit and 4Chan post stuff uploaded by random people shouldn’t mean that they can’t be held accountable and sued for the illegal stuff that goes on there.

And this Milo conman is a joke! He hasn’t been paying the journalists that wrote for his magazine. But he has the nerves to talk about ethics in journalism?

I suggest that a syndrome/effect should be called after him, the Milo syndrome or effect. It’s definition/s should be:

a) When you hysterically talk about ethics to disguise your own unethical behaviour

b) When your actions in real life are the opposite of what you portray on social media

c) when you (and your followers) fully know that you are a conman, but you (and them) keep insisting that you are not

8 years ago

@Miss Andry: I have to say I agree. From what I heard pre-verdict, Gawker should win their appeal quite easily… assuming they can find the $50 million for Florida’s “Justice is for Rich People Only” bond.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ miss andry

The Supreme Court rightfully protected their free speech rights

I was less happy about that decision. I’m very much an advocate of free speech; but I do think that the “time, manner and place” qualification should have applied there.

WBC’s actions aren’t about speech; it’s plain old harrassment.

They can yell their opinions from the rooftops for all I care; but to do so at an actual funeral is despicable.

It’s like how I’m content that anti choice advocates can say anything they want, but not at people attending a clinic.

Miss Andry
8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Well the facts of the case were such that the WBC was actually obeying all the legal restrictions. They might be a lot of things, but ignorant of the law isn’t one of them. They stayed back the requisite amount of feet from where the funeral took place, obeyed police instructions, and held up placards which the father didn’t see until later when it was on television. If they rushed the funeral procession and started screaming at the mourners it would have been completely different.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kafkanomore

but it is not possible to sue Reddit and 4Chan for sharing hacked nudes and child porn?

It probably would be possible; but only the victims have the standing to do so.

The victims of hacking would probably have a cause of action under various laws regarding confidentiality and possibly even copyright.

Child porn victims would have these causes and possibly others (there are actions based on emotional distress that amounts to actual mental harm). It’s these victims that I’m especially concerned about (not dismissing the experiences of hacked celebrities, but less of a priority). I recently took some deprived kids around our local court. The judges and the police were kind enough to talk to them. They’d just been dealing with some child porn offences.

Both the particular judge and the officer in the case were very hardened and experienced, but they both said that the most horrible aspect of these cases was recognising the same children ‘growing up’ in the photos from being babies to young teens. These kids endure a decade or more of abuse just to feed a market (and who knows what life they face after they’re ‘too old’ to have value)

8 years ago

This could have negative implications on the rights of journalists.

Agreed. I was saying that right when I heard about this. Admittedly, I don’t know the US legal system as well as others here might, so maybe I’m wrong when I feel that while it’s possible for this to set a precedent of being against revenge porn (yay!), I figure it’s also possible and perhaps more likely that (especially given the cavalier way women are treated by the justice system, and the fact that revenge porn disproportionately affects women) this just means celebrities will have more sway over journalists/critics.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ miss andry

the WBC was actually obeying all the legal restrictions.

Yeah. Of course they have a disproportionate amount of lawyer in their ranks. There may even be so within in the theory they deliberately try to provoke a violent response on order to be able to use for damages. Personally though I think it’s just the thrill of hate; akin to the most common MRA motivations.

I’m all for people being allowed to say what they want. The flip side of that though is people have a right not to listen. That can be hard to do when you’re ‘pinned down’ somewhere, as at a funeral (or a clinic).

That’s the problem with harassment. It can be subtle. You don’t necessarily have to be screaming in someone’s ear just to get the desired affect. Just knowing the message will get through can be enough. Bit like how people can block Tweets or stay away from websites where people express hatred, but that doesn’t make the underlying hate go away, and just knowing it’s out there can still have an effect.

ETA: I think there’s also a defence between the personal and the general. So, unpleasant as I may find the views, people may be allowed to say “all soldiers deserve to die” or even “all female video game producers” but you cross a line when you single out and identify a particular individual, even though they would be part of that larger group.

8 years ago

Congratulations on surviving. Keep holding on.

Miss Andry
8 years ago

OT but should you decide to do another episode of Misogyny Theater I documented some interesting rants from Stefan Molyneux.

8 years ago

I’m disturbed by all the folks here who seem to think Gawker should have lost the suit. Public figures are different than other individuals when it comes to these sorts of things. It may not seem fair, but it’s necessary for the health of a free press that there be no precedents for a public figure being able to collect damages from bad press when there is no clear proof of malice.

8 years ago

In case anyone is interested, Bubba The Love Sponge (nee Todd Clem) was/is a DJ/radio personality who got his start in the Tampa Bay area. His shtick is a rip off of Howard Stern, only more trashy and obnoxious. He was infamous in this area for being a “starf*cker” of sorts, always trying to weasel his way into the lives of local celebrities. He spent many years chasing after, then bragging about, his friendship with Hulk Hogan. He is also well known for getting overly dramatic and plotting revenge over perceived hurts to his feefees (the war of words between him and a former protege went on for what seemed like years). There are many people in the area who think the sex tape situation was a set up by him and his wife to damage Hulk’s reputation for some type of slight that Bubba thought had happened.

8 years ago

Bubba is also about 100 times more sexist and misogynistic than Howard Stern has ever been. He’s a grotesque piece of work.

8 years ago

Come on, guys, even public figures have the right to not have people publicly post videos of them fucking. That’s not journalism. Unless you think JLaw’s nudes were also something the public has a right to know about?

The “being a public figure means you cede all right to privacy” argument seems pretty skeevy to me.